11/09/2004 - Airport Relations CommissionMINUTES OF THE EAGAN AIRPORT RELATIONS COMMISSION MEETING NOVEMBER 9, 2004 A regular meeting of the Eagan Airport Relations Commission was held on Tuesday, November 9, 2004, at 7:00 p.m. Those present were Valerie Dosland, Dean Haelmel, Clint Hooppaw, Tammy Mencel, Steve Nierengarten and Charles Thorkildson. Absent were Daniel Flanagan, Jason Bonnett and Nathan Krahn. Also present was Dianne Miller, Assistant to the City Administrator. ►11 ._ Upon motion by Hooppaw; seconded by Haehnel, the agenda was approved as presented. Aye: 6 Nay: 0 APPROVAL OF MINUTES Hooppaw made a motion to approve the minutes of the October 12, 2004 regular meeting of the Airport Relations Commission; Dosland seconded the motion. Aye: 6 Nay: 0 VISITORS TO BE HEARD Joe Kinard, 4158 Blueberry Circle, presented information to the Commission regarding the new runway. He suggested asking the City Council to authorize Eagan purchasing its own noise monitoring system to start a baseline for noise levels now. He stated there are portable systems which could be used at schools. Mr. Kinard suggested asking that an air quality and impact study be done. AIRPORT NEIGHBORHOOD MEETINGS /OPEN HOUSE Miller stated the first open house will take place on November 15, 2004 at 6:30 p.m. at the Dakota Hills Middle School. She stated approximately 2,000 post cards were mailed out to surrounding residents and further stated she has received numerous phone calls regarding the open house. Miller also stated Chad Leqve from the Metropolitan Airports Commission will be in attendance at the first open house. The Commission discussed the open house schedule and Miller stated by December 1, 2004 the schools will have confirmed the dates and locations of the open houses and the schedule will then be posted on the web site and will appear in our newsletter. Miller asked any Commission members who wish to attend the first open house and would like to participate to arrive between 6:00 and 6:30 p.m. to help set up. The Commission discussed handout materials they would have available for residents at the open house. ARC COMMUNICATIONS SUBCOMMITTEES Thorkildson reported from the Newsletter Articles Subcommittee and suggested putting the outcome of the Part 150 Program in the next City newsletter. Airport Relations Commission Minutes November 9, 2004/2 EAGAN /MENDOTA HEIGHTS CORRIDOR ANALYSIS Thorkildson introduced the item and stated that after reviewing the Eagan/Mendota Heights Departure Corridor Analysis Report of September 2004, the percentage of operations that remained in the corridor was staying in the 90th percentile. METROPOLITAN AIRPORTS COMMISSION (MAC) 7 -YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Miller introduced the item and stated a prepared response with feedback to the MAC is included in the packet with concerns of sound insulation. Miller stated the 2020 Vision was not included in the 2005- 2011 Capital Improvement Program and the City requests costs for the 2020 Vision be included. Miller also stated the CIP mentions the new runway opening in fall of 2005. Dosland made a motion to recommend to the Council that they approve correspondence to the Metropolitan Airports Commission (MAC) with comments on the preliminary 2005 -2011 Capital Improvement Program; Hooppaw seconded the motion. Aye: 6 Nay: 0 NOISE OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE Miller introduced the item and stated the next meeting of the Noise Oversight Committee (NOC) will be November 18, 2004 and will be considering items for inclusion in the 2005 MSP NOC Work Plan. Thorkildon suggested a study on the accuracy of data from the noise monitoring towers. Miller stated it has been suggested by the communities that the 2005 NOC Work Plan include the review of the proposed 2020 Vision. Miller also stated Commissioners can e -mail her with suggestions and comments which she will forward prior to the November 18 NOC meeting. Miller stated she will check on how factual the data is regarding the number of passengers used in the report for growing demand and also the accuracy of the financial data. DECEMBER 12, 2004 ARC MEETING The Commission discussed the December 12, 2004 ARC meeting date and it was agreed upon to hold the scheduled Airports Relations Commission meeting in December because of the airport neighborhood meetings /open houses and also to discuss MAC's decision regarding the Part 150 Program. NORTHEAST EAGAN LAND USE STUDY Thorkildson introduced the item stating he and Commissioner Flanagan attended the first meeting of the Northeast Eagan Land Use Study which was an introductory meeting. He stated consultants wanted an idea of what the community is interested in and what they want the study to provide. The next meeting is scheduled for November 29, 2004. Thorkildson stated the property being studied is from 494 to Lone Oak Road and 149 to the Inver Grove Heights border. The Commission discussed the type of land which consists of commercial, undeveloped, swamp and light industrial in northeast Eagan. Thorkildson stated Eagan is interested in what Inver Grove Heights proposes for development and roads in the described area. Miller reminded the Commission. that the City Council put a moratorium on the area until the study comes back and is reviewed. Airport Relations Commission Minutes November 9, 2004/3 NOISE OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE Miller introduced the item and stated the last meeting was held on October 21, 2004. She stated there are 3 proposed changes to the Committee bylaws; 1.) modify the mission statement to include the reduction of noise; 2.) remove the power of approving and changing agendas by co- chairs; and 3.) add a public connnent period of no more than 15 minutes will be added to the end of each agenda and each speaker will be limited to 3 minutes. Miller stated the proposed changes are being brought to the City Council at their November 16, 2004 meeting as an update. MAC RESPONSE TO COMMENTS SUBMITTED BY THE CITY OF EAGAN RE: THE PART 150 PROGRAM Miller introduced the item and further stated that MAC reviewed approximately 140 comments on the proposed Part 150 Program which were submitted either in writing or voiced at the September 7, 2004 public hearing. Miller stated that MAC will be preparing formal responses to all persons that submitted comments during the week of November 15 -19. The Commission discussed the sun-unary of comments made by the City of Eagan in the Public Response to Comments Matrix. Miller stated that city attorneys from neighboring communities are meeting this week to talk about options. Miller further stated she will include any Eagan residents' comments in the December ARC meeting packet. PART 150 REVIEW SCHEDULE Miller stated the summary was presented to the Planning and Environment Committee on Wednesday, November 3, at which time the comments were accepted and approval was recommended on a vote of 9 to 3. She further stated the comments will now be included with the Part 150 proposal that will be sent to the FAA if approved by MAC on Monday, November 15. Miller added, should the document be approved, they will then be sent to the FAA for final consideration. Miller encouraged Commission members and residents to attend the meeting on November 15 and suggested, if attending, they arrive early because of security.. ROUNDTABLE Thorkildson thanked Joe Kinard who presented comments under Visitors to be Heard. He agreed it could be beneficial to the community to look at purchasing our own noise monitor. Flanagan suggested researching companies. The Commission discussed the possibility of providing our own monitors to do a baseline and suggested monitoring the Cedarvale area in the next couple of months. Miller stated that Orfield Labs does baseline measurements and they recently contacted the City. ADJOURNMENT Upon motion by Flanagan, seconded by Hooppaw, the Commission members adjourned the meeting at 8:20 p.m. All members voted in favor. cols DATE SECRETARY