05/11/2004 - Airport Relations CommissionMINUTES OF THE EAGAN AIRPORT RELATIONS COMMISSION MEETING MAY 11, 2004 A regular meeting of the Eagan Airport Relations Commission was held on Tuesday, May 11, 2004, at 7:00 p.m. Those present were Jason Bonnett, Bruno DiNella, Valerie Dosland, Daniel Flanagan, Dean Haehnel, Clint Hooppaw, Nathan Krahn, Steve Nierengarten Mike Schlax, and Charles Thorkildson. Also present was Dianne Miller, Assistant to the City Administrator. Nay: 0 AGENDA Upon motion by Hooppaw; seconded by Krahn, the agenda was approved as presented. Aye: 9 COMMISSIONER APPOINTMENTS Miller stated the City Council was pleased to appoint 4 new members to the Eagan Airport Relations Commission. Commissioners Dean Haehnel, Dan Flanagan and Valerie Dosland were appointed to 3 -year terms and Jason Bonnett was appointed to a 1 -year alternate term. Miller asked both existing and new Commission members to give a brief background on themselves along with an introduction. APPOINTMENT OF CHAIR / VICE CHAIR Thorkildson opened the floor for nominations to elect a Chair to the Airport Relations Commission. DiNella made a motion to nominate Thorkildson to serve in the position as Chair; Hooppaw seconded the motion. There were no other nominations. The floor for nominations was closed. All members voted in favor of Thorkildson for Chair of the Airport Relations Commission. Thorkildson opened the floor for nominations to elect a Vice -Chair to the Airport Relations Commission. Krahn made a motion to nominate Hooppaw to serve in the position as Vice - Chair; Nierengarten seconded the motion. There were no other nominations. The floor for nominations was closed. All members voted in favor of Hooppaw for Vice -Chair of the Airport Relations Commission. COMMUNICATIONS SUBCOMMITTEES Existing Commission members briefly discussed the three subcommittees — Newsletter Articles, ARC Notebook and Cable Television. These subcommittees were formed the previous year and a description of each was discussed to give the new Commission members basic information for them to decide which subcommittee they would like to serve and participate on. There was consensus to allow the newly appointed commissioners the opportunity to consider which subcommittee appealed to them, and to come back at a later date to express interest on the subcommittee in which they would like to serve. MINUTES Schlax made a motion to approve the minutes of the April 13, 2004 regular meeting of the Airport Relations Commission; DiNella seconded the motion. Aye: 9 Nay: 0 VISITORS TO BE HEARD Airport Relations Commission Minutes May 11, 2004/2 Will Egington, a member of the Noise Oversight Committee (NOC) and resident of Inver Grove Heights, was in attendance at the meeting to observe the portion of the meeting that included a presentation by Chad Leqve from MAC and Cindy Greene from the FAA. Mr. Egington thanked the Commission for their work on airport issues and, further, stated he would like to see a reduction in the noise footprint, as well as all communities working together. ARC COMMUNICATION PLAN Miller stated that the City Council, at their April 20, 2004 workshop reviewed the ARC's 2 -year Communications Plan, and commended the Commission for their work. Miller added that the Council would like the Communications Plan to be more proactive to reach the community, and the Council also requested that the Commission discuss potential budgetary needs to meet the goals outlined in the Communications Plan. Miller stated the Commission is scheduled to meet with the City Council on June 8, 2004. The Commission discussed the opportunity to prepare for the joint meeting on June 8 and it was determined that a workshop on May 27, 2004 would be held at 7 :00 p.m. for further preparation for the upcoming meeting with the City Council. PRESENTATION AND DISCUSSION WITH CHAD LEQVE, MAC MANAGER OF THE AVIATION NOISE AND SATELLITE PROGRAMS, AND CINDY GREENE, FAA TOWER OPERATIONS MANAGER Thorkildson introduced Chad Leqve and Cindy Greene. Leqve, MAC Manager of the Aviation Noise and Satellite Programs, gave a historical prospective of MAC, including: • MAC was created in 1943 There are 15 members on the MAC, including the Chair 7 airports are included under the MAC's authority — Airlake, Anoka County /Blaine, Crystal, Flying Cloud, Lake Elmo, St. Paul - downtown, and the Minneapolis /St. Paul International Airport. • MAC sets policies for development and operation of the MAC airports Leqve discussed 1.) Operational Measures which included, the Preferred Runway System, the Runway Use System, the Eagan/Mendota Heights Corridor which origins date back to the late 1960's, Runway 17 Departure Procedure, Noise Abatement Departure Profiles and the Minneapolis Straight Out Departure Procedure; 2.) Airport Noise and Operations Monitoring System (ANOMS), 39 noise monitoring towers, noise and operational data from the monitoring towers and how the public can obtain data via www.macnoise.com website; and 3.) the Part 150 Sound Insulation Program which has insulated approximately 7,600 homes costing over $220 million. Leqve stated that the opening of Runway 17/35 will occur in the fourth quarter of 2005. Leqve discussed flight tracks and boundaries of the Eagan/Mendota Heights Corridor. Cindy Greene, FAA Tower Operations Manager, discussed the 15 degree divergence /separation for departures and departure operations. The Commission asked if the Tower had specific orders and hours for nighttime operations. Greene stated it depended on weather conditions and traffic, and is not time specific. Airport Relations