04/13/2004 - Airport Relations CommissionDATE: APRIL 7, 2004 SUBJECT: AIRPORT RELATIONS COMMISSION MEETING OF APRIL 13, 2004 A regular meeting of the Eagan Airport Relations Commission will be held on Tuesday, April 13, 2004 at 7;00 p.m. in the Eagan City Council Chambers. In order that we have a quorum present, please contact Maly Swenson at 651 -675- 5005. if you are unable to attend this meetinLy. I. ROLL CALL AND ADOPTION OF AGENDA The agenda, as presented or modified, is in order for adoption by the Commission. II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the February 10, ARC meeting are attached on pages through . Due to a lack of a quorum at the March 9 meeting, the February ininutes as presented or modified, are in order for adoption by the Commission. Enclosed on pages through are the minutes of the March 9 ARC meeting. The minutes, as presented or modified, are in order for adoption by the Commission. III. VISITORS TO BE HEARD The Eagan City Council and its Commissions set aside up to ten minutes at the beginning of public meetings to permit visitors to address items of interest to the meeting that are not on the regular agenda. Items that will take more than ten minutes or that require specific action, can be scheduled for future agenda. IV. OLD BUSINESS A. ARC Communication Plan —As is customary, an agenda item is included to provide progress reports /concept ideas on the ARC's communications initiatives. The Commission is encouraged to further discuss their immediate communications ideas and initiatives. As an update on Communications initiatives, an article was included in the most recent Experience Eagan newsletter regarding the 2007 draft noise contours. The newsletter arrived at homes during the week of March 8 -12. Also included in the article was reference to the MSP Noise News publication, which the City encouraged residents to access through the MAC website. Per the recommendation of the ARC, also included in the article was a phone number to the MAC Noise and Environment office to allow residents to join the mailing list for MSP Noise News. As was communicated to the Commission in March, per the recommendation of the Commission, all City Commission meetings that air on cable television now include a "footer" that shows which meeting is currently being aired, along with the date of the meeting. Thank you to the commissioners for the excellent idea! The newsletter subcommittee has been in communication regarding a future Experience Eagan article to encourage residents to contact MAC before undertaking significant remodeling efforts such as new windows, additions, installation of central air conditioning, etc. City staff has heard from numerous residents that are looking to make improvements to their homes, and while doing so would like to learn how they could best mitigate their homes for future aircraft noise. By contacting MAC, residents could learn what the minimum requirements are that MAC uses Aip2ort Relations Cojnm:ission..Meetin. ) April 13,_2994 Pie 2 cif 4 in determining which products to use in the residential sound installation program (e.g. R- values for windows). The Commission may want to farther discuss whether this would be an appropriate topic for the newsletter. The following are the ARC communications subcommittees, which have been provided should the subconunittees wish to provide an update: a. Newsletter articles— Commissioners DiNella, Thorkildson, and Hooppaw b. ARC "Notebook" —Chair Staricha, and Commissioners SC111ax and Thompson C. Cable Television — Commissioners Nierengarten and Krahn B. Eagan/Mendota Heights Corridor Analysis— Enclosed on pages _ through _ is the February 2004 Eagan/Mendota Heights Departure Corridor Analysis. Also enclosed, on pages _ through _, is the February 2004 Tecluiical Advisory Report. The January reports are the most current reports available on the MAC website. C. Two -year ARC Communications Plan—At the November 12 joint meeting of the City Council and the ARC, the Council requested that the ARC formulate a two -year communications plan to address, in particular, the opening of the new North/South Runway in 2005. The Council asked that the Communications Plan be prepared and presented to the City Council by May of 2004. The Conunission discussed the proposed communication plan and offered input at the January and February ARC meetings. Enclosed on pages _ through _ is a revised 2004 -2005 communications plan, which was reviewed by Communications Director Garrison and provided to the City Council in late March for their input. The communications plan will be included on the April 20 City Council agenda for formal consideration. This itein is for information only, and does not require any further Commission action. VI. NEW BUSINESS A. Preparation for May ARC Meeting: Chad Leqve, MAC Manager of the Aviation Noise and Satellite Programs, and Cindy Greene, FAA Tower Manager —Per the direction of the ARC at the March meeting, the following questions were forwarded to Chad Leqve, MAC Manager of the Aviation Noise and Satellite Programs, and Cindy Greene, FAA Tower Manager. 