10/11/2011 - Energy and Environment Advisory CommissionMINUTES OF THE EAGAN ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT ADVISORY COMMISSION MEETING OCTOBER 11, 2011 A regular meeting of the Eagan Energy and Environment Advisory Commission was held on Tuesday, October 11, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. Those present were Ross Bintner, Jeff LeClair, Salman Mitha, Arnir Nadav and Kari Palmer. Absent were Bruce Goff and Wade Olsen. Also present was Assistant City Administrator Miller. AGENDA Assistant City Administrator Miller added Item F. to the agenda under the Staff — Commissioner Report; EPA Organics Grant. Palmer made a motion to approve the agenda as amended. Mitha seconded the motion. All members voted in favor. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Palmer noted the minutes should reflect Ross Bintner in place of Chair Goff on the subcommittee charged with making a recommendation on the presence of an energy and environment page /section on the City's website. Palmer made a motion to approve the minutes of the August 15, 2011 regular meeting of the Energy and Environment Commission as amended. Bintner seconded the motion. All members voted in favor. VISITORS TO BE HEARD There were no visitors to be heard. PRESENTATION — TIM EIAN, TE STUDIO Vice Chair LeClair introduced Tim Eian, founder of the TE Studio, and welcomed him on behalf of the Commission to speak at the EEAC meeting regarding the Passive House design. Mr. Eian discussed low operating costs and retrofitting options for existing homes using the Passive House design standards. He also discussed an integrated holistic and performance -based design approach and spoke on building sustainability. His presentation compared an active house versus a passive house. Mr. Eian answered questions by the Commission. The Commission thanked Mr. Eian for his presentation to the Commission. COMMUNICATIONS UPDATE LeClair stated per the request of the Commission, a communications update has been added as a standing agenda item to announce and discuss communication initiatives within the City addressing issues pertaining to the EEAC. Energy and Environment Commission October 11, 2011 Page 2 of 4 Miller stated the Green Business Workshop held in September, which received very good feedback, is being replayed on Channel 16 and is also available online. 20112012 ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT ADVISORY COMMISSION WORK PLAN Miller introduced the item noting Chair Goff prepared a work plan intended to be used as a working document. Miller also noted the committees that were formed at the August EEAC meeting. Nadav volunteered to be a part of the Review of City Ordinances /Procedures subconunittee. The Commission voiced no other changes to the work plan. COMMITTEE UPDATES /REPORTS GREENSTEP CITY UPDATE /POSTING TO THE CITY'S WEBSITE (Jeff, Amir and Wade) Miller introduced the item and stated as an outcome of the committee's work, the revised GreenStep Cities Report shows that the City of Eagan meets the requirements to be considered a Step III GreenStep City. Miller also stated the GreenStep Report and the link to the City's entries on the GreenStep City website have been included on the City of Eagan's website in an effort to educate and communicate the City's GreenStep efforts to the community. Miller added that staff is awaiting confirmation from MPCA staff that Eagan has indeed achieved the necessary best practices to meet the Step III designation. COMMUNITY OUTREACH /SUSTAINABILITY DATA FOR THE CITY'S WEBSITE (Ross, Kari and Salman) Miller introduced the item stating the committee has been working on a content management strategy for the City's website, including any data to be disseminated, resource options, partnerships, etc. to strengthen the City's web resources in the areas of energy and environmental sustainability. Mitha stated that the conunittee is just beginning its work and will have a further update at the December Commission meeting. COMPLETE STREETS Miller introduced the item stating there was no update at this time. She further stated, per the direction of the City Council, a meeting will be held with the Chairs of each Advisory Commission and the Council's Public Works Committee at the time that the State approves the Complete Street standards, which will likely be in 2012. FUNDING MECHANISMS FOR RENEWABLE ENERGY AND ENERGY EFFICIENCY /PACE BONDS ( Salman and Amir) Mitha gave an overview of PACE bonds. Mitha discussed funding options for renewable energy and energy efficiency improvements. The Commission discussed the next steps and suggested gathering information on the proposed market in Eagan for the use of PACE bonds and partnering with the Dakota County Community Development Agency and other cities for cost effective energy saving opportunities. Energy and Environment Commission October 11, 2011 Page 3 of 4 At the request of the Commission, the conunittee agreed to further synthesize their recommendations for discussion at the December Commission meeting. RECOMMENDATION FOR ALLOCATING REMAINING RECYCLING FUNDS Miller introduced the item and stated in preparation for tonight's meeting, she met with staff from Dakota Valley Recycling to brainstonn a possible event /effort(s) for the EEAC to consider regarding the approximate $13,000 in remaining solid waste grant funds. Miller noted that the funds must be used for solid waste and /or recycling purposes in accordance with the grant provisions. By consensus of the Commission, this item will be discussed at the December EEAC meeting. STAFF /COMMISSIONER REPORT EPP GUIDELINES AND COMPLETE STREET RESOLUTION Miller introduced the item noting the City Council formally approved both the EPP guidelines and the Complete Streets Resolution at the September 6, 2011 City Council meeting. Miller stated the EPP guidelines are currently being incorporated into the City's purchasing policy, and staff is being educated on the new guidelines. B3 UPDATE Miller stated the City's historic utility data has been entered into the MPCA's B3 system and staff is now fully utilizing the system. Miller noted a demonstration on the program could be scheduled for a future EEAC meeting. ENERGY SAVINGS AT THE SOUTH WATER TREATMENT PLANT Miller introduced the item regarding the energy savings at the South Water Treatment Plan as a result of energy efficiency projects completed during the recent remodeling of the plant. Miller noted that the installation of new variable speed pumps and a high efficiency backwash treatment system were significant to realizing energy savings at the facility. The Commission discussed data fiom the report. MINNESOTA GREENCORPS VOLUNTEER UPDATE Miller stated that in August, the City learned that the 2012 GreenCorp Program had not received funding, but since that time a funding arrangement has been worked out and Dakota County was awarded a GreenCorp volunteer in partnership with the cities of Eagan, Apple Valley and Burnsville. Miller further stated that the County anticipates that approximately ten hours per week of the intern's time will be allocated to the three cities starting in late December or early January. EEAC STAFFING TRANSITION Miller stated, as noted at the August Conunission meeting, that Juli Johnson, Director of Parks and Recreation, will become the staff liaison to the EEAC starting after tonight's meeting as a result of reorganization of staff duties. Miller thanked the commission for the opportunity to work with them. The Energy and Environment Commission October 11, 2011 Page 4 of 4 Commission thanked Assistant City Administrator Miller for her excellent work and welcomed Director Johnson. EPA ORGANICS GRANT Miller introduced the item stating the University of Minnesota Technical Assistance Program has received a grant from the EPA to do an organics pilot project with the City of Eagan. They are looking to partner with two event centers to redirect food waste, in particular. She stated more information about the program will be available at a later date. ROUNDTABLE Nadav gave a brief overview of the DVR Green Business Workshop he attended in September. He further stated for future agendas he would like to discuss the B -3 system and data on our city buildings. Bintner noted he will be touring the Prairie Island Plant and also noted there is a Water Resource Conference coining up and Eagan's staff member, Eric Macbeth, is on the agenda as a presenter. ADJOURNMENT Upon motion by Nadav, seconded by Mitha, the meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m. All members voted in favor. DATE SECRETARY