10/11/2005 - Airport Relations CommissionMINUTES OF THE EAGAN AIRPORT RELATIONS COMMISSION MEETING OCTOBER 11, 2005 A regular meeting of the Eagan Airport Relations Commission was held on Tuesday, October 11, 2005 at 7:00 p.m. Those present were Curtis Aljets, Valerie Dosland, Dean Haehnel, Tammy Mencel, Jack Prentice and Charles Thorkildson. Absent were Jason Bonnett, Daniel Flanagan, Nathan Krahn and Steve Nierengarten. Also present was Dianne Miller, Assistant to the City Administrator. AGENDA Upon motion by Haehnel; seconded by Aljets, the agenda was approved as presented. All members voted in favor. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Haehnel made a motion to approve the minutes of the September 12, 2005 regular meeting of the Airport Relations Commission; Aljets seconded the motion. All members voted in favor. VISITORS TO BE HEARD There were no visitors to be heard. COMMUNICATION SUBCOMMITTEES Miller introduced the item noting this item is placed monthly on the agenda for Commission members and subcommittees to discuss, comment, and make recommendations to City staff and the Eagan City Council. Miller noted in the next edition of the Experience Eagan newsletter, there will be an article regarding MAC hosting their quarterly public input meeting at the Eagan Community Center on November 10, 2005. She also stated a piece regarding the opening of Runway 17 -35 will be shown on Cable TV. Thorkildson also suggested having information on Cable TV regarding the November 10, 2005 public input meeting. EAGAN /MENDOTA HEIGHTS CORRIDOR ANALYSIS Miller introduced the item stating the enclosed August 2005 Eagan/Mendota Heights Corridor Analysis and August 2005 Technical Advisory Report are the most recent reports available on MAC's website and, further, stated these reports are included each month for the Commission to review and discuss any significant deviations or issues that have occurred. Miller stated that starting in December the Runway 17 -35 Advisory Reports should also be available for review. Miller noted that per the direction of the ARC, she contacted MAC staff and Cindy Green, FAA Tower Operations Manager, regarding an alleged corridor excursion that routinely takes place at approximately 6:00 a.m. over the Highview neighborhood in Eagan. Miller noted that the Metropolitan Airports Commission responded by saying that none of the 53 operations recorded from August 1 to September 12 from 5:00 a.m. to 7:00 a.m. were outside the corridor. Miller added that according to the Airport Relations Commission Minutes October 11, 2005/2 MAC, a possible explanation to the complaint is that the intersection of Pilot Knob and Highview Avenue is approximately 1,000 feet south of the corridor, and at that hour, even a plane inside the corridor would be audible to the Highview neighborhood. CITY COMMUNICATIONS PLANS FOLLOWING THE OPENING OF RUNWAY 17 -35 Miller introduced the item stating a sunnmary of the connnunication initiatives outlined by the Connnission at the September 12, 2005 ARC meeting was presented to the City Council at their September 20, 2005 Council meeting. Miller stated the City Council directed staff to send correspondence to all Eagan households in advance of the October 27, 2005 opening of Runway 17 -35 to highlight the efforts taken by the City to educate residents about the runway. Miller briefly discussed the 2005 community survey results stating it is the first time that airport noise was mentioned by residents as a serious issue facing the City. Miller further stated the Wyle Laboratories Report has been posted on the City's website. The Commission suggested setting a date and deciding on the specific format for the January open house at the November ARC meeting. The Connnission discussed the September 15, 2005 MAC open house held at the Community Center, at which approximately 100 people attended. It was suggested to keep the same format as the September open house for the January open house. RESPONSE FROM NEIGHBORING SCHOOL DISTRICTS RE: AIRPORT NOISE Miller introduced the item stating per the direction of the Commission at their September 12, 2005 ARC meeting, staff inquired with neighboring school districts with regard to the impact of airport noise on their schools. Miller included the summary and discussed the results of the inquiries that were made. Miller stated School District 196 has had no mitigation. Miller stated that the City of Richfield contacted her after the packet was sent out stating 3 schools have been mitigated; one by the MAC. She further noted that St. Thomas had some noise mitigation done in 1995. The Connnission discussed Trinity Lone Oak School noting that they had received notice from MAC in regards to insulating the school, but now that they are outside the 60 DNL, they have not heard from MAC. Miller stated she will check into the history of the school's discussions with MAC. NOVEMBER ARC MEETING Miller introduced the item noting the ARC meeting for the month of November is scheduled for Monday, November 14 due to the general election. Miller stated if the Commission scheduled their meeting for November 14, it would have to be in a workshop setting since the Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission is scheduled to meet in the City Council Chambers. Miller suggested meeting Monday, November 7. The Commission agreed to meet on Monday, November 7, 2005 at 7:00 p.m. NOISE OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE UPDATE Miller introduced the item stating the last Noise Oversight Committee meeting was held on October 4, 2005, at which the current co- chairs, Kathleen Nelson of Northwest Airlines and Vern Wilcox of the City of Bloomington, were both reappointed to two -year co -chair positions. Miller also stated there was significant discussion regarding alternative noise metrics used in the aviation industry. Miller also noted the memo from Chad Leqve, Manager of the Aviation Noise and Satellite Programs for MAC, and white Airport Relations Commission Minutes October 11, 2005/3 paper written by him regarding various alternative noise metrics used by MAC, those available for use, but not currently used by MAC and supplemental metrics used by MAC. Miller added that Ms. Green, Tower Operation Manager, spoke at the NOC meeting and stated that training is underway on the new Runway 12L procedure, the crossing in the corridor procedure, and the 2.5 nautical mile turn off of Runway 17/35. Miller noted that the new runway will not be fully operational in October, as previously stated to the City, and spacing will initially be 5 miles on the new runway versus 3 miles. Miller added that the Runway 17/35, according to Ms. Green will be operating at full capacity in January of 2006. NOVEMBER 10, 2005 MAC QUARTERLY PUBLIC INPUT MEETING Miller introduced the item noting that on November 10, 2005 the Metropolitan Airports Commission will be hosting their quarterly public input meeting at the Eagan Community Center. Miller stated notice of the meeting will be included in the next edition of Experience Eagan. Miller explained the change in format for the meetings, noting that now attendees asking questions or making continents will verbally be addressed and will also receive a written response. She further stated this is a Metropolitan Airports Commission sponsored meeting and is open to all cities affected by aircraft noise. ROUNDTABLE Miller stated that per the request of Northwest Airlines, there will be a one year delay on the expansion of gates at the Hubert Humphrey Tenninal, as called for in the 2020 Plan. The Commission discussed Northwest Airlines filing bankruptcy. ADJOURNMENT Upon motion by Aljets, seconded by Prentice, the Commission members adjourned the meeting at 7:35 p.m. All members voted in favor. DATE SECRETARY