10/08/2007 - Airport Relations CommissionMINUTES OF THE EAGAN AIRPORT RELATIONS COMMISSION MEETING OCTOBER 9, 2007 A regular meeting of the Eagan Airport Relations Commission was held on Tuesday, October 9, 2007 at 7:00 p.m. Those present were Curtis Aljets, Steve Beseke, Maggie Jensen, Jack Prentice, Charles Thorkildson and Bret Walsh. Absent was Tanury Mencel. Also present was Assistant to the City Administrator Miller. AGENDA The agenda was amended to include an update under Staff Report regarding the reopening of Runway 12R. Upon motion by Beseke; seconded by Aljets, the agenda was approved as modified. All members voted in favor. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Aljets made a motion to approve the minutes of the August 14, 2007 regular meeting of the Eagan Airport Relations Commission as presented; Walsh seconded the motion. All members voted in favor. VISITORS TO BE HEARD There were no visitors to be heard. COMMUNICATIONS UPDATE Miller introduced the item stating it is the practice of the Airport Relations Commission to discuss any communication initiatives relative to airport noise each month including articles appearing in the Experience Eagan newsletter, stories aired on the City's local access cable channels and inclusions in the ARC Notebook. Miller noted that the September 19 Legislative Public Hearing is currently being aired on the local access cable channel. MAC MONTHLY REPORTS — EAGAN/MENDOTA HEIGHTS CORRIDOR ANALYSIS /TECHNICAL ADVISORY REPORT /17 -35 DEPARTURE ANALYSIS REPORT Miller introduced the item stating the enclosed August 2007 Eagan/Mendota Heights Corridor Analysis, August 2007 Technical Advisory Report and the August 2007 Runway 17 Departure Analysis Report are the most current reports available on the MAC website. Miller reminded the Commission that Runway 12R is presently closed and it should be noted along with the data contained in the August reports. Aljets noted that the number of complainants and complaints from Eagan residents have been down since the runway's closure. Eagan Airport Relations Commission October 9, 2007 Page 2 of 4 DIALOGUE WITH MAC COMMISSIONER BERT MCKASY Miller introduced MAC Commissioner Bert McKasy, stating Senator Jim Carlson and Representative Sandra Masin were also present. Commissioner McKasy gave background on himself and his appointment to the MAC. Commissioner McKasy discussed the state of the airline industry. He stated in 2006 there were 475,000 aircraft operations at MSP as compared to a peak in 2004 of 541,000. He stated in 2005, 35 million people came through MSP and 53% of those passengers' flights ended here and 47% were sent on to connecting flights. McKasy noted that the airport needs to get ready for a Senior /Executive Management change because management staff has been there a long time and nearing retirement. McKasy also discussed parking at the airport. He stated the ramp at the Lindberg Terminal contains 16,000 parking spaces and the ramp at the Humphrey Terminal can handle 4,500 vehicles. He further stated they are in the process of adding 5,500 spaces through an additional ramp at the Humphrey Terminal. He also stated completion of construction on Runway 12R has been delayed, but is scheduled to be completed by October 22. McKasy noted that the MAC is in the process of adding a restaurant outside of security and, hopefully, it should be opened by spring of 2008. McKasy briefly discussed the MAC lawsuit stating it went to trial in February of 2007 and on July 23, 2007 there was a settlement proposal and the proposal continues to be discussed. McKasy noted that he has pushed for a settlement and for getting more houses insulated. McKasy also discussed the Senator Craig issue. Commissioner McKasy presented a letter he wrote dated September 27, 2007 to Carl Rydeen, Manager, MSP Air Traffic Control Tower, in support of Eagan and the NOC. McKasy gave feedback from the FAA stating the draft FEIS shows 480,000 operations with 37% of them off Runway 17. He further stated the forecast in 2005 was for 575,000 operations with 37% off Runway 17, but the actual figure in 2006 was 446,000 operations. He commented that it's possible the FAA questions why the City of Eagan has a problem when operations are less than the original forecast. McKasy agreed with Eagan that there are less operations, so why not redirect flights from Runway 17 to Runway 12. McKasy stated in his opinion the FAA continues to defend its original decision for 2 reasons; 1.) the gate -to- runway time has been decreased, and 2.) arrival flow can be better handled because it does not have to be metered. McKasy stated there is an old saying, "Man proposes and God disposes ". He stated in our case, the MAC proposes and the FAA disposes and the FAA has the final say. McKasy agreed