02/10/2011 - Energy and Environment Advisory CommissionMINUTES OF THE EAGAN ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT ADVISORY COMMISSION MEETING FEBRUARY 10, 2011 A regular meeting of the Eagan Energy and Environment Advisory Commission was held on Thursday, February 10, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. Those present were was James Casper, Bruce Goff, Jeff LeClair, Salman Mitha, Amir Nadav, Wade Olsen and Kari Palmer. Also present was Assistant to the City Administrator Miller. Vice Chair Palmer chaired the meeting. Chair Goff arrived at 7:10 p.m. AGENDA Palmer requested the Staff and Commissioner Report be moved ahead on the agenda to follow Visitors to be Heard. LeClair made a motion to approve the agenda as amended. Casper seconded the motion. All members voted in favor. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Casper made a motion to approve the minutes of the December 14, 2011 regular meeting of the Energy and Enviromment Commission as presented. LeClair seconded the motion. All members voted in favor. VISITORS TO BE HEARD There were no visitors to be heard. SUSTAINABLE /ENERGY EFFICIENCY EFFORTS IN EAGAN Miller stated a summary of efforts regarding sustainable practices currently underway in the City was recently shared with the City Council to demonstrate the work that has been completed over the past two years including energy reductions, vehicle and equipment usage, City operations and partnerships, capitalizing on national resources, community planning and citizen opportunities. Miller noted the efforts responded to the City's goal pertaining to sustainable /energy efficiency. DAKOTA COUNTY ACTIVE LIVING GRANT Miller introduced the item stating the City will be receiving a grant from Dakota County Public Health in the amount of $22,000 through a program entitled "hnproving Enviromnents for Active Living ". She stated the grant is made possible due to funding from the Statewide Health Improvement Program (SHIP) and will provide funding for bicycle racks at nine City park facilities, eight trail way - finding signs to be placed throughout the City, and an incentive program to encourage people to bicycle to the weekly Marketfest events and Cascade Bay. Miller noted the goal is to increase the number of residents bicycling and walking while reducing vehicular traffic and congestion at community events. She stated this initiative should be completed in 2011. Energy and Environment Commission February 10, 2011 Page 2 of 3 SPERRY WIND STUDY REPORT Miller introduced the item and stated at the January 18, 2011 workshop, the Coni mission requested a report from the Sperry Wind Study, which includes data collected from November 2009 through March 2010. Miller responded to a question raised by the Commission regarding current readings and will inquire as to whether data is continuing to be collected. 2011 EEAC MEETING SCHEDULE Miller noted the 2011 EEAC meeting schedule for Commission information. 2011 EEAC COMMISSION TERMS Miller stated terms of Commissioners LeClair, Palmer and Casper will expire in April 2011. She stated all incumbents wishing to reapply for the EEAC Commission must submit an application and consent form by March 31, 2011. Miller stated these forms can be found on the City's website. COMMUNICATIONS UPDATE Miller stated per the request of the Commission, a communications update has been added as a standing agenda item to announce and discuss communication initiatives within the City addressing issues pertaining to the EEAC. The Commission discussed ways to notify the public of issues and events via the City newsletter, the use of two electronic signs and the public access cable channel. PRESENTATION RE: EAGAN'S COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Miller introduced the item stating per the request of the Commission, staff from the Community Development Department was in attendance summarizing operations as well as key projects and initiatives currently underway, many of which pertain to the GreenStep Cities Program. Director of Community Development Jon Hohenstein introduced City Planner Ridley, Chief Building Official Schoeppner and Office Supervisor Brandel. City Planner Ridley gave a presentation regarding current and long range planning. Ridley noted the City's involvement in initiatives including Opportunity Cities, Active Living and Greenway collaborative. Chief Building Official Schoeppner gave a presentation and discussed permits, inspections and plan reviews. He further discussed code requirements for commercial and residential construction. Office Supervisor Brandel presented information on code enforcement relating to the preservation of property values through monitoring, along with issues pertaining to vacant property and foreclosures. Energy and Environment Commission February 10, 2011 Page 3 of 3 Community Development Director Hohenstein updated the Commission on Eagan's Redevelopment Districts; Cedar Grove, Northeast Eagan and Southeast Eagan. The Commission directed questions to the Community Development staff. PRESENTATION ON COMPLETE STREETS BY BECKY RAWLINS, EAGAN HIGH SCHOOL MENTOR STUDENT Palmer introduced Eagan High School mentor student, Becky Rawlins, who gave a brief PowerPoint presentation regarding Complete Streets, including examples of how other Minnesota cities have included Complete Street approaches in their transportation planning documents and comprehensive plans. Rawlins stated the Complete Street approach is designed to snake roads more accessible to all forms of transportation and for people with all different abilities. FOLLOW UP RESPONSES TO GREENSTEP CITIES INQUIRIES / DETERMINE NEXT STEPS Palmer introduced the item regarding inquiries that were raised by the commission at the January 18, 2011 workshop pertaining to the GreenStep Cities Program. The Commission discussed additional infonnation needed to formulate recommended next steps for Council consideration. Miller noted that it is anticipated that a joint meeting between the EEAC and the City Council will likely occur spring/summer of 2011, at which time the Commission could make recommendations for additional best practices the City may wish to consider to become a Step III GreenStep City. Miller stated the Commission may wish to consider having staff from Dakota Valley Recycling attend a future EEAC meeting; and noted Wayne Schwan, Superintendent of Utilities, has offered the Commission a tour of the Water Treatment Facility. Miller noted the Commission is also welcome to tour the new geothermal system at the Civic Arena. The Commission discussed possible dates in March to tour both the Water Treatment Facility and the geothermal system. ADJOURNMENT Upon motion by LeClair, seconded by Casper the meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m. All members voted in favor. DATE SECRETARY