08/15/2011 - Energy and Environment Advisory CommissionMINUTES OF THE EAGAN ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT ADVISORY COMMISSION MEETING AUGUST 15, 2011 A regular meeting of the Eagan Energy and Environment Advisory Conunission was held on Monday, August 15, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. Those present were Ross Bintner, Bruce Goff, Jeff LeClair, Salman Mitha, Wade Olsen and Kari Palmer. Absent was Arnir Naday. Also present was Assistant City Administrator Miller. AGENDA LeClair made a motion to approve the agenda as presented. Palmer seconded the motion. All members voted in favor. ORGANIZATIONAL BUSINESS Goff introduced the item inviting the Commission to make nominations to elect a Chair and Vice Chair to the Energy and Environment Commission. Olsen made a motion to nominate Goff to serve as Chair of the Energy and Environnent Commission. Mitha seconded the motion. All members voted in favor of Goff as the Chair of the EEAC. Goff opened the floor for nominations to elect a Vice Chair to the Energy and Environment Conunission. Palmer made a motion to nominate LeClair to serve as Vice Chair of the Energy and Environment Commission. Goff seconded the motion. All members voted in favor of LeClair as Vice Chair of the EEAC. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Goff made a motion to approve the minutes of the June 14, 2011 regular meeting of the Energy and Environment Commission as presented. LeClair seconded the motion. All members voted in favor. There were no visitors to be heard. VISITORS TO BE HEARD COMMUNICATIONS UPDATE Miller stated per the request of the Commission, a communications update has been added as a standing agenda item to announce and discuss communication initiatives within the City addressing issues pertaining to the EEAC. There were no comments as to new communication initiatives at this time. Energy and Environment Cormnission August 15, 2011 Page 2 of 3 20112012 ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT ADVISORY COMMISSION VALUE STATEMENTS AND GOALS /NEXT STEPS FOLLOWING THE AUGUST JOINT MEETING Miller introduced the item asking for feedback from the Commission regarding the joint meeting with the City Council that was held earlier in the evening. The Commission discussed the dialogue from the joint meeting regarding the Commission's proposed 2011 -2012 Value Statements and Goals. The Commission noted specific points from the joint meeting and had a comment period and round table discussion. The Commission also noted the Council's desire to have the GreenStep program as an ongoing priority. The Commission formed the following subcommittees: 1.) City Website Improvements to reflect Greenstep Actions: Wade, Amir, and Jeff; 2.) Vision/Recommendation for Energy and Environment Presence on Eagan's Website: Salman, Kari, and Bruce; 3.) Review of City Ordinances for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiencies: Kari and Wade; 4.) Financing Mechanisms for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Projects: Salman. RESPONSE FROM WATER RESOURCES COORDINATOR ERIC MACBETH Miller introduced the item and noted the responses from Water Resources Coordinator Eric Macbeth to questions generated from his presentation to the Commission in June. ARROW NEWSLETTER AND GREEN BUSINESS WORKSHOP FLYER Miller introduced the item, highlighting the Awards for Reduction and Recycling of Waste (ARROW) Newsletter and also a flyer created by Dakota Valley Recycling advertising the Green Business Workshop on Tuesday, September 13, 2011 from 8 :30 — 10:30 a.m., at the Eagan Community Center. Miller encouraged Commissioners along with the business community to attend. B3 UPDATE Miller gave an overview regarding progress being made to begin using the State's B3 system, an online application to track and compare energy usage and savings in City facilities. Miller noted that Katie Jones, a GreenCorp volunteer who is currently entering the City's utility data, was unable to enter Eagan's data during the State shutdown. Miller stated that once Ms. Jones has completed entering the historic utility data, City staff will be trained to enter ongoing data into the system. She further stated a demonstration will be provided at a future EEAC meeting. MINNESOTA GREENCORPS VOLUNTEER UPDATE Miller stated the City, as a Minnesota GreenCorps Host Site applicant, received notification from the MPCA that the Minnesota GreenCorps Program was not awarded funding for the upcoming year and, as a result, the process to select host sites has been put on hold. She further stated she will update the Commission as information becomes available. DAKOTA COUNTY RECYCLING SURVEY Miller stated, per the Commission's suggestion, the Dakota County recycling survey has been added to the City of Eagan website and Dakota County residents are invited to take the survey by September 1, 2011. Energy and Enviromnent Commission August 15, 2011 Page 3 of 3 Miller will report back to the Connnission on the number of hits from the City's website to the recycling survey. USE OF VARIABLE SPEED PUMPS AT THE SOUTH WATER TREATMENT FACILITY Miller introduced the item and stated Superintendent of Utilities Schwanz will prepare a written sunnnary for the October EEAC meeting showing the energy and costs saving over the first 4 months since the installation of the variable speed pumps and a high efficiency backwater treatment at the newly remodeled South Water Treatment facility. GOPHER RESOURCES ENVIRONMENTAL INITIATIVES Miller noted the sununaiy of environmental initiatives implemented to -date at Gopher Resource as well as improvements that are planned for the Recycling Zone in 2011. EAGAN FIRE SAFETY CENTER PRESS RELEASE / GREEN GLOBE CERTIFICATION Miller introduced the item and stated the Eagan Fire Safety Center has become the first Fire Station in the country to receive Green Globes designation. ROUNDTABLE Miller stated the City of Eagan will have a Facebook site operational within the next couple of weeks. ADJOURNMENT Upon motion by LeClair, seconded by Mitha the meeting adjourned at 8:29 p.m. All members voted in favor. DATE SECRETARY