05/10/2005 - Airport Relations CommissionMINUTES OF THE EAGAN AIRPORT RELATIONS COMMISSION MEETING MAY 10, 2005 A regular meeting of the Eagan Airport Relations Commission was held on Tuesday, May 10, 2005 at 7:00 p.m. Those present were Jason Bonnett, Daniel Flanagan, Dean Haehnel, Nathan Krahn, Tanuny Mencel, Steve Nierengarten and Charles Thorkildson. Absent was Valerie Dosland. Also present was Dianne Miller, Assistant to the City Administrator. AGENDA Upon motion by Nierengarten; seconded by Flanagan, the agenda was approved as presented. All members voted in favor. COMMISSIONER APPOINTMENTS Miller stated that the City Council was pleased to appoint two new members to the Eagan Airport Relations Commission and also reappoint three existing Conrrnissioners. Jason Bonnett, Tanuny Mencel and Charles Thorkildson were appointed to 3 -year terns; Curtis Aljets was appointed to a 1 -year tern; and Jack Prentice was appointed to a 1 -year alternate tern. Miller asked both existing and new Commission members to introduce themselves and give a brief background. APPOINTMENT OF CHAIR / VICE CHAIR Thorkildson opened the floor for nominations to elect a Chair to the Eagan Airport Relations Commission. Flanagan made a motion to nominate Commissioner Thorkildson to serve as Chair to the Airport Relations Commission; Bonnett seconded the motion. There were no other nominations. The floor for nominations was closed. All members voted in favor of Thorkildson for Chair. Thorkildson opened the floor for nominations to elect a Vice Chair to the Eagan Airport Relations Commission. Nierengarten made a motion to nominate Krahn to serve as Vice Chair to the Airport Relations Commission. There were no other nominations. The floor for nominations was closed. All members voted in favor of Krahn for Vice Chair. COMMUNICATIONS SUBCOMMITTEES Miller introduced the item and briefly discussed the three subcommittees — Newsletter Articles, ARC Notebook and Cable Television, giving new Commission members basic information regarding the subconnnittees while inviting them to join any of the three subcommittees. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Kral-in made a motion to approve the minutes of the April 12, 2005 regular meeting of the Airport Relations Commission; Haehne seconded the motion. All members voted in favor. VISITORS TO BE HEARD There were no visitors to be heard. Airport Relations Commission Minutes May 10, 2005/2 ARC COMMUNICATIONS SUBCOMMITTEES Miller noted that on an ongoing basis the subcommittees are asked to update Commissioners and make recommendations. (The Subcommittees are: Newsletter Articles — Commissioners Thorkildson, Flanagan and Mencel; ARC Notebook — Commissioners Kralm and Dosland; and Cable Television — Conmissioners Nierengarten, Haehnel and Bonnett.) Miller stated the Experience Eagan Newsletter deadline for articles is the end of the month. The Commission suggested including another New Runway Open House schedule for the remainder of the open houses, an update on the new runway and, if the City Council approves a consultant, an article regarding the hiring of a consultant to conduct a noise analysis study. EAGAN /MENDOTA HEIGHTS CORRIDOR ANALYSIS Miller introduced the item stating this is a routine item on the Commission's agenda. The Commission discussed the Eagan/Mendota Heights Corridor, its purpose and noise mitigation. REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL/DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF BASELINE NOISE MEASUREMENTS Miller introduced the item giving background on the RFP process. She stated, at the recommendation of the ARC and per the direction of the City Council, a request for proposal was distributed to six firms nationwide that conduct noise analysis studies. Miller stated three proposals were received by the City and these proposals were evaluated by a staff team in which two proposals were recommended to the ARC for consideration. The Cormnission discussed the two proposals. The Commission agreed to form a subcommittee to join staff on Monday, May 16, to conduct phone interviews of the two firms. The subcommittee will consist of three staff members and three Commissioners — Flanagan, Kralur and Aljets. The interviews will start at 9:00 a.m. and, following the interviews, the committee will discuss its reconunendation to the City Council for the May 17 City Council meeting. The Commission discussed cost and whether post- monitoring will be needed and at what cost. The Commission verbalized their opinions and recommendations of the implementation of a baseline noise measurement study. Feedback by Commission members is as follows: Krahn asked what other project or issue in Eagan's recent history will have as much impact on the City as the new runway? He also stated he was on the fence as far as making a decision, but now he sees value in the study, provided the data can be used practically. Bonnett stated we owe it to the citizens of Eagan to explore this project, but the City will need to recognize that the study may lead to additional study needs and costs. Nierengarten stated the runway is going to produce noise that is loud. He asked what if the study finds the measurements are different than the MAC measurements? He stated it is nice to have information, but is not convinced that it is a worthwhile expenditure. Airport Relations Commission Minutes May 10, 2005/3 Thorkildson stated the study will be worthwhile only if we get worthwhile data and use it to show residents why they are experiencing the change in the noise environment (i.e. number of flights, frequency, etc.) He also stated he is not comfortable relying solely on MAC data. Flanagan stated the issue of whether to proceed comes down to money. He stated the City needs to get the biggest bang for their buck. He further stated the proj ect