09/27/2012 - Airport Relations CommissionMINUTES OF THE EAGAN AIRPORT RELATIONS COMMISSION MEETING SEPTEMBER 27, 2012 A regular meeting of the Eagan Airport Relations Commission was held on Thursday, September 27, 2012 at 7 :00 p.m. Those present were Curtis Aljets, Steve Beseke, Charles Thorkildson, Dan Johnson, Carol Whisnant, and Scott Johnson. Chad Stambaugh was absent. Also present was Assistant City Administrator Miller. AGENDA Aljets moved, Whisnant seconded a motion to approve the agenda as presented. All members voted in favor. APPROVAL OF MINUTES D. Johnson made a motion to approve the minutes of the July 10, 2012 regular meeting of the Eagan Airport Relations Commission as amended, Aljets seconded the motion. All members voted in favor. There were no visitors to be heard. VISITORS TO BE HEARD PRESENTATIONS Assistant City Administrator Miller noted the anticipated presenter from Delta Airlines was ill and unable to attend, thus the presentation by Delta Airlines would be rescheduled for a future meeting. OLD BUSINESS COMMUNICATIONS UPDATE Assistant City Administrator Miller noted that it is the practice of the Airport Relations Commission to discuss their communication initiatives each month, which include articles in the Experience Eagan Newsletter, as well as stories aired on the City's local access cable channels. Miller welcomed the commission to make suggestions for communication initiatives regarding airport issues. Miller noted the Performance Based Navigation (PBN) Open Houses will be included in the next City newsletter, on the City's website, and a Facebook post will go out later this month encouraging citizens to attend the November 13th Open House at the Eagan Community Center from 5:30 — 8:30 p.m. MAC MONTHLY REPORTS — EAGAN/MENDOTA HEIGHTS CORRIDOR ANALYSIS/ TECHNICAL ADVISORY REPORT /17 -35 DEPARTURE ANALYSIS REPORT Assistant City Administrator Miller introduced the August 2012 Eagan /Mendota Heights Corridor Analysis Report, the August 2012 Technical Advisory Report, the August 2012 Runway 17 Departure Analysis Report and August 2012 Crossing in the Corridor Report. The Commission discussed the results of the August 2012 reports. Member Aljets noted that Eagan and Minneapolis have over 80% of the noise complaints. Member Thorkildson noted in the Top 10 Loudest Aircraft Noise Events for MSP there seems to be a lot of unknown flights. Miller noted she would inquire Airport Relations Commission Meeting Minutes September 27, 2012 Page 2 with the MAC. Member D. Johnson noted on that same report, the resurgence of DC9's to which Miller noted she would inquire with the MAC. Miller noted that she has received calls from the community regarding nighttime noise, and was informed by the MAC that Runway 12L and 30R was closed during the night time hours over several September evenings, which necessitated the use of Runway 17 for additional night time arrivals. 2012 -2013 ARC WORK PLAN Assistant City Administrator Miller introduced the draft 2012 -2013 ARC work plan that will be presented at a joint meeting with the City Council on October 22. The work plan was developed by the Commission at the July 10 workshop and has been revised to note the RNAV Open Houses. The Commission suggested that the Delta presentation be reschedule for January 2013. The Commission discussed the proposed 2013 ARC town hall meeting, noting they would make a recommendation in January on which neighborhood to host the meeting. D. Johnson made a motion, Aljets seconded the motion to present the revised 2012 -2013 Eagan Airport Relations Commission (ARC) Work Plan to the City Council at the October 22, 2012 meeting. All members voted in favor. NEW BUSINESS MSP PERFORMANCE -BASED NAVIGATION PROCEDURES AND ENVIRONMENTAL /NOISE REVIEW Assistant City Administrator Miller introduced the MSP Performance -Based Navigation Procedure and Environmental /Noise Review as summarized in a memo that was prepared by MAC highlighting the proposed Area Navigation (RNAV) procedures. The Commission discussed the memo and correspondence received from Carl Rydeen, Assistant Air Traffic Control Manager, requesting an expedited review of the procedures by the MAC in order that the new procedures could become operational in Spring 2013. Miller noted Dennis Roberts, Airspace Service Manager out of FAA's Washington, D.C. office attended the NOC meeting and explained the publication process which determines when the RNAV procedures would become operational. Mr. Roberts noted that the FAA needs a letter from the Metropolitan Airport Commissions Board by the end of November confirming that the FAA did consider the noise criteria requested by the Noise Oversight Committee in March 2011. The Commission discussed the issues and proposed the following questions be asked at the October 22 meeting: 1. Why is RNAV being implemented at MSP, and what plans does the FAA have to communicate the changes to residents impacted by aircraft noise? 2. How were the new tracks developed? What role did maximizing open space /non residential areas have in the development of the tracks? Was there a noise - reduction target area (i.e. did the FAA look to reduce the number of units in the contours, 5 -7 miles out, 10+ miles, etc.)