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4919 Whispering Way
Y7 17 Use BLUE or BLACK Ink For Office Use City of Eajan v 1 Pem„k , } i Permit Fee: 1 d 1 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan MN 55122 Date Received: N- I V 2- Phone: (651) 675-5675 ~J I t Fax: (651) 675-5694 1 sty ' 2012 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION \00, Date: da1 Z- Site Address: Unit I Name: Phone: RESIDENT OWNER Address / City / Zip: Applicant is: Owner Contractor W~N r S c/art L O'A-S n, TYPE OF WORK Description of work: Construction Cost: Multi-Family Building: (Yes / No Company: `.u: Contact: " CONTRACTOR Address: -."Ty i-l.,L City: _21'2 v i State: Zip: f_LS 3 "3 '7 Phone: '21) ° S 2 C-3 C C% License LJ S ' 9 6, ` Lead Certificate If the project is exempt from lead certification, please explain why: (see Page 3 for additional information) COMPLETE THIS AREA ONLY IF CONSTRUCTING A NEW BUILDING In the last 12 months, has the City of Eagan issued a permit for a similar plan based on a master plan? _Yes _1,~_No If yes, date and address of master plan: Licensed Plumber: Phone: /.1 "i 1 Mechanical Contractor: ►Z Prl CL Phone: SD ! tit , 3 °'~oZ d Sewer & Water Contractor: FA + ^ r D A. $L-v j 11 y Phone: G~ y !o `7 NOTE: Plans and supporting documents that you submit are considered to be pubinc information. Portions of the information may be classified as non-pub is if you provide specific reasons that would permit the City to conclude that dwy are trade secrets. CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Call Gopher State One Call at (651) 454-0002 for protection against underground utility damage. Call 48 hours before you intend to dig to receive locates of underground utilities. www.gopherstateonecall.oro I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to st without a ermit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requites a review and approval of plans. Exterior work authorized by a building permit issued in accordance with the Minnesota State B 'ding C ust be completed within 180 days of permit issuance. f' q 1, Applicant's Printed Name Applicant's Signatu Page 1 of 3 DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE /L SUB TYPES W k ; % PQr,,~ y Foundation _ Fireplace _ Porch (3-Season) _ Storm Damage / Single Family _ Garage _ Porch (4-Season) T Exterior Alteration (Single Family) _ Multi _ Deck _ Porch (ScreenlGazebo/Pergola) _ Exterior Alteration (Multi) _ 01 of Plex _ Lower Level _ Pool _ Miscellaneous Accessory Building WORK TYPES New _ Interior Improvement _ Siding _ Demolish Building* _ Addition _ Move Building _ Reroof _ Demolish Interior Alteration _ Fire Repair _ Windows _ Demolish Foundation _ Replace - Repair _ Egress Window _ Water Damage _ Retaining Wall *Demolition of entire building - give PCA handout to applicant DESCRIPTION p,, Valuation 1030W r Occupancy 7/76 - 2 MCES System Plan Review Code Edition as SAC Units / Zoning / City Water _ t/lam (25%-100%-46" Census Code 14/ Stories Booster Pump # of Units 1 Square Feet PRV # of Buildings ( Length Fire Sprinklers ,yp Type of Construction Z Width REQUIRED INSPECTIONS Footings (New Building) Meter Size: Footings (Deck) Final / C.O. Required Footings (Addition) Final / No C.O. Required Foundation HVAC _ Gas Service Test Gas Line Air Test Drain Tile Other: Roof: trice & Water ,Final Pool: -Footings -Air/Gas Tests -Final Framing Siding: -Stucco Lath Stone Lath -Brick Fireplace: Rough in Air Test , kFinal Windows Insulation Retaining Wall: _ Footings _ Backfill _ Final Sheathing Radon Control Sheetrock Erosion Control Reviewed By: Building Inspector RESIDENTIAL FEES UN 'o-4 A,- "Base Fee KO 5O ZA__ Surcha Plan R eew /Y 7 8 -2 133,4150 i~ E ,1 giGd13 MCES SAC Qrsti/Y 1Z. 7y,t Q 37 City SAC ,J S Utility Connection Charge r/La~vY /PvA&k 740 S&W Permit & Surcharge Treatment Plant 36.2 7G 0 Copies TOTAL Page 2 of 3 New Construction Energy Code Compliance Certificate Per NI 101,8 Building Cenificate. A building certificate shall be posted in a penny endy vide location amide - C-,Nkz. POW the building. The certificate stall be congdeted by the builder and shall list information and values of components listed in Table NI 1011. 10/12/12 Mrs Address of Ow Dwd%ng ar n..eig urr Cur 4919 WHISPERING WAY JOHNSON Eagan, MN Nvowof P Canumier MNt.imawNinobr Venneh" m Building Corp. JOHNSON BC108964 THERMAL ENVELOPE RADON SYSTEM Type: Check All That Apply Passive (No Fan) a Active (With jam and wrr>n~er or i"` ~ othersystear mweitoring device) a: = c H 4 Q O a 3 r 3 Q QS 0:2 u J ~ ~ Insulation Location ° Z `d v c o _ N i° a° Other Please Describe Here Below Entire Slab X Foundation Wall R10 X boom Perimeter of Slab on Grade X Rim Joist (Foundation) R13.4 X Wdenor Rem Joist Floor+) R13.4 X anterior wall R19 X ce ' flat R44 X Ceiling, vaulted R36 X Bay windows or eantillevered area X nom over garage r4.4, R38 X barn, or Bau fund. Describe other insulated area Windows & Doors or Coo" Ducts Outside Condoned Spaces Average U-Factor (exchrdes skylights and one door) U: 0.25 PNot applit~le, all ducts k~ed in conditioned space Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC): OA2 -value ECHANICAL SYSTEMS Make-up Air Select a Type . Appliances Healing System Domestic Water Heater C~iqg S Not required per mech. code Fuel Type Natural Gas Electric EWCb ie Passive hfanufocturer LENNOX RHEEM LENNW( Powered Model t. 143 t/ o F7 IInterlocked with exhaust device. ( Describe: Input in Cap acity is Output in Other, describe-- Ratite or Size MS: G12> Callum: T ors:. Structure's Calculated Heal toss: 5 s { l~at X S ivz Location or duct or system: Cain: AFUE or ~~f SEER: i 3 HSPP4 l g4v Efficiency coolift toad: Cfids " round duct OR Mechanical Ventila ion System " metal duct Describe any additional or combined heating or cooling systems if installed: (e.g. two furry or air Combustion Arc Sdea a Type ce heat pump with gas track-up furnace): Not wed ngti per mech. code Select Type ' PffiSIYe Heat Recover Ventilator (HRV) Capacity in cfins: Lore: High: , describe: Energy Recover Ventilator (ERV) Capacity in cfrrs.