07/20/2010 - Energy and Environment Advisory CommissionNOTES OF THE EEAC WORKSHOP JULY 20, 2010 The Eagan Energy and Environment Advisory Commission held a workshop on Tuesday, July 20, 2010 at 6:30 p.m. to review proposed 2010 -2011 value statements and development of the 2010- 2011 work plan/goals. Those present were Bruce Goff, Jeff LeClair, Salman Mitha, Amir Nadav, Wade Olsen, Kari Palmer and James Casper. Also present was Assistant to the City Administrator Miller. AGENDA Casper made a motion to approve the agenda as presented. Mitha seconded the motion. All members voted in favor. REVIEW PROPOSED 2010 -2011 VALUE STATEMENTS The Commission drafted four working value statements: 1.) Recommend initiatives to the City of Eagan and its constituents to reduce waste and energy use in order to enhance Eagan's environment. 2.) Recommend initiatives to the City of Eagan and its constituents to protect the water, air, and soils in our City while enhancing the quality of life. 3.) Recommend initiatives to the City of Eagan and its constituents which support renewal of City of Eagan facilities, infrastructure, land use policies and efforts that will promote long range energy usage and resource sustainability. 4.) Recommend initiatives to the City of Eagan and its constituents on ways to partner with existing energy and enviromnental resources and stakeholders in order to collect and disseminate information to empower the public. Goff made a motion to submit a draft copy of the Value Statements to the City Council for discussion at the August 9 City Council workshop. LeClair seconded the motion. All members voted in favor. DEVELOPMENT OF 2010 -2011 WORK PLAN /GOALS The Commission discussed the GreenStep Cities Program. Palmer made a motion to pursue looking into the GreenStep Program prior to accepting it as a part of the 2010 -2011 EEAC Work Plan. LeClair seconded the motion. Aye: 6; Nay: 1 There was discussion regarding a Capstone Project through the University of Minnesota to create a comprehensive analysis report on energy and environmental steps the City has taken. LeClair made a motion to contact the University of Minnesota to inquire about the interest of the Capstone class in assisting the City of Eagan. Palmer seconded the motion. All members voted in favor. UPDATE ON TECHNOLOGY OF FUTURE EEAC MEETING PACKETS Miller updated the Commission stating each member will be emailed a link to access the August 9, 2010 packet electronically. noting: The Commission discussed the August 9 joint meeting with the City Council and regular meeting; ® 5:30 p.m. joint meeting with City Council in the Council Chambers to discuss proposed goals and value statements. ® 7:00 p.m. regular meeting of the EEAC in the Eagan Room • Miller will invite an individual from the Green Step Cities to present core program requirements • Miller will invite a Department Director to discuss building and lighting initiatives • Capstone Subcommittee will report back on contact with the University of Mimlesota — Nadav, Olsen and LeClair ADJOURNMENT LeClair made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:10 p.m. Casper seconded the motion. All members voted in favor.