01/08/2008 - Airport Relations CommissionMINUTES OF THE EAGAN AIRPORT RELATIONS COMMISSION MEETING JANUARY 8, 2008 A regular meeting of the Eagan Airport Relations Commission was held on Tuesday, January 8, 2008 at 7,00 p.m. Those present were Curtis Aljets, Tanuny Mencel, Charles Thorkildson and Bret Walsh. Absent were Steve Beseke and Jack Prentice. Also present was Assistant to the City Administrator Miller. AGENDA The agenda was amended to include a discussion of the FEIS document as item D. under Old Business. Upon motion by Alj ets; seconded by Mencel, the agenda was approved as modified. All members voted in favor. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Walsh made a motion to approve the minutes of the November 13, 2007 regular meeting of the Eagan Airport Relations Commission as presented; Mencel seconded the motion. All members voted in favor. VISITORS TO BE HEARD There were no visitors to be heard. COMMUNICATIONS UPDATE Miller introduced the item stating it is the practice of the Airport Relations Commission to discuss any communication initiatives relative to airport noise each month including articles appearing in the Experience Eagan newsletter, stories aired on the City's local access cable channels and inclusions in the ARC Notebook. Miller noted an article was published in the most recent edition of the Experience Eagan newsletter regarding the FAA's response to the City with regard to the City's request to move as many nighttime operations as possible from Runway 17 to the parallel runways in accordance with the approved Runway Use System. MAC MONTHLY REPORTS — EAGAN /MENDOTA HEIGHTS CORRIDOR ANALYSIS /TECHNICAL ADVISORY REPORT /17 -35 DEPARTURE ANALYSIS REPORT Miller introduced the item stating the enclosed November 2007 Eagan/Mendota Heights Corridor Analysis Report, the November 2007 Technical Advisory Report and the November 2007 Runway 17 Departure Analysis Report are the most current reports available on the MAC website. Aljets noted that 37 percent of the complaints are corning from Eagan residents. Thorkildson noted that corridor compliance was at 94 percent for the month of November. It was also noted that RMT site #38 at 3957 Turquoise Circle experienced 3 noise events off Runway 22. Miller stated she will inquire with the MAC regarding those noise events. Eagan Airport Relations Commission January 8, 2008 Page 2 of 3 UPDATE ON NIGHTTIME DEPARTURES OFF RUNWAY 17 DURING SOUTHEAST OPERATIONAL FLOWS AT MSP Miller introduced the item stating that on August 22, 2007 the Eagan City Council sent correspondence to the co- chairs of the MSP Noise Oversight Committee asking the FAA to examine the feasibility of moving more nighttime traffic from Runway 17 to Runway 12R when demand allows it. She further stated the NOC discussed the issue at both the September 19 and November 21 NOC meetings and Miller requested that the NOC send a letter to the FAA asking that they brief their controllers on the importance of the Runway Use System (RUS). Miller stated the NOC concurred and a letter was sent. Miller noted a response has been received from the FAA stating their controllers have been briefed and also noted a noticeable decrease in the nighttime operations off Runway 17. Miller noted a January 2, 2008 memo from Chard Leqve, Aviation Noise and Satellite Programs Manager, to the MSP Noise Oversight Committee regarding an update on nighttime Runway Use System and Runway 17 departure operations. DISCUSSION OF FEIS DOCUMENT Thorlcildson introduced the item discussing portions of the FEIS document. He stated noise abatement has already taken place because of the loss of operations and further suggested that the FEIS document be restudied. The Commission discussed the actual and projected number of operations. Miller stated she would invite Chad Leqve fiom the MAC to attend the February or March ARC meeting to discuss the 1998 FEIS document; specifically the forecasted operations versus actual operations. 2008 ARC MEETING SCHEDULE Miller stated the 2008 ARC meeting schedule is enclosed in the packet for Commission review. She noted the meeting dates listed for the months of June, October and November are proposed to be changed due to holidays. Walsh made a motion to approve the 2008 ARC meeting schedule as presented; Mencel seconded the motion. All members voted in favor. CORRESPONDENCE TO MAC COMMISSIONER MCKASY Miller introduced the item noting that per the direction of the ARC at the November 13, 2007 ARC meeting, a letter was sent to Commissioner McKasy thanking him for attending the October ARC meeting and also noting the Commission's interest in having him meet with the ARC once or twice a year to provide an update on the MAC. MAC LITIGATION UPDATE Miller introduced the item stating a hearing is scheduled for January 15, 2008 to determine if the settlement in the class action case will be accepted by the class. She noted the settlement is the same as the City's lawsuit and residents included in the settlement area have been noticed and have been given Eagan Airport Relations Commission January 8, 2008 Page 3 of 3 the opportunity to opt out. Miller stated at this time there are no Eagan residents who have chosen to opt out and stated that less than 20 residents in all the communities have chosen to opt out thus far.. Miller noted work in Eagan will begin in December 2008 with residents who are in the 60 to 62 DNL. Miller gave an overview of the contour line in the Burr Oaks neighborhood, specifically the Rolling Hills Drive area. She discussed the block rounding and contour system and described how the park divides this neighborhood. ADJOURNMENT Upon motion by Mencel, seconded by Aljets, the meeting adjourned at 7:35 p.m. All members voted in favor. DATE SECRETARY