07/16/2012 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission Approved September 17, 2012 ADVISORY PARKS COMMISSION Z Monday, July 16, 2012 fit of Epp 19INUTES OF REGULAR N1111,TING OF July 16, 2012 A regular meeting of the Advisory Parks Commission was called to order at 7:00 p,m. on Monday, July 16, 2012. Commission Members present: Chair Laurie Halverson, Member Palmer, Member Todd-Harlin, and Member Hobot. Member Steele was absent. Staff members present included Director Juli Seydell Johnson; Paul Olson, Superintendent of Parks, Amy Grannes, Office Supervisor. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Member Halverson asked Director Johnson if there were any changes to the agenda. Director Johnson stated there were not changes. Member Halverson moved, Member Palmer seconded, with all members present voting to adopt the agenda. APPROVAL OF NI1NUTLS OF MAY .14, 2012 Member Palmer moved, Chair Halverson seconded, with all present members voting in favor to approve the minutes of May 14, 2012. VISI'T'ORS TO BE MARL) There were no visitors to be heard. DIREUVOR'S I)EPARTNIENT UPDATE Director Johnson stated that it's a busy time in our parks the heat has been great for Cascade Bay. The Ice Arena has also been busy, with two sheets of ice. There three different hockey tournaments playing in July, Skate school has started again for the summer session. Registrations are being accepted for fall adult sports programs. The Director stated Northview Park is looking very nice due to renovations of the tennis courts. The courts are now Eagan High School blue. Staff has been working on additional park signage and traffic flow improvements throughout the athletic sites. Finally on Tuesday night July 17`x' at 5:00 p.m, there will be a grand opening for the Off Leash Dog Area at Thresher Fields, Dog owners who interested in using the area are encouraged to come into either City Hall or the Community Center to buy a permit. The park has both a large dog area and a small dog area it is completely fenced with a few benches and other amenities inside. Director Johnson thanked our park staff for an excellent job of designing and building a unique experience for dogs and their owners in Eagan. CONSENT ,~GFN.DA: Member Halverson asked for a motion to approve the Consent Agenda. Member Hobot moved, Member Palmer seconded, with all members present voting to adopt the agenda. Advisory Parks Commission July 16, 2012 Page 2 DEVELOPMENT r1zOPOS BLS There were no development proposals to be discussed. OLD IIUSINI.SS There was no old business to be discussed. N[{ENV BUSI ESS The 2013 - 2017 Capital Improvement Plan was reviewed. Superintendent Olson review projects included in the plan for 2013. Projects for 2013 were Central Park festival grounds irrigation, Central Park outdoor exercise equipment installation, upgrading park trail signs, Cedar Grove park development, rehabbing trails at Northview tennis area, two playground replacements, and an allotment for small projects were also included. After the presentation Member Palmer moved for approval, Member Hobot seconded, with all members present voting to accept the Capital Improvement Plan as presented to recommend to the City Council at their next meeting. 07' II R BUSINESS ANII) REPORTS There was no other business and reports to be discussed, C'ONINIUNICATIONS Director Johnson mentioned a couple of e-mails praising our staff making sure the fields have been playable and our staff has been on their toes and kept things moving in our parks, we appreciate that very much, ROUNDTABLE Member Palmer stated he was down at Northview Fields for a youth softball tournament and the fields were in great shape and was impressed that they looked professionally done. Chair Halverson conunented on the great camps that have going on this summer in our parks and Eagan staff is doing a great job. Chair Halverson also stated she has been received some questions regarding recycling in Eagan parks and rain barrels. Director Johnson replied that we do have rain barrels at Cascade Bay and the Art House. We are starting a new program for recycling opportunities with our pavilion rentals, more information will follow in the next month. Member Hobot conunented about the Off-Leash Dog Area and what a beautiful job that was done by park staff. k II)J OURN NI E N T With no further business to conduct, Chair Halverson moved, Member Palmer seconded, with all members voting in favor to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 7:29 p.m. Seere ary Date