01/11/2005 - Airport Relations CommissionMINUTES OF THE EAGAN AIRPORT RELATIONS COMMISSION MEETING JANUARY 11, 2005 A regular meeting of the Eagan Airport Relations Commission was held on Tuesday, January 11, 2005 at 7:00 p.m. Those present were Jason Bonnett, Valerie Dosland, Daniel Flanagan, Dean Haehnel, Clint Hooppaw, Nathan Ki ahn, Tammy Mencel, Steve Nierengarten and Charles Thorkildson. Also present was Dianne Miller, Assistant to the City Administrator. AGENDA Thorkildson added an item to the agenda to include, under Staff Report, Assistant to the City Administrator Miller's report on the State Senate Hearing held today. Upon motion by Nierengarten; seconded by Krahn, the agenda was approved as modified. All members voted in favor. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Hooppaw made a motion to approve the minutes of the November 9, 2004 regular meeting of the Airport Relations Commission and the meeting notes of the December 13, 2004 ARC Workshop; Nierengarten seconded the motion. All members voted in favor. VISITORS TO BE HEARD There were no visitors to be heard. ARC COMMUNICATIONS SUBCOMMITTEES Miller stated this item is included on a monthly basis for Commissioners to update members on their subcommittees or snake recommendations to staff. Miller commented on the article which appeared in the latest edition of the Experience Eagan Newsletter. She further commented, per the direction of the Commission, the MAC presentation portion of the December Open House is being aired on the Burnsville /Eagan Community Television. EAGAN /MENDOTA HEIGHTS CORRIDOR ANALYSIS Thorkildson introduced the item commenting on the November Departure Corridor Analysis Report which shows approximately 95 percent of operations remaining in the corridor. CONSIDER RECOMMENDATION TO PURCHASE NOISE MONITORING EQUIPMENT Miller introduced the item stating Eagan resident, Joe Kinard, reconuriended the City purchase noise monitoring equipment in advance of the opening of the new runway. Miller stated Orfield Laboratories is a firm located in the Twin Cities that is a leader in monitoring aircraft noise and conducting sound attenuation studies. She stated Orfield Labs has the ability to measure individual noise events. She further stated MAC has installed four additional remote monitoring towers (RMT) in Eagan in addition to the 4 existing RMT, all of which are operational. Airport Relations Commission Minutes January 11, 2005/2 The Commission discussed the proposal by Orfield Labs and the data obtained from their monitoring equipment and specifically how the City would proceed once they receive this data. The Commission asked staff to consult with legal counsel as to what the results from the monitoring equipment could be used for from a legal standpoint. The Commission also asked that staff invite Steve Orfield to attend the February ARC meeting to provide further information about the services provided by his laboratory. NORTHEAST EAGAN LAND USE STUDY Miller introduced the item stating the Northeast Eagan Land Use Study Committee consists of 2 representatives from each Advisory Commission; noting Commissioners Thorkildson and Flanagan represent the ARC. Miller gave a brief background on the item and noted that the committee has been asked to review development scenarios and determine the effect of the airport on NE Eagan. Thorkildson stated the main topic of discussion at the last meeting was traffic congestion. He further stated an area, between 494 and Lone Oak and 149 east to the Inver Grove Heights border in northeast Eagan is partially located in the 60 DNL contour and in the one mile buffer zone, is being looked at for residential development. Flanagan stated several realtors and developers were at the meeting and there was discussion regarding contracts containing specific wording relative to noise. The Commission discussed areas of noise complaints and areas of development and redevelopment. Director of Community Development Hohenstein gave background on the specific property and land use planning. Director Hohenstein stated there will be an open house on February 7, 2005. NOISE OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE Miller introduced the item and stated the last Noise Oversight Committee (NOC) meeting was held on November 18, 2004 at which time the 2005 MSP NOC Work Plan was approved. Miller also stated that at the recommendation of the ARC, the NOC work plan now includes the review of the proposed Vision 2020 Plan. It was noted the next meeting of the Noise Oversight Committee will be January 19, 2005 at which time the NOC will review the proposed bylaw changes. DISCLOSURE REQUIREMENTS Miller gave a brief background on the 2004 legislation associated with disclosure requirements. NEW RUNWAY / AIRPORT OPEN HOUSES Miller stated the next New Runway Open House is scheduled for Thursday, January 20, 2005 at Pinewood Elementary School. Commnmissioners Bonnett, Flanagan, Dosland and Hooppaw have signed up to attend. Miller noted there will not be an open house in March. She stated that MAC has purchased noise technology that can be used at the open houses to provide residents examples of noise they can expect once the new runway is operational. The Commission discussed the new noise device purchased by the MAC and asked staff to experiment with the new technology to determine whether it would be beneficial to use at the open houses. Airport Relations Commission Minutes January 11, 2005/3 METROPOLITAN AIRPORTS COMMISSION'S 7 -YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Miller introduced the item stating that the MAC approved the CIP as presented at the December 20, 2004 meeting with the exception of the projects at the reliever airports, which were deferred to the January /February meetings. Miller stated the City was disappointed in the level of funding towards mitigation in the 60 -64 DNL and that the proposed 2020 Vision was not included in the CIP. PROPERTY VALUE ARTICLE Miller stated she enclosed an article from the Economic Perspectives regarding the effect of airport expansion on property values for the Commission's review. STATE SENATE HEARING Miller stated a State Senate Hearing was called today by the mechanics union for Northwest Airlines regarding the proposed 2020 Vision. She stated it was an opportunity for the mechanics to share their input regarding the proposed expansion. ROUNDTABLE Miller stated that Eagan will be hosting the 2005 N.O.I.S.E. Conference July 20 -22 at the Eagan Community Center. She also stated David Carbone, N.O.I. S.E. Conference Planning Chair — Airport Planner for San Mateo County, California, will be in Eagan on January 13 -14. Nierengarten asked if the Commission had any further discussion regarding the environmental concerns raised by Mr. Kinard. Thorkildson suggested we forward his letter to the MAC for their expertise in responding to this issue. ADJOURNMENT Upon motion by Krahn, seconded by Nierengarten, the Commission members adjourned the meeting. All members voted in favor. DATE SECRETARY mis