Newspaper Clipping - Newspaper Clipping Scan - Public Management Magaizine L.P. Cookingham Award Tom Hedges - 10/1/1985 44 k s v a FA..A t a Paz i ~ 1 1 LP Cookingham Award The L.P. Cookingham Award is pre- sented to a chief administrator or assistant who has made a significant wand measurable contribution to en- couraging the development of new talent in professional management. This year's award goes to Thomas L. Hedges, city ad- ministrator of Eagan, Minnesota. The judges noted his innovative use of limited resources to develop an internship pro- gram as a tool for professional develop- ment. The success of the internship program results from Mr. Hedges' long-time commitment to internship programs and the design of the program which provides students ' with a broad base of public management experience in preparation for a career in local government. The internship program in Eagan followed many of the same concepts used in a similar program that Mr. Hedges had developed in St. Peter, Minnesota. The pro- 711wnus L Hcdgrs gram involves six-month paid positions on a rotating basis. The program is based on a systematic approach of advice, and encouragement. In the two cities in which he working individually with each student to ensure a chal- has worked, Mr. Hedges has contributed to the careers of lenging and enriching experience. 16 individuals. Twelve remain in public management, The interns are recruited from a number of area almost half of whom are city managers or department colleges and universities on a regular basis, and appli- heads. All four of those in the private sector benefit from cants are joined by students applying on the recommen- their substantial experience in the public sector. dation of former interns. Once hired, the intern is for- It is clear that the intern program developed by Mr. mally introduced to each member of the staff and is Hedges contains the fundamental aspects of a successful briefed on areas of responsibility. At the same time, the experience for any intern: strong recruitment, individual student is encouraged to return to the departments to attention, proper orientation; involvement in a variety of pursue personal interests in specific areas. An intern is to challenging activities; organizational support; and con- shape his or her program as appropriate. Mr. Hedges and tinued guidance and support. As one former student his department heads are careful to define their expecta- wrote: "Once a Hedges intern, always a Hedges intern tions, but they also positively encourage interns in order whenever I face a tough problem, it helps to know that to help build confidence. Moreover, interns are encour- Mr. Hedges is only a phone call away." aged to show initiative in meeting those expectations. Interns are introduced to a variety of activities and L.P. Cookingham Career Development Award tasks by work on several projects or by "hands-on" experience such as riding along with police officers, 1969-Robert B. Morris 1976-Robert A. Finley attending cable committee meetings, or walking through 1970-Tom Chenoweth 1977-Richard G. Simmons the sewer system with maintenance workers. Whatever 1971-H.P. Clifton 1978-Robert D. Farley the activity, interns are treated as entry level profes- 1971-Edward H. Potthoff, 1978-Alan Thelen Jr.* 1979-Gerald G. Fox sionals which helps to make them feel welcome and 1972-E. Robert Turner 1980-David A. Burkhalter comfortable in the work environment. Interns are also 1973-Dale C. Carter 1980-Dan H. Davidson included in staff meetings and interdepartmental confer- 1973-Wesley McClure 1981-Robert O. Bailey ences. 1974-Richard L. Larsen 1982-G. Robert House* After the six-month term Mr. Hedges' continues his 1974-William Pitstick 1983-Cole Hendrix support and guidance for each student that he works 1974-Ted Tedesco 1984-Leland Brodbeck with. Former interns have benefited from his references, 1975-John M. Patriarche *Deceased Public Management/October 1985 19 1985 ANNUAL AWARDS LUNCHEON AWARD WINNERS Schedule of Events October 30, 1985 ICMA State Association Award Illinois City Management Association Moderators: Bob Kipp and Dave Taylor Ann Suttles Internship Stipend * Welcome and Lunch Ardenia Holland, Kansas University Local Government Journalism Award * Remarks on the ICMA Foundation Mark Hoy, Eugene, OR Hansell Fire Services Award * Remarks by Marvin Andrews, City Manager, Arlington, TX Phoenix, Arizona Management Innovation Awards Employee Productivity Presentation of Awards and Scholarships Jan Winters, Loveland, CO ICMA State Association Award Arts/Cultural Suttles Internship Stipend Howard Chambers, Lakewood, CA Bob Coop Travel Stipend ICMA Scholarships Application of Telecommunications Local Government Journalism Award Government-Technology Committee, OH Mark E. Keane Award for Excellence * ICMA Foundation Awards and Slide Presentation William M. Christopher, Westminster, CO Hansell Fire Services Award Local Government Education Award * Management Innovation Award - Employee Productivity Judy Belk, Oakland, CA Management Innovation Award - Arts/Cultural Management Innovation Award - Application L.P. Cookingham Career Development Award * of Telecommunications Thomas L. Hedges, Eagan, MN Mark E. Keane Award for Excellence Local Government Education Award Clarence E. Ridley In-Service Training Award * L.P. Cookingham Career Development Award Craig A. McDowell, Pima County, AZ Clarence E. Ridley In Service Training Award Outstanding Management Innovator Award Outstanding Management Innovator Award * Cole Hendrix, Charlottesville, VA Closing Remarks *Awarded by the ICMA Foundation S JUDGES ICMA State Association Award PHILADEIPHM Leigh Wilson, League of NC Muncipalities; Ernie Mozer, League of KS Muncipalities; and Michael Amyx, Virginia Municipal League 1985 Local Government Journalism Award Neil Peirce, Washington, DC; Joseph Bell, Fort Worth, TX; John Dullea, Greenville, SC; Penn Kimball, New York, NY; and Linda Witco, Scottsbluff, NE ~ Hansell Fire Services Award Larry Brown, Arlington County, VA; Dean Holzgrafe, Fremont, CA; and John Drago, Golden Beach, FL ;w Management Innovation Awards Richard Stevens, Wake County, NC; ` Gwen Harvey, Charlotte, NC; and _....~i Patrick Thomas, Jacksonville, NC Mark E. Beane Award for Excellence William Mann, Regina, Saskatchewan, Cda; M.C. Butterfield, Swift Current, Saskatchewan, Cda; A.P. Gilewicz, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Cda. Local Government Education Award ANNUAL AWAnDS Tom Mikulecky, Bartlesville, OK; Jim Whitlock, Broken Arrow, OK; and Victor Ewing, Jenks, OK L.P. Cookinghan Career Development Award LUNCHEON Neal Berlin, Iowa City, IA; Lawrence Asaro, Galesburg, IL; and Bruce Romer, Davenport, IA Clarence B. Ridley In-Service 'training Award Donald McIntyre, Pasadena, CA; Henry Gardner, Oakland, CA; Leland Walton, Antioch, CA; and David Mora, Los Gatos, CA Outstanding Management Innovator Award William A. Kennedy, Jr., Holden, MA; Wayne Marquis, Danvers, MA; Steve Sheiffer, Concord, MA; Sponsored by the and Calixto Torres, Hartford, CT ICMA Foundation