- I ow: High: Location of duct or system: Continuous exhausting fan(s) rated capacity in cfins_ Location of fan(s), describe: Chn's Capacity continuous ventilation rate in cfms: l `1 ) p d !J it " round duct OR /f, Total ventilation (intermittent + continuos) rate in cfins- "metal duct ' y Ventilation, Makeup and Combustion Air Calculations Please submit at time of application of a mechanical permit for new, constru chm Site address tS 2 (~►JG ACIF +U note D /1 CCoonntractor Ali TA-)C; CorBnpkftd Y Section A Ventilation Quantity (Determine quantity by uskV Table N1104.2 or Equation 11-1) Square feet (Conditioned area including 41_,_l Basement - finished or unfinished) Q Total required ventilation Number of bedrooms Continuous ventilation (7 Section B Ventilation Method Choose either balanced or exhaust only) JgLBalanced, HRV (Heat Recovery Ventilator) or ERV (Energy Exhaust only 'Recovery Ventilator) - cfm of unit in low must not exceed cos- Continuous fan rating c fr tmous ventilation rowft more than Low cfn / / 7 H dm. contin ventilation in raftV by cft ( more than 00% Section C Ventilation Fan Schedule Description Location Continuous Total Ventilation v AJ 494f Section D Controls Describe operation and control of the cr>ntirxrous Lev - W. - oW Section E Make-up air for ventilation Passive (determined from calculations from Table 501.4.1) Powered (determined from cautions from Table 501.4.1) Interlocked with exhaust device (determined from calculation from Table 501.4:1) Other, describe: Location of duct or system ventilation make-up air. Determined tram mane-up as oper*V table Ctm Size and type (round, rect"utar, flex or rigid Section F Make-up air for combustion Not required per mechanical code (No atmospheric or power vented appliances) Passive (see IFGC Appendix E, Worksheet E-1) Size and type Other, describe: Notes: bsstnrctions and example forms are available at the Building Safety website and at the Building Safety office. This form must be submitted at the time of application of a nmchanicai permit for now construction. Additional forms may be downloaded and printed at Ventilation, Makeup and Combustion Air Calculations Instructions and Example These it structions and blank submittal fomrs are available at lire EUkting Safety welw#e and at the Building Safety office. The completed form must be submitted at ft Ww of application of a mechanical permit for new construction. Additional fames may be downloaded and printed at: www.raribarxt hy~ Site address Date o / Contractor Completed Section A Ventilation Quantity (Determine quantity by using Table N1104.2 or Equation 11-1) Square feet (Conditioned area including Basement - finished or unkft ed) 440-70 Total required ventilation pA? Number of bedrooms r -T- Corkirruous ventilation Directions - Determine the total and continuous ventilation rate by either using Table N1104.2 or equation 11-1. Insert the square footage, total required ventilation and continuous ventilation in the Mechanical Submittal form. The table and equation are below. Table N1104.2 Total and Continuous Ventilation Rates in cfrn Number of Bedrooms 1 2 3 4 5 6 Conditioned space Total/ Total/ Total/ Total/ Total/ Total/ (in sq. ft.) continuous continuous continuous continuous continuous continuous 1000-1500 60/40 75140 90/45 105/53 120160 135/68 1501-2000 70140 85143 100/50 115/58 130165 145/73 2001-2500 80/40 95/48 110/55 125/63 140/70 155/78 2501-3000 90145 105/53 12 135/68 150/75 165/83 3001-3500 100/50 115/58 130/65 14583 160180 175/88 3501-4000 110/55 125/63 140170 155/78 170/85 185/93 01-4 120/60 135/68 150/75 165/83 LT~OOM 195/98 4501-5000 130/65 145/73 160/80 175/88 190195 205/103 5001-5500 140170 155178 170/85 185/93 2001100 215/108 5501-6000 150175 165/;83 180/90 195198 2101105 225/113 Equation 11-1 (0.02 x square feet of conditioned space) + [15 x (number of bedrooms + 1)j = Total ventilation rate (cfm) Example: (0.02 x 3000) +[15 x (3 + 1)] = Total ventilation rate =120 eftn Total ventilation - The mechanical ventilation system shall provide sufficient outdoor air to equal the teal ventilation rate average, for each one-hour period according to the above table or equation. For heat recovery ventilators (HRV~and en- ergy recovery ventilators (ERV) the average hourly ventilation capacity must be determined in consideration of any reduc- tion of exhaust or out outdoor air intake, or both, for defrost or other equipment cycling. Continuous ventilation -A minimum of 50 percent of the total ventilation rate, but not less than 40 cfm, shall be provid- ed, on a continuous rate average for each one-hour period. The portion of the mechanical ventilation system intended to be continuous may have automatic cycling controls providing the average flow rate for each hour is met. Vent-makeup-comb air INSTRUCTIONS.doc Page 1 of 6 Section B Ventila ion M hod Choose either bakced of exhaust only) Balanced. HRV (Heat Recovery ventilator) or ERV (Energy gust onty Recovery ventilator) - ctm of unit in low must not exceed con- . ous fan rating in cfrrr tinuous ventilation rating by re than 100%. Low cfm: High cfm: an rating in c1m (capacity must not exceed l~ 7 continuous "Lwm rating more than 100% Directions - Choose the method of ventilation, balanced or exhaust only. Balanced ventilation systems are typically HRV or ERV's. Enter the low and high cfm amounts. Low cfm air flow must be equal to or greater than the required continuous ventilation rate and less than 100% greater than the continuous rate. (For instance, if the low cfm is 40 cfm, the ventilation fan must not exceed 80 cfm.) Automatic controls may allow the use of a larger fan that is operated a percentage of each hour Section C Ventilation Fan Schedule Description Location Continuous Total Ventilation Exhaust fan Main bathroom 80 Exhaust fan Master bathroom 80 Hood Kitchen 3 Directions - The ventilation fan schedule should describe what the fan is for, the location, cfm, and whether it is used for continuous or total ventilation. The fan that is chose for continuous ventilation must be equal to or greater than the low cfm air rating and less than 100°/ greater than the continuous rate. (For instance, if the low cfm is 40 cfm, the continuous ventilation fan must not exceed 80 cfm.) Automatic controls may allow the use of a larger fan that is operated a percent- age of each hour. Section D Ventilation Controls Describe operation and control of the continuous ventilation For this specific example, the main bathroom is the fanfor continuous ventilation. Locate the switch in close proximity to the main bathroom. This switch must be labeled. An indicator light may be grouped with the switch if it is central) located or remotely located in a central location. When a switch is utilized the indicator light must be on when the required continuous ventilation fan is operational. ~ 1Z Directions- Describe the operation of the ventilation system. There should be adequate detail for plan reviewers and in- spectors to verify design and installation compliance" Related trades also need adequate detail for placement of controls and proper operation of the building ventilation. If exhaust fans are used for building ventilation, describe the operation and ration of any controls, indicators and legends. If an ERV or HRV is to be installed, describe how it will be installed" If it will be connected and interfaced with the air handling equipment, please describe such connections as detailed in the manufactures' installation instructions. if the installation instructions require or recommend the equipment to be inter- locked with the air handling equipment for proper operation, such interconnection shall be made and described. Section E Make-up air for ventilation Passive (determined from calculations from Table 501.4"1) Powered (determined from calculations from Table 501.4. 