02/10/2010 - Airport Relations CommissionMINUTES OF THE EAGAN AIRPORT RELATIONS COMMISSION MEETING FEBRUARY 9, 2010 A regular meeting of the Eagan Airport Relations Commission was held on Tuesday, February 9, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. Those present were Curtis Aljets, Steve Beseke, James Casper, Luke Olson, Chad Stambaugh, Chuck Thorkildson and Carol Whisnant. Absent was Dan Jolmson. Also present was Assistant to the City Administrator Miller. AGENDA Beseke made a motion to approve the agenda as presented. Stambaugh seconded the motion. All members voted in favor. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Casper made a motion to approve the minutes of the December 8, 2009 regular meeting of the Eagan Airport Relations Commission. Whisnant seconded the motion. All members voted in favor. Aljets made a motion to approve the minutes of the January 12, 2010 Airport Relations Commission town hall meeting. Whisnant seconded the motion. All members voted in favor. VISITORS TO BE HEARD There were no visitors to be heard. COMMUNICATIONS UPDATE Miller stated it is the practice of the Airport Relations Commission to discuss their communication initiatives each month which include articles in the Experience Eagan Newsletter as well as stories aired on the City's local access cable channels. Miller stated the town hall meeting regarding airport noise which was held at Cedar School on January 12, 2010 is currently being aired on the City's cable channels. She stated approximately 90 residents attended the meeting. MAC MONTHLY REPORTS — EAGAN/MENDOTA HEIGHTS CORRIDOR ANALYSIS /TECHNICAL ADVISORY REPORT /17 -35 DEPARTURE ANALYSIS REPORT Miller introduced the item stating the enclosed December 2009 Eagan/Mendota Heights Corridor Analysis Report, the December 2009 Technical Advisory Report and the December 2009 Runway 17 Departure Analysis Report are the most current reports available on the MAC website. Miller stated in January she was contacted by MSP Air Traffic Control Tower Manager Rydeen regarding the poor compliance in the corridor during the month of December, and he apologized for the lack of compliance and noted additional training has been provided to the controllers. Eagan Airport Relations Conunission February 9, 2010 Page 2 of 3 The Commission noted that there were 10 complainants for the City of Eagan and that nighttime operations were significantly lower than the previous year. NIGHTTIME RUNWAY USE / CONCERNS BY THE CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS Miller introduced the item stating the City of Mendota Heights has raised concerns regarding the lack of balance of nighttime operations on the parallel runways; specifically departures occurring on the north parallel runway. Miller gave background on the issues and concerns of Mendota Heights. Miller stated the Noise Oversight Committee discussed the issue at their January 20, 2010 meeting. She stated MSP Air Traffic Control Tower Manager Rydeen was present and indicated three primary factors why more nighttime departures are occurring off the north parallel runway; 1.) gate location, 2.) low traffic demand and, 3.) destination of the departing aircraft. Miller noted that the MAC's long term comprehensive plan calls for the addition of a cross taxiway, which could result in more balanced use of the runway and specifically, more use of the south parallel runway. RECAP OF JANUARY 12, 2010 ARC TOWN HALL MEETING AT CEDAR SCHOOL AND REVIEW OF AIRPORT NOISE SURVEY RESULTS Miller introduced the item stating the Eagan Airport Relations Commission held an airport town hall meeting on January 12, 2010 at the Cedar School in Eagan. She stated approximately 900 postcard invitations were mailed to Eagan residents living in the Cedar Grove area and approximately 90 residents attended. Miller also noted the postcard included a link inviting residents to participate in a survey regarding airport noise in which a total of 39 people responded to the survey. The Commission discussed the town hall meeting and survey results, and noted their pleasure with the turnout. It was suggested that if future surveys are conducted, such surveys could be provided in hard copy at the meeting to ensure easy access for those who may not have access to online surveys. The Commission also connnented on the respondents overwhelming preference for direct mailings as a form of communication. The Commission thanks Chad Leqve for his education presentation at the town hall meeting. REVIEW MSP LONG -TERM COMPREHENSIVE PLAN (LTCP) UPDATE Miller introduced the item stating the Metropolitan Airports Commission (MAC) previously completed a Long Term Comprehensive Plan for MSP in 1996 and this is the first revision to that plan since 1996. Miller stated the Noise Oversight Committee (NOC) met on Tuesday, February 2, and discussed issues and areas of concern with regard to the MSP Long Term Comprehensive Plan Update. She further stated the MAC is accepting public comments on the update. The Commission reviewed the proposed plan and made recoimnendation for additions to be added to the letter prior to the Council's consideration of the comments at the February 16 meeting. Eagan Airport Relations Connnission February 9, 2010 Page 3 of 3 STAFF / COMMISSIONER REPORT Miller announced that applications are now being accepted for Commission terms that are expiring in April of 2010. Miller encouraged all interested residents to consider applying for an advisory commission. ADJOURNMENT Upon motion by Beseke seconded by Wlhisant, the meeting adjourned at 8:06 p.m. All members voted in favor. DATE SECRETARY