10/14/2008 - Airport Relations CommissionMINUTES OF THE EAGAN AIRPORT RELATIONS COMMISSION MEETING OCTOBER 14, 2008 A regular meeting of the Eagan Airport Relations Commission was held on Tuesday, October 14, 2008 at 7:00 p.m. Those present were Curtis Aljets, James Casper, Beth Prouty, Carol Shattuck and Chad Stambaugh. Absent was Steve Beseke. Also present was Assistant to the City Administrator Miller. Chair Ajets noted the resignation of Commissioner Brett Walsh and expressed appreciation for his service on the Eagan Airport Relations Commission. He stated Commissioner Walsh's position on the ARC will be filled in April of 2009. AGENDA Shattuck made a motion to amend the agenda and continue the MAC Noise Complaint System item to the November 10, 2008 meeting. Casper seconded the motion. All members voted in favor. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Stambaugh made a motion to approve the minutes of the August 12, 2008 regular meeting of the Eagan Airport Relations Commission as presented. Shattuck seconded the motion. All members voted in favor. There were no visitors to be heard. VISITORS TO BE HEARD COMMUNICATIONS UPDATE Miller stated it is the practice of the Airport Relations Commission to discuss their communication initiatives each month which include articles in the Experience Eagan Newsletter as well as stories aired on the City's local access cable channels. Casper suggested including information on the RNAV Departure Procedures once the 30 -day trial period has been completed. MAC MONTHLY REPORTS — EAGAN/MENDOTA HEIGHTS CORRIDOR ANALYSIS /TECHNICAL ADVISORY REPORT /17 -35 DEPARTURE ANALYSIS REPORT Aljets introduced the item noting these reports appear monthly in the Commissioners' packets and asked the Commission for comments regarding the August reports. Stambaugh noted complaints from Eagan residents were at 43.2 percent, which was up from last month, while other communities were down or had remained the same. Aljets noted the Eagan/Mendota Heights Corridor Analysis Report showed operations were 95.2 percent compliant. Stambaugh commented that nighttime operations reported in August were 9.8 percent. The Commission requested a letter from the Eagan City Council be sent to the FAA inquiring as to why the number of nighttime operations has increased. Eagan Airport Relations Commission October 14, 2008 Page 2 of 3 RUNWAY 35 RIVER VISUAL APPROACH PROCEDURE Aljets gave a brief overview on the Runway 35 River Visual Approach Procedure. Miller noted a memo fi-om Chad Leqve, Manager of the Aviation Noise and Satellite Programs, which addresses the Runway 35 River Visual Approach Procedure that was included in the 2008 Noise Oversight Committee (NOC) work plan at the request of the City of Eagan. Miller stated Mr. Leqve recommended to the NOC that the procedure would be better suited to be considered in the context of the Area Navigation (RNAV) discussion and encouraged the City of Eagan to recommend this procedure be included in the RNAV discussions and included in the 2009 NOC work plan. Miller stated residents are aware that the River Visual Approach was included in the 2004 Noise Compatibility Program, which was part of the Part 150 document submitted to the FAA, but was informed by Mr. Leqve that the Noise Compatibility Program is intended as a brainstorming document and residents should not assume every inclusion in the document will be implemented in the near future. She further stated Mr. Leqve encourages the City to recommend that the River Visual Approach Procedure be included in the ongoing RNAV discussions. RNAV DEPARTURE PROCEDURES UPDATE Aljets introduced the item. Miller noted a memo from Chad Leqve, Manager of the Aviation Noise and Satellite Programs, regarding the RNAV Departure Procedure and stated the procedure is being explored at the MSP Airport by Northwest Airlines only when demand is low. She also stated that MAC is currently awaiting FAA approval of the thirty -day trial period. Miller explained the procedure is also referred to as the Crossing in the Corridor Procedure off the Eagan/Mendota Heights Corridor and the Minnesota River Departure Procedure off Runway 17. Miller commented that should the FAA find the trial is successful; the formal process to get the procedures publically approved could take one to two years. REVIEW PROPOSED 2009 MSP NOISE OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE WORD PLAN Aljets referred the Commission to a memo from Chad Leqve which summarized the items proposed to be included in the 2009 MSP Noise Oversight Committee work plan. Miller stated the NOC will be finalizing the 2009 work plan at their November 19, 2008 meeting. The Commission discussed an item from Mr. Leqve's summary under the Residential Noise Mitigation Program regarding community implementation policies on residential development in the 60 to 64 DNL noise contours. Miller stated the cities of Richfield, Minneapolis and Eagan are discussing noise attenuation requirements on new homes as a result of the Settlement Agreement. Miller further stated the City Council discussed this issue at their August 26 workshop and the item is to be being brought back to the Council's October 28, 2008 workshop for further discussion. Miller stated she will have additional information for the Commission at the November ARC meeting following the Council's October 28 discussion. Eagan Airport Relations Commission October 14, 2008 Page 3 of 3 REVIEW JULY 2008 RUNWAY 17 DEPARTURE ANALYSIS Miller introduced the item stating that due to the number of complaints from Eagan residents regarding departure operations off Runway 17 during the month of July, she requested MAC prepare an analysis on the number of operations off Runway 17 in July using each of the headings over Eagan. The Commission discussed the flight tracks being used most frequently and the distribution of fanning departures off Runway 17. The Commission further discussed the purpose and objective of the RNAV Departure Procedure and fanning. AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL TOWER TOUR FEEDBACK/OBSERVATIONS The Commission discussed the Air Traffic Control Tower tour and stated it was very worthwhile. Several comments were made regarding the availability and capacity of the Parallel Runways and the overuse of Runway 17 with departure operations. The Commission recommended that a letter be prepared to the FAA and recommended to the City Council to address the issues of nighttime use, the use of the 120 degree heading, and adherence to the RUS and overall use of Runway 17. ARC MEETING SCHEDULE FOR THE REMAINDER OF 2008 Aljets reminded the Commission that November's meeting is scheduled for the second Monday in November in observance of Veteran's Day. Miller asked the Commission to check their calendars regarding the December meeting to insure a quorum; otherwise, the December meeting could be cancelled and meetings would resume in January. MAC NOISE COMPLAINT SYSTEM This item was continued to the November 10, 2008 Airport Relations Commission meeting. ADJOURNMENT Upon motion by Casper, seconded by Shattuck, the meeting adjourned at 7:50 p.m. All members voted in favor. DATE SECRETARY