1) Interlocked with exhaust device (determined from calculation from Table 501.4. 1) Other, describe: Location of duct or system ventilation make-up air Determined from malke-up air opening table NR Cfm Size and type (round, rectangular, flex or rigid) (NR means not required) Page 2 of 6 Directions - in order to determine the makeup air for ventilation, Table 501.4. must be filled out (see below). For most new installations, column A will be appropriate, however, if kitchen hoods exceed 300 cfm, atmospherically vented appli- ances or solid fuel appliances are installed, use the appropriate column_ Please note, if the makeup air quantity is nega- tive, no additional makeup air will be required for ventilation, if the value is positive refer to Table 501.4.2 and size the opening. Transfer the cfm, size of opening and type (round, rectangular, flex or ng d) to the last line of section D. The ventilation make-up air supply must communicate with the exhaust appliances. Table 501.4.1 PROCEDURE TO DETERMINE MAKEUP AIR QUANITY FOR EXHAUST EQUIPMENT IN DWELLINGS Additional makeup air will be required for canlwstion appliances, see KAIR method for calculations One or multiple power One or multiple fan- One atmospherically Multiple almospheri- vent or direct vent assisted appliances vent gas or oil apps- caly vented gas or oil appliances or no corn- and power vent or ance or one solid fuel appliances or solid bustion appliances direct vent appliances appliance fuel appliances Column D Column A Column B Column C 1. a) pressure factor 0.15 0.09 0.06 0.03 cfm/s b) conditioned floor area (sf} (includ- 3000 unfinished basements -ing Estimated House infiltration (cfm)= 450 4 q ~l 1a x 1b J 3 2. Exhaust Capacity a) continuous exhaust-only ventila- tion system (cfm): (not applicable to „9~ balanced ventilation systems such J as HR b) clothes dryer (cfm) 135 135 135 135 c) 80% of largest exhaust rating (cfrn). 150 X.8 = (not applicable if recirculating sys- tem or if powered makeup air is electrically interlocked and match to exhaust d} 80% of next largest exhaust rat-,P0 X J? log (cfm): (not applicable if recirculating sys- tem or if powered makeup air is electrically interlocked and matched to exhaust Total Exhaust Capacity (cfm); 335 3g 2a+2b+2c+2 3. Makeup Air Quantity (cfm) a) total exhaust capacity (from 335 Q above -i b) estimated home infiltration (from 450 above Makeup Air Quantity (cfm); 13a - 3b1 (if value is negative, no makeup air - is needed 4. For makeup Air Opening Siang, Not required,-negatrve refer to Table 501 A.2 number A. Use this column if there are other than fan-assisted or atmospherically vented gas or oil appliance or if there are no combustion applianc- es. (Power vent and direct vent appliances may be used.) B. Use this column if there is one fan-assisted appliance per venting system. (Appliances other than atmospherically vented appliances may also be included.) C. Use this column if there is one atmospherically vented (other than fan-assisted) gas or oil appliance per venting system or one solid fuel ap- pliance. D. Use this column if there are multiple atmospherically vented gas or oil appliances using a common vent or if there are atmospherically vented gas or oil appiances and solid fuel appliances. Page 3 of 6 Makeup Air Opening Table for New and Existing Dwelling Table 501.4.2 One or multiple power One or multiple fan- One atmospherically Multiple atmosphericaF vent, direct vent appli- assisted appliances vented gas or oil appli- y vended gas or oil Dud di- ances, or no combos- and power vent or ance or one solid fuel appliances or solid fuel ameter bon appliances direct vent appliances appliance appliances Column A Column B Column C Column D Passive opening 1-36 1-22 1-15 1-9 3 Passive opening 37 - 66 23 - 41 16 - 28 10-17 4 Passive opening 67-109 42 - 66 29 - 46 18 - 28 5 Passive opening 110 -163 67-100 47 - 69 29 - 42 6 Passive opening 164 - 232 101-143 70 - 99 43 - 61 7 Passive opening 233- 317 144 -195 100-135 62- 83 8 Passive opening 318 - 419 196- 258 136-179 84-110 9 w/motonzed damper Passive opening 420- 539 259 - 332 180 - 230 111 -142 10 wimotorized damper Passive opening 540 - 679 333 - 419 231 -290 143-179 11 wfmotorized dun Powered makeup >679 >419 >290 >179 NA au Notes: A. An equivalent length of 100 feet of round smooth metal duct is assumed. Subtract 40 feet for the exterior hood and ten feet for each 90- degree elbow to determine the remaining length of straight dud allowable. B. If flexible dud is used, increase the dud diameter by one inch. Flexible duct shah be stretched with minimal sags. Compressed duct shall not be accepted. C. Barometric dampers are prohibited in passive makeup air openings when any atmospherically vented appliance is installed. D. Powered makeup air shall be electrically interlocked with the largest exhaust system. Sections F Make-up air for combustion Not required per mechanical code (No atmospheric or power vented appli ances X Passive (see IFGC Appendix E, Worksheet E-1) Size and type 4' Rigid dud or T Flex Other, describe: Explanation - /f no atmospheric or power vented appliances are installed, check the appropriate box, not required. If a power vented or atmospherically vented appliance installed, use IFGC Appendix E, Worksheet E-1 (see below). Please enter size and type. Combustion air vent supplies must communicate with the appliance or appliances that require: the combustion air. Section F calculations follow on the next 2 pages. Page 4 of 6 Meridian Energy Products Project Summary Job: Date: Oct 12, 2012 Entire House 1'17r`l`~IVED By: ENERTECH NOV 0 5 2012 Project Information For: Johnson, Shannon & Brett 4919 Whispering Way, Eagan, MN Notes: Design Information Weather: Minneapolis-St Paul Int'I Arp, MN, US Winter Design Conditions / Summer Design Conditions / Outside db -15 OF Outside db 88 OF 4/ Inside db 70 OF Inside db 72 OF Design TD 85 OF Design TD 16 OF Daily range M Relative humidity 50 % Moisture difference 38 gr/lb Heating Summary Sensible Cooling Equipment