07/13/2010 - Airport Relations CommissionMINUTES OF THE EAGAN AIRPORT RELATIONS COMMISSION MEETING JULY 13, 2010 A regular meeting of the Eagan Airport Relations Commission was held on Tuesday, July 13, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. Those present were Curtis Aljets, Steve Beselce, Dan Johnson, Luke Olson, Chad Stambaugh and Carol Whisnant. Absent was Chuck Thorkildson. Also present was Assistant to the City Administrator Miller. AGENDA Aljets made a motion to approve the agenda as presented. Stambaugh seconded the motion. All members voted in favor. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Aljets made a motion to approve the minutes of the May 11, 2010 regular meeting of the Eagan Airport Relations Commission. Whisnant seconded the motion. All members voted in favor. VISITORS TO BE HEARD Vice Chair Beseke introduced Roy Fuhrmanl, the Metropolitan Airports Commission Director of Environment, and stated he was present to talk with the Commission on environmental management and the airport. PRESENTATION BY ROY FUHRMANN, DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENT FOR THE METROPOLITAN AIRPORTS COMMISSION Mr. Fuhrrnani, MAC Director of Environment, gave an informative presentation to the Commission. He noted that MAC's mission statement includes environmental stewardship. He discussed MAC's sustainable activities which include: energy conservation; green buildings, facilities and infrastructure; air quality; water quality and conservation; waste management and recycling; natural resource management; noise abatement; and financial sustainability. He further discussed areas of improvement, specifically, the LRT, parking management, hydrant fueling, terminal rental car locations, improved traffic flow, flexible fuel vehicles, upgraded aircraft and ground service equipment. The Commission and Mr. Fuhrrman. discussed the use of glycol, which is used to de -ice aircraft and runways, and the environmental issues associated with glycol. Mr. Fuhrmann also noted MAC's wetland mitigation and soil management programs. Mr. Fulmnann discussed MAC's 2010 activities which include the Part 150 60 -64 mitigation program, energy projects and several rehab and improvement projects. Eagan Airport Relations Conunission July 13, 2010 Page 2 of 3 Beseke thanked Mr. Fuhrrnaiul for his presentation and acknowledged the EEAC members that were present and invited them to introduce themselves and ask questions. COMMUNICATIONS UPDATE Miller stated it is the practice of the Airport Relations Conmlission to discuss their communication initiatives each month which include articles in the Experience Eagan Newsletter as well as stories aired on the City's local access cable chamlels. Miller stated that, following the ARC joint meeting with the City Council later this month where they will present their work plan, an article regarding the work plan will appear in the next Experience Eagan Newsletter. MAC MONTHLY REPORTS — EAGAN /MENDOTA HEIGHTS CORRIDOR ANALYSIS /TECHNICAL ADVISORY REPORT /17 -35 DEPARTURE ANALYSIS REPORT Miller introduced the item stating the enclosed May 2010 Eagan/Mendota Heights Corridor Analysis Report, the May 2010 Technical Advisory Report and the May 2010 Runway 17 Departure Analysis Report are the most current reports available on the MAC website. Miller also stated per the request of the Commission at the May 11 meeting, the Noise staff of the Metropolitan Airports Commission has produced a map with a single dot on each complainant's home that has issued a noise complaint within the City. Miller noted the addresses of the complainants are considered private data and thus are not released by the MAC. Beseke noted that there were 1,775 complaints in May from Eagan, which is second next to the city of Minneapolis. The Commission further discussed the number of complainants and the specific areas in Eagan. Miller commented on the departure percentage levels on Runway 17/35 and noted that she continues to have dialogue with MAC staff regarding runway usage. METROPOLITAN COUNCIL'S RESPONSE TO THE MSP LONG TERM COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Miller introduced the item noting a letter from Bert McKasy, MAC Commissioner, to the City in response to Eagan's requests pertaining to the proposed MSP Long Term Comprehensive Plan. Miller stated in summary, after review by the Met Council, MAC will be required to update their Long Tenn Comprehensive Plan every five years, initiate a capacity study two years in advance of when MSP is expected to have 540,000 annual operations, and initiate an FAA Part 150 Study Update in consultation with the Noise Oversight Committee when the forecast level of operations five years into the future exceeds the levels mitigated in the consent decree, which would be 582,366 annual operations. She further stated the long terin plan will now go back to the MAC for formal consideration which will include the conditions specified by the Met Council. Eagan Airport Relations Conmlission July 13, 2010 Page 3 of 3 RNAV UPDATE Miller introduced the item stating as follow -up to the Area Navigation (RNAV) update that was provided at the May ARC meeting, a letter was sent by the Noise Oversight Committee to the FAA requesting the FAA expedite a review and approval for Runway 12L, 12R and 17 RNAV departure procedures. NEXT GENERATION CONFERENCE Miller introduced the item stating Commissioner Johnson recently attended a Next Generation Conference in Washington, D.C. Johnson gave the Commission an update on the information obtained at the conference. He stated the next generation is described as the now and future efficiency and implementation of the national air space system. He noted the participants at the conference were there to address present day issues and future roles and responsibilities of pilots, controllers, and dispatchers along with policy changes, implementation strategies and capability vs. technology. MSP NOISE NEWS Miller stated the MSP Noise News was included for Commission review. JULY 27, 2010 CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP Miller stated, as a reminder, a joint meeting of the Eagan City Council and ARC is scheduled for July 27, 2010 at approximately 6:00 p.m. in the Eagan Room at City Hall for the purpose of reviewing the ARC's proposed 2010 -2011 work plan. Miller also noted that an invitation went out to ARC members inviting them to a volunteer recognition night on July 28 at the Eagan Marktfest. FOLLOW -UP COMMUNICATION FROM FIRE CHIEF SCOTT Miller introduced the item stating Fire Chief Scott has informed staff that an evening water rescue drill with occur in the month of August along the Mirulesota River from approximately 8:00 to 11:00 p.m. She further stated there will not be mock victims included in the exercise; however, ARC members are welcome to observe the exercise. Miller will notify the Commission later as to the specific date. ADJOURNMENT Upon motion by Stambaugh, seconded by Aljets, the meeting adjourned at 7:35 p.m. All members voted in favor. DATE SECRETARY