08/09/2005 - Airport Relations CommissionMINUTES OF THE EAGAN AIRPORT RELATIONS COMMISSION MEETING AUGUST 9, 2005 A regular meeting of the Eagan Airport Relations Commission was held on Tuesday, August 9, 2005 at 7:00 p.m. Those present were Curtis Aljets, Jason Bonnett, Valerie Dosland, Dean Haehnel, Nathan Krahn, Tammy Mencel, Jack Prentice and Charles Thorkildson. Absent was Daniel Flanagan and Steve Nierengar-ten. Also present was Dianne Miller, Assistant to the City Administrator. AGENDA Upon motion by Aljets; seconded by Bonnett, the agenda was approved as presented. All members voted in favor. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Aljets noted that the minutes of the July 12, 2005 regular meeting of the Airport Relations Commission did not reflect the attendance of Curtis Aljets and Jack Prentice. Alj ets made a motion to approve the minutes of the July 12, 2005 regular meeting of the Airport Relations Commission as amended; Bonnett seconded the motion. All members voted in favor. VISITORS TO BE HEARD Joe Kinard, 4158 Blueberry Circle, stated the report by Wyle Laboratories is not complete. He asked that the Commission appeal to the City Council to have Wyle monitor inside Eagan schools. PRESENTATION BY WYLE LABORATORIES — BASELINE NOISE MEASUREMENTS IN PREPARATION OF THE OPENING OF RUNWAY 17 -35 AT THE MSP INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT Miller introduced the item giving background on the purpose of the baseline noise study and introduced Bill Albee from Wyle Laboratories. Miller stated monitoring was conducted from June 14 — 20. Mr. Albee noted the study explains the City's goals, acoustics, the existing noise environment and future noise impacts. He explained basic information of acoustics and tune average sound level metrics, along with equivalent sound level, day -night average sound level and percentile- exceeded sound level. Mr. Albee summarized the existing noise environment, the 7 -day measurement period and the 10 sites monitored, average overall sound levels calculated and the comparison to the permanent noise monitors. Mr. Albee also summarized the projected 2007 average daily aircraft operations, based on the study using grid points in 50 locations in Eagan. Mr. Albee highlighted the DNL, TA (time above) and NA (number above events) for each grid. Mr. Albee's presentation contained several graphs, one of which shows the monitoring locations and new runway flight paths along with existing runway flight paths. Mr. Albee stated the study conducted a comparison using Wyle's monitors and 2 permanent RMT's, and the average differences were 0.7 dB to 1.1 dB. Mr. Albee farther discussed the accuracy of the results and how they are less accurate as distance increases due to the many variables that go into the model. Airport Relations Commission Minutes August 9, 2005/2 In summary, Mr. Albee stated the baseline noise measurement document measured current noise levels and analyzed future aircraft noise when Runway 17/35 is operational. Chad Leqve, Metropolitan Airports Commission, was present and congratulated the Commission and Dianne Miller, Assistant to the City Administrator, for the Community of the Year Award presented to the City by the National Organization to Insure a Sounds Controlled Enviromnent (N.O.I.S.E.). He stated he had 3 concerns with the study by Wyle Laboratories; 1.) the average annual day in terms of DNL in Chapter 3; 2.) general INM accuracy beyond the 65 and 60 DNL contour; and 3.) INM input departure track data beyond the 60 DNL contour. Mn Leqve stated these three areas need more detailed analysis and additional context for the data within the document to be correct. Mr. Albee stated he could add dialogue to the document. Haehnel made a motion to extend the ARC meeting no later than 9:00 p.m. Aljets seconded the motion. All members voted in favor. The Commission asked questions and continued discussion with Mr. Albee. Miller asked the Commission for suggestions regarding the use of data contained in the study at the open house. She asked Commission members to e -mail her with suggestions. Mr. Leqve stated he would not do a presentation, discuss or answer questions regarding the material contained in the baseline study at the open house in September. The Connnission suggested having maps, charts and summaries of the baseline noise report available at the September open house. Haehnel suggested the Commission hold a work session after the members have reviewed the document. Miller stated she will e -mail possible dates for the work session to the members. The Commission further discussed the need for noise monitoring inside of the schools. EAGAN /MENDOTA HEIGHTS CORRIDOR ANALYSIS Miller introduced the item stating the enclosed June 2005 Eagan/Mendota Heights Corridor Analysis and June 2005 Technical Advisory Report are the most recent reports available on MAC's website and, further, stated these reports are included each month for the Commission to review and discuss any significant deviations that have occurred. SEPTEMBER 15, 2005 NEW RUNWAY /AIRPORT OPEN HOUSE Miller introduced the item and stated this item will be discussed further at the workshop, which will be scheduled for next week. NEW RUNWAY / AIRPORT OPEN HOUSES Miller stated the most recent open house was held on July 14 at Oak Ridge Elementary School. She stated Commissioners Krahn, Dosland, Nierengarten and Flanagan attended the open house along with approximately 100 residents. Miller noted the next open house is scheduled for August 18 at Pilot Knob Elementary School which is the last neighborhood open house. Commissions Nierengarten, Mencel, Bonnett and Flanagan have signed up to participate. Airport Relations Conunission Minutes August 9, 2005/3 COMMENTS ON THE DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FOR THE 2015 TERMINAL EXPANSION PROJECT Miller stated she enclosed in the packet continents regarding the draft Environmental Assessment (EA) for the 2015 Terminal Expansion Project for Commission review. She noted the Council approved the comments on the draft Environment Assessment for the 2015 terminal expansion at the August 1, 2005 City Council meeting. 2005 N.O.I.S.E. CONFERENCE / "IT WAS A SUCCESS" Miller stated the 2005 N.O.I.S.E. National Conference held July 20 — 22 in Eagan was a success. She thanked Commissioners Thorkildson, Nierengarten, Dosland and Aljets for their participation in the conference. COMMUNITY OF THE YEAR AWARD / CITY OF EAGAN Miller introduced the item stating the City of Eagan was presented the Community of the Year award at the 35th N.O.I.S.E. annual summer conference which was held in at the Eagan Community Center. Miller stated the Mayor and City Council expressed their appreciation to the Airport Relations Commission for their excellent work over the past year in communicating to Eagan residents information regarding the new runway. NORTHWEST AIRLINE AND MESABA AIRLINE REPRESENTATIVES Miller stated that Northwest Airline is currently in a 30 -day "cooling off period" and will not be providing updates on its business until such period is complete. She also stated when Northwest resumes updates, staff will contact the airline to inquire about a possible meeting with the Airport Relations Conunission. ADJOURNMENT Upon motion by Dosland, seconded by Aljets, the Commission members adjourned the meeting at 10 p.m. All members voted in favor. DATE SECRETARY