Load Sizing Structure 57962 Btuh Structure 30850 Btuh Ducts 0 Btuh Ducts 0 Btuh Central vent (203 cfm) 7350 Btuh Central vent (180 cfm) 3054 Btuh Humidification 0 Btuh Blower 0 Btuh Piping Btuh Equipment load 65312 u Use manufacturer's data n Rate/swing multiplier 0.93 Infiltration Equipment sensible load 26534 Btuh Method Simplified Latent Cooling Equipment Load Sizing Construction quality Tight Fireplaces 0 Structure 3335 Btuh Ducts 0 Btuh Heating Cooling Central vent (180 cfm) 4499 Btuh Area (ft2) 4210 4210 Equipment latent load 7835 Btuh Volume (ft3) 32076 32076 Air changes/hour 0.13 0.07 Equipment total load 34369 Btuh Equiv. AVF (cfm) 69 37 Req. total capacity at 0.64 SHR 5 on Heating Equipment Summary Cooling Equipment Summary Make Make Trade Trade Model Cond AHRI ref Coil AHRI ref Efficiency 80AFUE Efficiency 0 SEER Heating input 0 MBtuh Sensible cooling 0 Btuh Heating output 0 Btuh Latent cooling 0 Btuh Temperature rise 0 OF Total cooling 0 Btuh Actual air flow 1701 cfm Actual air flow 1701 cfm Air flow factor 0.029 cfm/Btuh Air flow factor 0.055 cfm/Btuh Static pressure 0 in H2O Static pressure 0 in H2O Space thermostat Load sensible heat ratio 0.81 Bold/italic values have been manually overridden Calculations approved by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed. i htsoft® 2012-Nov-05 09:08:37 wrg Right-Suite® Universal 2012 12.0.13 RSU02669 Page 1 ACCK C:\Users\Jeff\Documents\Wrightsoft HVAC\Better Air, Johnson. rup Calc = MJ8 Front Door faces: S - T MeridianEnergyProducts Component Constructions Job: - Date: Oct 12, 2012 Entire House By: ENERTECH Project Information For: Johnson, Shannon & Brett 4919 Whispering Way, Eagan, MN D- • Conditions - Location: Indoor: Heating Cooling Minneapolis-St Paul Int'I Arp, MN, US Indoor temperature (°F) 70 72 Elevation: 837 ft Design TD (°F) 85 16 Latitude: 45 °N Relative humidity 40 50 Outdoor: Heating Cooling Moisture difference (gr/lb) 43.1 37.9 Dry bulb (°F) -15 88 Infiltration: Daily range (°F) - 18 ( M) Method Simplified Wet bulb (°F) - 72 Construction quality Tight Wind speed (mph) 15.0 7.5 Fireplaces 0 Construction descriptions Or Area 1.1-value Insul R Htg HTM Loss Clg HTM Gain ft2 Btuh/W-`F W-T/Btuh BtON Btuh Btuh/ft2 Btuh Walls 12E-Osw: Frm wall, mtl en 3/8" wood sht , r 19 av ins, 1/2" gypsum n 9 0.068 19.0 5.78 52 1.32 12 board int fnsh, 2"x6" wood frm s 9 0.068 19.0 5.78 52 1.32 12 sw 80 0.068 19.0 5.78 462 1.32 105 nw 73 0.068 19.0 5.78 421 1.32 96 all 171 0.068 19.0 5.78 987 1.32 225 12E-Osw: Frm wall, vnl ext, 3/8" wood shth r 19 av ins, 1/2" gypsum n 352 0.068 19.0 5.78 2035 1.32 463 board int fnsh, 2"x6" wood frm a 432 0.068 19.0 5.78 2497 1.32 568 S 352 0.068 19.0 5.78 2035 1.32 463 w 320 0.068 19.0 5.78 1851 1.32 421 all 1456 0.068 19.0 5.78 8417 1.32 1916 12E-Osw: Frm wall, vnl ext, 1/2" wood sht , r 1 cav ins, 1/2" gypsum n 169 0.068 19.0 5.78 974 1.32 222 board int fnsh, 2"x6" wood frm a 220 0.068 19.0 5.78 1270 1.32 289 S 408 0.068 19.0 5.78 2355 1.32 536 sw 56 0.068 19.0 5.78 324 1.32 74 w 400 0.068 19.0 5.78 2309 1.32 526 nw 50 0.068 19.0 5.78 288 1.32 66 all 1301 0.068 19.0 5.78 7521 1.32 1712 158-10s3c-6: Bg wall, light dry soil, concrete wall cri0 i s, 8" thk n 293 0.069 10.0 6.20 1815 0.31 90 e 378 0.069 10.0 6.20 2342 0.31 116 s 233 0.069 10.0 6.20 1444 0.31 72 sw 79 0.069 10.0 5.88 466 0.01 1 nw 73 0.069 10.0 5.86 430 0 0 all 1019 0.069 10.0 6.11 6228 0.27 279 Partitions 12E-Osw: Frm wall r-19 c ins, 5/8" gypsum board int fnsh, 2"x6" 217 0.068 19.0 5.78 1254 0.74 162 wood frm Z wri9ht:SOft' 2012-Nov-05 09:08:37 Right-Suite® Universal 2012 12.0.13 RSU02669 Page 1 4'OA C:\Users\Jeff\Documents\Wrightsoft HVAC\Better Air, Johnson.rup Calc = MJ8 Front Door faces: S Windows 2 glazing, cir low-e outr, argon gas, insulated vinyl frm mat, clr innr, n 12 0.300 0 25.5 306 10.8 130 1/4" gap, 1/8" thk: 2 glazing, cir low-e outr, argon gas, insulated vinyl e 72 0.300 0 25.5 1836 34.6 2493 frm mat, cir innr, 1/4" gap, 1/8" thk e 4 0.280 0 23.8 95 35.2 141 SNS~ a 29 0.300 0 25.5 734 34.6 997 s 16 0.300 0 25.5 408 19.6 314 sw 29 0.300 0 25.5 727 30.9 882 sw 22 0.280 0 23.8 513 31.4 677 sw 25 0.300 0 25.5 631 30.9 766 w 29 0.280 0 23.8 678 35.2 1004 w 20 0.280 0 23.8 482 35.2 713 w 26 0.300 0 25.5 669 34.6 909 nw 29 0.300 0 25.5 740 24.0 697 nw 22 0.280 0 23.8 513 24.3 524 nw 25 0.300 0 25.5 631 24.0 595 all 358 0.300 0 25.0 8963 30.3 10842 2 glazing, clr low-e outr, air gas, vnl frm mat, cir innr, 1/2" gap, 1/4" sw 9 0.300 0 25.5 221 30.9 268 thk: 2 glazing, clr low-e outr, air gas, vnl frm mat, cir innr, 1/2" gap, w 38 0.300 0 25.5 972 34.6 1320 1/4" thk nw 28 0.30 0 25.5 724 24.0 683 all 75 0.30 0 25.5 1918 30.2 2271 2 glazing, clr outr, air gas, vnl frm mat, cir innr, 1/4" gap, 1/4" thk: 2 w 19 0.30 0 25.5 493 34.6 669 glazing, clr outr, air gas, vnl frm mat, clr innr, 1/4" gap, 1/4" thk Doors 11 K0: Door, mtl fbrgl type, mtl strm n 21 0.360 6.3 30.6 643 10.2 215 e 21 0.360 6.3 30.6 643 10.2 215 n 21 0.360 6.3 30.6 643 10.2 215 all 63 0.360 6.3 30.6 1928 10.2 645 11 P0: Door, mtl pur core type sw 20 0.290 10.5 24.6 503 8.25 168 Ceilings 16B-44ad:Attic ceiling, asphalt shingles roof ma 6r-44 ell ins, 5/8" 1621 0.022 44.0 1.87 3031 1.14 1853 gypsum board int fnsh 18A-38ad: Rf/cig ceiling, asphalt ngles roof mat, frm cons, 5/8" 85 0.029 38.0 2.46 208 0.69 59 gypsum board int fnsh, 6" thkns r-38 ell ins 302 0.029 42.0 2.46 744 0.69 210 all 387 0.029 38.0 2.46 953 0.69 268 Floors 19A-Obscp: Part floor, carpet flr fnsh, frm flr, 12" thkns, 5/8" gypsum 20 0.295 0 9.42 188 1.76 35 board int fnsh 19A-Obscp: Part floor, carpet flr fnsh, frm flr, 6" thkns 736 0.295 0 9.42 6933 1.76 1297 21A-28t: Bg floor, light dry soil, 6.5' depth 1252 0.022 0 1.87 2341 0 0 - wri htsoft, 2012-Nov-05 09:08:37 rti.. 9 Right-Suite® Universal 2012 12.0.13 RSU02669 Page 2 ,4CCA C:\Users\Jeff\Documents\Wrightsoft HVAC\Better Air, Johnson.rup Calc = MJ8 Front Door faces: S e tlUll • rCity Inspection Dept. Copy City of E City Forester Copy. Applicant/Builder Copy INDIVIDUAL RESIDENTIAL LOT TREE PRESERVATION PLAN SUMMARY CITY OF EAGAN FORESTRY DIVISION 651-675-5300 (BUILDER, PLEASE READ ATTACHMENTS) Development WHISPERING WOODS 11th ADDITION Lot Number 7 Block Number 1 Address 4919 Whispering Way Builder Vennehiem Building Crop. Phone Number: 952-890-3000 Contact: Sheri Rushlo Tree Protection Requirements: X Tree Protection Fencing Installed on Site (Cement barriers) Oak Tree Pruning (Immediately seal wounds during April 1 to July 31) Therapeutic Pruning Required Retaining Wall To Be Installed Other: Replacement Trees: Not Required X As Follows: Two (2) Category B Trees Attachments: EAGAN FORESTRY DIVISION X Yes (Refer to taRE "I e t details) No V Additional Notes: BY DATE H:\ghove\2012f1e\treepres\Tree Preservation Plan Whispering Woods 11 Addition Lot 7 Block 1 ~s r WHISPERING WAY N CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY For Venneh)'em Building Cor p 10 46o N 0j bc _ ~1 P 977.1 70.1 w` 0()15 9 4 ° 969.7 975 x974.8 1295~ 0 27 • ~s75. j Cr 969.0~~ 6 ia`` x972.9/9jj2 AS t!QT y 0 P p z 7 t e _ W o z c~ m 69.1 OD U, x 971.7 D ` 968, ~4tP~N ~N~ PER 9~2p 9 8.3 a i ON w 1; t1 -OD m 94.4 COX) 9 s 269 • 6 as., cr Q~ccx~m,opoSEO 87 p 47 ~haR+aO r`SS ~~O ~ZO~ pFz~P p N 4k 9~8 Rip ~R\ ~ ~ O tt~~,~ ° o V. 9 BENCH MARK •`.