that it makes sense to move operations from Runway 17 to Runwayl2. McKasy stated in his opinion the MAC is big enough and, if an Eagan is successful in getting a sole representative on the MAC, the number of representatives should stay the same. He also stated that the representative would need to be open to represent more than Eagan. McKasy noted that all MAC meetings are public and their minutes can be found on MAC's website. He also emphasized that he and MAC staff are sensitive to the City of Eagan and the concerns brought forth by the City. Eagan Airport Relations Commission October 9, 2007 Page 3 of 4 1998 FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT FEIS) AND 2003 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENHT (EA) ON 2.5 NAUTICAL MILE Miller introduced the item noting that per the request of the Commission at the July 10 ARC meeting, a copy of the 1998 Final Environmental Impact Statement was obtained and the introductory and executive summary sections of the document were enclosed for Commission review. She further stated the 2003 Final Assessment for the hnplementation of a Departure Procedure off Runway 17 was also enclosed. Miller noted that much of tonight's meeting was dedicated to a discussion with Commissioner McKasy and, if the Commission would like to spend additional time on this item, the Commission could request this item be added to the November 13 ARC meeting agenda. The Commission requested the item be brought back for discussion at the November ARC meeting. CORRESPONDENCE RE: NIGHTTIME AIR TRAFFIC Miller introduced the item stating a letter was sent from the NOC to Carl Rydeen, MSP Air Traffic Control Tower Manager, requesting the FAA examine the feasibility of moving night -time air traffic from Runway 17 to Runway 12R when capacity allows for it. Miller also noted correspondence from State Representative Masin and MAC Commissioner McKasy in support of the NOC's letter. Miller stated there was a lengthy discussion on this issue at the last NOC meeting, and following the NOC's action, the MAC unanimously endorsed moving night -time air traffic from Runway 17 to Runway 12R. She noted there is an average of 38 nighttime flights per month that could be affected by the change. SEPTEMBER 4 MEETING WITH EAGAN PILOTS Miller stated on September 4, 2007 four Eagan residents, two active pilots and two retired pilots, met with Assistant to the City Administrator Miller, MAC Noise Manager Leqve, FAA Control Tower Manager Rydeen and Northwest Chief Pilot Tim Beutell to discuss airport noise issues. She noted two comments made by the pilots were; 1.) sitting on Runway 17 waiting to take -off when Runway 12 is open and no waiting, and 2.) they were surprised by the in depth process for addressing environmental documentation. Thorkildson commented that the parallels should be used for noise abatement and not use Runway 17 -35 to capacity. UPDATE ON THE SEPTEMBER 19 LEGISLATIVE PUBLIC HEARING Miller introduced the item stating on September 19, 2007 a public hearing was held at the Eagan Community Center by the House Local Government and Metropolitan Affairs Committee and the House Transportation Working Group. She stated the purpose of the hearing was to gather input from residents regarding the governance of MAC and the affects of the airport on surrounding neighborhoods. She further stated approximately 75 people attended and much of the testimony received was regarding representation on the MAC and noise concerns. Miller noted that Committee Chairwoman Hilstrom stated that the Eagan hearing would be the first in a series of public hearings on the topic of MAC governance. Miller thanked Commission Aljets for testifying at the hearing. The Commission discussed ways of corresponding with MAC Commissioner McKasy to receive updates on legislative issues regarding airport issues. They also discussed inviting him to ARC Eagan Airport Relations Commission October 9, 2007 Page 4 of 4 meetings 2 to 3 times a year. Miller stated she will provide the link to the MAC minutes for an update to the Commission. BUSINESS WEED ARTICLE Miller introduced the item noting an article that appeared in the September 10 edition of Business Week entitled "Fear & Loathing at the Airport". The Commission discussed the article and noted the system is in need of repair. UPDATE ON THE CLOSURE OF RUNWAY 12R Miller noted the construction on Runway 12R is behind schedule because of rain, but is anticipated to be complete within the next two weeks. She noted that residents need to be aware that operations will be back to normal at that time which could mean an increase in air traffic for some areas. ADJOURNMENT Upon motion by Aljets, seconded by Beseke, the meeting adjourned at 7:55 p.m. All members voted in favor. DATE SECRETARY