1.) Have there been any procedural changes within the Corridor within the past couple of years? 2.) If there have been any procedural changes, would an EIS or EAW be required before implementing those changes? 3.) Has there been an increase in the number of "peak hour" flights departing off of the parallel runways, thus causing increased deviation from the Corridor? 4.) Has the Corridor reached its capacity, and if so, will Runway 17/35 relieve some of the capacity issues? 5.) Will the parallel runways continue to be the primary runways for late night use when the new runway opens? How many night flights are anticipated to take off from Runway 17/35? 6.) Where is the physical location of the 30L localizer? What is the technical purpose of the localizer? Airport Relations Commission Meetin�> April 13, 2004 Page 3 of 4 7.) Does MAC or the FAA have amap that shows the north and south boundaries of the corridor (overlaid onto a City street map), to include the various headings off of the Corridor (in degrees)? If so, could Eagan get a copy of that map. Both Mr. Leqve and Ms. Greene thought it would be best to address these questions in person with the ARC. As the Commission will recall from the February ARC meeting, the Commission requested that Mr. Leqve attend the May ARC meeting in order to provide an overview on airport history, the EaganlMendota Heights Corridor, and Runway 17/35 —both for the benefit of new commissioners and exiting commissioners. Mr. Leqve graciously offered to attend the May meeting to cover these topics. If the Commission is amenable, Ms. Greene has also offered to attend the May meeting to address the seven questions listed above. If it is the desire of the Commission to host Ms. Greene and Mr. Leqve at the May meeting, the Commission is encouraged to further discuss specific topics or areas of interest that Mr. Leqve and Ms. Greene could address. VI. STAFF / COMMISSION REPORT A. Noise Oversight Committee — Assistant to the City Administrator Lord attended the most recent Noise Oversight Committee (NOC) meetings on March 11 and March 24. Enclosed on pages through are the minutes from the March 11 meeting. At the time the packet was prepared, the minutes from the March 24 NOC meeting were not yet available. At the March 24 NOC meeting, the NOC approved a recommendation to the MAC P &E Committee in regards to the residential sound insulation program. Enclosed on page is a summary of the NOC's recommendation, which was shared with the City Council in their April 2 packet. Assistant to the City Administrator Lord will provide an overview of the recommendation at the ARC meeting. The next NOC meeting will be held on April 15, and the NOC's recommendation will be presented to the MAC P &E Committee at the April 19 P &E Committee meeting. B. MSP Joint Airport Zoning Board (JAZB)— Enclosed on pages _ through _ is a letter from Mary Hill Smith, Chair of the JAZB, to Lt. Governor /Commissioner Molnau regarding the final MSP Zoning Ordinance, which was submitted for Lt. Governor Molnau's final approval on March 11, 2004. The JAZB will be meeting during either April 21 or 22, at which time they hope to have received final approval from Lt. Governor Molnau, and if so, will formally adopt the zoning ordinance at that time. C. Advisory Commission Terms —As the Commission discussed at the March ARC meeting, Commissioners Staricha, Thompson, and Grooms have completed their terms on the ARC. The City Council and City staff extends their sincere thanks to the three commissioners for their service to our community. In particular, Chair Staricha has served the ARC for the maximum allowed nine consecutive years. Assistant to the City Administrator Lord will provide a verbal update on the new Commission appointment process that is currently underway. VII. ROUNDTABLE (Per the request of the Commission at the March 3, 2003 Goals setting workshop, this agenda item has been added so that commissioners have the opportunity to ask questions or make requests for future agenda items.) VIII. ADJOURNMENT Commission meetings will go no later than. 8:30 p.m. unless agreed upon by the Commission. Assistant to the City Administrator Airport Relations Commission. Meetin April 13, 2004 PnLe4 of 4