08/12/2008 - Airport Relations CommissionAGENDA EAGAN AIRPORT RELATIONS COMMISSION MEETING EAGAN CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS TUESDAY, AUGUST 12, 2008 7:00 P.M. I. ROLL CALL AND AGENDA ADOPTION II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES III. VISITORS TO BE HEARD IV. OLD BUSINESS A. Communications Update B. MAC Monthly Reports— Eagan - Mendota Heights Corridor Analysis/Technical Advisory Report /17 -35 Departure Analysis Report C. Noise Oversight Committee/Inver Grove Heights Nighttime Noise Letter D. Noise Oversight Committee/Update on RNAV Procedure and Implementation E. Noise Oversight Committee/MAC Noise and Operations Monitoring System Functionality V. STAFF / COMMISSION UPDATE A. Airport Traffic Control Tower Tour B. July 29, 2008 MAC Third Quarter Public Input Meeting VI. ROUNDTABLE VII. ADJOURNMENT Auxiliaty aids for persons with disabilities will be provided upon advance notice of at least 96 hours. If a notice of less than 96 hours is received, the City of Eagan will attempt to provide such aid City of Eagan Memo TO: CHAIR ALJETS AND THE EAGAN AIRPORT RELATIONS COMMISSION FROM: DIANNE MILLER, ASSISTANT TO THE CITY ADMINISTRATOR DATE: AUGUST 6, 2008 SUBJECT: AIRPORT RELATIONS COMMISSION MEETING /TUESDAY, AUGUST 12, 2008 The Eagan Airport Relations Commission will meet on Tuesday, August 12, 2008 at 7:00 p.m. in the Eagan City Council Chambers. In order that we have a quorum present, please contact Mary O'Brien at 651- 675 -5005 if you are unable to attend this meeting. I. ROLL CALL AND ADOPTION OF AGENDA The agenda, as presented or modified, is in order for adoption by the Commission. II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes oft e July 8, 2008 Airport Relations Commission meeting are enclosed on pages 4— through These minutes, as presented or modified, are in order for adoption by the Commission. III. VISITORS TO BE HEARD The Eagan City Council and its Commissions set aside up to ten minutes at the beginning of public meetings to permit visitors to address items of interest that are not addressed on the regular agenda. Items that will take more than ten minutes or that require specific action can be scheduled for a future agenda. IV. OLD BUSINESS A. Communications Update – It is the practice of the Airport Relations Commission to discuss their communication initiatives each month, which include articles in the Experience Eagan Newsletter, as well as stories aired on the City's local access cable channels. Currently, the recording of the July 29 MAC third quarter public input meeting is airing on local cable access channels as well as being web - streamed on the City of Eagan's website. If any of the Commissioners have suggestions for communication initiatives regarding airport issues, please voice those suggestions at this time. B. MAC Monthly Reports — Eagan /Mendota Heights Corridor Analysis/Technical Advisory Report /17 -35 Departure Analysis Report — Enclosed on pages —7 t ough is the June 2008 Eagan/Mendota Heights Corridor Analysis. Enclosed on pages through is the June 2008 Technical Advisory Report. Enclosed on pages through is the June 2008 Runway 17 Departure Analysis Report. The June reports are the most current reports available on the MAC website. It is the practice of the Commission to review the reports and discuss any significant deviations that may have occurred or any other noteworthy occurrences as reported in the analyses. C. Noise Oversight Committee /Inver Grove Heights Nighttime Noise Letter — As the Commission will recall, the Noise Oversight Committee (NOC) and the Metropolitan Airports Commission received a letter from the city of Inver Grove Heights with concerns about the amount of nighttime noise their city is receiving. At the July 16, 2008 NOC meeting, the Committee had an in -depth discussion regarding the purpose of the Runway Use System and the NOC's 2007 action with regard to the City of Eagan's request to move nighttime operations from Runway 17 to the parallel runways when conditions allow. There was unanimous support amongst the Committee members that the action taken by the NOC at Eagan's request was in accordance with the Runway Use System. At the July 16 meeting, Assistant to the City Administrator Miller made the following motion, which was unanimously adopted: I move that the Noise Oversight Committee endorse the long - standing Runway Use System at MSP, and further communicate to the MAC FDA E Committee that the NOC believes the R US represents a sound public policy decision that best serves the communities around MSP. The NOC also confirms that the request of the FAA on November 14, 2007 was in Beeping with the parameters of the approved R US. Lastly, the Noise Oversight Committee asks MAC to consider holding a future quarterly public input meeting in the city of Inver Grove Heights and also consider offering a meeting to the Inver Grove Heights Airport Commission and City Council with appropriate MAC and FAA staff. Assistant to the City Administrator Miller can provide additional background as to the discussion the occurred at the July NOC meeting with regard to the issue of nighttime traffic. D. Noise Oversight Committee pdate on RNAV Procedure and Implementation — Enclosed on pages UK—) through is a memo from Chad Leqve, Manager of the Aviation Noise and Satellite Programs for the MAC, to the Noise Oversight Committee (NOC) with an update on the RNAV procedure implementation currently underway at MSP Airport. Assistant to the City Administrator Miller can respond to any questions that the Commission may have regarding the NOC's discussion on the RNAV procedures implemented. IS E. Noise Oversight Committee /MAC Noise and Operations Monitoring System Functionality — Enclosed on pages through is a memo from Chad Leqve, Manager of the Aviation Noise and Satellite Programs, which was provided to the Noise Oversight Committee at the July 16 meeting. The memo summarizes the upgrades to be made to the Airport Noise and Operations Monitoring System's (ANOMS) technology at MSP. One of the most significant improvements that the upgrade will bring is that flight data will be available 24 hours after an operation, as opposed to the current five -day delay available on the MAC's website. Assistant to the City Administrator Miller can respond to any questions the Commission may have regarding the discussion that took place at the July NOC meeting regarding the ANOMS isysteni. V. STAFF / COMMISSIONER REPORT A. Airport Traffic Control Tower Tour — Per the request of the Commission at the July ARC meeting, staff has confirmed that the tour of the Air Traffic Control Tower by the Airport Relations Commission will take place on Tuesday, September 91h at 6;30 p.m. at the Air Traffic Control Tower. The Commission should note that this meeting will take the place of the regularly scheduled September ARC meeting. City staff will provide additional information via email with regard to directions and instructions for the evening of the 9th B. July 29, 2008 MAC Third Quarter Public Input Meeting — On July 29, 2008, there were ten residents who attended the MAC quarterly public input meeting. Prior to taking public comments, MAC staff provided a presentation which included a summary of the changes to nighttime operations that have occurred since the City of Eagan's request in 2007 to move nighttime traffic from Runway 17 to the Eagan/Mendota Heights Corridor. Eagan residents who were in attendance raised questions regarding the flight patterns off Runway 17, eligibility for the Noise Mitigation Program, Runway Use System compliance, future determinations for RNAV weigh points, and overall concerns regarding the equitable distribution of departures off Runway 17. VI. ROUNDTABLE Per the request of the Commission, this agenda item has been added so that Commissioners have the opportunity to ask questions or make requests for future agenda items. VII. ADJOURNMENT Per the request of the Commission, the Eagan ARC meetings will go no later than 8.30 p.m, unless agreed upon by the Commission. i Assistant to the City Administrator 3 MINUTES OF THE EAGAN AIRPORT RELATIONS COMMISSION MEETING JULY 8, 2008 A regular meeting of the Eagan Airport Relations Commission was held on Tuesday, July 8, 2008 at 7:00 p,m, Those present were Curtis Aljets, Steve Beseke, James Casper, Beth Prouty, Carol Shattuck, Chad Stambaugh and Bret Walsh. Also present was Assistant to the City Administrator Miller, AGENDA Walsh made a motion to approve the agenda as presented. Beseke seconded the motion. All members voted in favor. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Beseke made a motion to approve the minutes of the June 12, 2008 regular meeting of the Eagan Airport Relations Commission as presented. Casper seconded the motion. All members voted in favor. VISITORS TO BE HEARD There were no visitors to be heard, COMMUNICATIONS UPDATE Miller stated the MAC will hold its quarterly public input meeting on July 29, 2008 in the Eagan City Council Chambers and stated she will notify the media of specific information regarding the meeting. MAC MONTHLY REPORTS — EAGAN/MENDOTA HEIGHTS CORRIDOR ANALYSIS /TECHNICAL ADVISORY REPORT /17 -35 DEPARTURE ANALYSIS REPORT Aljets introduced the item noting these reports appear monthly in the Commissioners' packets and asked the Commission for comments regarding the May reports, Aljets noted compliance in the Eagan/Mendota Heights Corridor was at 903 percent during the month of May and at 90.4 percent in April. He further noted Eagan held 36.6 percent of all complaints for the month; Minneapolis had the highest number of complaints. Aljets stated 52 percent of arrivals and departures are over Eagan, but noted nighttime departures were down. Casper noted RMT 39 had 1,100 events. AIRPORT 101 Aljets introduced Chad Leqve, MAC Manager of the Aviation Noise and Satellite Programs, who provided an overview of services the MAC provides. The Commission introduced themselves to Mr. Leqve. Eagan Airport Relations Commission July 8, 2008 Page 2 of 3 Leqve gave a presentation on the basics of airport issues and answered questions fiom the Commission. Leqve discussed components of aircraft noise and the source of noise. He explained close -in and distant departure procedures. Leqve noted noise abatement procedures that have been put in place; the Eagan / Mendota Heights Corridor, the Runway Use System, voluntary nighttime operation agreement, elimination of Stage 2 aircraft above 75,000 lbs., pilot education program, engine run -up field rule, ANOMS, 215 degree heading, engine bleed -valve noise reduction, river departure heading and hushkitted aircraft engine start up procedures. Leqve discussed future MSP noise abatement procedures and technologies; l.) area navigation (RNAV), 2.) required navigation performance (RNP) and ground based augmentation system (GBAS), and 3.) continuous descent arrivals (CDA). Leqve stated they will be testing the RNAV system later this year and will be pursuing GBAS early in 2009. He also stated two significant changes will be the FAA's change in methodology and aircraft equipment technology. Leqve and the Commission discussed RNAV versus vectored flights, and the transition into the future for the airlines and MSP. Shattuck made a motion to extend the ARC meeting to no later than 9:00 p.m. Walsh seconded the motion. All members voted in favor. CORRESPONDENCE: CITY OF INVER GROVE HEIGHTS RE: NIGHT -TIME OPERATIONS Miller introduced the item stating a letter was sent to the Metropolitan Airports Commission from the City of Inver Grove Heights regarding a disproportionate amount of night -time operations over their city. Miller stated the City of Eagan has argued that the Runway Use System at MSP Airport calls for the use of the Parallel Runways as the first priority for night -time departures. Miller stated the letter asks for three specific actions on the part of the MAC; 1.) redirecting nighttime operations to Runway 17 -35; 2.) that MAC reinstate the prescribed operational percentages of nighttime operations and flight paths as specified in the EIS or they will investigate legal remedies; and 3.) if MAC determines the levels of nighttime operations specified in the EIS are unattainable, then MAC approve or produce a new EIS. The Commission discussed the letter from Inver Grove Heights and MAC's response letter. It was noted that Inver Grove Heights has very few complaints and had only 3 events at night in the month of June. Miller stated the public policy of nighttime operations and the Runway Use System will be discussed at the July 16, 2008 NOC meeting, AIRPORT / AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL TOWER TOUR Miller stated per the request of the Commission at the June ARC meeting, she has contacted Chad Leqve and Carl Rydeen, Manager of the Air Traffic Control Tower, and set up a tour of the tower for Septerrrber'9, 2008 at 6:30 p.m. in place of the regularly scheduled ARC meeting in September. 0 Eagan Airport Relations Commission July 8, 2008 Page 3 of 3 ADJOURNMENT Upon motion by Beseke, seconded by Casper, the meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m. All members voted in favor. DATE M SECRETARY 06/01/2006 - 06/30/2008. Eagan /Mendota Heights Departure Corridor Analysis Minneapolis -St. Paul International Airport .,..,= .