01/10/2006 - Airport Relations CommissionMINUTES OF THE EAGAN AIRPORT RELATIONS COMMISSION MEETING JANUARY 10, 2006 A regular meeting of the Eagan Airport Relations Commission was held on Tuesday, January 10, 2006 at 7:00 p.m. Those present were Curtis Aljets, Jason Bonnett, Dean Haehnel, Nathan Krahn, Steve Nierengarten and Charles Thorkildson. Absent were Valerie Dosland, Daniel Flanagan, Tammy Mencel and Jack Prentice. Also present was Dianne Miller, Assistant to the City Administrator. AGENDA The agenda was amended to include an additional item under Staff Report; Upcoming MAC Quarterly Input Meeting. Upon motion by Aljets; seconded by Krahn, the agenda was approved as modified. All members voted in favor. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Haehnel noted the minutes of the December 13, 2005 did not reflect his attendance. Haehnel made a motion to approve the minutes of the December 13, 2005 regular meeting of the Airport Relations Commission as amended; Nierengarten seconded the motion. All members voted in favor. VISITORS TO BE HEARD Mr. Mincheng of 1349 Chatterton Court was present and expressed his concern regarding noise and flight patterns off of Runway 17/35. He asked if there could be a reduction in east -bound traffic. Thorkildson explained MAC's position on traffic patterns and operations and further explained the FAA makes decisions based on the capacity at MSP. He also noted that the City of Eagan monitors corridor operations, but does not have the ability to change flight patterns. Miller stated she would give Mr. Mincheng the telephone number and contact information to the FAA so he could inquire further about capacity and separation requirements. COMMUNICATION SUBCOMMITTEES Miller introduced the item noting this item is placed monthly on the agenda for Commission members and subcommittees to discuss, comment, and make recommendations to the ARC and the Eagan City Council. Miller noted a story is being run on the City's cable television station regarding the January 19 new runway open house at the Eagan Community Center. She also noted an article was included in the most recent City newsletter regarding both the open house and commonly asked questions about the new runway. Miller stated the MSP Noise News newsletter contained excellent questions and answers regarding the new runway. Miller noted the City has informed newspaper reporters of the January 19, 2006 open house. Airport Relations Commission Minutes January 10, 2006/2 MAC MONTHLY REPORTS — EAGAN /MENDOTA HEIGHTS CORRIDOR ANALYSIS /TECHNICAL ADVISORY REPORT /17 -35 OPERATIONS REPORT Miller introduced the item stating the enclosed November 2005 Eagan /Mendota Heights Corridor Analysis and November 2005 Technical Advisory Report are the most recent reports available on MAC's website and, further, stated the November 2005 Runway 17 Departure Analysis Report was emailed to Commission members for their review after the preparation and distribution of the packets. Miller stated the reports are included each month for the Commission to review and discuss any significant deviations or issues that have occurred. The Commission discussed complaints and Miller noted 27 percent of the complaints came from Eagan residents with complaints from 25 cities. The Commission also discussed the 2.5 nautical mile turn point. Miller explained west -bound and east -bound turning procedures and why they differ. JANUARY 19, 2006 OPEN HOUSE Miller introduced the item, reminding the Commission of the open house on January 19, 2006 from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. at the Eagan Community Center. Miller noted the open house will be similar to the open house held in September and will have MAC staff present. Miller asked Commissioners to contact her if they are planning to attend the open house. DISCUSSION RE: APPOINTMENT OF MAC COMMISSIONERS Miller introduced the item noting the request of the Commission at the December 13, 2005 ARC meeting was to discus how the current MAC Commissioners are appointed and how the boundaries are determined. Miller gave a brief history about the formation of the Metropolitan Airports Commission and noted the enclosed biographies of the 15 MAC Commissioners and the map of the districts represented on the MAC. She noted the Minnesota Governor appoints the MAC Chairperson and 12 Commissioners and the Mayors of Minneapolis and St. Paul each appoint a Commissioner of their own, bringing the number to 15 Commissioners, who each serve four -year terms. Miller stated there is 8 more years before the legislative boundaries are scheduled to be redistricted. The Commission discussed the representation that the City receives on the MAC Commission. Bonnett made a motion to: 1.) recommend to the City Council that they request our legislators explore redistricting the MAC boundaries and appoint an at -large representative to represent Eagan and /or the southern communities that are impacted by noise; and, 2.) Work with the other communities in the metro area that are impacted by airport noise to gauge their interest in a joint effort to change the representation on the MAC. Aljets seconded the motion. Aye: 6; Nay: 0 CORRESPONDENCE — METROPOLITAN AIRPORTS COMMISSION Miller introduced the item noting a letter from the MAC regarding the Assessment of Environmental Effects (AOEE), which was prepared for MAC's 7 -year CIP, and stated any potential for adverse effects resulting from the projects have been adequately addressed. She further stated the Commission concluded that potential environmental effects of the 2015 Terminal Expansion Project have been addressed and an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is not needed. Miller discussed Phase I and Phase II of the 2015 Terminal Expansion Project. Airport Relations Commission Minutes January 10, 2006/3 UPCOMING MAC QUARTERLY INPUT MEETING Miller noted Thursday, January 26, 2006 at 7:00 p.m. is MAC's First Quarterly Public Input Meeting at the Burnsville Senior High School Senior Campus. ROUNDTABLE The Commission asked Miller to invite Kathleen Nelson from Northwest Airlines to give the Commission an update on the airlines. Miller stated she will ask if Ms. Nelson is able to speak to the Commission at this time. Goals Workshop Chair Thorkildson suggested holding a workshop for setting goals. Miller will send an email to coordinate a date for the workshop. ADJOURNMENT Upon motion by Krahn, seconded by Aljets, the Commission members adjourned the meeting at 7:55 p.m. All members voted in favor. DATE SECRETARY