Conunission Minutes May 11, 2004/3 Below are questions by the ARC Commission and responses by Ms. Greene. Q: Have there been any procedural changes within the Corridor within the past couple of years? A: 1996 -1997 "Crossing in the Corridor" was the last change. Greene spoke on events that could put an aircraft 5 degrees south of the Corridor. She also discussed flight tracks versus headings and the difference between the two. Greene discussed issues such as wind, size of aircraft, the corridor and fleet mixes. Greene noted that the tracking of "5 degrees South of the Corridor" came at the request of citizens, and that while the data is tracked, it is for reporting only and is not an operational procedure. Q: If there have been any procedural changes, would an EIS or EAW be required before implementing those changes? A: Environmental review is always requested when there are aircraft procedural changes. Q: Has there been in increase in the number of "peak hour "flights departing off the parallel runways, thus causing increased deviation from the Corridor? A: Many departure hours are already at maximum which has caused delay. Runways 12L and 12R have similar delay as 30L and 30R. Changes in fleet mix and aircraft performance have resulted in more jet aircraft and the need for more use of divergence. In the year 2007, Greene noted that 37% of departure operations are anticipated to use Runway 17/35. Greene and Leqve discussed the number of arrival and departure operations per hour for the new runway. Q: Has the Corridor reached its capacity, and if so, will Runway 17135 relieve some of the capacity issues? A: No — the two - runway arrival /departure scenario at the airport has reached capacity. On the days when weather allows, Runway 17/35 will be used, which will reduce delays. When weather does not allow its use, delays will be incurred. Runway selection continues to be used depending on wind, weather and volume of aircraft. Q: Will the parallel runways continue to be the primary runways for late night use when the new runway opens? How many night flights are anticipated to take off from Runway 17/35? A: Runway 12L & 12R will still be the primary for departures for noise followed by Runway 17. Runway 35 will have 0% night departures. Runway 17 is anticipated to be used for 35% of the nighttime departures, usually between 10:00 -11:00 p.m. and 5:00 -6:00 a.m. Q: Where is the physical location of the 30L localizes? What is the technical purpose of the localizes? A: The localizer gives the pilot visual cues on the aircraft's instruments. Localizers are located at the opposite end of the runway from where the aircraft lands. The radio signal beams down the centerline of the runway. Airport Relations Commission Minutes May 11, 2004/4 DiNella made a motion to extend the ARC meeting as long as necessary to complete the agenda; Schlax seconded the motion. All members voted in favor. Commission members continued to direct questions to Mr. Leqve and Ms. Greene relative to aircraft procedures and applications. Questions were raised regarding ANOMS towers and community noise, aircraft noise and cumulative noise. Cindy Greene extended an invitation to visit the Tower and Chad Leqve also offered to give the Commission a tour of the MAC Headquarters. NOISE OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE Miller stated she attended the March 24, 2004 Noise Oversight Committee (NOC) meeting at which time the NOC approved a recommendation in regards to the residential sound insulation program. Miller also stated that enclosed in the packet is a memo to the MAC Planning & Enviromnent Committee from Vern Wilcox, Co -Chair MSP Noise Oversight Committee, summarizing the recommendation of the NOC. Miller noted that the NOC has not met in April and May due to disagreement over the agenda for the meetings. Miller added that it is anticipated that a June NOC meeting will be held. RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF THE MSP NOISE OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION Miller stated in official action at the April 20, 2004 City Council meeting, the Council approved a resolution supporting the recommendation made by the Noise Oversight Committee regarding the residential sound insulation program. MSP JOINT AIRPORT ZONING BOARD (JAZB) The MSP Joint Airport Zoning Board (JAZB) adopted the revised zoning ordinance as presented at their April 29, 2004 meeting. Miller noted that the ARC would be kept abreast of any action required by the City to implement the adopted ordinance. METROPOLITAN AIRPORTS COMMISSION Miller stated she attended the most recent MAC Planning & Environment Committee meeting, at which time the Committee discussed the Part 150 Program, reviewed the recommendation of the NOC and received input from members of the public, including representatives from communities surrounding MSP and representatives from the airlines. Miller also stated the P & E Committee will make a recommendation to the MAC Commission of the whole at their June 9, 2004 meeting. She further noted there will be a public open house scheduled for August 5 and hoped all Commission members will be able to attend the open house. The Commission suggested posting the August 5, 2004 public open house on the City of Eagan website and in the newsletter. ROUNDTABLE The Commission discussed possible topics for the City newsletter. Airport Relations Commission Minutes May 11, 2004/5 ADJOURNMENT Upon motion by Krahn, seconded by Nierengarten, the Commission members adjourned the meeting at 9:10 p.m. All members voted in favor. DATE SECRETARY n-As