11/07/2005 - Airport Relations CommissionMINUTES OF THE EAGAN AIRPORT RELATIONS COMMISSION MEETING NOVEMBER 7, 2005 A regular meeting of the Eagan Airport Relations Commission was held on Monday, November 7, 2005 at 7:00 p.m. Those present were Curtis Aljets, Jason Bonnett, Valerie Dosland, Daniel Flanagan, Nathan Krahn, Tammy Mencel, Steve Nierengarten and Charles Thorkildson. Absent were Dean Haehnel and Jack Prentice. Also present was Dianne Miller, Assistant to the City Administrator. AGENDA Upon motion by Krahn; seconded by Aljets, the agenda was approved as presented. All members voted in favor. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Flanagan made a motion to approve the minutes of the October 11, 2005 regular meeting of the Airport Relations Commission; Aljets seconded the motion. All members voted in favor. VISITORS TO BE HEARD Carla, a resident of Eagan and a journalism student at the University of Minnesota, was present to video -tape the meeting and interested in information regarding the new runway. COMMUNICATION SUBCOMMITTEES Miller introduced the item noting this item is placed monthly on the agenda for Commission members and subcommittees to discuss, conunent, and make reconunendations to the ARC and the Eagan City Council. She stated notice of the November 10, 2005 Metropolitan Airports Commission Quarterly Input Meeting is currently running on the City's cable television stations. She also stated any recommendations from the Commission regarding an article in the next Experience Eagan newsletter would need to be underway soon. Chair Thorkildson suggested the letter dated October 11, 2005 signed by the City Council and mailed to all Eagan residents notifying them of the opening of the new runway be included in the ARC Notebook. EAGAN/MENDOTA HEIGHTS CORRIDOR ANALYSIS Miller introduced the item stating the enclosed September 2005 Eagan/Mendota Heights Corridor Analysis and September 2005 Technical Advisory Report are the most recent reports available on MAC's website and, further, stated these reports are included each month for the Commission to review and discuss any significant deviations or issues that have occurred. Miller stated that starting in December the Runway 17 -35 Advisory Reports should also be available for review. Airport Relations Commission Minutes November 7, 2005/2 Miller stated 94.4 percent of departure operations remained in the corridor in the month of September. Miller also stated the format of the Advisory Reports for Runway 17 -35 will be similar to the Corridor Analysis and Technical Advisory Reports and a sample of the new report was enclosed in the October packet. JANUARY 2006 OPEN HOUSE / CITY COMMUNICATION PLANS Miller introduced the item stating per the direction of the Commission, a recommendation was made to the City Council at their September 20, 2005 Council meeting regarding strategies the City could initiate following the opening of the new runway. Miller stated enclosed in the packet is an outline of the recommendations which the City Council approved at their September 20, 2005 meeting. The Commission discussed the dates of January 19, 2006 and January 26, 2006 to hold an informational open house following the opening of Runway 17 -35. Miller will email Commission members regarding a preferred date. She will then reserve the Eagan Community Center once a date is established. The Commission discussed communication strategies for the open house and it was suggested the format resemble the September 15, 2005 open house. It was suggested to have the most recent copy of the Technical Advisory Report available to residents. Miller stated she will coordinate with MAC staff to attend the meeting to field teclmical questions. The Commission discussed informing residents that the December Runway 17 -35 Advisory Report does not reflect the runway in full use. Miller stated the January 2006 open house will be communicated to residents through the Experience Eagan newsletter, cable TV, local newspapers and the City's website. RUNWAY 17 -35 FEEDBACK Miller introduced the item noting the new runway opened on October 27, 2005 and between October 27 and November 1, the City has received approximately 35 phone calls and 10 emails from residents concerned about the noise from Runway 17 -35. Miller stated common concerns voiced thus far are aircraft arrivals east of Cedar Avenue, departure deviations from the flight tracks and concern about the new runway being used for 37 percent of departure operations. The Commission discussed feedback they have received. It was noted the early morning and night- time operations seem to be the worst. A couple of residents commented to Commissioners