- *This report is for informatl'onal purposes only and cannot be used for enforcement purposes. �l Metropolitan Airports Commission 2974 Carrier Jets Departed Runways 12L and 12R in June 2008 2766 (93 %) of those Operations Remained in the Corridor Will +neol:Jll I �j �jl,,tlnt� -�a{ut h�aplev000d',. r�3iC veAYf: � I " �y r Lli cif / I wgLUlUu I llNast Sant Paul f M1I -t.1e dctr �I itt/LES! . . : \nit�tr llri roulh Sa maul MsP Rwhb Id • - t, 't SanllshLake Newport r i r //t IY�ure �4�c•el Saint Paul yi Y?1 LVuctlbc rt.MS r?N no'40;1'151 South Sa Paul Sunfish Lake �i/ - Salnt Paul Park 61xik�lnh Inver � Gtgvo Fielyhl[ - ri)i F +AVG:FWFnte a ': eAUi l : _ ✓ _ C Ulla laye LYCtye �r -'d Apple Valley -- it - RgSFmmnt If 2974 Total 12L & 12R Carrier Departure Operations Sa89 Ppul Palk Elio rrngfc{t fi Invgr grove Heiflhls eVafirio �`�''� gall, . I ,jr - PutlrtN V+cE % Coltega Grove ,� fnS4111e - f + -•• ti ®.�._. Apple Valley . - jl Rosemount 2766 (93 %) Total 12L & 12R Carrier Departure Operations in the Corridor Monthly Eagan /Mendota Heights Departure Coorrrridor Analysis, Report Generated: 07/10/2008 12:44 Page 1 4 t, uUpolls 1- �f / �tinl��ut k�aPlewoocl i r //t IY�ure �4�c•el Saint Paul yi Y?1 LVuctlbc rt.MS r?N no'40;1'151 South Sa Paul Sunfish Lake Newpul Sa89 Ppul Palk Elio rrngfc{t fi Invgr grove Heiflhls eVafirio �`�''� gall, . I ,jr - PutlrtN V+cE % Coltega Grove ,� fnS4111e - f + -•• ti ®.�._. Apple Valley . - jl Rosemount 2766 (93 %) Total 12L & 12R Carrier Departure Operations in the Corridor Monthly Eagan /Mendota Heights Departure Coorrrridor Analysis, Report Generated: 07/10/2008 12:44 Page 1 4 Metropolitan Airports Commission 66 (2.2 %) ,Runway 12L and 12R Carrier Jet Departure Operations were North of the 090° Corridor Boundary During June 2008 Of Those, 0( — jReturned to Corridor Before Reaching SE Border of Ft. Snelling State Park �l 5, ,.. I r _ i 11( rtv',c t.l a :,t r t• I I i� tllrnaSpulls,, ! I�" _� i`nllj'�ul.. \ P.9nplotvn,rd 117 , i I{ / {LVca:l Satnl f'uuO. Imo` /y_ 'iNoodutn JI I ,r �. • : {. � \} - I } Spuih Sal�1jtf F tail I 3 N ! I `�utG htr�l(a;Q7,`]1""' �-'"•+ � I��,p4vt I ri Ntett, culnu kl,lf �L_J r\ i'�l t Pa t i ,jt \ ul P \. 67 ut�f�Qgtin ; �l _ .� 1 iI. I \; -- :.aJ.rxLhat,�.! ijalt II .. ff�,�� i t - ra II _ - I� � un r!. }� /! ,.uv551t•CI FIgL4Rl� i \ { ll U} ......... .... Ir,l 4 le Valley t ltt.�'Z : _ -' i1 I ,..._...__ .... _ .... . __............. .._._._...__...__ ... ..........................__.,. i r Page 2 Monthly Eagan /Mendota Heights Departure Co ridor Analysis. Report Generated: 07/10/2008 12:44 i Metropolitan Airports Commission 142 (4.8 %), Runway 12L and 12R Carrier Jet Departure Operations were South of the Corridor (South of 30L Localizer) During June 2008 Of Those, 0(— )Returned to Corridor Before Reaching SE Border of Ft. Snelling State Park i fdtrn,oapo� , .I ]j / >, taaplr�aohd - 1 i 1;1.. �SIYf f>&`j!Vootluur �tII r1 ❑✓ L J( 1 1 I !tf J1 ..7 � I � wuth gal Sul i } Richfjald `' 1�; Zip r .t. ptn jjj r'� � >s < jj/ r• 'S,mt NO �T Ny'rtt; to fiEER:f otlel.111 ' / i - 1119 ;�• - i �( ? 11 ... 1 .•' ibitage (:rove, , :.' t. .. ..- .....� I r ni. .. A NNIE 4ulle{ Rpmoupt Minneapolis -St. Paul Penetration Gate Plot for South Corridor Gate 06/01/2008 00:00:00 - 06/30/2008 23:59:59 142 Tracks Crossed Gate: Left = 87 (61.3 %), Right = 55 (38,7 %) dsoo l� ff�o ii Rrom Ce'iftelr oT Gate (MI'!es� t -11 lit e, that u ration is not rcpt sc'ri£8d h- above. graph..: . Monthly Eagan /Mendota Heights Departure Corridor Analysis. Report Generated: 07/10/2008 12 :44 Page 3 Metropolitan Airports Commission 29 (1 %) Runway 12L and 12R Carrier Jet Departure Operations were 5° South of the Corridor (50 South of 30L Localizer) Durinq June 2008 I J Tk I 1 5 i- ytll 1.".•..._..11 ...: I ar�x_'i- \�..- .,.T....,e^' I! „� I �77a1<O de II_ , ntlnneypoll. 17 { �t 4�o Icave�d r;� )I r� I I f � f —�✓`i` f ' ttJt os .i - • / �y- .,.. -....J . I. �vuth Sal it n 1 {Inf Ohlr �tpl "biilnt Paul 4 NP ` LIU Il 1 .,f.�� ✓✓ III) I _ ..... .... p r �• 1(�/ i ' ,Aj li lr/ r_ �.�1 '' olldl5 Gival '..� II i itl ::- ...._......._.._......_._.._ ......__ ...... ......._.._.............,._.._. ;_.._ Page 4 Monthly Eagan /Mendota Heights Departure Corridor Analysis. Report Generated: 07/10/2008 12:44 (J i Metropolitan Airports Commission Top 15 Runway 12L/12R Departure Destinations for June 2008 Airport City Monthly Eagan /Mendota Heights Departure Corridor Analysis, Report Generated: 07/10/2008 12:44 Page 5 1C;� Heading #Ops Total Ops ORD CHICAGO (O'HARE) 124° 18 0.6% SEA SEATTLE 2780 13 0.4% DLH DULUTH 190 11 0.4% YYZ TORONTO 950 11 0.4% DTW DETROIT 1050 10 0.3% FAR FARGO 312° 10 0.3% BOS BOSTON 970 9 0.3% BIS BISMARCK 2910 8 0.3% LAX LOS ANGELES 238° 8 0.3% GRB GREEN BAY 900 8 0.3% ATL ATLANTA 1490 7 0.2% PDX PORTLAND 2720 7 0.2% YWG WINNIPEG 3300 7 0.2% DEN DENVER 237° 7 0.2 % SFO SAN FRANCISCO 2510 7 0.2% Monthly Eagan /Mendota Heights Departure Corridor Analysis, Report Generated: 07/10/2008 12:44 Page 5 1C;� Table of Contents for June 2008 Complaint Summary 1 Noise Complaint Map 2 FAA Available Time for Runway Usage 3 MSP All Operations Runway Usage 4 MSP Carrier Jet Operations Runway Usage 5 MSP Carrier Jet Fleet Composition 6 MSP All Operations Nighttime Runway Usage 7 I MSP Carrier Jet Operations Nighttime Runway Usage 8 r MSP Scheduled Nighttime Operators i 9 -11 I MSP Top 15 Nighttime Operators by Type I 12 i MSP Top 15 Nighttime Operators Stage Mix 13 Airport Noise and Operations Monitoring System Flight Tracks 14 -17 MSP ANOMS Remote Monitoring Tower Site Locations Map 18 Time Above dB Threshold for Carrier Jet Arrival Related Noise Events 19 Time Above dB Threshold for Carrier Jet Departure Related Noise Events 20 Carrier Jet Arrival Related Noise Events 21 Carrier Jet Departure Related Noise Events 22 MSP Top Ten Aircraft Noise Events per RMT 23 -35 Analysis of Daily and Monthly Aircraft Noise Events DNL A Product of the Metropolitan Airports Commission ANOMS Program 36 -38 MSP Complaints by City June 2008 City Arrival Departure Other Number of Complaints Number of Complainants % of Total Complaints MINNEAPOLIS 28 32 85 159 55 147 506 123 11,9% EAGAN 2 90 267 742 41 360 1502 68 35.4% APPLE VALLEY 4 196 5 45 1 76 327 28 7.71!i. BLOOMINGTON 0 0 29 10 7 86 132 24 3,11.•1. BURNSVILLE 3 8 13 127 17 133 301 18 7.1'!u RICHFIELD 0 5 18 76 641 88 828 17 19.5% \dENDOIa HEIGITT'S 2 i) 11 401 2 66 482 16 11.4% SAINT P.A0L 2 26 8 9 7 12 64 14 LS'S EDINA 1 0 16 2 4 0 23 7 EDEN PRAIRIE 0 0 1 0 1 9 11 6 0.3% SAINT LOUIS PARK 0 3 0 2 0 3 8 5 012'!4, LAKEVILLE 0 6 0 0 1 4 11 4 0.3% INVER GROVE HEIGHTS 0 0 2 0 3 1 5 3 0.1% \Yi:iST SAINT PAUL. 0 0 4 0 0 0 4 3 0.1% ROSEMOUNT 1 0 0 0 0 2 3 2 0.10,10 SHAKOPEE (I 0 0 0 2 0 2 2 0% C:HAN.HASSEN 0 0 0 0 0 8 8 1 0.21,1 CHASKA 0 0 0 0 0 6 6 1 0.1o,a FALCON HEIGHTS 0 1 0 1 0 2 4 1 0.1 "0 MAHTOME.DI 0 3 0 0 0 0 3 1 0,146 ROSEVILLE 0 0 0 2 0 1 3 1 0.1 BROOKLYN PARK 0 3 0 0 0 0 3 1 0.10A MINNETONKA 1 0 0 0 1 0 2 1 0% OTHER 0 1 0 2 11 (1 3 2 Total 418 2037 1786 4241 1 349 Nature of MSP Complaints Complaint Total Early/Late 196 961 Engine Run -up 1 20 Excessive Noise 1274 2867 Frequency 113 1477 Ground Noise 6 156 Helicopter 1 4 Low Flying l 19 1205 Structural Disturbance 22 230 Other 10 36 Total 8698 Note: Shaded Columns represent MSP complaints filed via the Internet. - Sum of % Total of Cumpinims may nut equal 100'% due to rounding. "As ofMay 2005, the MSP Complaints by City report includes multiple complaint descriptors per individual complaint. Therefore, the number of complaint descriptors may be more than the number of reported complaints. Time of Day Time Total 0000 -0559 52 lab 0600 -0659 15 99 0700.1159 293 647 1200 -1559 242 305 1600 -1959 279 665 2000- 2159 195 404 22011 -22;59 176 538 2300 -2359 43 150 Total 4241 Complaints by Airport Airport Total MSP 4241 Airlake 17 Anoka 6 crystal 0 Flying Cloud 325 Lake Fine 0 SL. Paul 18 Misc. 0 Total 4607 Report Generated: 07/10/2008 12:22 �., V.— - MSP International Airport Aviation Noise Complaints for June 2008 ;`v r r Anoka, i� E o Charn �liiy�?on Rapids I C3latne n \, Hugo d e 10S f, 16P 16 RIVER L.: - ql f. Corcoran leap rave �; 113roc>klyri ParN��; �L 4 IVIoun s env N � � k � ll f� rJ - - - — jF3rSoklyniC:tr 1 i�leV Bb fl ' 5 1 o i3raf i�akol ( C[JJJ pWad(�ats I igtits +�� I 5tiil4vAtc I it tA&H�Agjjt t, S r v Nr�t�t� eci Medina r . N(-),v, ld . LEA, ! Plyrn tth TollbinSGale -- # alcien VdIll q y r, J SIN yZ trkt� 0rnnn1 �.Ir G have` i1; P Will') ; I ; jP n, Rap rris. i bra fi.. poi r�� .,.,.I I ........ Etama... < h ilhas5en Ed6h Prairie I raska { ` Blaam . L kp'NE5uTn , VER nurmvFkoRA•RIy R � _ l lIULI" � Bl (Shakopee .savage i Pnar,Lake ry Li N LL_.._J y.. Litt P`ar;ada Roseville IVawo aln I ut -� �: a Wke Elmo { ' i 11 !' `ff 11� L1 ` ' Sa it VS Q clUOrty >�tton Iotar� > \ ul " .r tt r wp �- i� 1- : ® Sinl °PaUI' {Park , In er "rove Weig`r s,lr' j ttage t;iove t,i:. Ile y Roser•iount C' Wastilig', I r '® 1 La kevi ll e ll >rI j,KE Fann inL-tton Number of Complaints per Address 0 0 0 0 0 w 'ML is 1 -4 5 -11 12.25 26.48 49 -89 90 -156 157 -327 328 -632 - 2 - /(0 Report Generated: 07/10/2008 12:22 Available Hours for Runway Use June 2008 (source: I-AA Kunway use I_ogs) I All Hours I L?K??MIS <�F,4 htk It111i \PAR, t = 0 'y nnclapolis I ( J l rz` I P +� NlP ,: S EL�i�1140 LAA . Rkhfieid t `ti `'1 1 77 to He)r_11'i S1 ig ` t� L +a at* m.s.1'.Ltif3"5ifiT'"FER(4. 9 a n�/ 1 I 77 �! '.. 7�-- --- - j Nighttime Hours 10:30pm to 6:00am era Vii' _ ' • rrPlpapolis 0 So int PLI ; (/ FORT l _1', P�i[F''ARIf 3 �. I T77— SP f 110 tiE I402AKEt... `i I� iohfield X y 1 ; ?I Ij 'E a 3 to He 1:t " 1 t 1 fv1SPj' S E 13 I I J� tI 11 l/ I 1I "o C Ord a gat I 40 It ObbW LAkL 1 .. FAA Ave ra e Daily Count Note: Sum of daily average count may not equal total due to rounding. Report Generated: 07/10/2008 12:22 17 -3- June 2007 June 2008 Air Carrier 785 838 Commuter 433 395 General Aviation 53 47 Military 9 9 Total 1280 1 289 Note: Sum of daily average count may not equal total due to rounding. Report Generated: 07/10/2008 12:22 17 -3- All Operations Runway Use Report'June 2008 1 SP cWB'CiiiiE. Eagan enei;' RWY r. Overflight Area Oe } U561.IIs ri 04 Arr If1i168(; 1 0% 1 SP cWB'CiiiiE. Eagan enei;' RWY Arrival/ Departure Overflight Area Count Operations Percent Last Year Count Operations Last Year Percent 04 Arr So. Richfield /Bloomington 1 0% 1 0% 12L Arr So. Minneapolis /No. Richfield 3303 17% 5832 30.7% 12R Arr So. Minneapolis /No, Richfield 3290 16.9% 5760 30.3% 17 Arr So. Minneapolis 32 0.2 % 22' 0,1% 22 Arr St. Paul /Highland Park 150 0.8% 138 0.7% 30L Arr Eagan /Mendota Heights 4239 21.8% 2535 13.3% 30R Arr Eagan /Mendota Heights 5006 25.7% 2800 14.7% 35 Arr Bloomington /Eagan 3458 17,8% 1937 10.2% Total Arrivals 19479 19025 04 Dep St. Paul /Highland Park 13 0.1% 11 0.1% 12L Dep Eagan /Mendota Heights 2276 11.8% 3316 17.6% 12R Dep Eagan /Mendota Heights 1496 7.7% 1961 10.4% 17 Dep Bloomington /Eagan 3779 19,5% 6694 35.5% 22 Dep So. Richfield /Bloomington 123 0.6% 151 0.8% 30L Dep So. Minneapolis /No. Richfield 5279 27.3% 3312 17.5% 30R Dep So. Minneapolis /No, Richfield 6380 33% 3435 18.2% 35 Dep So. Minneapolis 0 0% 0 0% Total Departures 19346 18880 Total Operations 38825 37905 Note: Sum of RUS % may not equal 100% due to rounding. - 4 - 1 Report Generated: 07/10/2008 12:22 i I Carrier Jet Operations Runway Use Report June 2008 9 Fh _.. , go RWY Arrival/ Departure Overflight Area Count Operations Percent Last Year Count Operations Last Year Percent 04 Arr So. Richfield /Bloomington 1 0% 0 0% 12L Arr So. Minneapolis /No. Richfield 2650 16.5% 4706 30.2% 12R Arr So. Minneapolis /No. Richfield 2692 16.8% 4861 31.2% 17 Arr So. Minneapolis 22 0,1% 16 0,1% 22 Arr St. Paul /Highland Park 127 0.8% 115 0.7% 30L Arr Eagan /Mendota Heights 3549 22.1% 2056 13.2% 30R Arr Eagan /Mendota Heights 4120 257% 2274 14.6% 35 Arr Bloomington /Eagan 2882 48% 1557 10% Total Arrivals 16043 15585 04 Dep St. Paul /Highland Park 13 0.1% 11 0,1% 12L Dep Eagan /Mendota Heights 1725 10.8% 2398 15.4% 12R Dep Eagan /Mendota Heights 1249 7.8% 1696 10.9% 17 Dep Bloomington /Eagan 3140 19.6% 5781 37.2% 22 Dep So. Richfield /Bloomington 111 0.7% 132 0.8% 30L Dep So. Minneapolis /No. Richfield 4521 28.2% 2790. 