`~.a- ~ f„-"~/, r ' SER~ ' (n TOP OF SPIKE ' O ®d tc LP. . ~2 . ~5 n s8 t X98 . C ELEV.=981.50 ° f Aries tiG 2 " O 2 O. 978.0 9 6.8 ^ / 0 O .00 PROPOSED HOUSE= 2,150 SQ. FT. OR 12.3% OF LOT AREA ; p ~ry It DRIVEWAY = 970 SQ. FT. w 10.0 WHISPERING LOT 7 = 17,545 SQ. FT. WAY o SAN. SERVICE INVERT ELEV.= TO BE FIELD DETERMINED BY CLIENT Scale: 1"=30' Page 2 of 3 James R. Hill, Inc. C) 0 c cfl m ~ cu ° =3 CU U W U) m t- w 2: W .O C N in =3 C) 40- 2) p _ 0 O W U c0 L N C Efy 2 N Y y m cn c6 E o f0 N N• O m U U m ~j o o a o N o 01 N . C C Z o CV O_ sn io c in ~ rn O Yp N N N 1- VD - ° o a>i J E D -t N m O E O o p (D C) J Z 0 N N 'C U- =3M co Q a~~ Eo cc U N - Z (p L CO o U O rn Q a ~ m cu m ° CO~~It NNN ~ Q 7 O O C > > J -0 0 w ca _0 W > _ O m c W c d F- > CL N ~o a) Or CL Q.. f0 0 N 3 -0 W cn o o cn C6 -v o W =3 N E a) 0 o ° E ~0) Q D > z r cu E E ° ° a) ' Yv o m oooa~-oo o o~ CU a•E i U O to C co to -0 co II N L c E O J co a (D a) p ON E N a o =3 cm r LO L L L t. 3: L O -a cn m a) I- H Z H 3 C p t' a) C: N H Q O o o [I a N; p) .N 3 _ " p O O to Cfl cn O ~ > Cl (A lab a -0 p N L N O Z p -0 cn O N O O m 3 L C N . + y0 p ~O p ~a z (n Q~ o U o to Q - c E O C) O J O _ Q O p m .0 C ce) O 11 U Q a N O C N E O CD :3 o co II O O O U? _j c6 N d -0 N N N p> 2 > O co Q N p O U) N (V co v - w ~ U> N V1 C7 +F V E > a°i 0O c(a p " 0O p ~ to O E a) O O Z O F O L a 7 d Z L p " Ek cn Z CV N N L- N N Q p E 3 N 0 O w L -0 -0 cj - a cm Q m I.- t6 L W p N U A N U O O M Q U p E D O i N L Q fn p O> L U CM p = w = A > Mn Q m a~ 3 c 3 c E E c o 0) X wt`I ~Q U~ u iU)C)a: )C) z6 ~L, U) LOT SURVEY CHECKLIST FOR RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION ,J PROPERTY LEGAL: Ai'swi k µs DATE OF SUR Y: Jol9~lZ LATEST REVISION: a~ as c R z U o z a DOCUMENT STANDARDS ❑ ❑ • Registered Land Surveyor signature and company ,0' ❑ ❑ • Building Permit Applicant ❑ ❑ • Legal description ❑ ❑ • Address ❑ ❑ • North arrow and scale ❑ ❑ • House type (rambler, walkout, split w/o, split entry, lookout, etc.) )~r ❑ ❑ • Directional drainage arrows with slope/gradient % D ❑ • Proposed/existing sewer and water services & invert elevation ❑ ❑ • Street name ❑ ❑ • Driveway (grade & width - in R/W and back of curb, 22' max.) D 0 • Lot Square Footage ❑ ❑ • Lot Coverage ELEVATIONS Existing ❑ ❑ • Property corners D ❑ • Top of curb at the driveway and property line extensions ❑ ❑ • Elevations of any existing adjacent homes 'z 0 0 e Adequate footing depth of structures due to adjacent utility trenches ❑ RJ 0 i, Waterways (pond, stream, etc.) Proposed 0 0 • Garage floor D 0 • Basement floor ❑ ❑ • Lowest exposed elevation (walkout/window) ❑ ❑ • Property corners ,E( ❑ ❑ • Front and rear of home at the foundation PONDING AREA (if applicable) ❑ ❑ • Easement line 0 0 • NWL D ❑ • HWL ❑ ❑ • Pond # designation D D • Emergency Overflow Elevation 0 D • Pond/Wetland buffer delineation Y Shoreland Zoning Overlay District Y Conservation Easements DIMENSIONS ❑ 0 • Lot lines/Bearings & dimensions ❑ ❑ • Right-of-way and street width (to back of curb) ❑ ❑ • Proposed home dimensions including any proposed decks, overhangs greater than 2', porches, etc. (i.e. all structures requiring permanent footings) ❑ ❑ • Show all easements of record and any City utilities within those easements ❑ ❑ • Setbacks of proposed structure and sideyard setback of adjacent existing structures ❑ 0 • Retaining wall requirements: Reviewed By: Date G:/FORMS/Building Permit Application Rev. 11-26-04 4.1 lef WHISPERING WAY CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY F r: Vennehjem Building Corp. A PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Lot 7, Block 1, WHISPERING WOODS ELEVENTH ADDITION, Dakota County, Minnesota. We hereby certify that this is a true and correct survey of the above described property and that it was performed by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota. That this survey does not purport to show all improvements, easements or encroachments, to the property except as shown thereon. j Signed this 9th da of October 2012. James R. Hill, Inc., ~ ~A LAUAN tiNC NE vu Vr.PT.' Harold C. Peterson, Minnesota L.S. No. 12294 Notes: 1. Building dimensions shown are for horizontal & vertical placement of structure A Denotes set spike only. See architectural plans for building o Denotes set iron monument e Denotes found iron monument & foundation dimensions. x927.6 Denotes existing elevation 2. No specific soils investigation has been (930.0) Denotes proposed elevation completed on this lot b James R. Hill, Inc. Denotes proposed drainage by tc Denotes top of curb The suitability of soils to support the specific house proposed is not the responsibility of Bench Mark: 984.99 _TNH-LOTS 6 & 7, BLOCK 1 James R. Hill, Inc. or the surveyor. Proposed Garage Floor @ Front= 984.8 3. No specific title search for existence or non- Proposed Garage Top of Block= 985.2 existence of recorded or un-recorded easements Proposed House Top of Block= 984.5 has been conducted by the surveyor as a part Proposed Lowest Floor= 975.8 of this survey. Only easements per the recorded Proposed Top of Block at Lookout Window= 979.0 plat are shown. 4. Proposed grades shown were taken from the grading &/or development plan prepared by Bearings are on assumed datum Scale: 1a=30' N/A . ~N ° James R. Hill Inc , M J~ ~ D G ° D ° __j ° c/) (D > r Z PLANNERS / ENGINEERS / SURVEYORS O N~ O\mK 2500 W. Cn RD. 42, Sum 120, Buweal& MN 55337 Ti 0 (D z v m ~ co r.~ o PHONE: (952)890-6044 FAX: (952)890-6244 -4-ok Iq WHISPERING WAY N CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY For: Vennehjem Building Corp. Vo Co - DAN gb S 977.1 ~N'p.~e C 9701 - 4 013 O 976.4 O ` 969.7 \v Q 975.7 974.8 ,295 2 975.7 1510 97 OT 7129 8 ~U, g5h R1~1AET, ~ 26~~ ~ -00 Z p n °S 298 1969., N 00 x 971.7 RL PLP 9 i ono - ~ \ 968.8 NPGNZ PER 1Zp 9 8,3 98i 4p M ;%z EPS~M~ 9 o X25 0 9 ° a~ N 60 .CP Q ~y3lo^ i~~~ 968.4 19~~ 3 o tl l~°U~ s 2/ r. \ 10 ~ V 0P GP i vrL ~o PR v`~ 12 5 J i ~o N~ O s 288 ~J O / 1~ 5 2~g$45 1269 3 9 75.1 ,2 SEO , 287 p 00 Lr "'LP r) 0 nT O o SERV. 9 f a --/,Z BENCH MARK E 4 ry ~ , ~~315~c .3tc ;SPEC ' 9 81 5~ Q) 0 t t2 978.0 986.8 2 _ ry Dc A ^170#% PROPOSED HOUSE G 2,150 SQ.FT. OR z 12.3% OF LOT AREA w T 10.0 WHISPERING DRIVEWAY = 970 SQ. FT. LOT 7 = 17,545 SQ. FT. PROVID AN MAINTAIN WAY o INLET PR~TE ION UNTIL FINAL TURF IS ESTABLISHED SAN. SERVICE INVERT ELEV.