03/09/2004 - Airport Relations CommissionMINUTES OF THE EAGAN AIRPORT RELATIONS COMMISSION MEETING MARCH 9, 2004 A regular meeting of the Eagan Airport Relations Conunission was held on Tuesday, March 9, 2004, at 7:00 p.m. Those present were Bruno DiNella, Steven Grooms, Steve Nierengarten and Lance Staricha. Absent were Clint Hooppaw, Nathan Krahn, Mike Schlax, Jerry Thompson and Charles Thorkildson. Also present was Dianne Lord, Assistant to the City Administrator. AGENDA No motion was taken on approval of the agenda for lack of quorum. MINUTES No motion was made approving the minutes of the February 10, 2004 regular meeting of the Airport Relations Commission for lack of quorum. VISITORS TO BE HEARD There were no visitors to be heard. ARC COMMUNICATION PLAN Chair Staricha opened the discussion with reports by subcommittees. Staricha stated he will update the Table of Contents and hand over the Notebooks at the April meeting for use by the new Commission. DiNella reported on newsletter articles stating the subcommittee submitted four to five articles to be rotated and repeated for the next two years in the Experience Eagan newsletter. Nierengarten commented on the cable segment that was recently taped. Lord stated this segment aired March 5 and 6 on channel 14, Your Town News program, and will be repeated on March 11. EAGAN / MENDOTA HEIGHTS CORRIDOR ANALYSIS Staricha introduced the item for discussion. After reviewing the questions contained in the packet, Staricha asked that MAC provide a definition of the corridor. Grooms suggested MAC also include a map of the corridor for further clarification. The Commission discussed monthly percentages noted on the summary report showing corridor flights and deviations for the past year, the localizer map and questions from the February ARC meeting regarding compliance within the corridor to be presented to MAC. The Commission provided direction to staff to submit the ARC's questions to the MAC. TWO -YEAR ARC COMMUNICATIONS PLAN Staricha introduced the item. The Commission discussed the contents of the draft Airport Relations Commission 2 -year Communications Plan to be presented to the Eagan City Council. Lord stated she will e -mail Commissioners the draft plan asking for comments from members not present at the meeting. She stated she will then present the plan to the City Council and will report back to the Commission with Council feedback. Airport Relations Commission Minutes March 9, 2004/2 NOISE OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE Lord noted that the March Noise Oversight Committee meetings have been changed. She stated the March 18 meeting has been cancelled. Two meetings have been scheduled; March 11 and March 24. She stated the Committee anticipates discussion on the proposed noise contours and noise compatibility program. Lord also stated the Committee will be reviewing the 60 -65 DNL mitigation thresholds, the status of the perimeter block program and an overall review of the mitigation program at the March 11 meeting. MAC MEETING UPDATE Lord noted that the MAC Planning and Environment Committee met on March 3. Lord stated Northwest Airlines presented a position paper challenging the technical merits behind the Noise Compatibility Program (NOC). Lord stated that NOC community members have been meeting in preparation of the March Noise Oversight meetings to discuss overall noise mitigation strategies. She stated topics included were residential sound insulation programs, low frequency noise, decreasing night -time flights and Stage 4 aircraft requirements. PART 150 PUBLIC OPEN HOUSE Lord stated that an open house was held on February 19, 2004 at the MAC General Offices to discuss the Part 150 process. She stated information was provided on the draft 2002 and 2007 forecast, INM input data, draft noise exposure maps and the Noise Compatibility Program. CORRESPONDENCE / CITY OF BLOOMINGTON Lord introduced the item and noted correspondence from the City of Bloomington has been received responding to the City of Eagan's comments regarding changes to their Comprehensive Plan. Lord stated the City of Bloomington is in agreement with the City of Eagan and clarified the confusion in their letter. She stated that Bloomington agreed residential uses should not be in the 70 DNL. The Commission discussed Bloomington's use of land for new residential development outside the 70 DNL. The Commission further discussed future residential communities wanting aircraft re- routed and voicing complaints because of location to airport noise. LOW FREQUENCY NOISE UPDATE Lord stated that she met with City Councilmembers from Bloomington and Richfield on March 3 to discuss low frequency noise. She stated the City of Richfield continues to consider using Orfield Labs to establish baseline low frequency noise measures in their community in preparation for the new runway. She stated that it is likely the City of Richfield will discuss low frequency noise at a future Noise Oversight Committee meeting. Lord further commented that the City of Richfield may recommend that MAC include a statement in their Part 150 submittal to state that MAC is supportive of additional study of low frequency noise through the FAA Center of Excellence. MSP JOINT AIRPORT ZONING BOARD (JAZB) Airport Relations Commission Minutes March 9, 2004/3 Lord stated the Joint Airport Zoning Board met on February 26 and discussed further changes to the draft ordinance. She stated two small changes have been made. Lord noted that March 11 is the next JAZB meeting. RESEARCH: EFFECTS OF NOISE ON PROPERTY VALUES Lord stated the packet included a study which appeared in a recent Airport Noise Report on research done regarding the effects of airport noise and property values. She stated this was for informational purposes in response to on -going interest in the subject. ADVISORY COMMISSION TERMS AND APPLICATION PROCESS Lord noted there are four Commission openings on the Airport Relations Commission as of April 2004. She stated members whose terms are up include: Jerry Thompson, Lance Staricha, Steven Grooms and Michael Cook. Furthermore, she stated there are applications enclosed in the packet to re -apply to the ARC or apply to another Commission. Lord stated Commission interviews will be the second and third week in April and appointments will be made by the City Council at the April 20, 2004 regular City Council meeting. ROUNDTABLE Commissioner DiNella questioned the direction noise travels regarding aircraft operations. Staricha briefly explained the Integrated Noise Model (1NM). Lord stated that Chad Leqve, from the Metropolitan Airports Commission, will be attending the May ARC meeting and will further address this issue along with other questions at the May meeting. The meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m. DATE ADJOURNMENT SECRETARY mis