17.9% 30R Dep So, Minneapolis /No. Richfield 5247 32.8% 2752 17.7% 35 Dep So, Minneapolis 0 0% 0 0% Total Departures 16006 15560 Total Operations 32049 31145 Note: Sum of RUS % may not equal 100% due to rounding. Report Generated: 07/10/2008 12:22 / l - 5 - June 2008 MSP Carrier Jet Fleet Composition Type FAR Part 36 Take - Off Noise Level Aircraft Description Stage Count Percent B742 110 Boeing 747 -200 3 25 0.1% DC10 103 McDonnell Douglas D010 3 172 0.5 % B744 101.6 Boeing 747 -400 3 70 0.2% DC8Q 100.5 McDonnell Douglas DC8 Re- manufactured 3 39 0.1% L101 993 Lockheed L -1011 3 2 0 %6 MD11 95.8 McDonnell Douglas MD11 3 71 0.2% 8767 95,7 Boeing 767 3 14 0% A330 95.6 Airbus Industries A330 3 358 1.1 %6 B72Q 94.5 Boeing 727 Modified Stage 3 3 82 0.3% A300 94 Airbus Industries A300 3 112 0.3% A310 92.9 Airbus Industries A31 0 3 36 0.1% B73Q 92.1 Boeing 737 Modified Stage 3 3 4 0% MD80 91.5 McDonnell Douglas MD80 3 1000 3.1% B757 91.4 Boeing 757 3 3580 11.2% DC9Q 91 McDonnell Douglas DC9 Modified Stage 3 3 4142 12,9% A321 89.8 Airbus Industries A321 3 50 0.2 %6 B734 88.9 Boeing 737 -400 3 13 0% A320 87.8 Airbus Industries A320 3 5182 16.2% B735 87.7 Boeing.737 -500 3 422 1.3% B738 87.7 Boeing 737 -800 3 877 2.7 %6 B733 87.5 Boeing 737 -300 3 618 1.9% A319 87.5 Airbus Industries A319 3 3591 11.2% A318 87.5 Airbus Industries A318 3 52 0.2% B7377 87.5 Boeing 737 -700 3 478 1.5% MD90 84.2 McDonnell Douglas MD90 3 2 0% E145 83.7 Embraer 145 3 649 2% E170 83,7 Embraer 170 3 2136 6.7% E190 83.7 Embraer 190 3 2 0% B717 83 Boeing 717 3 1 89 0.3 %6 CRJ 82.7 Canadair Regional Jet 3 7771 24,2 %6 E135 77.9 Embraer 135 3 410 1.36/6 Totals 32049 Note: Sum of feet mix % may not equat 100% due to rounding. Note: Stage III represent aircraft modified to meet all stage III criteria as outlined in Federal Aviation Regulation (FAR) Part 36. This includes hushkit engines, engine retrofits or aircraft operational flight configurations. UPS DC8Q are re- engined with manufactured stage 3 engines and are classified as Stage III Manufactured as of January 1, 2008, -The Provided Noise levels from FAR Part 36 are the loudest levels documented per aircraft type during take -off measured in EPNL dBA (Effective Perceived Noise Level). •EPNL is the level of the time integral of the antilogarithm of one -tenth of tone - corrected perceived noise level of an aircraft flyover measured in A- weighted decibels, - 6 - 1 lam' Report Generated: 07 /10/2008 12:22 Count Current Percent Last Years Percent Stage II 0 0% 0 %6 Stage III 4228 13.2% 16.1% Stage III Manufactured 27821 86.86/6 83.9% Total Stage III 32049 Note: Stage III represent aircraft modified to meet all stage III criteria as outlined in Federal Aviation Regulation (FAR) Part 36. This includes hushkit engines, engine retrofits or aircraft operational flight configurations. UPS DC8Q are re- engined with manufactured stage 3 engines and are classified as Stage III Manufactured as of January 1, 2008, -The Provided Noise levels from FAR Part 36 are the loudest levels documented per aircraft type during take -off measured in EPNL dBA (Effective Perceived Noise Level). •EPNL is the level of the time integral of the antilogarithm of one -tenth of tone - corrected perceived noise level of an aircraft flyover measured in A- weighted decibels, - 6 - 1 lam' Report Generated: 07 /10/2008 12:22 Nighttime All Operations 10:30 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. Runway Use Report June 2008 i boll field eapolls o ........ ; 0% hit Paul I. `1 dl j 0% I I� t12i,1, � VITI FpFf ` rVi.lP r t iNp T J l 5 ' MsP 9 °l 0 DI _ i_ euFiuweurE loorn, flt 7 / I 'Eagan ! l; �. CY llT4 1CGUdr f RWY Arrival/ Departure Overflight Area Count Operations Percent Last Year Count Operations Last Year Percent 04 Arr So. Richfield /Bloomington 0 0% 0 0% 12L Arr So. Minneapolis /No. Richfield 208 12.6% 207 16,1% 12R Arr So. Minneapolis /No. Richfield 302 18.3% 424 33% 17 Arr So. Minneapolis 3 0.2% 0 0% 22 Arr St. Paul /Highland Park 0 0% 0 0% 30L Arr Eagan /Mendota Heights 676 40,9% 390 30.4% 30R Arr Eagan /Mendota Heights 422 25,5% 207 16.1% 35 Arr Bloomington /Eagan 43 2.6% 56 4.4% 'total Arrivals 1654 1284 04 Dep St. Paul /Highland Park 0 00% 0 0% 12L Dep Eagan /Mendota Heights 202 18.7% 244 26.8% 12R Dep Eagan /Mendota Heights 198 18.4% 103 11.3% 17 Dep Bloomington /Eagan 94 8.7% 191 21% 22 Dep So. Richfield /Bloomington 0 0% 0 0% 30L Dep So. Minneapolis /No. Richfield 195 18.1% 144 15.8% 30R Dep So. Minneapolis /No. Richfield 389 36.1% 229 25.1% 35 Dep So, Minneapolis 0 0% 0 0% Total Departures 1078 911 Total Operations 2732 2195 Note; Sum of RUS % may not equal 100% due to rounding. Report Generated: 07/10/2008 12:22 - 1 1 - 7 - Nighttime, Carrier Jet Operations 10:30 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. Runway Use Report June 2008 tlileapolis W % int Pa'u! r "ltlkL RWY Arrival/ Departure Overflight Area Count Operations Percent Last Year Count Operations Last Year Percent 04 Arr So. Richfield /Bloomington 0 0% 0 0% 12L Arr So. Minneapolis /No. Richfield 185 12.9% 195 16.2% 12R Arr So, Minneapolis /No. Richfield 258 18% 406 33.7% 17 Arr So. Minneapolis 2 0.1% 0 0% 22 Arr St. Paul /Highland Park 0 0% 0 0% 30L Arr Eagan /Mendota Heights 594 41.4% 360 29.9% 30R Arr Eagan /Mendota Heights 359 25% 194 16.1% 35 Arr Bloomington /Eagan 38 2.6% 50 4.1% Total Arrivals 1436 1205 04 Dep St. Paul /Highland Park 0 00% 0 0% 12L Dep Eagan /Mendota Heights 151 17,1% 222 27% 12R Dep Eagan /Mendota Heights 143 16,2% 87 10.6% 17 Dep Bloomington /Eagan 80 9% 169 20.5% 22 Dep So. Richfield /Bloomington 0 0% 0 0% 30L Dep So. Minneapolis /No, Richfield 157 17.8% 131 15.9% 30R Dep So, Minneapolis /No. Richfield 353 39.9% 214 26% 35 Dep So. Minneapolis 0 0% 0 0% Total Departures 884 823 Total Operations 2320 2028 Note: Sum of RUS % may not equal 100% due to rounding. 8 - JIDI Report Generated: 07/10/2008 12:22 1 July 2008 Nighttime Scheduled Operations 10;30 p.m. to 6:00 a,m. 260 Stage 2 1 ?44 Total Northwest (NWA) 224 4 609 200 .. 0 0 ' 184 198 i 0 160 '112 112 American (AAL) 0 144 87 87 US Airways (USA) 0 120 75 75 Midwest Airlines (MEP) 0 100 f 54 FedEx (FDX) 0 0 54 54 80 0 0 51 51 United (UAL) 0 0 49 49 60 0 46 0 46 Kitty Hawk (KHA) 0 8 40� 46 Delta (DAL) 0 0 32 32 Frontier Airlines (FFT) 0 20 31 31 Airtran (TRS) 0 0 8 8 Total 1. 1 I s 1398 1456 O 11'7 O li7 O ICi, b IL7 O !C7 O lL7 O M '((U++JJ' If7 O Lo O n O IL7 O Ln O II7 O IL) O 1L7 O 'c��t11 O 02 'ct O c-I C7 �+Oy �M-{ N SV N N N 'N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 t} 0 0 O G o O o O O O O O t+ O O Time July 2008 Nighttime Scheduied Operations 10:30 D.m. to 6:00 a.m. 0 NWA ®Ups EI SCx EIAAL ❑ USA 0 t9Ep ®FOX O COA DUAL 078W EI MA ❑DAL ❑ FFT ❑TRS Airline Stage 2 Stage3 Manufactured Stage 3 Total Northwest (NWA) 0 4 609 613 UPS (UPS) 0 0 ' 198 198 Sun Country SCX) 0 0 '112 112 American (AAL) 0 0 87 87 US Airways (USA) 0 0 75 75 Midwest Airlines (MEP) 0 0 54 54 FedEx (FDX) 0 0 54 54 Continental (COA) 0 0 51 51 United (UAL) 0 0 49 49 BAX (78W) 0 46 0 46 Kitty Hawk (KHA) 0 8 38 . 46 Delta (DAL) 0 0 32 32 Frontier Airlines (FFT) 0 0 31 31 Airtran (TRS) 0 0 8 8 Total 0 58 1398 1456 Report Generated: 07/10/2008 12:22 tl�)3 -9, July 2008 Nighttime Scheduled Operations Time A/D Carrier Flight Number Equipment Stage Days of Operation Routing 22:30 A BAX 705 B72Q H MTWThF YYC MSP TOL 22:30 D Northwest 162 A320 M MTWThFSSu SEA MSP MKE 22:30 D Northwest 848 A320 M S ANC MSP DT \N 22:30 D Northwest 848 B757 M MTWThFSu ANC MSP DTW 22:31 D Northwest 120 A319 M MTWThFSSu PHX MSP GRB 22;31 D Northwest 354 A320 M MTWThFSu SFO MSP DLH 22;38 A United 726 8735 M Su DEN MSP 22:39 A United 726 8733 M S DEN MSP 22:40 A' American 598 MD80 M S DFW MSP 22:40 A American 598 MD80 M MTWThFSu MTY DFW MSP 22:40 D Northwest 562 A320 M MTWThFSu DEN MSP FSD 22:40 D Sun Country 409 B738 M MTWThFS MSP LAX 22:47 A United 726 8733 M MTWThF DEN MSP 22;55 A American 2049 8738 M MTWThFSSu MIA MSP 2255 A Sun Country 242 5738 M TWTh JFK MSP 22:55 A Sun Country 288 B738 M SSu SEA MSP 22:55 D Northwest 928 A320 M MTWThFSu MSP MSN 22:55 D Northwest 928 DC9Q H S MSP MSN 22:56 A Northwest 310 A320 M MTWThFSSu LAX MSP 22;57 A Frontier Airlines 109 Am M MTWThFSSu DEN MSP 23:04 A Northwest 168 B757 M MTWThFSSu SEA MSP 23:06 A Northwest 358 A319 M MTWThFSSu SFO MSP 23;10 A American 1411 MD80 M MTWThFSSu EWR ORD MSP 23:10 A Midwest Airlines 2833 CRJ M MTWThFSu MKE MSP 23;10 D Sun Country 409 B738 M Su MSP LAX 23:20 A Sun Country 106 B737 M WSu LAS MSP 23:20 A Sun Country 106 B738 M ThFS LAS MSP 23;26 A Delta 1522 MD80 M MTWThFSSu ATL MSP 23;30 D BAX 705 B72Q H MTWThF YYC MSP TOL 23:33 A Northwest 767 A319 M S DTW MSP 23:33 A Northwest 767 A320 M MTWThFSu DTW MSP 23:47 A Continental 2816 E145 M MTWThFSu IAH MSP 23:51 A US Airways 1204 A319 M S ANU CLT MSP 23;51 A US Airways 984 A319 M MTWThFSu CLT MSP 23:55 A Sun Country 404 B737 M MFS SAN MSP 23:55 A Sun Country 404 B738 M TWSu SAN MSP 23:57 A US Airways 940 A321 M MTWThFSSu SAN PHX MSP 00;01 A United 463 8733 M M ORD MSP 00:01 A United 463 B735 M Su ORD MSP 00:03 A UPS 0552 B757 M TWThF 00;04 A UPS 0556 A300 M TWThF 00:04 A UPS 0558 DC8Q M TWThF 00:05 A UPS 0496 8757 M S 00:05 A UPS 0560 B767 M TWThF 00:05 A UPS 0560 MD11 M TWThF 00;06 D UPS 0496 B757 M S 00:07 D UPS 2557 B767 M TWTh 00:07 D UPS 2557 MD11 M TWTh 00:09 A United 463 B735 M TWThFS ORD MSP 00:15 A Kitty Hawk 772 B733 M TWThF DEN MCI MSP FWA -10- {-%( �. Report Generated: 07/10/2008 12:22 July 2008 Nighttime Scheduled Operations Time A/D Carrier Flight Number Equipment Stage Days of Operation Routing 00:16 A UPS 2558 MD11 M MTWTh 00:17 A UPS 255 B767 M MTWTh 00:26 A UPS 0495 B757 M FS 00:21 D UPS 0551 B757 M TWThF 00:21 D UPS 0557 DC8Q M TWThF 00:21 D UPS 0559 B767 M TWThFS 00:21 D UPS 0559 MD11 M TWThFS 00 :22 D UPS 0555 A300 M TWThF 00:23 D UPS 0495 B757 M FS 00:30 A Kitty Hawk 1850 B72Q H S PDX SEA MSP FWA 00:32 A Airtran 858 13737 M T ATL MSP 00:37 A Northwest 782 A319 M MTWThFSSu LAS MSP 00:39 A Airtran 858 B737 M MTWThFSSu ATL MSP 00:40 A Sun Country 106 B738 M T LAS MSP 00:45 D Kitty Hawk 772 B733 M TWThF DEN MCI MSP FWA 01:10 A Sun Country 535 B738 M T DFW MSP 01:15 D Kitty Hawk 1850 B72Q H S PDX SEA MSP FWA 03:30 D FedEx 1407 MD11 M TWThFS 03:58 D FedEx 3099 A300 M S 04:00 D FedEx 1718 MD11 IVI TWThF 04:40 D FedEx 2718 MD11 M S 04:45 D FedEx 1745 A310 M TWThF 05:00 A Sun Country 286 B737 M W SEA MSP 05:00 A Sun Country 286 13738 M MTFS SEA MSP 05:00 A Sun Country 503 B738 M ThSu ANC MSP DFW CUN 05:00 A Sun Country 519 B738 M T ANC MSP 05:00 A Sun Country 523 B738 M S ANC MSP 05:06 A US Airways 290 A319 M MTFS LAS MSP 05:28 D Continental 2017 E145 M MTWThFSSu MSP IAH 05:30 D Delta 1857 MD80 M MTWThFSSu MSP ATL MSY 05:31 A Northwest 154 B757 M MTWThFSSu SEA MSP DTW 05:37 A Northwest 596 B753 M MTWThFSSu PDX MSP 05:39 A Northwest 362 B757 M MTWThFSSu SFO MSP LGA 05:46 A Northwest 166 B753 M MTWThFSSu SEA MSP 05:47 A Northwest 774 B757 M MTWThFSSu LAS MSP MKE 05:47 A Northwest 844 B757 M MTWThFSSu ANC MSP BOS 05:49 A Northwest 864 B757 M MTWThFSSu FAI MSP 05:51 A Northwest 314 B753 M MTWThFSSu LAX MSP 05:55 A Northwest 808 A333 M MTWThFSSu HNL MSP 05:55 D Midwest Airlines 2820 CRJ M MTWThFS MSP MKE DAY 05:56 A Northwest 1808 E175 M MTWThFS CID MSP 05:58 A Northwest 3463 CRJ M MTWThFS LSE MSP IAH Report Generated: 07/10/2008 12 :22 ° � - 11 - June 2008,Top 15 Actual Nighttime Jet Operators by Type 10:30 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. Total Nighttime Jet Oaerations by Hour Hour Count 2230 712 2300 538 2400 227 100 87 200 18 300 36 400 91 500 611 TOTAL 2320 MPM Airline . ID Stage Type Count American AAL 3 B738 31 American AAL 3 MD80 63 Continental Exp, BTA 3 E145 69 Compass CPZ 3 E170 97 Delta DAL 3 8738 7 Delta DAL 3 B757 1 Delta DAL 3 MD80 57 Delta DAL 3 MD90 2 DHL DHL 3 B72Q 30 Fed Ex FDX 3 A300 6 FedEx FDX 3 A310 18 Fed Ex FDX 3 DC10 41 Pinnacle FLG 3 CRJ 81 Mesaba MES 3 CRJ 226 Northwest NWA 3 A319 153 Northwest NWA 3 A320. 299 Northwest NWA 3 A330 30 Northwest NWA 3 8742 8 Northwest NWA 3 B757 288 Northwest NWA 3 DC9Q 230 Sun Country SCX 3 B7377 17 Sun Country SCX 3 B738 155 Skywest Airlines SKW 3 CRJ 31 Airtran TRS 3 B7377 31 United UAL 3 8733 33 United UAL 3 B735 25 UPS UPS 3 A300 20 UPS UPS 3 B757 22 UPS UPS 3 DC8Q 19 UPS UPS 3 MIDI 17 US Airways USA 3 A319 28 US Airways USA 3 A320 2 S Airways USA 3 A321 24 TOTAL 2161 Note: The top 15 nighttime operators represent 93.1% of the total nighttime carrierjet operations, atp Report Generated: 07/10/2008 12:22 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 Jung 2008 Nighttime Operations Mix for Top 15. Airlines 10;30 p.m. to 6 :00 a.m. O ILJ O IP O lL7 O ILJ O IfJ O ![7 O LL7 O If] O If"! O U') O IfJ O IL7 O UL 6 IP O iC7 M O o-I M 'd' o v M ct G v (+7 st O ci M ch O ti-{ (2 O K-I (n I' O m N N M M t'7 M O O O O 8 8 cl v N N N N Co M M M mot' ct' <T -d- U-3 W) U-) 'LC; N N N N N N O O O G G O O G 'O O O O 4 O O. O O O O O O O O O TIm e June 2008 Nighttime Fleet Stage Mix for Top 15 Airlines 10:30 o.m. to 6 :00 a.m. O NWA 0 NES scX ❑ CPZ ❑AAL O FLU ® UPS } RIBTA DAL FDX ❑ UAL ❑ UsA ❑sxw ❑TRS ❑DHL Airline Stage 2 Stage3 Manufactured Stage 3 Total Northwest (NWA) 0 230 778 1008 Mesaba (MES) 0 0 226 226 Sun Country SCX) 0 0 172 172 Compass (CPZ) 0 0 97 97 American (AAL) 0 0 94 94 Pinnacle (FLG) 0 0 81 81 UPS (UPS) 0 0 78 78 Continental Exp, (BTA) 0 0 69 69 Delta (DAL) 0 0 67 67 Fed Ex (FDX) 0 0 65 65 United (UAL) 0 0 58 58 US Airways (USA) 0 0 54 54 Skywest Airlines (SKW) 0 0 31 31 Airtran (TRS) 0 0 31 31 DHL (DHL) 0 30 0 30 Other 0 37 122 159 Total 0 297 2023 2320 Report Generated: 07/10/2008 12:22 (; -13- i 1 Airport Noise and Operations Monitoring System Flight Tracks Carrier Jet Operations — June 2008 Jun 1 thru 8, 2008 — 4098 Carrier Jet Arrivals Jun 1 thru 8, 2008 — 4077 Carrier Jet Departures Jun 1 thru 8, 2008 — 358 Nighttime Carrier Jet Arrivals Jun 1 thru 8, 2008 — 271 Nighttime Carrier Jet Departures „ fr � i.,.�l�4r rnL�apolu y��,.