03/08/2005 - Airport Relations CommissionMINUTES OF THE EAGAN AIRPORT RELATIONS COMMISSION MEETING MARCH 8, 2005 A regular meeting of the Eagan Airport Relations Commission was held on Tuesday, March 8, 2005 at 7:00 p.m. Those present were Jason Bonnett, Daniel Flanagan, Dean Haelmel, Clint Hooppaw, Nathan Krahn, Tanury Mencel, Steve Nierengarten and Charles Thorkildson. Absent was Valerie Dosland. Also present was Dianne Miller, Assistant to the City Administrator. AGENDA Upon motion by Nierengarten; seconded by Mencel, the agenda was approved as presented. All members voted in favor. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Nierengarten made a motion to approve the minutes of the February 8, 2005 regular meeting of the Airport Relations Commission; Mencel seconded the motion. All members voted in favor. VISITORS TO BE HEARD There were no visitors to be heard. ARC COMMUNICATIONS SUBCOMMITTEES Miller stated on a monthly basis the subcommittees are asked to update Commissioners on any new information. (Newsletter Articles — Commissioners Thorkildson, Hooppaw, Flanagan and Mencel; ARC Notebook — Commissioners Krahn and Dosland; and Cable Television — Commissioners Nierengarten, Haehnel and Bonnett) Miller noted the next new runway open house is scheduled for April 21 and it will be video taped and aired in place of the open house held at Blackhawk Middle School. There were no other updates. EAGAN /MENDOTA HEIGHTS CORRIDOR ANALYSIS Miller introduced the item asking for comments fiom the Commission regarding the most recent report. Thorkildson noted that deviations appeared to be in the 90 percent range. The Commission commented on how noise levels can be down or remain the same and at the same time have departures slightly up. Miller stated she would look into it and report back to the Commission. PRESENTATION BY STEVE ORFIELD, ORFIELD LABORATORIES Miller introduced Steve Orfield and gave a brief introduction of Orfield Labs' work with municipalities and the use of baseline noise measurements. Derrick Knight of Orfield Laboratories gave a PowerPoint presentation which covered: the measurement of decibels; weighting networks; DNL comparison to single noise events / loud events compared to steady noise; measurements of the City of Richfield; graph showing Orfreld's measurements Airport Relations Commission Minutes March 8, 2005/2 and data at a Richfield location, MPCA class criteria — industrial, residential and conuliercial; documented detailed noise level results which exceed MPCA guidelines; Cedar Avenue Redevelopment; location in relationship to runway and areas to develop; graph showing departure maximum spectrum; types of building construction by contractors to eliminate noise; and specific documentation of low frequency noise. Steve Orfield took questions from the Conunission. The Commission spoke on concerns with overflights, verifying data from MAC and the benefits of having a baseline. Steve Orfield discussed the diversified data from his company, the benefits to the City and what the City can do once they have the data. He also noted that Orfield Labs will come back at a later date, if needed, to follow -up to assist in land development. The Commission thanked Steve Orfield and his colleagues for their time and presentation. The Conunission discussed whether to recommend the hiring of Orfield Laboratories to the City Council. Krahn made a motion to make a recommendation to the City Council asking for an RFP for the purpose of finding out the impact of aircraft noise prior to and after Runway 17 -35 is operational; Nierengarten seconded the motion. All members voted in favor. NOISE OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE Miller introduced the item stating the NOC last met on January 19 and the next meeting will be March 17. Miller stated the two primary items for discussion will be to determine an alternate run -up location after the new runway is operational and discuss the request from the City of Mendota Heights regarding 90 degree heading turns off Runway 12L. Miller briefly explained the concerns of Mendota Heights with the 90 degree wheels up vs. end of the runway. NEW RUNWAY / AIRPORT OPEN HOUSES Miller stated the last New Runway /Airport Open House was held on Thursday, February 10, 2005 at Metcalf Junior High in which 2,100 invitations were mailed out and approximately 300 people attended. Commissioners Hooppaw, Nierengarten, Thorkildson and Flanagan attended the open house. Miller further stated 4 open houses have been completed and the next open house will be Thursday, April 21 at Thomas Lake Elementary. It was noted that making packets from handout materials moved residents faster through the sign -in line. The Commission commented that MAC should take into consideration the age of homes in the area when making their presentation with noise equipment at the open houses. The Conunission also noted the importance of having the Part 150 comment cards from the NOC open house available to residents. COMMISSIONER HOOPPAW / RESIGNATION IN APRIL 2005 Miller stated Commissioner Hooppaw will be resigning in April 2005 due to a move in residency from the City of Eagan. She thanked Hooppaw for his time spent and work on the Airport Relations Commission. He will be missed. Airport Relations Commission Minutes March 8, 2005/3 2005 ARC MEETING DATES Miller stated there is a conflict in the meeting dates for the months of June, September and November for the ARC meetings. She further stated that per the direction of the Commission for those months, the meeting dates have been rescheduled for the second Monday of the month and a written schedule of the remaining ARC meetings for 2005 was presented. 2005 COMMISSION VACANCIES Miller stated the terms of Chair Thorkildson and Commissioners Mencel and Bonnett will expire in April 2005. She stated the alternate position will also need to be filled and also a one -year tern due to Conunissioner Hooppaw's resignation. Miller noted that applications are due March 18, 2005, and the City Council will conduct interviews April 12 and, if necessary, the 14th, with the appointments being made at the April 19, 2005 City Council meeting. She further stated all information relative to the Advisory Commissions can be found on the City of Eagan web site at www.cityofeagan.com. CORRESPONDENCE / REPRESENTATIVE LYNN WARDLOW Miller introduced the item and summarized a letter from State Representative Lym1 Wardlow to Minnesota's Congressional delegation requesting the FAA issue a determination which would disapprove the proposed Noise Compatibility Program included in the MAC Part 150 Program submittal. NOC COMMUNITY REPRESENTATIVE'S TOWN HALL MEETINGS Miller introduced the item stating the NOC Community Representatives have held 3 open houses; Mendota Heights, Minneapolis and Bloomington. She stated the final open house is scheduled for March 10 at Richfield and will address the Part 150 program and the proposed 20/20 plan. MAC / OPEN HOUSE PRESENTATION FOR THE CITY COUNCIL Miller stated that MAC has offered to give a presentation to the City Council at one of the Council's work sessions and legislators will be invited with the intention of giving them a better understanding of the impact of the new runway. The meeting date for the MAC presentation to the City Council is tentatively set for April 26. ROUNDTABLE Miller stated the City of Eagan will be hosting the Southern Twin Cities Association of Realtors Forum sometime mid -June and will have a segment on airport issues. She fiu-ther stated in past years several Commission members were present to help answer questions. ADJOURNMENT Upon motion by Hooppaw, seconded by Mencel, the Commission members adjourned the meeting at 8:30 p.m. All members voted in favor. DATE SECRETARY