that the noise is not as bad as expected. Miller stated that the FAA is phasing in operations on the new runway. She stated operations are spaced by five miles until January 2006. Miller noted that after that time, the MAC and FAA plan on using the new runway to its fullest capacity (3 mile spacing). Bonnett suggested having a summary of complaints and responses available at the January open house. The Commission discussed flight paths, fanning and arrivals east and west of Cedar Avenue. METROPOLITAN AIRPORTS COMMISSION CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM, 2006-2012 Miller introduced the item noting the Assessment of Environmental Effects (AOEE) with regard to the 7 -year Capital Improvement Program for the Metropolitan Airports Commission is enclosed for Commission review. Miller described a residential sound insulation 60 -64 DNL pilot study with regard to Airport Relations Commission Minutes November 7, 2005/3 a mechanical improvement package. She stated 60 -64 DNL sound insulation would need to be approved and the litigation from the four connnunities would have to be resolved prior to the study beginning. DECEMBER 13, 2005 ARC MEETING Miller introduced the item asking for comments regarding the December 13, 2005 ARC meeting. Thorkildson stated last year the Commission held a workshop in lieu of a regular meeting. The Commission discussed the need for the December meeting. The Commission agreed to hold the December ARC meeting and Miller asked that Commission members email her if they are unable to attend. NOVEMBER 10, 2005 MAC QUARTERLY PUBLIC INPUT MEETING Miller introduced the item noting that on November 10, 2005 MAC will be hosting their quarterly input meeting at the Eagan Community Center. She stated Cindy Green, FAA Tower Operations Manager, and Tim Beutell, Chief Pilot for Northwest, will be in attendance. Miller stated the meeting was noticed in the most recent edition of the Experience Eagan newsletter and also in the letter sent to all residents regarding the opening of Runway 17 -35. She also stated the Eagan Connnunity Center seats up to 400 people. Miller noted Eagan's representative on the MAC is Bert McKasy. CORRESPONDENCE / EAGAN RESIDENTS REGARDING NEW RUNWAY Miller introduced the item noting the letter enclosed in the packet notifying residents of the opening of the new runway was signed by the City Council and sent to approximately 26,000 households in the City of Eagan. CITY OF BLOOMINGTON / NOISE ANNOYANCE STUDY Miller introduced the item noting a study was done by a consultant retained by the City of Bloomington interviewing residents in the cities of Bloomington, Eagan, Minneapolis and Richfield regarding noise annoyance. Miller stated the study is enclosed for Commission review. Miller also noted that 38 percent of respondents within the 60 — 64 DNL noise exposure areas rated high annoyance with aircraft noise. CITY OF BLOOMINGTON / REQUEST TO SUPPLEMENT THE DUAL TRACK FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT Miller introduced the item noting the City of Bloomington's request of the Metropolitan Airports Commission to supplement the Dual Track Final Enviromnental Impact Statement has been denied. The Commission discussed uniform building codes. Miller stated she would include the Aviation Chapter of the Comprehensive Guide Plan in the December packet for Commission review. SUN CURRENT ARTICLE / NEW RUNWAY EDITORIAL Miller noted an editorial by Mayor Pat Geagan entitled "Balance Approach Sought for Runway" appeared in the October 13, 2005 edition of the Eagan Sun Current and was enclosed for informational purposes. Airport Relations Commission Minutes November 7, 2005/4 AIRPORT NOISE REPORT / WYLE NOISE STUDY Miller stated the October 10, 2005 edition of the Airport Noise Report contained an article in the report that focused on the study conducted by Wyle Laboratories for the City of Eagan. She stated the City has received recognition about the study and wanted to thank the Commission for their role in its implementation. USA TODAY / REGIONAL JETS Miller introduced the item noting an article that appeared in the November 1, 2005 edition of the USA Today regarding the scale back of regional jet usage. The Commission discussed the decline of regional jets; what will replace the regional jets and how the contours will be affected by the cutback at Northwest Airlines. It was noted the contours are scheduled to be re- evaluated in 2007, but possibly could be reviewed sooner if significant change is determined. ADJOURNMENT Upon motion by Nierengarten, seconded by Flanagan, the Commission members adjourned the meeting at 8:15 p.m. All members voted in favor. DATE SECRETARY