• ¢ frs��Sdnl_� 'vul� r;��� -. - uchfielx;l 1 -, r uftfsh i� w. $ LtR+G h" N �LMt. i p+ s� ari .l t =lSifil �;' .: a•, - �i fry i � 1 • ,, t, 'LNRa d 5d1age own 7t LEI P,rli • t � { tvli y aapolis 'ZI f. -Y�sl Saintaul j r tty1ly14'tl0 ©t��IClr�lillk 1{ RtchkW �ylr. tSurrfish Lel e a L rW At&n6QPJ,LAI(E - \tnv�(Uip4� Fleic)hl Bloot rnctton ' �•rs ;1 , r:hr Ca�,iaL,nyEr nar ant ri rF'� � f - (. �+ �nM � ::�}IjYSSViIIe sir � . `savage iu ;✓ t..: �s ! A>le Valle} Rosernount -14- Report Generated: 07/10/2008 12:22 71 Louis Park 31 5 i tvt1 �a�7e0polls �rnl�aul r stSalntPaul - _>';_ f di; 3 r�tv1>1ut6 ,. yt + South Sa tv1SF (fihfield ;1 `y' Sunfish Lake ` x LONG A1t.'ADD'N LAKE Inver Grave Heighl Bloorf.inglon iYa Cagan. tY . r1nn; f-; i4rniA .L�;•rd�TLuviLCiat {ri<;r - - ' Burnsville savage Appfa Valley Rosemount Jun 1 thru 8, 2008 — 358 Nighttime Carrier Jet Arrivals Jun 1 thru 8, 2008 — 271 Nighttime Carrier Jet Departures „ fr � i.,.�l�4r rnL�apolu y��,.• ¢ frs��Sdnl_� 'vul� r;��� -. - uchfielx;l 1 -, r uftfsh i� w. $ LtR+G h" N �LMt. i p+ s� ari .l t =lSifil �;' .: a•, - �i fry i � 1 • ,, t, 'LNRa d 5d1age own 7t LEI P,rli • t � { tvli y aapolis 'ZI f. -Y�sl Saintaul j r tty1ly14'tl0 ©t��IClr�lillk 1{ RtchkW �ylr. tSurrfish Lel e a L rW At&n6QPJ,LAI(E - \tnv�(Uip4� Fleic)hl Bloot rnctton ' �•rs ;1 , r:hr Ca�,iaL,nyEr nar ant ri rF'� � f - (. �+ �nM � ::�}IjYSSViIIe sir � . `savage iu ;✓ t..: �s ! A>le Valle} Rosernount -14- Report Generated: 07/10/2008 12:22 Airport Noise and Operations Monitoring System Flight Tracks Carrier Jet Operations — June 2008 Jun 9 thru 16, 2008 — 4247 Carrier Jet Arrivals Jun 9 thru 16, 2008 — 4255 Carrier Jet Departures it Louis Park ; 4 Minneapolis rttµfdul 4t , LEI')" iK4l��si Saint Paul Flirt r He�c�ht5 �tvt�1��"r�dUi„�� Richfield I k if' t 1 u, Sunfish Lake � J - • . : ; - LCn'dG Binnnl :' J,iLiHb(7N VtP;E - M nviiriGfoivb Heigh njtorl f :agan r t %1•A3k. ?�'fA UN.LIY wu: -- ,iI.4i '' 'Lf ' f rr,, f J ApISle Valley i, Rosomount Jun 9 thru 16, 2008 — 395 Nighttime Carrier Jet Arrivals Jun 9 thru 16, 2008 — 272 Nighttime Carrier Jet Departures w l } c i L " M(t I Pa ttit ul IN_I~3 1 I �j 7 n r 7 Rt try" tfr sa 17 { �hteldJ t j tt } -♦ rLIXG4t I LAI F.� 3t� r it>toi} - 1 rf! I t t }4Yil `L•22Zt d �4�(�%y� � %' � 1, a m Report Generated: 07/10/2008 12;22 'U .%q Park p � • 1 tvlliileapolls�`� +�, '' �°``°" ; ti 1�, - V +, � o Saint F au, t Ecjia fohfi�ld ii iql srSurfrlm lfjPet' t T: t t ;rnV� I -lelgh IA k i 3SaVF }Cfe AI) {ileValley - Ra:,r ±rnuunl '< -15- Airport Noise, and Operations Monitoring System Flight Tracks Carrier Jet Operations — June 2008 Jun 17 thru 24, 2008 — 4515 Carrier Jet Arrivals Jun 17 thru 24, 2008 — 4493 Carrier Jet Departures Jun 17 thru 24, 2008 — 431 Nighttime Carrier Jet Arrivals Jun 17 thru 24, 2008 — 188 Nighttime Carrier Jet Departures E( I a M t8o 11111" jlbh L2 W. ig on SY vv S A N74 7. A P irk".: jag LIa ftfield LCw4G KIN, Bloo n9ton \ 1IHI Ehf,.TAV�q FIIIAXI 'A L P),sville Infia ll *,d. - ­TG-41v� Heighl E ... ....... ... ifir t, ll Rosemount �Ille va ey R Report Generated: 07110/2008 12:22 . ...... W1, i[ Louis Park. -If-te M11 apolls 3, L Jl- st Saint paul.' Mina S Sunfish Lake 1.04G O�CXV LAKE Inver GrovP Heigh Bloo4trigton Ebgm Wensville Savage K Ap'rile Valley Ro"inount 4". ......_.._._........_.Goats Jun 17 thru 24, 2008 — 431 Nighttime Carrier Jet Arrivals Jun 17 thru 24, 2008 — 188 Nighttime Carrier Jet Departures E( I a M t8o 11111" jlbh L2 W. ig on SY vv S A N74 7. A P irk".: jag LIa ftfield LCw4G KIN, Bloo n9ton \ 1IHI Ehf,.TAV�q FIIIAXI 'A L P),sville Infia ll *,d. - ­TG-41v� Heighl E ... ....... ... ifir t, ll Rosemount �Ille va ey R Report Generated: 07110/2008 12:22 Airport Noise and Operations Monitoring System Flight Tracks Carrier Jet Operations — June 2008 Jun 25 thru 30, 2008 — 3183 Carrier Jet Arrivals Jun 25 thru 30, 2008 — 3181 Carrier Jet Departures it LouN; Park tv1� It ivl 1d� tiefe tEi') Irk i' hld I )I `� 1 ;_ Satitli 5 _ I Sunfish Lake I. _ r - t.leh, Ast`i`J?OP/ LhhF. � N jriv6r dtuve Heigh) 81oofingten ; c'r Eta,gen 'y \. s I r r4NIS ".!rA'\IP,(,l, NH7'4 iVIlLU1}'fr�'tEf .f Burn9ville i1 Savage ::.. t I Aale Vzilley 'is Ro8ornount 3 Jun 25 thru 30, 2008 — 252 Nighttime Carrier Jet Arrivals Jun 25 thru 30, 2008 — 153 Nighttime Carrier Jet Departures :.All- -5 L11�yy _ L Inlr�tji;5� ` is j Ida a `5uJ9h1 tjr4 #ri l gall t Jr s y a- A l{ ✓ J� j 7. Report Generated: 07/10/2008 12:22 5l I• � � 5 1 h } � ' it Lout, Park' t Mt eapulis, Osl Saint aul Y Ecij�t t o�tCt�t tfd� l ll t t tchWId if, t. 2 �ussr`Lrike: r' M. I '' LONG I, 81oa ngton in:Y rnn vra-t �t rt iflisville Nil r � ' __ +_L.__._.__.. t L� � Savraclo A11) le Valley 1 Rc safriOUnl -17- MSP International Airport Remote Monitoring Tower (RMT) Site Locations \r� f Fal .nn' Ho tits <� k 5 —If—, � � SM'�Sluli� k�l� ✓i{ -4,1I �. II � '� E+ � ,5P1 � .. faint Lout 1 LHI'Et,ALHCfUN ,: -'t 1:nenolis )t7�u1 2..7 t 1A t.IS51PPI RI\' 'R {I t r� l 1t�1t71 e t 77 _ �� Jrfest Saint Pa I CE x ( tL M P, 17O3t��eiG��j �$ 5P it s y uth Sabi t RIChfeld `, s. �` r St n11 LEI d wr a ff A mn P# II 17 19 r, -,T9.NRLINQ at/,, 14 4 20 21` 4ry 31 39 I� i1tE orARro +f' II�Y��v l Heights t31oo tngton si - 3� 8Lfi�9S ❑OGLr :_r 3$ ,z r �..�.�1 A& ACK 40u LAKE � „a,„ -- ,mow•,..,, .�.«n S f ..... ~� Burnsville �3s Savay WO I /�ptile Valley C "' Rosemount f;1!P4'h'1' HfcNhF1'I+11J PARK, F E Ef{ \� Remote Monitoring Tower - 18 - Report Generated; 07/10/2008 12:22 Time Above dB Threshold for Arrival Related Noise Events June 2008 RMT ID City Address Time >= 65dB Time >= 80dB Time >= 90dB Time >= 100dB 1 Minneapolis Xerxes Ave. & 41 st St, 15:50:53 00:00;53 00:00:00 00;00:00 2 Minneapolis Fremont Ave. & 43rd St, 14:18:59 00:10;49 00:00:02 00:00:00 3 Minneapolis West Elmwood St. & Belmont Ave. 15:45:05 00:45;07 00:00:05 00:00:00 4 Minneapolis Park Ave, & 48th St, 14:37:29 00:20;07 00:00:00 00:00:00 5 Minneapolis 12th Ave, & 58th St. 17:20 :39 03:40;15 00:02:37 00:00 :00 6 Minneapolis 25th Ave. & 57th St, 15;31 :22 03:02;41 00:04:27 00:00:00 7 Richfield Wentworth Ave. & 64th St, 00;36:08 00:00:53 00:00:00 00:00:00 8 Minneapolis Longfellow Ave, & 43rd St, 00:20;01 00:00:21 00;00;00 00;00:00 9 St, Paul Saratoga St. & Hartford Ave. 00:58:47 00:09:42 00;00;03 00:00:00 10 St. Paul Itasca Ave, & Bowdoin St, 01:00:58 00:13:38 00:00;21 00:00:00 11 St. Paul Finn St, & Scheffer Ave. 00:04:51 00:00:10 00:00:00 00:00:00 12 St, Paul Alton St. & Rockwood Ave. 00 :01:12 00 :00:00 00:00:00 00:00:00 13 Mendota Heights Southeast end of Mohican Court 00:11;12 00:00:02 00;00;00 00;00:00 14 Eagan 1st St. & McKee St. 27:30:20 00:02:39 00:00;01 00:00:00 15 Mendota Heights Cullon St. & Lexington Ave. 00:40:10 00:00:04 00;00 :00 00:00:00 16 Eagan Avalon Ave. & Vilas Lane 19:33:04 01:04:11 00:01:07 00:00:09 17 Bloomington 84th St. & 4th Ave. 00;01;36 00 :00:00 00;00:00 00;00;00 18 Richfield 75th St. & 17th Ave, 00;41;50 00;00;51 00:00;08 00;00;00 19 Bloomington 16th Ave. & 84th St. 00:28:35 00:00:22 00;00:00 00;00:00 20 Richfield 75th St. & 3rd Ave, 00:00:35 00:00:00 00:00:00 00 :00;00 21 Inver Grove Heights Barbara Ave. & 67th St. 00:28:19 00:00:00 00:00:00 00:00:00 22 Inver Grove Heights Anne Marie Trail 14:11:43 00 :00:09 00:00:00 00:00:00 23 Mendota Heights End of Kenndon Ave, 03:25;38 00 :00:49 00:00:00 00;00:00 24 Eagan Chapel Ln, & Wren Ln. 25:04:43 00:02:04 00:00:00 00:00;00 25 Eagan Moonshine Park 1321 Jurdy Rd. 00:31:12 00:00:00 00:00:00 00:00:00 26 Inver Grove Heights 6796 Arkansas Ave. W, 02:07:11 00:00:09 00:00:00 00:00:00 27 Minneapolis Anthony School 5757 Irving Ave. S. 00:15:11 00:00 :19 00:00:00 00:00:00 28 Richfield 6645 16th Ave. S, 01:30:05 00:00:42 00:00 :00 00:00:00 29 Minneapolis Ericsson Elem, School 4315 31 st Ave. S. 00:01:29 00:00;00 00:00:00 00;00:00 30 Bloomington 8715 River Ridge Rd, 05:58:51 00:00;18 00:00:07 00:00:00 31 Bloomington 9501 12th Ave, S. 00:01:46 00:00:00 00;00;00 00:00:00 32 Bloomington 10325 Pleasant Ave. S. 00:00:21 00:00:00 00:00;00 00:00:00 33 Burnsville North River Hills Park 00:01:29 00:00:00 00:00;00 00:00:00 34 Burnsville Red Oak Park 00;12:55 00:00:00 00:00:00 00;00;00 35 Eagan 2100 Garnet Ln, 11;37;33 00 :03:20 00:00:00 00;00:00 36 Apple Valley Briar Oaks & Scout Pond 15;07;14 00:00:06 00;00:00 00:00:00 37 Eagan 4399 Woodgate Ln. N. 00:03:37 00:00:00 00:00 :00 00:00:00 38 Eagan 3957 Turquoise Cir. 00:01:04 00:00:00 00;00;00 00:00:00 39 Eagan 3477 St. Charles PI, 00;00:00 00:00:00 00:00 :00 00 :00:00 Total Time for Arrival Noise Events 226 :14:07 09:40 :41 00:08 :58 00:00:09 Report Generated: 07/10/2008 12:22 -19- Time Above Threshold dB for Departure Related Noise Events June 2008 RMT ID City Address Time >= 65dB Time >= 80dB Time >= 90dB Time >= 100dB 1 Minneapolis Xerxes Ave, & 41st St, 05;45:38 00;00:59 00:00:00 00:00:00 2 Minneapolis Fremont Ave. & 43rd St. 07:01:49 00:04:05 00:00:00 00:00:00 3 Minneapolis West Elmwood St. & Belmont Ave, 13:08:26 00:13;01 00:00:19 00:00;00 4 Minneapolis Park Ave. & 48th St. 18:41:04 00:38:43 00:01:13 00:00:00 5 Minneapolis 12th Ave. & 58th St, 46:42:43 04:55:02 00:45:37 00:00:00 6 Minneapolis 25th Ave. & 57th St, 54;07:04 08:28:07 01:20:43 00:01:07 7 Richfield Wentworth Ave, & 64th St, 22 :39 :14 00;48:31 00:00:25 00:00:00 8 Minneapolis Longfellow Ave. & 43rd St. 17:19:19 00:38:41 00:00:32 00:00;00 9 St, Paul Saratoga St. & Hartford Ave. 00:08:28 00:00:52 00:00:11 00;00:00 10 St. Paul Itasca Ave. & Bowdoin St. 00:10;02 00:03:09 00;01;23 00:00 :04 11 St. Paul Finn St, & Scheffer Ave. 00:09:45 00:02:07 00:00;30 00;00:00 12 St. Paul Alton St. & Rockwood Ave. 00:03:37 00:00:02 00:00:00 00:00:00 13 Mendota Heights Southeast end of Mohican Court 06:37:50 00:02:52 00:00:00 00:00 :00 14 Eagan 1st St. & McKee St. 08 :19:46 00:22:39 00:00:15 00;00:00 15 Mendota Heights Cullon St. & Lexington Ave, 09:44:26 00:12:27 00:00:16 00 :00:00 16 Eagan Avalon Ave, & Vilas Lane 08:47:08 01:00:35 00:07;11 00:00:00 17 Bloomington 84th St, & 4th Ave. 01;06:22 00:06:00 00:01:07 00:00 :00 18 Richfield 75th St. & 17th Ave, 10;22:39 00:15:23 00;02;33 00:00:00 19 Bloomington 16th Ave. & 84th St, 07:36:28 00;06:34 00:00;14 00:00:00 20 Richfield 75th St. & 3rd Ave. 01:21:10 00:02:37 00:00:01 00:00:00 21 Inver Grove Heights Barbara Ave, & 67th St, 02:25 :13 00;00:13 00:00:00 00:00:00 22 Inver Grove Heights Anne Marie Trail 02:04:25 00 :00:15 00:00;00 00:00;00 23 Mendota Heights End of Kenndon Ave. 14:32:18 00;58:01 00:06;21 00:00:00 24 Eagan Chapel Ln. & Wren Ln, 04:52:14 00:04:24 00:00:00 00:00 :00 25 Eagan Moonshine Park 1321 Jurdy Rd, 05:17:23 00;00:29 00:00:00• 00 :00:00 26 Inver Grove Heights 6796 Arkansas Ave. W. 03:22:21 00:01:34 00:00:00 00;00:00 27 Minneapolis Anthony School 5757 Irving Ave. S, 11:08:31 00:17:23 00:00:00 00:00:00 28 Richfield 6645 16th Ave. S. 25:59:18 00;14;59 00:00:14 00:00:00 29 Minneapolis Ericsson Elem. School 4315 31st Ave, S. 08:34:29 00:05:47 00:00:00 00:00:00 30 Bloomington 8715 River Ridge Rd. 18:33:30 01:21:18 00:03;56 00:00:00 31 Bloomington 9501 12th Ave. S, 02:03:16 00:00:50 00:00 :03 00:00;01 32 Bloomington 10325 Pleasant Ave, S. 00 :59:41 00:00:07 00;00:00 00:00:00 33 Burnsville North River Hills Park 02;11 :00 00:00:52 00;00:00 00;00:00 34 Burnsville Red Oak Park 00;51;58 00:00:10 00:00:00 00;00:00 35 Eagan 2100 Garnet Ln, 04:13;43 00;03;54 00:00;03 00;00:00 36 Apple Valley Briar Oaks & Scout Pond 01:40;17 00:01:03 00;00;00 00;00:00 37 Eagan 4399 Woodgate Ln. N. 02:13:43 00:01:07 00:00:00 00;00 :00 38 Eagan 3957 Turquoise Cir. 03:27:25 00:02:48 00:00 :00 00:00:00 39 Eagan 3477 St. Charles PI. 03:38;38 00:03:04 00:00:00 00:00:00 Total Time for Departure Noise Events 358:02 :21 21:20:44 02:33:07 00:01:12 -20- Report Generated: 07/10/2008 12:22 Arrival Related Noise Events June 2008 RMT ID City Address Arrival Events >= 65dB Arrival Events >= 80dB Arrival Events >= 90dB Arrival Events >= 100dB 1 Minneapolis Xerxes Ave. & 41 st St. 3697 18 0 0 2 Minneapolis Fremont Ave. & 43rd St. 2942 147 1 0 3 Minneapolis West Elmwood St. & Belmont Ave, 3178 635 4 0 4 Minneapolis Park Ave. & 48th St. 3090 314 0 0 5 Minneapolis 12th Ave. & 58th St. 3334 2386 62 0 6 Minneapolis 25th Ave. & 57th St. 3205 2620 153 0 7 Richfield Wentworth Ave. & 64th St. 118 18 0 0 8 Minneapolis Longfellow Ave. & 43rd St. 64 3 0 0 9 St. Paul Saratoga St. & Hartford Ave. 144 89 1 0 10 St. Paul Itasca Ave, & Bowdoin St. 150 124 6 0 11 St. Paul Finn St. & Scheffer Ave. 24 1 0 0 12 St. Paul Alton St. & Rockwood Ave. 4 0 0 0 13 Mendota Heights Southeast end of Mohican Court 34 1 0 0 14 Eagan 1 st St. & McKee St. 6032 42 1 0 15 Mendota Heights Cullon St. & Lexington Ave. 120 3 0 0 16 Eagan Avalon Ave. & Vilas Mane 4143 819 28 0 17 Bloomington 84th St. & 4th Ave. 6 0 0 0 18 Richfield 75th St. & 17th Ave. 165 14 3 0 19 Bloomington 16th Ave. & 84th St. 94 9 0 0 20 Richfield 75th St, & 3rd Ave. 2 0 0 0 21 Inver Grove Heights Barbara Ave. & 67th St. 109 0 0 0 22 Inver Grove Heights Anne Marie Trail 3352 4 0 0 23 Mendota Heights End of Kenndon Ave. 887 8 0 0 24 Eagan Chapel Ln. & Wren Ln. 5520 55 0 0 25 Eagan Moonshine Park 1321 Jurdy Rd. 142 0 0 0 26 Inver Grove Heights 6796 Arkansas Ave, W. 516 4 0 0 27 Minneapolis Anthony School 5757 Irving Ave. S. 49 4 0 0 28 Richfield 6645 16th Ave, S. 286 13 0 0 29 Minneapolis Ericsson Elem. School 4315 31 st Ave. S, 6 0 0 0 30 Bloomington 8715 River Ridge Rd. 1629 3 2 0 31 Bloomington 9501 12th Ave. S. 7 0 0 0 32 Bloomington 10325 Pleasant Ave, S. 2 0 0 0 33 Burnsville North River Hills Park 8 0 0 0 34 Burnsville Red Oak Park 56 0 0 0 35 Eagan 2100 Garnet Ln, 2513 46 0 0 36 Apple Valley Briar Oaks & Scout Pond 3055 1 0 0 37 Eagan 4399 Woodgate Ln. N. 15 0 0 0 38 Eagan 3957 Turquoise Cir. 5 0 0 0 39 Eagan 3477 St. Charles PI. 0 0 0 0 Total Arrival Noise Events 48703 7381 261 0 Report Generated: 07/10/2008 