Newspaper Clipping - Newspaper Clipping Scan - Hedges interns show their appreciation Eagan Chronicle - 8/5/1985 Hedges' interns show their appreciation for experience by Amy O'Marro "Once a Hedges' intern, program led them to nominate unique talents and developmen- always a Hedges' intern." Hedges for the L. P. Cook- tai needs," reads the nomina- The quip by Rusty Fifield ex- ingham Award. The award is tion. presses her feelings and the given by the International City With an endorsement like feelings of 16 city management Management Association in that, Hedges was chosen as this professionals who gained their honor of those working to year's L.P. Cookingham reci- first job experience through an develop the city management pient. internship. Their internship profession. Jon Hohenstein, Eagan ad- was designed by Eagan City Ad- "Mr. Hedges has been the ex- ministrative assistant, con- ministrator Tom Hedges. ample for and mentor to a INTERNSHIP: to p.3A. Their appreciation for his diverse set of individuals with