06/14/2011 - Energy and Environment Advisory CommissionMINUTES OF THE EAGAN ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT ADVISORY COMMISSION MEETING JUNE 14, 2011 A regular meeting of the Eagan Energy and Environment Advisory Conu-nission was held on Tuesday, June 14, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. Those present were Ross Bintner, Jeff LeClair, Salman Mitha, Armir Nadav and Wade Olsen. Absent were Bruce Goff and Kari Palmer. Also present was Assistant to the City Administrator Miller. Conunissioner LeClair was acting Chair in the absence of Chair Goff and Vice Chair Palmer. AGENDA Olsen made a motion to approve the agenda as presented. Mitha seconded the motion. All members voted in favor. ORGANIZATIONAL BUSINESS Miller introduced the item inviting the Commission to make nominations to elect a Chair and Vice Chair to the Energy and Environment Commission. LeClair made a motion to continue the election of Chair and Vice Chair to the August meeting in the absence of two Commissioners. Nadav seconded the motion. All members voted in favor. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Olsen made a motion to approve the minutes of the April 12, 2011 regular meeting of the Energy and Environment Commission as presented. Mitha seconded the motion. Aye: 4 Abstained: l(Bintner) VISITORS TO BE HEARD There were no visitors to be heard. PRESENTATION: ERIC MACBETH, EAGAN WATER RESOURCES COORDINATOR LeClair introduced Eric Macbeth, Eagan's Water Resources Coordinator. Mr. Macbeth gave an overview of Eagan's storm water and water quality programs. There was discussion between Mr. Macbeth and the Commission. GREENSTEP CITY ASSESSMENT Miller introduced the item giving background on an assessment by MPCA staff member Emily Hosek on the City's GreenStep Cities efforts. Miller noted that Eagan is being recognized as a Step II City at the annual League of Minnesota Cities Conference on June 16, 2011. She also stated no cities have yet to achieve the Step III designation. Energy and Environment Commission June 14, 2011 Page 2 of 3 PROPOSED 2011 -2012 EEAC GOALS AND VALUE STATEMENTS LeClair introduced the item stating the goals were drafted following the May 19, 2011 EEAC workshop and were reviewed by a subcommittee that included Chair Goff and Commissioners LeClair and Mitha. The Conunission discussed the proposed value statements and goals. By consensus, the Commission identified three areas for specific changes and additions to the proposed goals which will be discussed with the City Council at a joint meeting on August 9, 2011. PROPOSED ENVIRONMENTALLY PREFERABLE PURCHASING (EPP) POLICY Miller gave a brief background on the EPP policy and guidelines which encourages purchasing that reflects the City's commitment to sustainability. LeClair opened the item up for Commission continent. The Commission discussed the proposed EPP policy. The Commission asked for clarification regarding the preferable purchasing policy, making sure it meets criteria for the GreenStep Cities Program if it is framed as an administrative policy or purchasing guidelines. COMPLETE STREETS RESOLUTION The Commission reviewed the revised Complete Streets Resolution from the EEAC May 19, 2011 workshop. There was consensus to proceed with the resolution as presented. 2011 -2012 EEAC ROSTER The Commissioners were asked to review the roster for any changes or updates. JOINT MEETING WITH THE CITY COUNCIL / AUGUST 9 LeClair stated a joint meeting of the EEAC and the City Council has been rescheduled for August 9, 2011 at 5:30 p.m. to discuss the proposed 2011 -2012 EEAC goals along with the proposed EPP Policy and Complete Streets Resolution. GRAM) OPENING OF EAGAN FIRE SAFETY CENTER / JUNE 23 LeClair noted the grand opening of the new Eagan Fire Safety Center scheduled for Thursday, June 23, 2011 from 5:00 to 8:00 p.m. and also noted the building recently received a GreenGlobe Certification for the numerous environmentally sustainable features included on the site. SUSTAINABILITY EFFORTS IN EAGAN The Commission noted Eagan's numerous sustainability efforts that have taken place in Eagan over the past couple of years. ROUNDTABLE Commissioner Olsen commented he would like to see more feedback from citizens. Miller announced Eagan will soon have a new Facebook page, which may give the Commission opportunities for additional feedback. Energy and Environment Commission June 14, 2011 Page 3 of 3 I\-03141"IM1►A I Bl►Y1 Upon motion by Olsen, seconded by Bintner the meeting adjourned at 8:41 p.m. All members voted in favor. DATE SECRETARY