12:22 -21- Departure Related Noise Events June 2008 RMT ID City Address Departure Events >= 65dB Departure Events >= 80d13 Departure Events >= 90dB Departure Events >= 100d13 1 Minneapolis Xerxes Ave. & 41 st St. 1169 17 0 0 2 Minneapolis Fremont Ave, & 43rd St. 1397 62 0 0 3 Minneapolis West Elmwood St. & Belmont Ave. 2433 130 5 0 4 Minneapolis Park Ave, & 48th St. 3308 296 19 0 5 Minneapolis 12th Ave, & 58th St, 7217 1688 471 0 6 Minneapolis 25th Ave. & 57th St. 8762 3429 620 37 7 Richfield Wentworth Ave. & 64th St. 3578 426 6 0 8 Minneapolis Longfellow Ave, & 43rd St. 2890 324 11 0 9 St. Paul Saratoga St, & Hartford Ave. 26 4 2 0 10 St. Paul Itasca Ave, & Bowdoin St, 20 13 11 2 11 St. Paul Finn St, & Scheffer Ave, 20 9 5 0 12 St. Paul Alton St. & Rockwood Ave. 13 1 0 0 13 Mendota Heights Southeast end of Mohican Court 1276 37 0 0 14 Eagan 1 st St, & McKee St. 1323 169 4 0 15 Mendota Heights Cullon St. & Lexington Ave, 1649 119 5 0 16 Eagan Avalon Ave. & Was Lane 1315 344 82 0 17 Bloomington 84th St, & 4th Ave. 165 31 11 0 18 Richfield 75th St. & 17th Ave. 1881 155 22 0 19 Bloomington 16th Ave. & 84th St, 1464 68 2 0 20 Richfield 75th St, & 3rd Ave. 219 21 1 0 21 Inver Grove Heights Barbara Ave. & 67th St, 497 9 0 0 22 Inver Grove Heights Anne Marie Trail 361 11 0 0 23 Mendota Heights End of Kenndon Ave. 2225 425 69 0 24 Eagan Chapel Ln. & Wren Ln. 819 68 0 0 25 Eagan Moonshine Park 1321 Jurdy Rd. 652 9 0 0 26 Inver Grove Heights 6796 Arkansas Ave. W. 668 24 0 0 27 Minneapolis Anthony School 5757 Irving Ave. S. 2102 197 0 0 28 Richfield 6645 16th Ave. S. 4177 211 6 0 29 Minneapolis Ericsson Elem, School 4315 31st Ave, S. 1626 63 0 0 30 Bloomington 8715 River Ridge Rd, 2810 533 55 0 31 Bloomington 9501 12th Ave. S. 413 13 0 0 32 Bloomington 10325 Pleasant Ave. S. 183 2 0 0 33 Burnsville North River Hills Park 416 7 0 0 34 Burnsville Red Oak Park 165 5 0 0 35 Eagan 2100 Garnet Ln. 697 45 1 0 36 Apple Valley Briar Oaks & Scout Pond 299 17 0 0 37 Eagan 4399 Woodgate Ln. N, 389 24 0 0 38 Eagan 3957 Turquoise Cir. 604 37 0 0 39 Eagan 3477 St, Charles PI. 684 41 0 0 Total Departure Noise Events 59912 9084 1408 39 -22- `�(p Report Generated: 07/10/2008 12:22 Top Ten Loudest Aircraft Noise Events for MSP June 2008 (RMT Site #1) Xerxes Ave. & 41st St., Minneapolis Date /Time Flight Number Aircraft Type Arrival/ Departure Runway Lmax(dB) 06/30/200815:22 NWA19 B744 D 30L 84.8 06/05/200817:36 NWA170 B757 A 12L 84.6 06/11/200811:46 DAL1551 MD80 A 12R 83.8 06/04/2008 7 :01 SCX398 B738 A 12R 83.5 06/1112008 21:04 NWA1433 DC9Q A 12R 83.3 06/17/2008 9:33 NWA613 A320 D 30R 82.5 06/20/200815:27 NWA19 B744 D 22 82.4 06/16/2008 '13:20 NWA1464 DC9Q D 30R 82.1 06/16/2008 8:55 NWA1429 DC9Q D 30R 82 06/21/200815 :44 NWA3 B744 D 22 81;8 (RMT Site #2) Fremont Ave. & 43rd St., Minneapolis Date /Time Flight Number Aircraft Type Arrival/ Departure Runway Lmax(dB) 06/05/200817:36 NWA170 B757 A 12L 91.7 06/11/200814:22 NWA1716 DC9Q A 12L 87 06/11/2008 21:41 NWA759 DC9Q A 12L 86.8 06/11/2008 22:38 NWA1175 DC9Q A 12L 863 06/17/200815:07 NWA1668 DC9Q D 30R 862 06/11/200813:33 NWA131 DC9Q A 12L 86 06/05/2008 21:38 NWA320 B757 A 12L 85.9 06/11/2008 21:03 NWA607 DC9Q A 12L 85.6 06/11/200816:18 NWA458 DC9Q A 12L 85.5 06/02/200810:02 NWA127 DC9Q A 12L 85.5 (RMT Site #3) West Elmwood St. & Belmont Ave., Minneapolis Date /Time Flight Number Aircraft Type Arrival/ Departure Runway Lmax(dB) 06/30/200815:21 NWA19 B744 D 30L 92 06/05/200819:14 NWA745 DC9Q A 12R 91.8 06/28/200810:41 NWA454 DC9Q D 30L 91.2 06/03/2008 23 :42 NWA904 B742 A 12R 90.8 06/07/200815:42 NWA9804 B742 D 30L 90,8 06/11/200819:15 NWA1534 DC9Q A 12R 90.5 06/12/200813:17 LN4447P LJ25 A 12R 90.2 06/27/200815 :14 NWA1668 DC9Q D 30L 90 06/30/2008 20:29 NWA1207 DC9Q D 30L 90 06/23/200813:43 NWA1464 DC9Q D 30L 89.9 Report Generated: 07/10/2008 12:22 -;s -� -23- Top Ten Loudest Aircraft Noise Events for MSP June 2008 (RMT Site #4) Park Ave. & 48th St., Minneapolis Date /Time Flight Number Aircraft Type Arrival/ Departure Runway Lmax(dB) 06/07/2008 21:20 NWA1480 DC9Q D 30R 93.8 06/16/2008 20:48 NWA9806 B742 D 30L 93.4 06/22/2008 22:24 NWA764 DC9Q D 30L 93 06/25/200817:27 NWA746 DC9Q D 30L 92.3 06/17/200813:46 NWA1050 DC9Q D 30L 91.9 06/07/2008 '11:59 NWA785 DC9Q D 30R 91.7 06/14/2008 19:09 NWA1480 DC9Q D 30R 91.6 06/27/200816:20 NWA793 DC9Q D 30L 91.6 06/18/200816:14 NWA132 DC9Q D 30L 91.4 06/17/200815 :07 NWA1668 DC9Q D 30R 91.2 (RMT Site #5) 12th Ave. & 58th St., Minneapolis Date /Time Flight Number Aircraft Type Arrival/ Departure Runway Lmax(dB) 06/22/200817:42 NWA746 DC9Q D 30L 99.2 06/09/200811:00 NWA454 D09Q D 30L 98.7 06/23/200811:46 NWA452 DC9Q D 30L 98,6 06/23/200810:36 NWA1525 DC9Q D 30L 98.4 06/13/200818:00 NWA458N DC9Q D 30L 983 06/19/200816:54 NWA1434 DC9Q D 30L 98.2 06/09/200810:18 NWA134 DC9Q D 30L 98.1 06/22/200819:39 NWA1066 DC9Q D 30L 98 06/07/200816:14 NWA1531 DC9Q D 30L 98 06/16/200810:47 NWA1525 DC9Q D 30L 97.9 (RMT Site #6) 25th Ave. & 57th St., Minneapolis Date /Time Flight Number Aircraft Type Arrival/ Departure Runway Lmax(dB) 06/09/2008 0:38 NWA9805 B742 D 30R 107.6 06/29/2008 21:43 NWA764 DC9Q D 30R 103.7 06/08/2008 23:25 NWA764 DC9Q D 30R 102.3 06/07/200811:58 NWA785 DC9Q D 30R 102.1 06/30/2008 9:03 NWA752 DC9Q D 30R 102.1 06/10/2008 22:46 DHL197 B72Q D 30R 102 06/08/200819:58 NWA606 DC9Q D 30R 101,8 06/07/2008 23:13 NWA445 DC9Q D 30R 1011 06/09/200811:05 NWA768 DC9Q D 30R 101,6 06/01/2008 23:00 NWA1469 DC9Q D 30R 101.5 -24- ��' Report Generated: 07/10/2008 12:22 Top Ten Loudest Aircraft Noise Events for MSP June 2008 (RMT Site #7) Wentworth Ave. & 64th St., Richfield Date /Time Flight Number Aircraft Type Arrival/ Departure Runway Lmax(dB) 06/14/200811:47 NWA452 DC9Q D 30L 92.9 06/20/2008 7:03 NWA138 DC9Q D 30L 92.3 06/09/200811:48 NWA452 DC9Q D 30L 91.9 06/13/2008 11:54 NWA452 DC9Q D 30L 91.6 06/29/2008 9:07 NWA126 DC9Q D 30L 91.2 06/19/2008 7:40 CC11706 B72Q D 30L 91 06/22/2008 9:47 POISON5 UKN D 30L 90 06/18/200814:39 NWA1529 DC9Q D 30L 89.6 06/09/200817:39 NWA132 DC9Q D 30L 89,6 06/30/200814:46 DAL1621 MD60 D 30L 89,2 (RMT Site #8) Longfellow Ave. & 43rd St., Minneapolis Date /Time Flight Number Aircraft Type Arrival/ Departure Runway Lmax(dB) 06110/2008 22:47 DHL197 B72Q D 30R 92.8 06/19/200811:06 NWA768 DC9Q D 30R 92.7 06/02/2008 21:24 NWA764 DC9Q D 30R 92.6 06/25/200817:20 NWA1790 DC9Q D 30R 91.9 06/1312008 16:19 NWA1732 DC9Q D 30R 91.8 06/16/200822:37 DHL197 B720 D 30L 913 06/19/200815:47 AAL352 MD80 D 30R 91.1 06/25/200815:53 NWA793N DC9Q D 30R 91.1 06/09/200810:03 NWA752 DC9Q D 30L 90.3 06/16/200817:48 NWA758 DC9Q D 30R 90.2 (RMT Site #9) Saratoga St. & Hartford Ave., St. Paul Date /Time Flight Number Aircraft Type Arrival/ Departure Runway Lmax(dB) 06/06/200813:22 NWA129 DC9Q A 22 91.9 06/07/200818:25 NWA19D B744 D 04 91.6 06/041200815:19 NWA19 B744 D 04 90.3 06/02/200815:16 NWA19 B744 D 04 89.2 06/06/200811:36 NWA1464 DC9Q A 22 89 06/06/200814:33 NWA1668 DC9Q A 22 88.8 06/06/200816:43 NWA503 DC9Q A 22 87.8 06/06/200812:16 NWA20 B744 A 22 87.6 06/061200816:17 NWA1529 DC9Q A 22 87.3 06/06/200812:24 NWA605 I DC9Q A 22 86.7 Report Generated: 07/10/2008 12:22 �� -25- Top Ten Loudest Aircraft Noise Events for MSP June 2008 . (RMT Site #10) Itasca Ave. & Bowdoin St., St. Paul Date /Time Flight Number Aircraft Type Arrival/ Departure Runway Lmax(dB) 06/17/200815:23 NWA19 B744 D 04 100.6 06/04/200815:18 NWA19 B744 D 04 100,5 06/01 /200815:25 NWA19 B744 D 04 98.3 06/07/200818:24 NWA19D B744 D 04 97.7 06/23/200815:18 NWA19 B744 D 04 96.8 06/07/200816:27 NWA3 B744 D 04 96.7 06/221200815:21 NWA19 B744 D 04 96.7 06/29/200815:27 NWA19 B744 D 04 96.5 06/02/200815 :15 NWA19 8744 D 04 95,9 06/11/200815:31 NWA19 8744 D 04 95,3 (RMT Site #11) Finn St. & Scheffer Ave., St. Paul Date /Time Flight Number Aircraft Type Arrival/ Departure Runway Lmax(dB) 06/29/200815:28 NWA19 B744 D 04 95.9 06/05/200815:49 NWA19 B744 D 04 95.3 06/07/200816:27 NWA3 B744 D 04 95 06/23/200815:19 NWA19 B744 D 04 92,1 06/17/200815:23 NWA19 B744 D 04 91,7 06/22/200815:21 NWA19 B744 D 04 89.2 06/11/200815:31 NWA19 B744 D 04 88 06/21/200812:04 NWA497 DC90 A 30L 87.5 06/01/200815:25 NWA19 B744 D 04 86,7 06/02/200815:16 NWA19 B744 D 04 81,2 (RMT Site #12) Alton St. & Rockwood Ave., St. Paul Date /Time Flight Number Aircraft Type Arrival/ Departure Runway Lmax(dB) 06/23/200815:39 NWA42 A330 D 04 81 06/03/2008 6:52 BMJ62 BE80 D 12L 75.4 06/25/2008 9:23 COA270 B733 A 12L 75 06/06/2008 7:04 BMJ70 BE80 D 12L 74.9 06/06/200810:56 NWA646 A320 A 22 74.3 06/27/2008 9:08 Unknown P32R D 12L 74.2 06/27/2008 9:40 UAL337 B733 A 12L 72.9 06/07/2008 7:18 BMJ52 BE80 D 12L 70.5 06/11/2008 7:35 BMJ68 BE99 D 12L 70 06/27/2008 6:46 BMJ62 BE80 D 12R 69,8 -26- Report Generated: 07/10/2008 12:22 Top Ten Loudest Aircraft Noise Events for MSP June 2008 (RMT Site #13) Southeast end of Mohican Court, Mendota Heights Date /Time Flight Number Aircraft Type Arrival/ Departure Runway Lmax(dB) 06/'12/200813:37 NWA1528 DC9Q D 12L 86.2 06/07/2008 9:03 NWA752 DC9Q D 12L 85.1 06/12/200819:28 AAL2072 MD80 D 12L 84.9 06106/2008 5:40 DAL1861 MD80 D 12L 84 06/08/200813:50 NWA1528 DC9Q D 12L 83.9 06/08/200817:06 NWA139 DC9Q D 12R 83.6 06/12/200815:00 NWA131 DC9Q D 12L 83.5 06/08/200817:18 NWA458 DC9Q D 12R 83.5 06/07/2008 9:23 NWA1429 DC90 D 12L 83.3 06/12/200811:23 NWA785 DC9Q D 12L 82.7 (RMT Site #14) 1st St. & McKee St., Eagan Date /Time Flight Number Aircraft Type Arrival/ Departure Runway Lmax(dB) 06/06/2008 22:41 DHL197 B72Q D 12R 92.2 06/0412008 22:34 DHL197 B72Q D 12R 91:9 06/12/2008 20:11 NWA1056 DC9Q D 12R 91.7 06/09/200810:43 AAL1038 MD80 A 30R 91.2 06/20/2008 0:56 CC13711 B72Q D 12R 90.5 06/17/20081:08 CC13711 B72Q D 12R 89.5 06/03/2008 20:06 NWA9804 B742 D 12R 89.1 06/12/200817:32 NWA758 DC9Q D 12R 88.9 06/04/2008 23:22 CC1705 B72Q D 12L 88.9 06/07/2008 8:09 DAL993 MD80 D 12R 88.7 (RMT Site #15) Cullon St. & Lexington Ave., Mendota Heights Date/Time Flight Number Aircraft Type Arrival/ Departure Runway Lmax(dB) 06/12/200812:37 NWA923 DC9Q D 12L 93 06/12/200813:46 NWA1740 DC9Q D 12L 92 06/24/200811:58 NWA785 DC9Q D 12L 92 06/06/2008 20:36 NWA606 DC9Q D 12L 90.5 06/07/200810:21 NWA789 DC9Q D 12L 90.2 06/27/2008 0:26 CC11705 B72Q D 12L 88.9 06/12/200813:24 NWA1464 DC9Q D 12L 87.4 06/06/2008 21:47 NWA1218 DC9Q D 12L 87.4 06/05/200814:54 NWA1464 DC9Q D 12L 87.1 06/25/200814:09 NWA139 DC9Q A 30R 87 Report Generated: 07/10/2008 12:22 q I -27- Top Ten Loudest Aircraft Noise Events for MSP June 2008 (RMT Site #16) Avalon Ave. & Was Lane, Eagan Date /Time Flight Number Aircraft Type Arrival/ Departure Runway Lmax(dB) 06/25/200817:41 NWA846 8757 A 30L 97.9 06/12/200811:11 NWA1526 DC90 D 12R 95.8 06/05/200812:13 NWA452 DC9Q D 12R 95.6 06/25/200810:38 NWA454 DC9Q D 12R 95.2 06/04/200810:18 NWA768 DC9Q D 12R 94.9 06/17/2008 7:54 NWA840 B757 A 30L 94.7 06/12/200810:45 NWA454 DC9Q D 12R 94.5 06/08/200812:02 NWA452 DC90 D 12R 94,2 06/04/200811:46 NWA750 DC9Q D 12R 94.2 06/12/200817:41 NWA458 DC9Q D 12R 94.1 (RMT Site #17) 84th St. & 4th Ave., Bloomington Date /Time Flight Number Aircraft Type Arrival/ Departure Runway Lmax(dB) 06/28/200815:56 NWA3 B744 D 22 96 06/21 /200815:16 NWA19 B744 D 22 94.8 06/27/200815:45 NWA19 B744 D 22 94.5 06/08/200816:42 NWA19 B744 D 22 94.4 06/07/200811:32 NWA1042 DC9Q D 22 93.5 06/24/200815:15 NWA19 B744 D 22 92.4 06/08/200811 :05 NWA454 DC9Q D 22 92.4 06/14/200815 :59 NWA3 B744 D 22 92 06/28/200815:23 NWA19 B744 D 22 91.2 06/09/200817 :29 NWA19D B744 D 22 91.1 (RMT Site 418) 75th St. & 17th Ave., Richfield Date /Time Flight Number Aircraft Type Arrival/ Departure Runway Lmax(dB) 06/05/200816:32 NWA1532 DC9Q A 35 99.1 06/24/200815 :15 NWA19 B744 D 22 98.4 06/09/200817:29 NWA19D B744 D 22 98.3 06/19/200815:35 NWA19 B744 D 22 98 06/27/200815:45 NWA19 B744 D 22 98 06/06/200816:00 NWA19 B744 D 22 97.9 06/211200815:15 NWA19 B744 D 22 97.8 06114%200815:59 NWA3 B744 D 22 971 06/21/200815:42 NWA3 8744 D 22 97.5 06/12/200815:24 NWA19 B744 D 22 97.2 -28- Cl-k Report Generated: 07/10/2008 12:22 Top Ten Loudest Aircraft Noise Events for MSP June 2008 (RMT Site #19) 16th Ave. & 84th St., Bloomington Date /Time Flight Number Aircraft Type Arrival/ Departure Runway Lmax(dB) 06/06/200812:37 NWA452 DC9Q D 22 93.4 06/12/200815:24 NWA19 B744 D 22 93.4 06/06/200817:22 NWA1434 DC9Q D 22 88.1 06/28/200815:55 NWA3 B744 D 22 88.1 06/21/200815:15 NWA19 8744 D 22 88.1 06/06/200812:30 DAL1621 MD80 D 22 87.8 06/07/200812:03 NWA452 DC9Q D 22 87.6 06/08/200811:04 NWA454 DC9Q D 22 87 06/12/2008 6:45 BMJ64 BE80 D 17 87 06/10/2008 6:50 BMJ64 BE80 D 17 86.9 (RMT Site #20) 75th St. & 3rd Ave., Richfield Date /Time Flight Number Aircraft Type Arrival/ Departure Runway Lmax(dB) 06/25/200815:14 NWA19 B744 D 22 90 06/13/200813:13 DAL1621 MD80 D 30L 88.8 06/06/200816:00 NWA19 8744 D 22 88.6 06/13/200810:25 NWA134 DC9Q D 30L 86.7 06/13/200815:58 DAL 1593 MD80 D 30L 86.2 06/06/200816:12 NWA729W DC9Q D 22 85.9 06/27/200817:50 AAL1955 MD80 D 30L 85.4 06/27/200817:44 NWA1533 DC9Q D 30L 84.5 06/06/200818;30 NWA758 DC9Q D 30L 84.5 06/14/2008 8:02 DAL993 MD80 D 30L 84.3 (RMT Site #21) Barbara Ave. & 67th St., Inver Grove Heights Date /Time Flight Number Aircraft Type Arrival/ Departure Runway Lmax(dB) 06/04/200814:46 NWA441 DC9Q D 12L 83.6 06/24/200815:01 NWA1668 DC9Q D 12R 81.5 06/02/200815:33 NWA604 DC9Q D 12L 80.5 06/06/2008 9:00 NWA1429 DC9Q D 12L 80.4 06/03/2008 20:24 NWA1472 DC9Q D 12L 80.4 