= TO BE FIELD DETERMINED BY CLIENT Scale: 1"=30' Page 2 of 3 James R. Hill, Inc. WHISPERING WAY CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY For: Vennehjem Building Corp. i Lot 7, Block 1, WHISPERING WOODS ELEVENTH ADDITION Tree Preservation plan Pre House Proposed Post House Development Construction Tree Preservation Construction Const. As-Built Post House Const. As-Built l o > z o > z O w L.Li c~i~ ~ V) z > :2 V) z > POINT NO. ELEV. TYPE DIA C of w can v ~ w 1287 984.2 OAK 9 X X 1288 984.0 OAK 8 X X 1289 984.6 OAK 5 X X 1296 983.6 OAK 6 X X 1298 981.0 OAK 7 X X 1300 980.6 OAK 16 X X I i OFFSITE 11 TREES 1295 984.8 OAK 5 X Preliminary Tree Certification During a site visit on October 9, 2012 all significant trees shown and designated hereon were present and in good health, except as noted in the table above. c The house has been staked. Tree fence will need to be placed outside the dripline of all significant trees to saved. Futur grading and construction should not hove a negative effect on these trees. _ ;t)6 0 By. V ate: 09 • ZO t2- By. Date: Harold C. Peterson, Minnesota L.S. No. 12294 Signature of Owner Scale: 1 "=30' Page 3 of 3 James R. Hill, Inc. 47114 New Construction Energy Code Compliance Certificate RECEIVED Per N1101.8 Building Certificate. A building certificate shall be posted in a permanently visible location inside building. The certificate shall be completed by the builder and shall list information and values of components listed in Table N1101.8. Date Certificate Posted 10/12/12 DECthe U 4 2012 nnejerri EWING ccPPorzelION Mailing Address of the Dwelling or Dwelling Unit 4919 WHISPERING WAY (JOHNSON) City Eagan, MN Name of Residential Contractor Vennehjem Building Corp. (JOHNSON) MN License Number BC108964 THERMAL ENVELOPE RADON SYSTEM Insulation Location Total R-Value of all Types of Insulation Type: Check All That Apply X Passive (No Fan) Non or Not Applicable Fiberglass, Blown Fiberglass, Batts Foam, Closed Cell Foam Open Cell Mineral Fiberboard Polyisocyanurate Rigid, Isocynurate Electric Active (With fan and monometer or other system monitoring device) Other Please Describe Here Below Entire Slab LENNOX ` X LENNOX Powered Model ML1931.14090P48C Foundation Wall R10 Input in BTUS: 88,000 Capacity in Gallons:` Output in Tons: 3.5 X Other, describe: Interior Perimeter of Slab on Grade 58,578 X Heat Gain: 35,567 Location of duct or system: Efficiency AFUE or HSPF% 93% SEER: Rim Joist (Foundation) R13.4 34321 Cfm's X " round duct OR Mechanical Ventilation System Describe any additional or combined heating or cooling systems if installed: (e.g. two furnaces or air source heat pump with gas back-up furnace): Select Type Interior Rim Joist (1° Floor+) R13.4 Not required per mech. code X Passive X Heat Recover Ventilator (HRV) Capacity in cfms: Low: 117 High: Interior Wall R19 Energy Recover Ventilator (ERV) Capacity in cfms: X High: Location of duct or system: Continuous exhausting fan(s) rated capacity in cfms: Ceiling, flat R44 X Cfm's Capacity continuous ventilation rate in cfms: 117 HRV ON LOW 5" " round duct OR FLEX Total ventilation (intermittent + continuous) rate in cfms: Ceiling, vaulted R38 X Bay Windows or cantilevered areas X Room over garage FLOOR R43 X R30 Batt Insul. + 2" SPRAY FOAM Describe other insulated areas Windows & Doors Hea ing or Cooling Ducts Outside Conditioned Spaces Average U -Factor (excludes skylights and one door) U: 0.30 X Not applicable, all ducts located in conditioned space Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC): 0.32 R -value MECHANICAL SYSTEMS Make up Air Select a Type Appliances Heating System Domestic Water Heater Cooling System X Not required per mech. code Fuel Type Natural Gas Electric Electric Passive Manufacturer LENNOX ` RHEEM LENNOX Powered Model ML1931.14090P48C Interlocked with exhaust device. Describe: Rating or Size Input in BTUS: 88,000 Capacity in Gallons:` Output in Tons: 3.5 Other, describe: Structure's Calculated Heat Loss: 58,578 Heat Gain: 35,567 Location of duct or system: Efficiency AFUE or HSPF% 93% SEER: 13 Calculated cooling load: 34321 Cfm's " round duct OR Mechanical Ventilation System Describe any additional or combined heating or cooling systems if installed: (e.g. two furnaces or air source heat pump with gas back-up furnace): Select Type " metal duct Combustion Air Select a Type Not required per mech. code X Passive X Heat Recover Ventilator (HRV) Capacity in cfms: Low: 117 High: 189 Other, describe: Energy Recover Ventilator (ERV) Capacity in cfms: Low: High: Location of duct or system: Continuous exhausting fan(s) rated capacity in cfms: N/A Location of fan(s), describe: Cfm's Capacity continuous ventilation rate in cfms: 117 HRV ON LOW 5" " round duct OR FLEX Total ventilation (intermittent + continuous) rate in cfms: " metal duct Created by BAM version 052009 Project Summary Entire House ENERTECH RECEIVED DEC 032012 ?4/2,44i' /ogct5 3 Job: Date: Oct 12, 2012 By: Pro'ect Information For: Johnson, Shannon & Brett 4919 Whispering Way, Eagan, MN Notes: Desi • n Information Weather: Minneapolis -St Paul Intl Arp, MN, US Winter Design Conditions -15 °F4 70 °F 85 °F Outside db Inside db Design TD Summer Design Conditions Outside db Inside db Design TD Daily range Relative humidity Moisture difference 88 °F 72 °F 16 °F M 50 % 38 gr/lb Heating Summary Sensible Cooling Equipment Load Sizing Structure 51158 Btuh Structure 30336 Btuh Ducts 0 Btuh Ducts 0 Btuh Central vent (205 cfm) 7420 Btuh Central vent (180 cfm) 3054 Btuh Humidification 0 Btuh Blower 0 Btuh Piping 0 Btuh Equipment load 58578 tuh Use manufacturer's data n Rate/swing multiplier 0.93 Infiltration Equipment sensible load 26534 Btuh Method Simplified Latent Cooling Equipment Load Sizing Construction quality Tight Fireplaces 0 Structure 3287 Btuh Ducts 0 Btuh Heating Cooling Central vent (180 cfm) 4499 Btuh Area (ft2) 3941 3941 Equipment latent load 7787 Btuh Volume (ft3) 30420 30420 Air changes/hour 0.13 0.07 Equipment total load 34321 Btuh Equiv. AVF (cfm) 66 35 Req. total capacity at 0.64 SHR ton Heating Equipment Summary Make Make Trade Trade Model Cond AHRI ref Coil AHRI ref Efficiency 80AFUE Efficiency 0 SEER Heating input 0 MBtuh Sensible cooling 0 Btuh Heating output 0 Btuh Latent cooling 0 Btuh Temperature rise 0 °F Total cooling 0 Btuh Actual air flow 