would demonstrate whether MAC is on target with their projections before and after the runway opens. Mencel commented that the study is a great idea because MAC has no auditor. She stated the project comes down to costing less than $1 per person if we keep the cost under $50,000, which would make it a good investment for the City. Haehnel stated the fundamental problem that exists is that the City is trying to verify data that is produced by another government agency in which taxpayers are already paying for. He also stated the accuracy of the MAC data is not solely the City of Eagan's problem and the City could spend a significant amount of money on the project and in the end we will still have the noise. Aljets stated he was in favor of the project. He stated the project is worthwhile for the purpose of verifying the accuracy of MAC and the data prepares the City for litigation, if necessary. He further stated the study could also be used to establish the "real" noise impact in NE Eagan and it will demonstrate the detriment of noise on the community. Prentice questioned whether more data is going to help the City with the reality that noise is going to be heard regardless of this study. He stated that funding needs could continue to multiply in order to continue the study and what will happen if the City finds that the data supports MAC projects. He further stated he is on the fence on whether the study is an appropriate use of funds. CITY COMMUNICATIONS PLAN RE: POST OPENING OF RUNWAY 17 -35 Miller introduced the item and stated at the April 12, 2005 City Council workshop, Chad Leqve, Manager of the Aviation Noise and Satellite Programs for MAC, provided a brief presentation to the City Council on the impact of Runway 17 -35. She stated this item will be addressed at the Airport Relations Commission workshop in June and further communications strategy can be discussed at the tune. Thorkildson suggested having an open house regarding the new runway immediately after Runway 17 -35 is operational. NEW RUNWAY / AIRPORT OPEN HOUSES Miller stated the most recent open house was held on April 21 at Thomas Lake Elementary School and approximately 250 residents attended. She stated five of the ten open houses have taken place. In attendance at the open house were Commissioners Krahn, Thorkildson and Flanagan. Miller noted the next open house will be on Thursday, May 19 at Woodland Elementary School and approximately 1,885 invitations have been mailed out. Miller noted this open house will be taped and broadcasted on the City's local access television stations. Miller invited new and existing Commissioners to attend the open house. Haehnel, Thorkildson and Aljets volunteered to attend the May 19 open house. The Commission commented on the April 21 open house noted that the acoustics were poor and Chad Leqve was barely audible. The Commission discussed questions to ask prior to the open house and stated the frequency of aircraft noise is a concern and knowing the average annual operations per day might Airport Relations Commission Minutes May 10, 2005/4 be helpful to residents along with environment health issues. The Commission also commented on MAC demonstrating the sound of aircraft noise with open windows, repetitive noise and possibly exaggerating the level of noise. The Commission also conunented on holding an open house outside in northern Eagan. Nierengarten made a motion to extend the ARC meeting until 8:45 p.m.; Flanagan seconded the motion. All members voted in favor. DISCOVER US PUBLICATION / NEW RUNWAY BROCHURE Miller stated for informational purposes only and per the direction of the City Council in 2004, the brochure produced by the City with regard to Runway 17 -35 has been included in the May edition of Discover Us, a Parks and Recreation publication that is sent to approximately 27,000 households in the City of Eagan. JUNE 13, 2005 ARC MEETING Miller noted the ARC meeting for the month of June had been changed to Monday, June 13 and will have to be rescheduled again. The Commission discussed having a workshop in place of the June meeting and discussed the week of June 6 and June 20. The Commission will e -mail possible available dates during those weeks to Assistant to the City Administrator Miller and a date for the workshop will be coordinated. MSP 2020 DEVELOPMENT PLAN Miller introduced the item noting the memo from Nigel Finney, Deputy Executive Director of Planning and Environment for the MAC, regarding the MSP 2020 Development Plan and the Committee's recommendation of the Capital Improvement Program adjustment. Miller stated the memo was included for informational purposes only and she will update the Commission as further development occurs. HISTORY / COMMITMENTS FOR 60 -65 NOISE MITIGATION Miller introduced the item stating a comprehensive history of the commitments made by the Metropolitan Airports Commission with regard to noise mitigation in the 60 -65 DNL contours and a memo including a summary of the various positions the City of Eagan took with regard to mitigation in the 60 -65 DNL contours was enclosed and included for Commission review and informational purposes only. REALTORS FORUM / JUNE 22, 2005 Miller introduced the item stating the 2005 Realtors Forum will be Wednesday, June 22, 2005, from 9:00 — 11:00 a.m. in the City Council Chambers and is a great overview of the City. Miller noted that there will be an airport update and ARC Commissioners are invited to attend and are welcome to participate by answering questions relative to the new runway. ROUNDTABLE The Commission briefly discussed the Part 161 Program and a noise ordinance. Airport Relations Commission Minutes May 10, 2005/5 ADJOURNMENT Upon motion by Kralm, seconded by Mencel, the Commission members adjourned the meeting at 8:45 p.m. All members voted in favor. DATE SECRETARY