? Was Lebanon Hills Regional Park identified during track development as a noise - compatible land use? 3. Are the proposed tracks able to be adjusted, or are the track locations final from the FAA's perspective? Airport Relations Commission Meeting Minutes September 27, 2012 Page 3 4. Will the Remote Monitoring Towers (RIVIT) be relocated as result of the RNAV procedures? 5. Will most people living in southwest Eagan be able to detect a change in noise compared to the current noise environment? 6. When 17/35 opened, the operations were fanned, resulting in many people being impacted by the noise (i.e. everyone "share in the misery "). It appears with RNAV that the noise is now being concentrated to a smaller area, thus increasing the noise for a specific area of the City and decreasing noise for another area. Given the long standing position of the federal government that noise is not to be moved from one neighborhood to another, how is the FAA getting around this provision given the impacts of the proposed RNAV tracks? 7. In determining the location of the tracks, were population counts considered? Does the FAA have data showing population counts under each of the tracks? 8. How is it determined which track will be selected for an operation? Will attempts be made to "spread out" or fan the operations on the various tracks? 9. What percent of the fleet at MSP is equipped with RNAV technology? How will the FAA direct those planes that are not equipped with the technology? 10. What are the vertical components of the arrival tracks (i.e. will the altitude of operations over Eagan be similar to current altitudes when the Optimized Profile Descent (OPD) tracks are implemented)? 11. Can you please speak to the decision that was made to have three departure tracks off of 17, as opposed to only one track? 12. Why are more operations not being sent down Cedar Avenue for departures off of 17 given that the FAA had originally hoped to only have one southerly track (along Cedar Avenue)? a. How is noise considered when the two other southeasterly tracks (over residential areas) are proposed to be used more frequently than the track down Cedar? b. Why couldn't operations be sent down Cedar longer before making their turns to final destination (e.g. fly straight out to Cedar /35E before turning)? 13. The following is one of the criteria adopted by the Noise Oversight Committee (NOC) on March 16, 2011: Minimize the use of RNAV noise tracks as part of the Runway Use System. (An example would be, during southeast operational flows, focusing easterly -bound departure operations on Runways 12L and 12R on Corridor compliant RNAV tracks, while focusing southbound and westbound departures on Runway 17 on the River RNAV track. Given the anticipated departures in south flow operations, Runway 17 is proposed to be used significantly more for departures than 12L and 12 R (the Corridor). How is the NOC criterion being met given the proposed usage of 17 for departures in a southern flow? 14. The southern -most departure track off of 12R is proposed to make a southwest turn over heavily populated residential areas of Eagan. Why can that track not stay straight out longer (over commercial /industrial areas of the City) before making its turn? City Administrator Miller noted she will provide the questions to the MAC and FAA prior to the October 22 meeting, so the presenters can respond to the questions at the meeting. Airport Relations Commission Meeting Minutes September 27, 2012 Page 4 MAC ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT ON LONG TERM COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Assistant City Administrator Miller introduced the MAC Environmental Assessment on Long Term Comprehensive Plan. Member Aljets shared his observations of the MAC's presentation. There was consensus of the commission to recommend that the City send comments to the MAC in response to the EA, with the comments seeking to strike a balance between protecting residents from noise impacts, while also supporting development at the airport to ensure MSP continues to be a strong economic generator for the community and region. STAFF /COMMISSIONER REPORT 2012 -2013 NOC WORK PLAN Assistant City Administrator Miller introduced the 2012 -2013 NOC Work Plan, noting the Commission is welcome to make any suggestions on changes or additions to be suggested for the work plan, which will be discussed at the November 14 NOC meeting. Commissioner D. Johnson suggested during the Review of Aircraft Fleet Mix Trends at MSP, that the NOC also review equipage of aircraft. Likewise, during the NextGen Overview and Implementation Update, D. Johnson asked for an update on Optimized Profile Descent (OPD). NOISE MITIGATION PROGRAM SUBSTANTIALLY COMPLETE Assistant City Administrator Miller gave an update noting the Noise Mitigation Program that resulted from the 2007 legal settlement is substantially complete, with only the reimbursement program continuing through 2014. OCTOBER 22 JOINT MEETING WITH THE CITY COUNCIL Assistant City Administrator Miller noted as a reminder, the joint meeting with the Eagan City Council is scheduled for Monday, October 22 at 5:30 p.m. At this meeting, ARC will have the opportunity to present the proposed 2012 -2013 work plan, and there will also be a formal presentation by the MAC and FAA on the proposed RNAV flight tracks. ROUNDTABLE There were no additional items or comments. ADJOURNMENT Upon motion by Aljets, seconded by D. Johnson, the meeting adjourned at 8:17 p.m. All members voted in favor. Date Secretary