1672 cfm Actual air flow 1672 cfm Air flow factor 0.033 cfm/Btuh Air flow factor 0.055 cfm/Btuh Static pressure 0 in H2O Static pressure 0 in H2O Space thermostat Load sensible heat ratio 0.81 Cooling Equipment Summary Bold/italic values have been manually overridden Calculations approved by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed. wrightsoft® Right -Suite® Universal 2012 12.0.13 RSU02669 ACCA C:\Users\Jeff\Documents\Wrightsoft HVAC\Better Air, Johnson.rup Calc = MJ8 Front Door faces: S 2012 -Dec -03 14:09:22 Page 1 r • 2 glazing, clr low -e outr, argon gas, insulated vinyl frm mat, clr innr, n 12 X0.300 \ 0 25.5 306 10.8 130 1/4" gap, 1/8" thk: 2 glazing, clr low -e outr, argon gas, insulated vinyl I j frm mat, clr innr, 1/4" gap, 1/8" thk 2 glazing, clr low -e outr, argon gas, insulated vinyl frm mat, clr innr, e 36 0.300 0 25.5 913 34.6 1239 1/4" gap, 1/8" thk: 2 glazing, clr low -e outr, argon gas, insulated vinyl e 29 0.300 0 25.5 745 34.6 1011 frm mat, clr innr, 1/4" gap, 1/8" thk; NFRC rated (SHG, C� s 16 0.300 0 25.5 408 19.6 314 SW 33 0.300 0 25.5 845 30.9 1025 sw 46 0.300 0 25.5 1180 30.9 1432 w 33 0.300 0 25.5 845 34.6 1147 w 47 0.300 0 25.5 1186 34.6 1610 nw 33 0.300 0 25.5 845 24.0 796 nw 46 0.300 0 25.5 1180 24.0 1113 'all 319 0.300 0 25.5 8147 30.3 9688 2 glazing, clr low -e outr, argon gas, insulated vinyl frm mat, clr innr, e 38 0.280 0 23.8 900 35.2 1332 1/4" gap, 1/8" thk: 2 glazing, clr low -e outr, argon gas, insulated vinyl e 4 0.280 0 23.8 95 35.2 141 frm mat, clr innr, 1/4" gap, 1/8" thk; NFRC rated (SHGC=0.33) s 16 0.280 0 23.8 381 19.8 317 w 24 0.280 0 23.8 571 35.2 846 all 82 f 0.280 0 23.8 1947 32.2 2635 2 glazing, clr low -e outr, air gas, vnl frm mat, clr innr, 1/2" gap, 1/4" ` sw 9 0.300 0 25.5 221 30.9 268 thk: 2 glazing, clr low -e outr, air gas, vnl frm mat, clr innr, 1/2" gap, w 38 0.300 0 25.5 972 34.6 1320 1/4" thk; NFRC rated (SHGC=0.32) nw 28 0.300 0 25.5 724 24.0 683 a 5 0.311 0 25.5 1918 30.2 2271 Doors Door, mtl fbrgl type, mtl strm: Door, mtl fbrgl type, mtl strm 11 P0: Door, mtl pur core type Ceilings 16B-44ad:Attic ceiling, asphalt shingles roof mat, gypsum board int fnsh 18A-38ad: Rf/clg ceiling, asphal gypsum board int fnsh, 6" thkns, eil ins, 5/8" les roof mat, frm cons, 5/8" eil ins 18A-38ad: Rf/clg ceiling, asph � ngles roof mat, frm cons, 5/8" gypsum board int fnsh, 6" thkn r-44 eil ins Floors 19C-19cscp: Fir floor, frm flr, 6" thkns, carpet flr fnsh, ext ins„ cav ins, tight crwl ovr, r-11 wall insul - 3 /3A7T �f- 21A-28t: Bg floor, light dry soil, 6.5' depth n 21 0.340 6.3 28.9 607 9.67 203 e 21 0.360 6.3 30.6 643 10.2 215 n 21 0.120 6.3 10.2 214 3.41 72 all 63 0.120 6.3 23.2 1464 7.78 490 sw 20 0.290 10.5 24.6 503 8.25 168 872 0.022 44.0 1.87 1631 1.14 997 85 0.029 38.0 2.46 208 0.69 59 302 0.029 44.0 2.46 744 0.69 210 all 387 0.029 38.0 2.46 953 0.69 268 486 0.029 38.0 2.46 1198 0.69 338 R-10 - L usPQovr-a lft 0.049 30.0 1.44 716 0.27 134 1249 0.022 0 1.87 2336 0 0 wightsoft'° Right -Suite® Universal 2012 12.0.13 RSU02669 ACC` C:\Users\Jeff\Documents\Wrightsoft HVAC\Better Air, Johnson.rup Calc = MJ8 Front Door faces: S 2012 -Dec -03 14:09:22 Page 2 Component Constructions Entire House ENERTECH Job: Date: Oct 12, 2012 By: Project Information For: Johnson, Shannon & Brett 4919 Whispering Way, Eagan, MN Design Conditions Location: Minneapolis -St Paul Intl Arp, MN, US Elevation: 837 ft Latitude: 45°N Outdoor: Dry bulb (°F) Daily range (°F) Wet bulb (°F) Wind speed (mph) 15.0 Heating -15 Cooling/ 88 18 (M ) 72 7.5 Indoor: Indoor temperature (°F) Design TD (°F) Relative humidity (%) Moisture difference (gr/Ib) Infiltration: Method Construction quality Fireplaces Heating Cooling 70 72 85 16 40 50 43.1 37.9 Simplified Tight 0 Construction descriptions Walls 12E-Osw: Frm wall, mtl ext, 3/8" wood sht board int fnsh, 2"x6" wood frm 12E-Osw: Frm wall, vnl ext, 3/8" wood shth, board int fnsh, 2"x6" wood frm av ins, 1/2" gypsum av ins, 1/2" gypsum 12E-Osw: Frm wall, vnl ext, 1/2" wood shtv ins, 1/2" gypsum board int fnsh, 2"x6" wood frm 15B-10s3c-6: Bg wall, light dry soil, concrete wall, Partitions 12E-Osw: Frm wall wood frm Windows 2 glazing, clr outr, air gas, vnl frm mat, clr innr, 1/4" gap, 1/4" thk: 2 n 10 0.300 0 25.5 264 10.8 112 glazing, clr outr, air gas, vnl frm mat, clr innr, 1/4" gap, 1/4" thk; NFRC w 10 0.300 0 25.5 264 34.6 358 rated (SHGC=0.32) all 21 0.300 0 25.5 527 22.7 469 s, 8" thk av ins, 5/8" gypsum board int fnsh, 2"x6" Or Area U -value Insul R Htg HTM Loss Cig HTM Gain ft" Btuh/ft"-°F ft"-`F/Btuh Btuh/ft2 Btuh Btuh/fP Btuh n 243 0.068 19.0 5.78 1405 1.32 320 e 153 0.068 19.0 5.78 885 1.32 202 s 81 0.068 19.0 5.78 468 1.32 107 sw 75 0.068 19.0 5.78 435 1.32 99 w 66 0.068 19.0 5.78 381 1.32 87 nw 69 0.068 19.0 5.78 397 1.32 90 all 687 0.068 19.0 5.78 3971 1.32 904 n 134 0.068 19.0 5.78 773 1.32 176 e 218 0.068 19.0 5.78 1261 1.32 287 .s 272 0.068 19.0 5.78 1572 1.32 358 w 166 0.068 19.0 5.78 958 1.32 218 all 790 0.068 19.0 5.78 4564 1.32 1039 n 169 0.068 19.0 5.78 974 1.32 222 e 219 0.068 19.0 5.78 1268 1.32 289 s 408 0.068 19.0 5.78 2355 1.32 536 sw 56 0.068 19.0 5.78 324 1.32 74 w 400 0.068 19.0 5.78 2309 1.32 526 nw 50 0.068 19.0 5.78 288 1.32 66 all 1301 0.068 19.0 5.78 7518 1.32 1712 n 293 0.069 10.0 6.20 1815 0.31 90 e 378 0.069 10.0 6.20 2342 0.31 116 s 233 0.069 10.0 6.20 1444 0.31 72 sw 79 0.069 10.0 5.88 466 0.01 1 nw 73 0.069 10.0 5.86 430 0 0 all 1019 0.069 10.0 6.11 6228 0.27 279 217 0.068 19.0 5.78 1254 0.74 162 wrightsoft" Right -Suite® Universal 2012 12.0.13 RSU02669 ACCK C:\Users\Jeff\Documents\Wrightsoft HVAC\Better Air, Johnson.rup Calc = MJ8 Front Door faces: S 2012 -Dec -03 14:09:22 Page 1 • r Load Short Form Entire House ENERTECH Job: Date: Oct 12, 2012 By: Project Information For: Johnson, Shannon & Brett 4919 Whispering Way, Eagan, MN Design Information Htg Outside db (°F) -15 Inside db (°F) 70 Design TD (°F) 85 Daily range - Inside humidity (%) 40 Moisture difference (gr/Ib) 43 Clg 88 72 16 M 50 38 Method Construction quality Fireplaces Infiltration Simplified Tight 0 HEATING EQUIPMENT Make Trade Model AHRI ref Efficiency Heating input Heating output Temperature rise Actual air flow Air flow factor Static pressure Space thermostat 80 AFUE 0 MBtuh 0 Btuh 0 °F 1672 cfm 0.033 cfm/Btuh 0 in H2O COOLING EQUIPMENT Make Trade Cond Coil AHRI ref Efficiency Sensible cooling Latent cooling Total cooling Actual air flow Air flow factor Static pressure Load sensible heat ratio 0 SEER 0 Btuh 0 Btuh 0 Btuh 1672 cfm 0.055 cfm/Btuh 0 in H2O 0.81 ROOM NAME Area (ft2) Htg load (Btuh) Clg load (Btuh) Htg AVF (cfm) Clg AVF (cfm) Lower Level 1249 14227 5172 465 285 Main Level 947 11736 8600 384 474 Open to Below 302 6912 4655 226 257 Upper Level 872 7378 5598 241 309 Vault Area 85 3217 2771 105 153 Area over garage 486 7689 3540 251 195 Entire House d 3941 51158 30336 1672 1672 Other equip loads 7420 3054 Equip. @ 0.93 RSM 26534 Latent cooling 7787 TC'TAI C ',CIA 1 ����0 1 �,171\ 17') 1G77 Bold/italic values have been manually overridden Calculations approved by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed. wrightsoftr Right -Suite® Universal 2012 12.0.13 RSU02669 ACCP C:\Users\Jeff\Documents\Wrightsoft HVAC\Better Air, Johnson.rup Calc = MJ8 Front Door faces: S 2012 -Dec -03 14:09:22 Page 1 ew Construction Energy Code Compliance Certificate l avS-3 Per NI 101.8 Building Certificate. A building certificate shall be in a visible location inside Dae Ceraiote hued posted permanently the building The certificate shall be completed by the builder and shall list informative and values of conponerws fisted in Table N1101.8. 