06/03/200815:43 NWA604 DC9Q D 12L 80.4 06/04/200815:29 NWA604 DC9Q D 12L 80.4 06/07/2008 8:12 NWA1213 DC9Q D 12L 80.3 06/02/200810:22 NWA789 DC9Q D 12L 80.2 06/07/2008 9:10 NWA1778 DC9Q D 12R 79.9 Report Generated: 07/10/2008 12;22 �t J -29- Top Ten Loudest Aircraft Noise Events for MSP June 2008 (RMT Site #22) ' Anne Marie Trail, Inver Grove Heights Date /Time Flight Number Aircraft Type Arrival/ Departure Runway Lmax(dB) 06/19/2008 '13:22 NWA802 B757 A 30L 82.9 06/23/2008 0:28 DAL1522 MD80 A 30L 81.9 06/12/2008 5;44 DHL597 B72Q A 30L 51.8 06/20/2008 20:19 NWA1792 DC9Q A 30L 81.4 06/06/2008 20:24 NWA1056 DC9Q D 12R 81.3 06/06/2008 8:02 DAL993 MD80 D 12R 81 06/11/200813:11 DAL1621 MD80 D 12R 80.6 06/02/200812;54 DAL1665 MD80 D 12R 80,6 06/07/2008 8:10 DAL993 MD80 D 12R 80.5 06/25/2008 7:53 DAL993 MD80 D 12R 80.5 (RMT Site #23) End of Kenndon Ave., Mendota Heights Date /Time Flight Number Aircraft Type Arrival/ Departure Runway Lmax(dB) 06/12/200811:22 NWA785 DC9Q D 12L 96.1 06/06/2008 21:02 NWA1433 DC9Q D 12L 95.3 06/06/2008 7:52 NWA1213 DC9Q D 12L 95.2 06112/200813:23 NWA1464 DC9Q D 12L 94.8 06/04/200814:44 NWA441 DC9Q D 12L 94.8 06/23/2008 22:51 NWA445 DC9Q D 12L 94,8 06/03/200815;55 NWA17.40 DC9Q D 12L 94,7 06/04/2008 22:54 NWA1469 DC9Q D 12L 94,6 06/051200813:34 NWA1740 DC9Q D 12L 94,4 06/24/200815:24 NWA139 DC9Q D 12L 94.3 (RMT Site #24) Chapel Ln. & Wren Ln., Eagan Date /Time Flight Number Aircraft Type Arrival/ Departure Runway Lmax(dB) 06/18/200810;14 NWA557 B757 A 30L 88.9 06/07/20088:09 DAL993 MD80 D 12R 87.5 06/06/2008 22;42 DHL197 B72Q D 12R 86.1 06/20/2008 0:56 CC13711 B72Q D 12R 85.9 06/06/200814 :00 NWA1258 DC9Q D 17 85.5 06/07/2008 8:54 AAL525 MD80 D 12R 84.7 06/07/2008 5;42 DAL1857 MD80 D 12R 84.6 06/15/2008 6:29 AAL1598 MD80 D 12R 84.3 06/04/2008 0;55 NWA904 B742 D 12L 83.6 06/17/20081;08 CC13711 B72Q D 12R 83.6 -30- Report Generated: 07110/2008 12:22 Top Ten Loudest Aircraft Noise Events for MSP June 2008 (RMT Site #25) Moonshine Park 1321 Jurdv Rd., Eaqan Date /Time Flight Number Aircraft Type Arrival/ Departure Runway Lmax(dB) 06/12/2008 23:28 CC1705 B72Q D 17 83.5 06/12/2008 20:30 AAL580 MD80 D 17 82 06/02/200810:18 NWA134 DC9Q D 12R 80.9 06/05 /200814:45 NWA1529 DC9Q D 12R 80.8 06/05/2008 20:55 NWA46 A330 D 12R 80.7 06/11/200813:10 DAL1621 MD80 D 12R 80.5 06/05/2008 22:41 DHL197 B72Q D 17 80.4 06/12/200810 :45 NWA454 DC9Q D 12R 80.2 06/23/2008 7:38 NWA1428 DC9Q D 12R 80.2 06/02/2008 8:46 AAL661 MD80 D 12R 79.7 (RMT Site #26) 6796 Arkansas Ave. W., Inver Grove Heiqhts D�ate/Time Flight Number Aircraft Type Arrivall Departure Runway Lmax(dB) 06/02/200811:47 AAL1258 MD80 D 12L 84.1 06/24/2008 21:34 NWA56 A330 D 12R 83,9 06/11/200813:46 NWA1050 DC9Q D 12R 82.5 06/27/200813:55 NWA1050 DC9Q D 12R 82.4 06108/200813:50 NWA1528 DC9Q D 12L 82.3 06/11/2008 5:37 DAL1861 MD80 D 12R 82.1 06/03/2008 20 :07 NWA9804 B742 D 12R 82 06/24/2008 6:24 AAL1698 MD80 D 12R 81.9 06/11/200816:17 NWA139 DC9Q D 12R 81.9 06/06/2008 22 :45 NWA764 DC9Q D 12L 81.9 (KM I bite #27) Anthonv School 5757 Irving Ave. S., Minneapolis Date /Time Flight Number Aircraft Type Arrival / Departure Runway Lmax(dB) 06/27/200815:55 DAL1593 MD80 D 30L 89.4 06/16/2008 9:42 AAL1359 MD80 D 30L 88.3 06/09/2008 2:19 CKS825 B742 D 30R 87.8 06/18/2008 8:56 AAL661 MD80 D 30L 87 06/10/200817:53 AAL1955 MD80 D 30L 86.5 06/23/200811 :47 NWA452 DC9Q D 30L 86.5 06/18/200813:06 DAL1621 MD80 D 30L 86.5 06/141200810:31 NWA454 DC9Q D 30L 86.4 06/30/200816 :49 NWA1434 DC9Q D 30L 86.3 06/22/200819:40 NWA1056 DC9Q D 30L 86.3 Report Generated: 07/10/2008 12:22 45— - 31 - Top Ten Loudest Aircraft Noise Events for MSP June 2008 (RMT Site #28) 6645 16th Ave. S., Richfield Date /Time Flight Number Aircraft Type Arrival/ Departure Runway Lmax(dB) 06/27/200817:44 NWA1533 DC9Q D 30L 93.7 06/15/200810:28 NWA498 DC9Q D 30L 90,9 06/28/200810:40 NWA454 DC9Q D 30L 90.8 06/30/2008 21:54 NWA1457 DC9Q D 30L 90.7 06/29/2008 20:26 NWA796 DC9Q D 30L 90.5 06/03/200813:51 NWA791 DC9Q D 17 90.2 06/16/200810:14 NWA498 DC9Q D 30L 89.7 06/22/2008 23:44 NWA619 DC90 D 30L 89.4 06/28/200812:01 NWA1526 DC9Q D 30L 88.8 06/21/200818:08 NWA1533 DC9Q D 30L 88.5 (RMT Site #29) Ericsson Elem, School 4315 31 st Ave. S., Minneapolis Date /Time Flight Number Aircraft Type Arrival/ Departure Runway Lmax(dB) 06/25/200817:47 NWA795 DC9Q D 30R 89.3 06/20/2008 22:44. DHL197 B72Q D 30L 87.8 06/15/200819:28 NWA1056 DC9Q D 30R 87.2 06/07/200815:56 NWA139 DC9Q D 30R 86,9 06/09/2008 9:40 AAL1359 MD80 D 30R 86.8 06/09/2008 22:55 CC1705 B72Q D 30L 86,4 06/13/200816:22 NWA793 DC9Q D 30R 86.3 06/14/2008 '15:39 AAL352 MD80 D 30R 85.3 06/13/2008,13:51 NWA1258 DC9Q D 30R 85 06/14/200817:34 DAL1593 MD80 D 30R 84.8 (RMT Site #30) 8715 River Ridge Rd., Bloomington DateiTime Flight Number Aircraft Type Arrival/ Departure Runway Lmax(dB) 06/05/200816:30 NWA1046 A319 A 35 96.6 06/03/2008 7:18 NWA138 DC9Q D 17 95.8 06/05/200816:31 NWA1532 DC9Q A 35 94.1 06/03/200817:34 NWA1699 DC9Q D 17 93,5 06/13/2008 7:39 NWA138 DC9Q D 17 93.4 06/11/2008 7:13 NWA138 DC9Q D 17 93,2 06/04/200813:53 NWA1794 DC9Q D 17 93.1 06/12/200814:47 NWA529W DC9Q D 17 93.1 06/11/200811 :58 NWA785 DC9Q D 17 92.7 06/11/200817:56 NWA926 DC9Q D 17 92.6 -32- Report Generated: 07110/2008 12 :22 Top Ten Loudest Aircraft Noise Events for MSP June 2008 (RMT Site #31) 9501 12th Ave. S., Bloomington Date /Time Flight Number Aircraft Type Arrival/ Departure Runway Lmax(dB) 06/13/200815:59 DAL1593 MD80 D 30L 86.7 06/06/200818:31 NWA758 DC9Q D 30L 86.4 06/12/200815:24 NWA19 B744 D 22 85.3 06/14/2008 8:02 DAL993 MD80 D 30L 82.8 06/13/200813:14 DAL1621 MD80 D 30L 823 06/061200817:22 NWA1434 DC9Q D 22 81.8 06/02/2008 9:16 NWA121 B757 D 17 81.6 06/28/2008 6:09 AAL756 MD80 D 30L 80.8 06/11/200816:30 SCX105 B738 D 17 80.8 06/11/200810:58 NWA1525 DC9Q D 12R 80.6 (RMT Site #32) 10325 Pleasant Ave. S., Bloomington Date /Time Flight Number Aircraft Type Arrival/ Departure Runway Lmax(dB) 06/03/2008 9:30 NWA365 B757 D 17 83.6 06/06/200811:23 AAL1683 MD80 D 17 80.4 06/09/200812:25 DAL1621 MD80 D 30L 79.7 06/06/200814:48 NWA1427 DC00 D 17 79.1 06/09/200811 :49 NWA452 DC9Q D 30L 791 06/27/200816:50 NWA1176 DC9Q D 30L 79 06/09/200811:02 NWA454 DC9Q D 30L 78.9 06/13/200817:12 NWA132 DC9Q D 30L 78.7 06/13/200811:56 NWA452 DC9Q D 30L 78.1 06/13/200813:14 DAL1621 MD80 D 30L 77.7 (RMT Site #33) North River Hills Park, Burnsville Date /Time Flight Number Aircraft Type Arrival/ Departure Runway Lmax(dB) 06/13/2008 7:12 CC1706 B72Q D 17 84.8 06/19/2008 6:23 AAL1698 MD80 D 17 83.4 06/08/200818:07 AAL1955 MD80 D 17 82.6 06/271200814:27 AAL1905 MD80 D 17 81.9 06/27/200811:24 AAL1683 MD80 D 17 81 06/08/200816:43 NWA19 B744 D 22 80.9 06/12/200814:48 NWA529W DC90 D 17 80.6 06/13/200815:59 DAL1593 MD80 D 30L 80 06/07/2008 8:57 AAL661 MD80 D 17 79.8 06/06/200817:23 NWA1434 DC9Q D 22 79.6 Report Generated: 07/10/2008 12:22 "0 -33- Top Ten Loudest Aircraft Noise Events for MSP June 2008 (RMT Site##34) Red Oak Park, Burnsville Date /Time Flight Number Aircraft Type Arrival/ Departure Runway Lmax(dB) 06/13/200814:19 NWA494 DC9Q D 17 81.4 06/2712008 9:00 AAL661 MD80 D 17 80.8 06/13/200817:05 AAL2072 MD80 D 17 80.8 06/28/2008 6:27 AAL1698 MD80 D 17 80.5 06/09/200811:20 NWA144 DC9Q D 17 80.2 06/06/200817:23 NWA1434 DC9Q D 22 79.7 06/13/2008 7 :13 CC1706 B72Q D 17 79.7 06/12/2008 7,14 NWA138 DC9Q D 17 79.7 06/18/2008 6:23 AAL1698 MD80 D 17 79.6 06125/200814:46 NWA1529 DC9Q D 17 79.4 (RMT Site #35) 2100 Garnet Ln., Eagan Date/Time Flight Number Aircraft Type Arrival/ Departure Runway Lmax(dB) 06/13/2008 22:39 DHL197 B72Q D 17 90.6 06/17/200818:49 EJA339 C680 A 35 89.9 06/17/200811:39 NWA302 B757 A 35 88,2 06117/200815:40 NWA587 B757 A 35 86.7 06/02/200815:53 NWA1084 A319 D 17 86.4 06/19/200815:27 TRS851 B7377 A 35 86.4 06/30/200810 :34 NWA1483 A319 A 35 86.3 06/05/200816:04 NWA435 B757 A 35 86.2 06110/200817:27 CHQ5380 E135 A 35 86 06/16/200810 :25 UAL203 B733 A 35 85.9 (RMT Site #36) Briar Oaks & Scout Pond, Apple Valley Date /Time Flight Number Aircraft Type Arrival/ Departure Runway Lmax(dB) 06/13/2008 7:40 NWA138 DC9Q D 17 83.2 06/17/2008 22:47 DHL197 B72Q D 17 82.6 06/03/2008 7:19 NWA138 DC9Q D 17 82.2 06/10/2008 6:14 AAL756 MD80 D 17 81.6 06/11/2008 7:46 NWA866 DC9Q D 17 81.6 06/28/200817:42 NWA136 DC9Q D 17 81.6 06/07/200811:12 AAL1683 MD80 D 17 81.4 06/18/2008 7:00 NWA448 A320 D 17 81 06114/2008 22:59 SCX346 B738 A 35 81 06/09/2008 6:24 AAL1698 MD80 D 17 80.9 i -34- Report Generated: 07/10/2008 12:22 Top Ten Loudest Aircraft Noise Events for MSP June 2008 (RMT Site #37) 4399 Woodqate Ln, N., Eaqan Date /Time Flight Number Aircraft Type Arrival/ Departure Runway Lmax(dB) 06/04/200814 :23 AAL1258 MD80 D 17 84.6 06/04/200810:39 NWA436 A320 D 17 84.3 06/12/2008 9 :45 AAL1359 MD80 D 17 82.8 06/04/200817:51 AAL1955 MD80 D 17 82.5 06/12/200811:52 AAL1258 MD80 D 17 81.8 06/11/200812:22 AAL1683 MD80 D 17 81.7 06/03/200819:26 ARUM MD80 D 17 81.4 06/12/200815 :58 NWA1176 DC9Q D 17 81.4 06/04/2008 9:21 NWA126 DC9Q D 17 81.4 06/12/200810:20 NWA134 DC9Q D 17 81.4 (RMT Site #38) 3957 Turauoise Cir., Eaqan Date /Time Flight Number Aircraft Type Arrival/ Departure Runway Lmax(dB) 06/12/2008 22:44 DHL197 B72Q D 17 86,1 06/03/200819:26 AAL2072 MD80 D 17 84.4 06/04/200814:26 CPZ2072 E170 D 17 84.3 06/08/200813:46 NWA1696 DC9Q D 17 84.1 06/06/200816:48 AAL2337 MD80 D 22 83.9 06/24/200815:39 AAL352 MD80 D 17 83.8 06/04/200819:25 NWA1432 DC9Q D 17 83,5 06/04/200813:41 NWA1696 DC9Q D 17 83.3 06/06/200812:31 DAL1621 MD80 D 22 83.3 06/11/200817:31 AAL2072 MD80 D 17 82.8 (RMT Site #39) 3477 St. Charles PI., Eaqan Date /Time Flight Number Aircraft Type Arrival/ Departure Runway Lmax(dB) 06/03/2008 22:48 DHL197 B72Q D 17 88.9 06/24/2008 9:41 AAL1359 MD80 D 17 85,3 06/25/2008 2:59 CC1705 B72Q D 17 85.1 06/06/2008 20 :54 AAL352 MD80 D 17 84.7 06/24/2008 '14:16 AAL2337 MD80 D 17 84.2 06/11/200812:23 AAL1258 MD80 D 17 83,9 06/05/2008 23:00 CC11705 B72Q D 17 83.2 06/24/2008 22:29 DHL197 B72Q D 17 83.2 06/1212008 23:28 CC1705 B72Q D 17 83,2 06/12/200814:01 NWA1258 DC9Q D 17 83.1 June 2008 Remote Monitoring Tower Top Ten Summary The top ten noise events and the event ranges at each RMT for June 2008 were comprised of 87.4% departure operations. The predominant top ten aircraft type was the DC9Q with 48.7% of the highest Lmax events. June 2008 Technical Advisor Report Notes Unknown fields are due to unavailability of FAA flight track data. Missing FAA radar data for 0 days during the month of June 2008. Report Generated: 07/10/2008 12:22 � I -35- Analysis of Aircraft Noise Events DNL June 2008 Remote Monitoring Towers Date #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 1 #11 1 #12 #13 li #14 #15 06/01/2008 54,1 53.6 60.2 61.2 69,1 73,5 62.6 57.9 38.3 55.8 46 34.5 42,1 56,6 45.6 06/02/2008 57.6 60.8 61.7 63.4 70.5 73.2 62.8 61.7 49,5 54.1 42.6 NA 51.7 62.2 53 06/03/2008 61.2 63.8 67 64.5 71.2 69.6 46.3 NA 47.6 28.8 NA 46.4 57.2 63 61.6 06/04/2008 60.1 63.3 65.1 64.2 69.4 70.1 45.9 31.4 50.1 57.4 40.7 29 59,4 67 62.8 06/05/2008 62.6 65 68 66.2 72.3 71.4 55,9 56.5 26.2 50.7 53 43.9 59.9 63.7 64.3 06/06/2008 60.7 61.8 67.6 63.4 72.3 70.1 51 51.4 64.1 65 42,7 37,6 60,9 66.5 63.8 06/07/2008 58,8 60 63 63.7 70,5 74:2 591 58.7 51.6 57.9 516 33,4 53.3 62,7 55.1 06/08/2008 57.9 60 62.7 63.9 71.4 76.5 59.3 64 45.5 43.9 56.7 NA 56.2 63.2 58.9 06/09 /2008 56.7 58.3 61.6 64.2 71,7 78.9 63.2 66.4 45.2 35.9 35 31.2 34 61.8 39.4 06/10/2008 57 58.5 62.2 64.5 71.9 76 61.8 66 40.2 35.3 NA 43.2 NA 60.9 47.4 06/11/2008 63.7 65.4 69.5 65.1 73.2 70.4 49,8 48 40.4 54.2 46,9 32.2 57.7 63.6 61.7 06/12/2008 58.3 59.2 65,4 62.1 70.1 72,1 51.3 59.3 39.5 NA NA NA 59.9 62.9 63.4 06/13/2008 53.8 55,3 58.9 63 71.3 74.3 61.6 61.8 NA NA 38.7 NA 33.9 65.6 49,7 06/14/2008 51 53.7 56.7 59.3 70 72.5 j 64.4 58.8 33.4 30.9 37.6 NA 29.3 61.3 34:5 06/15/2008 57.1 57,3 60.9 61 70.1 73.9 62.7 60.9 NA NA NA NA 442 63.8 48,2 06/16/2008 55.3 57:3 59.8 61.7 70.6 73.3 65.5 64.4 41.8 NA NA 41.8 26.7 61.3 41 06/17/2008 55,1 55.7 58.2 62.3 69.4 73.7 61,7 60.8 45.5 57.4 50,9 30,2 43.8 63.7 39.2 06/18/2008 53.6 55.1 60.7 61.8 71.6 73.3 62.7 63.2 NA 34.1 52.3 40.2 38.8 60.5 34.7 06/19/2008 53.6 54.7 57.8 63,1 70.7 74 60,6 63.3 NA NA 30.4' NA 25.5 61.1 423 06/20/2008 54.8 59.6 59.3 60.8 71.1 73,2 63.8 61,3 39.9 38.5 47,3 32,8 34.5 63.6 39 06/21/2008 53 53.9 55.6 59.6 68.7 72.6 62.7 61.4 35.5 31.9 46.4 32.4 NA 59.4 47,2 06/22/2008 52.4 54.9 60.2 64.3 72.5 71.8 65.3 58.9 25.2 54.8 48.8 NA 42,7 59.4 51 06/23/2008 56.4 58.3 63.3 61.6 70.2 71,1 59,3 59.5 37.3 55 50.9 41.7 58.8 61.3 62.4 06/24/2008 59.3 60 65.8 61.8 70.1 67.8 43.5 31.5 NA NA NA NA 58.9 63.6 60.8 06/25/2008 54.6 56,6 61 63.7 69.7 72.6 61.8 60.8 NA 25.2 31.6 33.8 52.7 63.3 64.3 06/26/2008 56.2 60.5 62 61.9 68.8 70.2 56.7 59,7 NA 36.6 27 34.8 57.6 63,5 60.1 06/27/2008 57.1 60.2 64.2 63.1 70.3 72.9 58.3 60.9 41 39.8 NA 41,2 56,5 64 61,4 06/28/2008 56.7 57.8 61.2 63.4 70 713 61.4 60.4 NA NA NA NA NA 60.7 NA 06/29/2008 52.1 53.1 57.7 59.1 68,9 72.6 64 60.1 32,1 54,6 53,3 34.6 30.2 59,7 42.9 06/30/2008 53,5 54.9 60.5 60.5 702 73.4 60.7 62.1 NA 30 NA 39.9 32.2 60.8 39.6 Mo.DNL 57,7 59.7 63.3 62.9 70.7 73.3 61.3 61.1 50.2 53.6 47.9 37.8 54,7 62.9 58,6 -36- Report Generated: 07/10/2008 12 :22 Analysis of Aircraft Noise Events DNL June 2008 Remote Monitoring Towers Date #16 #17 #18 #19 #20 #21 #22 #23 #24 #25' 1 #26 #27 #28 #29 06/01/2008 61.8 51.2 51.8 48,1 52.7 31.7 53,7 52.3 57 42,5 45,3 55.3 59,2 55;6 06/02/2008 65.8 45.5 55.8 53.6 44.5 61.3 55.6 60.5 59.4 53.3 53 59.3 601 51.4 06/03/2008 63.9 38.8 61.3 58.6 45.1 54.2 54.6 66 58,8 54.7 57,1 37,3 61.9 NA 06/04/2008 67.5 51.1 59.4 55,1 44.5 56 56.8 69.4 62.8 54 60.2 45.8 59,2 NA 06/05/2008 67.7 36.8 62.6 57,6 28 55 54.6 69.1 59,6 58.8 54.4 45,6 64.7 NA 06/06/2008 66,9 54.9 64.8 59.7 52,7 54.9 57.3 69 62.3 55,3 60.1 46.7 58,4 39.6 06/07/2008 65.7 55.1 . NA 52,2 39.2 52.3 56,5 61.3 60.2 46,8 56,5 55.5 55,9 53.1 06/08/2008 66 56 NA 51.8 37.7 52 57.5 65.6 61.4 49.1 55.4 56.6 577 52.4 06/09/2008 62.8 54.2 60.4 55.7 54.6 46.2 57.7 54 61 43.8 52.9 62.4 59.8 61.7 06/10/2008 65.3 47.8 55.7 57.1 49.6 40,1 57.8 53.4 60.7 39.1 149.8 58.3 61 57.5 06/11/2008 65.6 31.3 61.3 60,3 NA 512 53.8 66.2 59.7 52.3 58.6 46 63,6 NA 06/12/2008 67.1 45 58,8 58.4 32.8 54.4 55.7 68.5 58.2 55.3 56.9 52.1 56.5 51 06/13/2008 67.5 55.7 57.7 54.9 57,3 46,4 59,5 55.6 63.5 46 55.9 56 60,1 58,5 06/14/2008 65.1 53.1 59 51.1 54.5 43.6 58.1 51.2 60.7 42.8 49 56,9 61.8 55.1 06/15/2008 65.6 49.3 53.9 42,3 40.7 39.5 58.4 59.1 61.8 40.8 54.6 56,9 59.2 57.9 06/16/2008 66.1 43.4 49.8 46.3 46.6 43.8 56.9 47.9 60.5 46.7 46.7 58.6 62,3 58.2 06/17/2008 67.4 55.6 55,7 55.6 57.4 41,4 59.1 54.3 j 62.3 35.2 j 53 56.9 61.5 j 57.4 06/18/2008 65.2 50.3 57 51.7 51.3 32 58.3 47,8 60.4 43.5 47.4 60.9 60.6 55.1 06/19/2008 66.5 52,6 58.4 54.2 52.1 48.5 58.7 46.3 614 44.4 52 58.1 58.9 54,2 06/20/2008 67,3 51.5 56,4 53.3 52,5 44.5 58,2 48.8 61.9 43.1 52.5 59.7 59.5 60.1 06/21/2008 64.1 54.7 58.1 51,8 47.9 34.9 55.7 50.8 58,8 35.6 42.7 54.5 59.5 56.4 06/22/2008 64.2 31.2 44.2 39.3 44.7 45.3 55.8 44.8 60 35.4 44.1 59.8 62.2 55.3 06/23/2008 64.8 28.9 54,9 52,7 NA 55 56.5 68.2 58.8 50.8 56.3 55,2 58.4 51.2 06/24/2008 65.8 51.6 60.3 54.5. 