04/12/2005 - Airport Relations CommissionMINUTES OF THE EAGAN AIRPORT RELATIONS COMMISSION MEETING APRIL 12, 2005 A regular meeting of the Eagan Airport Relations Commission was held on Tuesday, April 12, 2005 at 7:00 p.m. Those present were Jason Bonnett, Daniel Flanagan, Dean Haelmel, Nathan Krahn, Steve Nierengarten and Charles Thorkildson. Absent were Valerie Dosland, Tammy Mencel and Clint Hooppaw. Also present was Dianne Miller, Assistant to the City Administrator. AGENDA Upon motion by Nierengarten; seconded by Krahn, the agenda was approved as presented. All members voted in favor. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Krahn made a motion to approve the minutes of the March 8, 2005 regular meeting of the Airport Relations Commission; Flanagan seconded the motion. All members voted in favor. VISITORS TO BE HEARD There were no visitors to be heard. ARC COMMUNICATIONS SUBCOMMITTEES Miller noted that on an ongoing basis the subcommittees are asked to update Commissioners and make recommendations. (The Subcommittees are: Newsletter Articles — Commissioners Thorkildson, Hooppaw, Flanagan and Mencel; ARC Notebook — Commissioners Krahn and Dosland; and Cable Television — Commissioners Nierengarten, Haehnel and Bonnett.) Miller stated that the Metropolitan Airports Commission has put together a professional video on the impact of Runway 17 -35 which will be shown on cable throughout the metro area. Miller also stated the next new runway neighborhood open house will be April 21 at Thomas Lake Elementary and it will be video taped. Miller also stated Commissioners Dosland and Hooppaw have completed scanning the ARC Notebook. Thorkildson suggested adding information regarding the lawsuit to the Notebook. EAGAN /MENDOTA HEIGHTS CORRIDOR ANALYSIS Miller introduced the item stating this is a routine item on the Commission's agenda. A continent was made regarding the Departure Corridor Analysis Report indicating that the report shows additional departures but levels of noise have not increased because of improved technology. The Commission briefly discussed wheels up vs. half way procedure and deviations outside of the corridor. Airport Relations Commission Minutes April 12, 2005/2 MAC RUNWAY 17 -35 COMMUNITY COMMUNICATION EFFORTS Miller introduced the item referring to a memo from Chad Leqve, Manager of the Aviation Noise and Satellite Programs for MAC, regarding the efforts MAC is taking to communicate the impact of Runway 17 -35. Miller stated the format of the Eagan new runway open houses have served as a model for other communities; Burnsville and Bloomington are now using Eagan's model to communicate to their residents in advance of the October 2005 opening of Runway 17 -35. REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL / DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF BASELINE NOISE MEASUREMENTS Miller introduced the item stating at the March 8, 2005 meeting Steve Orfield of Orfield Laboratories made a presentation to the Commission. She stated per the direction of the City Council, an RFP to six firms that conduct noise analysis studies was sent out requesting information. There was discussion as to the role the ARC Commission will play in the RFP process. The Commission further discussed the possibility of scheduling a workshop to review the proposals while keeping with the time line of the City Council. Miller also suggested sending out copies of the proposals to Commission members and they in turn could e -mail questions to her regarding the firms submitting proposals. LITIGATION AGAINST THE MAC / NOISE MITIGATION PROGRAM Miller stated at the March 15, 2005 City Council meeting, the Council tools formal action to join the cities of Minneapolis and Richfield and the Minneapolis Public Housing Authority in suing the Metropolitan Airports Commission for failing to honor it noise mitigation commitments made in 1996. Krahn discussed the character of the lawsuit. Miller briefly summarized the lawsuit stating the authority under which the cities are suing the MAC is the Minnesota Environmental Rights Act (MERA) on behalf of the state for protection of the air, water, land or other natural resource. NEW RUNWAY / AIRPORT OPEN HOUSES Miller stated the next new runway open house is scheduled for Thursday, April 21 at Thomas Lake Elementary School. The Commission discussed the upcoming open house and recommended putting together packets for residents prior to the April 21 open house. Miller stated there is an article coming out on Sunday in the Pioneer Press regarding the new runway and its affect on Eagan. CORRESPONDENCE / DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AND FAA Miller introduced the item referring to correspondence sent by the Eagan City Council to FAA Administrator Blakey and Secretary of Transportation Mineta regarding commitments made by MAC to mitigate noise and requesting their involvement to ensure the insulation of homes within the 60 -64 DNL. A similar letter was also sent to Eagan's congressional delegation. Airport Relations Commission Minutes April 12, 2005/3 FAA NOISE EXPOSURE MAP APPROVAL Miller introduced the item stating the FAA has approved both the 2002 base and 2007 forecast noise exposures maps. She further stated that while the noise exposure maps have been approved, MAC has not received approval for the entire Part 150 document, but the FAA should determine that the Part 150 submittal is complete in the very near future and will have 180 days from that point to decide whether to approve the entire document. PRESENTATION TO THE CITY COUNCIL BY MAC NOISE AND ENVIRONMENT OFFICE Miller stated that Chad Leqve, Manager of the Aviation Noise and Satellite Programs for MAC, per the request of the City Council, will be providing a presentation the City Council on April 26, 2005 regarding the impact of the new runway. She further stated the presentation will be from 5:30 — 6 :00 p.m. and is not intended to be a public hearing, but will be a condensed version of the neighborhood new runway open houses. REALTORS FORUM / JUNE 22, 2005 Miller introduced the item stating the 2005 Realtors Forum will be Wednesday, June 22, 2005 from 9:00 — 11:00 a.m. in the City Council Chambers. Miller noted that there will be an airport update, specifically an update on the new runway, and further noted that the Northern Dakota County Chamber of Commerce will also be at the forum. Miller stated the ARC Commissioners are invited to attend and are welcome to participate by answering questions relative to the new runway. TWIN CITIES BUSINESS MONTHLY / "FREIGHT FORWARD" Miller introduced the item stating the article was included in the packet for informational purposes only. Thorkildson commented that it held a very simplistic view of a complex problem. ROUNDTABLE Miller stated she was asked to pass along Commissioner Hooppaw's words of farewell and thank you to the Commission and that he has enjoyed serving on the ARC. Miller stated he was unable to attend tonight's meeting which would have been his final meeting. Miller stated she attended a senate transportation hearing today on the airline industry and there had been a discussion regarding changes in the financial situation of the airlines. ADJOURNMENT Upon motion by Krahn, seconded by Flanagan, the Commission members adjourned the meeting at 7:45 p.m. All members voted in favor. DATE SECRETARY