10/12/12 Nisi* Address order NMI* sr Dwain Unit 4919 WHISPERING WAY (JOHNSON) Cir Eagan, MN i -nf e fieni INE ODIC COrwarunc+lMR Nowt of Rem Cwtraeser Vennehjem Building Corp. (JOHNSON) MN Liman Mawber BC108964 THERMAL ENVELOPE RADON SYSTEM Total R•Value of all Types of Insulation Type: Check AN That Apply Passive (No Fan) Non or Not Applicable Foam, Closed Cell J Foam Open Cell Mineral Fiberboard Polyisocyanurate _other Active (Withfan and monometer or system monitoring device) Insulation Location C o m g' I ii m N a8 ..-t. iT. Rigid, lsocynurate S Below Entire Slab X Foundation wall R10 X InMdier Petrtaeter of Stab on Grade X Rim Joist (Foundation) R13.4 X rra<tor Rim Joist (la Floor+) R13.4 X trrtaior Wall R19 X Ceiling,vaultedX R3$ X Bay Windows or cantilevered areas X Room over garage Fe.ao/L /Y Y j;tt3(�lttr.'or eau tnsdd. # .2. ,ii 9h,4 Describe quer int ed areas Windows & Doors or Cooling Ducts Outside Conditioned Spaces Average U -Factor (excludes skylights and one door) U: C. 1 0 Not applicable, all ducts located m conditioned space Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC):0. 3,2 R -value ECHANICAL SYSTEMS Make-up Mr Select a Type Appliances Heating System Domestic Water Heater Cooling System ► ✓ Not required per meth code Foe, Type Natural Gas Electric Electric Passive Manufacturer LENNOX RHEEM LENNOX Powered Model roc, IQj(11(G90P(. Interlocked with exhaust novice. Describe: Rating er Size Igiut in BTUS: WI az> s ' ' �I t `J ! O Capes' -- mow as: teat SEER. 3. S 3S CO 13. d Location Other, describe: of duct or system: 55 ? Structure's Calculated Heat Loss Efficiency AFUE or HUTS Calculated toed 3i.`3.L Cfms " round duct OR Mechanical Ventilation System " metal duct Describe any additional or combined heating or cooling systems if installed: (e.g two furnaces or air Combustion Air Select a Type source heat pump with gas back-up furnace):+ '• i' of required per meth. code Select Type ) 7 Y Passive X Heat Recover Ventilator(HRV) Capacity in efins:taw: - High 'Z % Other, describe: Energy Recover Ventilator (ERV) Capacity in cfms: Low: High: Location of duct or system: Continuous exhausting fan(s) rated capacity in cfins: ,1)/� `ef/ Location of fan(s), describe: ' Cfm's Capacity continuous ventilation rate in elms: i 'j 1,) 6..V ON i, at') 6 41 " round duct OR 144.164 Total ventilation (intermittent + continuous) rate in cfms: ] " metal duct —...`.s.r.e mat ee.n.e.ee neannn City of Eajan Address: 4919 Whispering Way Zip: 55122 Permit 108053 The following items were / were not completed at the Final Inspection on: Complete Incomplete Comments Final grade - 6" from siding Permanent steps - Garage Permanent steps - Main Entry Permanent Driveway Permanent Gas Retaining Wall or 3:1 Max Slope Sod / Seeded Lawn 5EMO . Trail / Curb Damage r~ Porch A Lower Level Finish Deck AIA Fireplace ✓ C2 • Verify with your builder that roof test caps from the plumbing system have been removed. • Turn off water supply to the outside lawn faucets before freeze potential exists. • Call the Engineering Department at (651) 675-5646 prior to working in the right-of-way or installing an irrigation system. Building Inspector: G:\Building InspectionsTORMS\Checklists * r • ''New Construction Energy Code Compliance Certificate Per ?ail 1011 Building Certificate. A building cerificae shall be posted in a p nnaneirdy visible location inside Darr Cmirxate Tosted the building- T1m certificate shall be completed by the builder and shall k%1 information and salves of compw,ems listed in Table NJ 101.11. 10112/12 Mailing A"a of rbr Dwetrrng w Dwelling Unit City 4919 WHISPERING WAY JOHNSON Eagan, MN _ _CQ-X)0fW?C*~ Ilia ofResiaeotid Cantractw M4 l.ieme Nwaber Venneh'em Building Co JOHNSON BC108964 THERMAL ENVELOPE RADON SYSTEM Type: Check All That Apply X Passive (No Fan) c v Active (With fan andmonometer or othersrstem monitoring *vice) `a p. 3 ff~11 p V L ~ 07 CC V V ~ ~ c cC N C T Instrlatfon Location ~ o z 2 9 ty C) R O t>D ~ m H -E Z cc. u. U_ X d Other Please Describe Here Below Entire Slab X Foundation Wall R10 X Imii. Perimeter of Slab on Grade X Rim Joist (Foundation) R13.4 X rrer" Rim Joist (11, Floor+) R13.4 X Wall R19 X CeilID& flat R44 X Ceiling, vaulted R38 Bay Windows or,f kirered areas X oom over garge f-'tgo R381 X Ifl brown or ems Y?All V y Describe other imulated areas F ndows $ Dori rig or Cooling Ducts Outside Conditioned Spaces erage U-Factor (excludes skylights acrd one door) U: 0.25 Not applicabk, all ducts Incised in conditiofted space ar Heat Crain Coefficient (SHGC): oA2 R-value CHANICAL SYSTEMS Make-up Air Select a Type rRatinng s Healing System Domestic Water Heater' CoolingSystein Not requited per mech. code Natural Gas Electric Electric passive mr LENNO X RHEEM LENNOX powered A 4 143 V4~O N IInterlocked with exhaust device. Describeinput in Capw" m ©tapw to descriin BTUS: u 9 cm Tom. Heat Loss: Location of duct or system: Calculated ain: 3S 5Col AFUE or SEER: IISPF;b qCaicbi d couling lend- Cim's " round duct OR Mechanical Ventilation System " metal duct Describe any additional or combined beating or cooling systems if installed. (c,& two furnaces or air Combustion Air Select a Type urce heat pump with gas back-up furnace): Vol required per mech. code Select Type 10 1 Passive Heat Recover Ventilator (HRV) Capacity in cfms: Low: Higb:: Other, describe: Energy Recover Ventilator (ERV) Capacity in cfms: low: High: Location or duct or system: Continuous a dbausting fanis) rated capacity in cfnts: Location of fonts). describe: Cftn's Capacity continuous ventilation rate in erms: I 1 ~ 1 V ON d _ fj' it " round duct Olt Total ventilation (intermittent + continuous) rate in cfms: ^ metal duct