09/12/2005 - Airport Relations CommissionMINUTES OF THE EAGAN AIRPORT RELATIONS COMMISSION MEETING SEPTEMBER 12, 2005 A regular meeting of the Eagan Airport Relations Conunission was held on Tuesday, August 9, 2005 at 7:00 p.m. Those present were Curtis Aljets, Jason Bonnett, Daniel Flanagan, Dean Haehnel, Nathan Krahn, Steve Nierengarten, Jack Prentice and Charles Thorkildson. Absent were Valerie Dosland and Tammy Mencel. Also present was Dianne Miller, Assistant to the City Administrator. AGENDA The agenda was amended to include an additional item under Staff Report regarding the lawsuit between residents of Richfield and Minneapolis and the Metropolitan Airports Commission. Upon motion by Krahn; seconded by Bonnett, the agenda was approved as modified. All members voted in favor. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Aljets made a motion to approve the minutes of the August 9, 2005 regular meeting of the Airport Relations Commission; Prentice seconded the motion. All members voted in favor. VISITORS TO BE HEARD There were no visitors to be heard. COMMUNICATION SUBCOMMITTEES Assistant to the City Administrator Miller introduced the item noting that the Experience Eagan Newsletter had been sent out and received by residents, which contained an article on the Noise Study by Wyle Labs and has generated calls to the City. She also stated the September 15, 2005 open house will be advertised in the Minneapolis Star Tribune, St. Paul Pioneer Press and the local papers. Miller also noted this item is placed monthly on the agenda for Commission members and subcommittees to discuss, comment, and make recommendations to the ARC and the Eagan City Council. EAGAN/MENDOTA HEIGHTS CORRIDOR ANALYSIS Miller introduced the item stating the enclosed July 2005 Eagan/Mendota Heights Corridor Analysis and July 2005 Technical Advisory Report are the most recent reports available on MAC's website and, further, stated these reports are included each month for the Commission to review and discuss any significant deviations that have occurred. Miller noted that also included in the packet is the proposed Runway 17 -35 Departure Analysis Report for display purposes and is not actual data, but will be prepared by MAC on a monthly basis following the opening of the new runway in October. Chair Thorkildson commented on the Technical Advisory Report and also an observation by a resident attending an open house relative to a 6:00 a.m. flight outside of the corridor on a daily basis. Miller took note and will check into the deviation. Airport Relations Commission Minutes September 12, 2005/2 SEPTEMBER 15, 2005 NEW RUNWAY /AIRPORT OPEN HOUSE Miller introduced the item and stated the September 15, 2005 New Runway /Airport Open house will take place at the Eagan Community Center in the banquet room from 6:30 — 8:00 p.m. She further noted the outline /structure that was prepared for the open house and reviewed and agreed upon by staff from the Metropolitan Airports Commission. Miller stated there will be numerous MAC staff in attendance and they will have maps, boards and charts set up in a "station" format. She also stated that staff from the MAC has asked that technical questions be directed to them for response. CITY COMMUNICATIONS PLANS FOLLOWING THE OPENING OF RUNWAY 17 -35 Miller introduced the item noting the summary of continents discussed during the ARC workshop in June 2005. Miller stated the sununary was included for Commission discussion in order to make a recommendation to the City Council at their next meeting. The Commission discussed the tuning of scheduling open houses post opening of the runway. The Commission discussed how the January open house would be communicated to residents and suggested the Experience Eagan Newsletter continue with articles advertising the open house. It was suggested that the Eagan cable station program, Inside Eagan, possibly include an interview of someone from the Metropolitan Airports Commission. Miller stated that the MAC Noise Office has contacted the City requesting the 4t" quarterly public input meeting be at the Eagan Community Center on November 10, 2005 from 7:00 — 8:30 p.m. and noted that this will be great timing for Eagan residents with questions regarding the new runway. Miller stated residents receiving the MAC newsletter will receive a postcard regarding the November 10, 2005 quarterly public meeting. NEW RUNWAY /AIRPORT OPEN HOUSES Miller introduced the item stating the final neighborhood new runway open house took place on August 18, 2005 at Pilot Knob Elementary School and approximately 1,400 invitations were mailed with approximately 100 people in attendance. She further stated that during the past 10 month over 1,000 people participated in the neighborhood open houses. Miller thanked Commission members for their participation and attendance at the open houses. She also stated that correspondence was sent to Vicki Tigwell, MAC Chairperson, thanking MAC staff on behalf of the City of Eagan for their involvement in the series of open houses held in Eagan. METROPOLITAN AIRPORTS COMMISSION MEETING UPDATE Miller introduced the item stating the Metropolitan Airports Commission Finance, Development and Environment Committee met on Wednesday, September 7, 2005 and reviewed the draft Environmental Assessment for the 2015 Terminal Expansion Project along with comments that were submitted by surrounding communities and various agencies. Miller stated the Committee voted 15 to 1 to approve the draft Environmental Assessment for the 2015 Terminal Project. Miller also noted that Phase I of the expansion plans, which included the addition of 16 gates at the Humphrey Terminal, will be delayed one year. She noted that Northwest Airlines stated the gates will not be necessary until June of 2008 due to rising fuel costs. The Commission commented that questions to be addressed in the next few months will Airport Relations Commission Minutes September 12, 2005/3 be regarding the amount of growth MSP is able to handle and whether Northwest Airlines will file for bankruptcy. NOISE OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE UPDATE Miller introduced the item stating the last Noise Oversight Committee was held on July 28, 2005 and noted that the Committee meets every other month. Miller stated the NOC discussed a request for MSP to become a continuous descent approach test site. Miller also stated that Louisville, Kentucky is a continuous approach test site. Miller stated that the Noise Oversight Committee recommended that MAC be considered as a continuous descent approach test site, provided that UPS planes be used for the testing. Miller explained the difference between continuous descent and regular approach and also indicated the continuous approach has a fuel reduction and a 10 to 20 percent reduction in noise. CORRESPONDENCE /FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION Miller introduced the item stating on March 15, 2005 the Eagan City Council sent correspondence to the FAA urging their support of mitigation out to the 60 DNL contour. Miller discussed the response the City received from the FAA Regional Administrator, Christopher Blum, regarding mitigation of homes in the 60 — 64 DNL. SCHOOL SOUND INSULATION PROGRAM / O'HARE AIRPORT, CHICAGO Miller introduced the item stating the ARC had requested information regarding school sound insulation at their August 9, 2005 meeting. Miller discussed information provided in the packet fi-om the O'Hare School Sound Insulation Program on frequently asked questions and a map showing schools that have been insulated surrounding the O'Hare International Airport. The Commission questioned how the passenger facilities charges are spent and also asked to revisit this item next month after reviewing surrounding area schools such as Inver Grove Heights and Mendota Heights. Miller will provide information on area schools relative to sound insulation. LAWSUIT — RESIDENTS OF THE CITIES OF MINNEAPOLIS AND RICHFIELD AND THE METROPOLITAN AIRPORTS COMMISSION Miller introduced the item giving a brief background on the lawsuit. She stated the firm of Zimmerman Reed may be contacting residents and the City regarding the lawsuit. She also stated the film has a web site at www.zin=eed.com for information and background on the lawsuit. ADJOURNMENT Upon.motion by Aljets, seconded by Krahn, the Commission members adjourned the meeting at 7:45 p.m. All members voted in favor. DATE SECRETARY