37 55.3 55.6 66.8 59.8 56.6 60.2 46.2 54.6 NA 06/25/2008 66.5 45.3 58 51.4 51.4 50.6 58.3 60.2 61 52,8 55.6 56.1 58.8 54.6 06/26/2008 67.4 52.1 59.4 53.9 42.4 53.5 57.9 65.1 61 54 55.1 53,3 56.6 49.6 06/27/2008 66.6 55.6 57.5 52,6 54.4 56.2 56.7 65.6 61.1 54.7 54.5 55,7 59 54.9 06/28/2008 64.2 56.9 57.8 52 53.5 31.1 56.5 49.8 59.7 40.5 44.4 57.8 58.1 56.5 06/29/2008 64 NA 43.6 NA 33,8 403 55,8 45.8 58.9 37,7 48.7 59.2 59,3 57.4 06/30/2008 61.4 49.6 56.7 54.4 51.4 49 54,1 47.2 57.9 37,8 45 57 61.1 56.1 Mo.DNL 65.8 52 58.4 54.7 50.9 152.4 57 63.6 60.6 51.3 55 56.9 60,2 55.5 Report Generated: 07/10/2008 12:22 1 -37- Analysis of Aircraft Noise Events DNL June 2008 Remote Monitoring Towers Date #30 #31 #32 #33 #34 #35 #36 #37 #38 #39 06101/2008 59.2 48.7 50.5 43.7 42.3 53.2 54.6 43.1 NA NA 06/02/2008 62.2 47.1 46.9 47.3 342 52.7 50.8 47.3 50.6 53.2 06/03/2008 66,7 49,2 43,1 46,9 47,3 52.6 43.9 48.4 52.2 60.2 06/04/2008 64.9 44.4 33.1 49.3 39.7 51.3 40,7 53 55,6 53.9 06/05/2008 64.9 44.1 NA 51 46 50.5 48.4 49.3 52.2 57.3 06/06/2008 64.5 53 49.8 54 47.9 55.3 48.3 53.4 53.2 55.2 06/07/2008 61.1 44.9 45 46.7 41.9 54,1 56.2 39.1 48.8 43.9 06/08/2008 60.6 44 33.8 49,2 39.7 48.2 50.7 44.6 46.1 41.9 06/09/2008 62.2 50,9 47.4 51.8 47.9 59.1 57.5 41,2 41.1 NA 06/10/2008 61.6 48.2 44.8 44.8 42.4 59.7 58 40.6 38 293 06/11/2008 67.9 53.6 46.8 42.8 44.2 54.3 51.3 50.7 54.4 55.2 06/12/2008 64,7 49.1 46.4 51.9 45.6 52.2 44.3 56 59 55.7 06/13/2008 63.7 53.5 51.1 52 50,9 61.4 53 51.4 45,9 34 06/14/2008 57.4 45.4 44.5 42.5 40.6 56.4 58.8 42.3 j 41.8 NA 06/15/2008 50.9 29 42.7 NA 27.8 54 56.4 NA NA NA 06/16/2008 51.1 32,4 44.3 29 36.4 55.7 56.5 NA NA 39.1 06/17/2008 64 56.1 43.3 50.2 49.9 60.2 59.3 43.4 41.4 NA 06/18/2008 66 513 48.7 51.2 53.7 57.6 57.8 47.8 NA 42.3 06/19/2008 63,3 52.3 48.7 55.1 46.5 58.8 56.4 50.6 NA NA 06/20/2008 61.2 42,3 40.5 47.4 38.9 55.4 55.8 39.1 NA NA 06/21 /2008 57.1 43.1 NA 44.4 30.6 54,7 56,6 35.3 NA 43.6 06/22/2008 51 38.4 40.8 NA 40.3 53.1 56.2 NA NA NA 06/23/2008 63,2 43.2 28.2 44.4 44.4 53 52.8 48.3 50.9 53.3 06/24/2008 63.3 47.2 41.3 46.7 37.7 49.7 40.2 52 54.7 57.9 06/25/2008 61.7 44.3 42.8 46.7 44.4 52,3 53,5 45,4 47.5 56.6 06/26/2008 65.1 49.4 48.3 49.4 43.6 54.6 52,1 49.4 53.7 54.4 06/27/2008 62.2 52.1 49.8 49 44.1 55 52,2 44.1 49.2 46.1 06/28/2008 60.4 50 34,4 47.6 51.2 58.3 56,1 48.6 49,1 NA 06/29/2008 49.9 NA NA NA NA 51.5 54.5 40.2 NA NA 06/30/2008 63.9 45.8 47.1 53 49.4 58,6 58.5 44.8 25.9 NA Mo.DNL 62.9 49.2 45.8 49.1 46.1 56 55.1 148.4 50,2 52 -38- �r Report Generated: 07/10/2008 12:22 06/01/2008 - 06/30/2008 Runway 17 Departure Analysis Report Minneapolis -St. Paul International Airport *This report is for informational urposes only and cannot be used for enforcergiertt purposes. S�) 3140 Carrier Jets Departed Runway 17 - 06/01/2008 - 06/30/2008 . .......... ....... . . ..... OP414 L.L,Ij F gr L .... . ....... N, "M S I Vili I�! �� II �X I ! A -g- 1'1'p' oi ........... , -------- Q I. VN- �pn ............. . . . . . . . . . . . ,S igg 4" Runway 17 Departure Overflight Grid Analysis Metropolitan Airports Commission Runway 17 Departure Analysis Report - 0610112008-0613012008. Report Generated: 0710812008 12:59 won= M 111 MEN ANON 31 In$ 101 Metropolitan Airports Commission Runway 17 Departure Analysis Report - 0610112008-0613012008. Report Generated: 0710812008 12:59 Runway 17 Carrier Jet Departure Operations - 06/01/2008-06/30/2008 0 3117 (99.3 %) West Bound Carrier Jet 23 (0.7 %) Carrier Jet Departure Departure Operations Flying the Runway 17 Jet Operations Turned West Before Passing Over the Departure Procedure (Passing Over the 2.5 NM Runway 17 2.5 NM Turn Point. This is 1.7% of Turn Point) and Runway 17 Eastbound Carrier Jet 1388 Westbound Departures Departure Operations Il iinl; llkli f4(jiIY 1 I! I I` / I'- I11 I�I 1,!`. Vh 4'� <` c ` r � � ff .a � .f .��_ E, I'' ti1�� ti�i •.,... ..-7' It I I\i\� rRa114�1t1 1 1 } r� % LIT ll` 11� 1if Ii• ! } fro�Al .Ln L�� ` u �h 111 I J! Sl - / ffiuntls5 L r J'I 1\ I ^ ,_ -,..., t i -,;li I�• . � I� b \ �� :�.tt lit �V J. (4 i I \- •- 1 Run A10I 116 Tu 1\Psn 4 . III +.• ,I I , � � � �u•,I��,,,,I,t,:�: 1 i � � \4�erCyt }yr�1�p,S,iu /: iltd l \ t �F �( {r+xgif} ` ®t} \4 Lurn vlller r/. .. /,1 �'� :! �trir�l r l illl1 _ 4 t ti•i t f \ ( 7 l, lli9�,i�dl�'li�il t. �1 t yAA r 55 l S f f t �• u s .. ! _ %/ 1 r i77 J+' , Xlftillll nCA 1 � 5>af � � } ♦ t � t � \ I �_l 7�r t1 � AiRK 1q K � •(' J !! ) YS r 5 1T •(�'7/i��Ji \'"'Mik'y t�.t �'llut��f�A4i5f *��Yk�sTiki ✓� s Jyl tti .f'•b. /f \} ./A 511 } ll \i ...q -_ \\,. Metropolitan Airports Commission Runway 17 Departure Analysis Report- 0610112008- 0613012008. Report Generated: 0710812008 12 :59 - 2 - 5S Runway 17 Nighttime Carrier Jet Departure Operations - 06/0112008 - 06/30/2008 c�tiStYLc.ul�,f ,? P E,'F IIJ.'� EI Ir' - 11�1,oaptll5l f j J�} , _ f 4' es sattlu tinit ! (I + t 1 F t 71 rl ,rl, -FdrT E �! r�J (, 4fi c. y.— rf� ;. �t .�+ FF'F �*,�t }tilTtyUl'a I ! _R Saufh San !I a1� �• a� �. !t! li i r Rlchfi�lcl I� � � ��r� N• i '�. "` ���� .._..1 � , t�: I l I Sunfish Late i! ,w �1. rl�y M" l p /1(� }ifi ,r '"� 1 ..-N. -J� �` ,.E l M-+' ` _.1-:4: i �:7 fpr I t �q"# K l t i t i r + II (I -,, 41 Vk r, r -' J III , '. ,,� � `�- •-� --,.,� /' .- - - �F ' � 11 j r � ( 4 . "A'- 7/0 !!! JJJ y 80 Nighttime Carrier Jet Departure Operations off of Runway 17 in 06/0112008 — 06/30/2008 (10:30 p.m.- 6:00a.m.) 6 (7.5%) West Bound Carrier Jet matey 17 (21,3 %) West Bound Carrier Jet Departures Turned West Between 2.5 and 3.0 NM Departures Turned West After 3.0 NM from Start of from Start of Takeoff and Remained Over the Takeoff and Remained Over the Minnesota River Minnesota River Valley (trending with Runway 17 Valley (trending with Runway 17 River Departure River Departure Heading) Procedure) 3 (3.8 %) Carrier Jet Departures Turned 29 (36.3 %) Remaining West Bound West Before Passing Over the Runway 17 2.5 NM Carrier Jet Departures Flew the Runway 17 Jet Turn Point Departure Procedure (Passing Over the 2.5 NM Turn Point), and with an enroute heading to the destination airport 25 (31.3 %) Other Nighttime Carrier Jet Departure Operations Metropolitan Airports Commission Runway 17 Departure Analysis Report - 06/01/2008- 06/30/2008. Report Generated: 0710812008 12 :59 - 3 - Remote Monitoring Tower (RMT) Site Locations I E Iriplly,1nt Loui,"Itj W, PI) I MAM', ss N Q2 oy) iW E,dinl 14� .L 11 Ot 16 U I A \,--I ---------- �17 19 Jj 24 IIA ..... . ..... it r ... . ..... ... ... ........... .. .. pplc:valley & LEG-END Existing RNIT's M 711 k Runway 17-35 'RMT's % Metropolitan Airports Commission Runway 17 Departure Analysis Report - 0610112008-0613012008. Report Generated: 0710812008 12:59 - 4 - S r/ Analysis of Aircraft Noise Levels - DNL dBA 06/01/2008- 06/30/2008 Date #30 #31 #32 433 #34 #35 #36 437 1 #38 #39 1 59.2 487 50.5 43.7 42,3 53.2 54.6 43.1 NA NA 2 62.2 47.1 46.9 47.3 34,2 52.7 50.8 47.3 50.6 512 3 66.7 49.2 43.1 46.9 47.3 52.6 43,9 48.4 52.2 60.2 4 64.9 44.4 33.1 49,3 39.7 51.3 40.7 53 55.6 53.9 5 64.9 44.1 NA 51 46 50,5 48,4 49.3 52,2 57.3 6 64.5 53 49.8 54 47,9 55.3 48,3 53.4 53,2 55,2 7 61.1 44.9 45 46,7 41.9 54.1 56.2 39.1 48,8 43,9 8 60.6 44 33.8 49.2 39.7 48.2 50.7 44.6 46.1 41.9 9 62,2 50,9 47.4 51,8 47,9 59.1 57,5 41,2 41.1 NA 10 61.6 48.2 44.8 44.8 42.4 59.7 58 40,6 38 29.3 11 67.9 53.6 46,8 42.8 44.2 54,3 51.3 50.7 54.4 55.2 12 64.7 49.1 46.4 51,9 45.6 52.2 44.3 56 59 55.7 13 63.7 53.5 51.1 52 50,9 61.4 53 51.4 45,9 34 14 57.4 45,4 44,5 42,5 40.6 56.4 58.8 42.3 41,8 NA 15 50.9 29 42,7 NA 27,8 54 56.4 NA NA NA 16 51.1 32.4 44.3 29 36.4 55.7 56.5 NA NA 39.1 17 64 56.1 43.3 50,2 49.9 60.2 59.3 43.4 41.4 NA 18 66 51.3 487 51.2 53.7 57.6 57.8 47.8 NA 42,3 19 63.3 52.3 48.7 55.1 46.5 58.8 56.4 50.6 NA NA 20 61.2 42.3 40;5 47.4 38.9 55.4 55.8 39.1 NA NA 21 57.1 43.1 NA 44.4 30,6 54.7 56.6 35.3 NA 43.6 22 51 38A 40.8 NA 40.3 53.1 56.2 NA NA NA 23 63.2 43.2 28,2 44.4 44.4 53 52,8 48.3 50,9 53.3 24 63.3 47.2 41.3 46.7 37.7 49.7 402 52 54.7 57:9 25 61.7 44.3 42.8 46.7 44,4 52.3 53.5 45.4 47,5 56.6 26 65.1 49,4 48,3 49,4 43,6 54,6 52,1 49,4 53,7 54.4 27 62,2 52,1 49,8 49 44.1 55 52,2 44,1 49.2 46,1 28 60,4 50 34,4 47.6 51,2 58.3 56.1 48.6 49.1 NA 29 49,9 NA NA NA NA 51,5 54.5 40.2 NA NA 30 63.9 45.8 47.1 53 49.4 58,6 58,5 44,8 25,9 NA Av, DNL 62.9 49.2 45.8 49,1 46,1 56 55,1 48.4 50,2 52 Metropolitan Airports Commission Runway 17 Departure Analysis Report - 0610112008- 0613012008. Report Generated: 0710812008 12:59 - 5 - .- Community Vs. Aircraft Noise Levels DNL dBA 06/01 /2008- 06/30/2008 RMT Community DNL Aircraft DNL Aircraft DNL Aircraft DNL ORD 06/01/05- 06/30/05 06/01/06- 06/30/06 06/01/07- 06/30/07 06/0112008- 06/30/2008 30 59.7 60.1 64.6 62.9 31 60,1 46 49.8 49.2 32 58 42,5 47 45.8 33 58.6 48,3 49.4 49.1 34 60.6 44,2 46 46.1 35 61.8 49.9 53,4 56 36 62,9 52.4 53.3 55.1 37 63.3 46.6 50.2 48.4 38 62.4 .47,8 53,6 50.2 39 61.6 45.9 56.3 52 Top 15 Runway 17 Departure Destination Report Airport City Heading (deg.) #Ops Percent of Total Ops ORD CHICAGO (O -HARE) 124° 119 3,8% DFW DALLAS/ FORT WORTH 193° 116 3,7% DEN DENVER 237° 111 3.5% STL ST LOUIS 160° 79 2.5% ATL ATLANTA 149° 67 2.1% IAH HOUSTON 185° 50 1.6% PHX PHOENIX 231° 44 1.4% MEM MEMPHIS 162° 38 1.2% CLT CHARLOTTE 1330 38 1.2% MCI KANSAS CITY 1880 37 1.2% FSD SIOUX FALLS 245° 36 1.1% IND INDIANAPOLIS 134° 35 1.1% DSM DES MOINES 180° 31 1% LAX LOS ANGELES 238° 30 1% MCO ORLANDO 151' 30 1% Metropolitan Airports Commission Runway 17 Departure Analysis Report - 0610112008- 0613012008. Report Generated: 07/08/2008 12:59 - 6 - ( S `� ITEM 3 MEMORANDUM TO: MSP Noise Oversight Committee (NOC) FROM: Chad E. Leqve, Manager — Aviation Noise and Satellite Programs SUBJECT: UPDATE ON RNAV PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTATION DATE: July 2, 2008 At the May 21, 2008 Noise Oversight Committee (NOC) meeting the Committee was informed that staff had conducted three meetings with representatives from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and Northwest Airlines to discuss the use of Area navigation (RNAV) in the context of the Crossing -in- the - Corridor Procedure and the 215 - degree departure heading off Runway 17 (down the Minnesota River Valley). At the May 21St meeting the Committee endorsed the implementation of these nighttime RNAV procedures and directed staff to send letters to both the FAA (Mr. Carl Rydeen) and Northwest Airlines (Mr. Frank Alexander) thanking them for their efforts and endorsing the implementation of the procedures. (See Attachments A and B) Since the May 21St NOC meeting MAC staff, the FAA, and Northwest Airlines have continued to evaluate and plan for the implementation of the procedures. All of the procedure tracks have been finalized, the databases are being developed for the respective aircraft (A319/320/330, B757 and Northwest Airlines Regional Jets), and the procedures are being flight tested by Northwest Airlines in their flight simulators. The track segments that will follow the initial departure segments for all of the procedures have been finalized with a focus on overlaying existing departure routes. ('See Attachments C and D) The FAA is in the process of developing the Letter of Agreement that will be signed by the Agency and Northwest Airlines outlining the logistical elements of FAA procedure assignment and flight crew acceptance and other elements related to procedural usage. The procedures are planned to be available for use during the nighttime hours by Northwest Airline flight crews in late September 2008. At the July 16, 2008 NOC meeting staff will provide an update on the progress of the implementation process to date. Wiff NZA Attachment A 1 NOISE OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE (NOC) Minneapolis /St. Paul International Airport (MSP) May 30, 2008 Minneapolis Airport FAA ATCT Attn: Mr. Carl Rydeen Manager — MSP Air Traffic Control Tower 6311 34th Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55450 RE: Area Navigation Procedures at Minneapolis /St, Paul International Airport Dear Mr. Rydeen, The Minneapolis /St. Paul International Airport (MSP) Noise Oversight Committee (NOC) is a twelve member Committee comprised of six airport user representatives and six community representatives that makes airport noise related recommendations to the Metropolitan Airports Commission (MAC). At the May 21, 2008 NOC meeting, MAC staff briefed the Committee on the progress being made with Area Navigation (RNAV) procedure implementation at MSP in the case of the Eagan/Mendota Heights Departure Corridor and the 215 - degree departure track off Runway 17. It is clear that progress in this regard would not be possible without your willingness to collaborate on strategies for addressing noise concerns around MSP. Pursuant to the Committee's direction at the May 21" meeting, as the Co- Chairs of the NOC, we would like to express our sincere gratitude, on behalf of the Committee, for your efforts to date to implement RNAV procedures during the nighttime hours at MSP to help reduce noise impacts. Moreover, we want to voice the NOC's strong support of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and Northwest Airlines entering into a Letter of Agreement (LOA) to begin the implementation of RNAV procedures for the Crossing -in- the - Corridor point for departures off of 12L and 12R, as well as an RNAV departure procedure for the 215 - degree track off Runway 17 for use by properly equipped Northwest Airlines aircraft during the nighttime hours when available. Once again, thank you for your continued contributions to this effort. This initiative will provide excellent data for analysis and, hopefully, a legitimate starting point for the consideration of this technology for wider application in the future at MSP. Sin re.ly, Vern Wilcox NOC Co -Chair & City Council Member — City of Bloomington Kathleen Nelson NOC Co -Chair & Northwest Airlines Regional Director — Airline Affairs cc: MSP NOC MAC Commissioners Mr. Jeff Hamiel, MAC Executive Director Mr, Denny Probst, MAC Deputy Executive Director — Planning and Environment �)1 . .... ... .. ........ .._.......... NOISE OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE ITTEE ( O ) r Minneapolis /St. Paul International Airport (MSP) May 30, 2008 Mr. Frank Alexander Northwest Airlines — Chief Pilot Technical Programs 8504 Birch Boulevard Inver Grove Heights, MN 55076, RE: Area Navigation Procedures at Minneapolis /St. Paul International Airport Dear Mr. Alexander, Attachment B The Minneapolis /St, Paul International Airport (MSP) Noise Oversight Committee (NOC) is a twelve member Committee comprised of six airport user representatives, including Northwest Airlines, and six community representatives that makes airport noise related recommendations to the Metropolitan Airports Commission (MAC). At the May 21, 2008 NOC meeting, MAC staff briefed the Committee on the progress being made with Area Navigation (RNAV) procedure implementation at MSP in the case of the Eagan/Mendota Heights Departure Corridor and the 215 - degree departure track off Runway 17. It is clear that progress in this . regard would not be possible without your willingness to collaborate on strategies for addressing noise concerns around MSP. Pursuant to the Committee's direction at the May 2151 meeting, as the Co- Chairs of the NOC, we would like to express our sincere gratitude, on behalf of the Committee, for your efforts to date to implement RNAV procedures during the nighttime hours at MSP to help reduce noise impacts. Moreover, we want to voice the NOC's strong support of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and Northwest Airlines entering into a Letter of Agreement (LOA) to begin the implementation of RNAV procedures for the Crossing -in -the- Corridor point for departures off of 12L and 12R, as well as an RNAV departure procedure for the 215 - degree track off Runway 17 for use by properly equipped Northwest Airlines aircraft during the nighttime hours when available. Once again, thank you for your continued contributions to this effort. This initiative will provide excellent data for analysis and, hopefully, a legitimate starting point for the consideration of this technology for wider application in the future at MSP. Sincerely, l y "Vern Wilcox NOC Co -Chair & City Council Member — City of Bloomington Kathleen Nelson NOC'. Co- Chair & Northwest Airlines Regional Director -- Airline Affairs cc: MSP NOC MAC Commissioners Mr. Jeff Hamiel, MAC Executive Director Mr. Denny Probst, MAC Deputy Executive Director — Planning and Environment f EP 6 LU �f a j n �' I v� <�n�' ,�. m.v f3 'Mac a E _ m y, a co cW ,v tl m U n C - EP 6 ITEM 4 TO: MSP Noise Oversight Committee (NOC) FROM: Chad E. Legve, Manager — Aviation Noise and Satellite Programs SUBJECT: INPUT ON MAC NOISE AND OPERATIONS MONITORING SYSTEM (MACNOMS) FUNCTIONALITY DATE: July 2, 2008 The 2008 Metropolitan Airport Commission (MAC) Capital Improvement Program (CIP) includes $500,000 to upgrade the Airport Noise and Operations Monitoring Systems (ANOMS) technology at MSP. The upgraded system will consist of three main components: data processing software, a multilateration flight track data acquisition system, and new analysis /reporting system software. The modular approach that is being developed as part of this process at MAC represents a new and non - traditional way for airports to acquire noise and flight track monitoring /analysis /reporting capabilities. This was recently highlighted in the August 2008 edition of the Noise Regulation Report. (See Attachment A) . MAC has a shared expense contract with Harris, Miller, Miller & Hanson (HMMH) to team on the development of new data processing software, and on June 11, 2008 MAC signed a contract with the Era Systems Corporation to provide a new multilateration flight track data acquisition system. MAC is now in the process of contracting with various application development providers to help develop the new reporting and analysis functionality that will be provided with the new MAC Noise and Operations Monitoring System (MACNOMS). Special attention is being given to leveraging existing hardware, database technology, reporting and analysis applications, and staff talents. This will enhance staff's analysis capabilities while maintaining existing levels of reporting functionality. Moreover, the new system architecture provides new opportunities for the ongoing enhancement of reporting services to the public. At the July 16, 2008 NOC meeting MAC staff would like to begin an ongoing dialog with Committee members to receive input on possible web -based reporting and /or monthly report enhancement ideas to consider in this phase of the project and in future development efforts. (05— Attachment A Noise Regulation Rep'ort The Nation's Leading Independent Publication for Noise Regulation, Research, and Litigation News "r Vol. 35 No. 5 June 2008 Page 49 Special Reprint- Not for Distribution Minneapolis -St. Paul Develops Modular Noise Monitoring system The Metropolitan Airports Commission (MAC) is taking a significantly new approach in redesigning the noise monitoring and tracking sys- tem for Minneapolis -St. Paul International Airport (MSP). Rather than use a suite of services packaged by a single vendor, MAC is developing a modular system that will allow greater flexibility and en- hanced features at a lower cost, The new system has three main components: ERA will perform the flight data acquisition and Harris Miller Miller & Hanson the data processing, then MAC, working with open source technology providers, will develop the front end, reporting, and data analysis functionality. "This type of model is exciting," Chad Leqve, MAC aviation noise pro- gram manager, told NRR. 'Significant Savings' "It opens the door to a greater degree of en- hancements and flexibility in tracking and reporting noise through a variety of vendors. The system can make use of existing technologies without the need for costly maintenance contracts, resulting in sig- nificant savings." The analysis and functionality is 100 percent scalable, said Leqve. "We can do a lot of the devel- opment in -house and have the added ability to lev- erage expertise from non -noise and non- aviation fields like database administration, web develop- ment, and GIS. I think this is an exciting develop- ment for airports." By early 2009 MAC expects to have a system in place that will give the public the ability to track . flights in and out of MSP and view associated noise levels within 24 hours of a flight. Near real -time capabilities will follow soon afterward. In This Issue GAO Sees NextGen Challenges .............. Page 50 Logan Noise Study Advances ................. Page 51 to Deploy Modular Noise System.. Page 53 Miami Considers Community Panels,.... Page 53 Salt Lake County Revises Noise Regs..... Page 54 Aviation Noise Forecast Makes Waves., Page 55 Special Report. Resources in Occupational Noise...... Pages 55 -7 FAA Approves Flying Cloud EIS............ Page 57 I Pot't Columbus NCP Approved .............. Page 58 Grants Awarded .............................. Page 59 Under the current system, in effect for the past 10 years, it takes five days for such information to become available. That is because it takes FAA three days to provide flight information to MAC, which then processes it for viewing on its website. Once operational, the new multi - lateration .flight tracking (MFT) system will give MAC infor- mation independently, including complete flight tracking, noise data, and flight details, such as air- line, aircraft type, and flight number, "Flight track- ing and position information will be available in near real -time, while flight details will be available within one day," according to MAC. "An MITT system uses remote sensors that continually scan the airspace for signals from both aircraft transponders and collision avoidance sys- tems," said Leqve. "The captured information is then used to triangulate an aircraft's exact position," continued Noise Regulation Repoitis published 10 times per year by Great Circle Communications LLC - 2350 Tague Ave., Glenside PA 19038 Customer Service; (888) 828.5437 (USA) or (215) 517 -8078 E-mail: InfoQa noisereporLcom. Pdnted on recycled paper. David 0. Bell, Publisher and Editor. Subscription rate: $475 per year. Other terms available. © 2008 Great Circle Communications LLC, ** Noise Regulation Report is protected by copyright law. Making copies without permission is illegal. ** bte Page 50 Noise Regulation Report June 2008 MSP continued MAC expects the upgraded system to provide more accurate data, better airspace coverage, and improved reliability. Another advantage is that resi- dents will be able to access information themselves, without one -to -one staff attention. Much of the system will be automated, resulting in additional savings of staff time. "Because the sensors are strategically placed throughout the Twin Cities area to maximize cover- age, the multi - 1ateration system is expected to pro- vide an upgrade to the flight tracking and reporting capabilities at MSP, as well as at some of MAC's reliever airports," said Leqve. END Noise Regulation Reportis the leading independent publication dedicated to covering noise regulation, litigation, legislation, and research. 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Only Aviation and Environment News brings you all the news you need to know to keep on top — from exciting new developments in research and technology to federal regulatory actions and legislation, expansion and capacity issues, noise, emissions, alternative fuels, health impacts, national and international policy, and important litigation, Only Aviation and Environment News covers all the important environmental news of commercial, military, and general aviation, • Research • Agency Actions • Litigation • National and International Policy • Airspace Redesign • Environmental Impact Statements • Legislation • Human Health Impacts • Expansion and Capacity Issues • Land -Use • • Community Issues • Sustainable Aviation Special Reports from AENews: • Strategies for Reducing Aviation Emissions • Aviation Environmental Litigation • Innovations in Aviation Noise Research • Airport Noise Programs • Sustainable Aviation Valuable information all year long at less than the cost of attending one conference, Call (215) 517 -8078 to subscribe, or visit http: / /www.aviation- enviro- news.com/ Noise Regulation Report is Copyright - Protected Under federal copyright law (17 USC 1.01 et seq.), it is illegal to reprodyuce or transmit this newsletter by any means for any internal or external purpose without written permission from the publisher. Reprints and additional subscriptions to Noise Regulation Report are available at discount. Call customer service at (888) 828 -5437. 02008 Great Circle Communications LLC. All rights reserved. (7