Newspaper Clipping - Newspaper Clipping (original) paper copy retained - City Administrator Hedges Eagan This Week - 8/28/1980
Tom Hedges has exciting, challen~ ing 1 'ob
'Ne have to balance the needs," their ne !ds and resolve problems
explained Hedges. "It's an ongo- if I can. rhere isn't always a solu-
~ ~ ing job." lion," a :plained Hedges, "That's
"All of our department heads when I I Pecome frustrated."
are very dedicated to the city, "Moss of these things are a
5 and that's important to me and to matter of communication," he
the city," said Hedges. "They're noted. " If people just let us know,
s a dedicated bunch." we'll try to get things resolved."
What's the best part of the job? "This is an exciting place to
"I like to work with people," said work. I •eally enjoy the work and
Hedges. "Answering questions, the peon de," he said proudly. "I
giving help and advice, and tak- meet a lot of interesting people
ing complaints are the most in- and have a very supportive
f` teresting. I try to be sensitive to wife."
EAGAN CITY administrator Tom Hedges directs the func- / Hair Designs
tions and services of the city from his desk at city hall. (Formerly N r. Clifford's)
Hedges says it is not uncommon to change directions a
number of times a day in many non-related matters. Sioux Trosil Center
By JUDY STRACHAN There also are several evening \ Burn sville Staff Writer meetings, as the administrator 890-5558
must attend council, staff and AV t Only
EAGAN "Exciting and committee meetings, lasting gus y
challenging." That's how Eagan anywhere from two to six or 2000 ~~FF ALL
City Administrator Tom Hedges seven hours. "The council meets
views his job. twice a month for regular PERMS, COL,)RS, FROSTS
As city administrator, Hedges meetings, and with the amount of Monday-Saturday, O en 3 Nights A Week
is responsible to the city council business they have to act on, the
and supervises the police chief, demand on their time is quite JAL
city attorney, city clerk, direc- high. I have a lot of admiration COUPON V SPE ryl
tors of pubfir works, parks and for council members. It's quite a
recreation, finance, city planner, commitment on their part," with
fire chief, uuilding official, ad- noted Hedges. Jeff/Pat humphrey,'Judy Stage Niko Folak
ministrative intern, ad- As the administrator, Hedges
ministrative secretary and in- has to have "a handle on the
directly supervises all city direction. of the city and coor- 10 /o Off Haircuts coupth
employees. dinate all city services. It's very
- Good Till Seat. 1st r'
Eagan has approximately 70 frnpot Cant I%>.~irork with all Includes 890-5558
full-time employees and about 40 department heads to plan for the Shampoo 8 Blow Comb Styling
part-time people. The city hall present and the future together. ,
facility has about 20 staff
members, 30 that number
. ex-
pands wit:growth demands, Where YOU Count
~ • • •
says Hod,-.-f
Originally from Spirit Lake, a Catholic community of students, faculty and
IA, Hedges received his BA and parents.
master's degree in public ad- a 4-year college preparatory, career directed,
ministration from the University remedial or accelerated program.
of South Dakota. Before coming a disciplined, co-educational ervironment stress-
to Eagan, Hedges was the assis- ing Christian values.
tant to the city manager in Ver-
million, SD, and was the city ad-
ministrator at St. Peter from YOU count at Brady Cone Join Us!
1972-76. He came to Eagan in July Register now for the Fall term, bec inning Aug. 25
of 1976. Archbishop Brad High School
Hedges and his wife, Debbie, a
registered nurse now caring for 10 Oakdale Ave.
their two children, Brandon, five,
and Abby, two, live in Eagan, as West St. Paul
required by the city.. 457-8791
Hedges said that the operating Thomas A. Gagliardi, Pri neipal
budget and the capital im- P.S. We're proud of our North Central accreditationI
provements budgets are the big- I
gest projects in his responsibility
each year. "Managing more ser-
vices with less dollars is our big-
gest problem," said Hedges. "In
a growth community such as
Eagan, our challenge is to main-
Lain services and provide new 14917 Garrett Ave. - 432-31138
services without over-taxation." Located in Apple Place - Dine In or Take Out
Eagan could be one of the NOW OPEN FOR LUNCH - WED. THRU SUNDAY
fastest growing communities in
the county and the state, and LUNCHEON SPECIAL
when the new Cedar Ave. bridge
opens, and other roads are im- WED., THURS., FRI. 11:30 A.M. - 1:30 P.M. 75
proved, the area could really 8"' PIZZA _ SALAD - SM. BEVERAGE Onl
mushroom. "Sometimes it seems Only
that Eagan is the fastest growing MMMMM MMMMMMM MMMM MMMM MM MMM • • • M MMM MM M MM MUM M MMM M..
area in the world, to me.," laugh-
ed Hedges. . .
What is a typical day for a city
administrator'? "There probably
isn't a typical day," said Hedges,
as he shuffled papers on his desk. s
"It's not uncommon for me to s
change directions on a number of s
items a dav. I deal with person-
nel, memos, finance, staff i
meetings, mayor and council con
tact, and get updates on legisla-
tionaffecting the city; as well as • . e
attending city and county s • •
meetings." f. www w wwww w w ww wwwwww wwww wwwwww wr.wwwi~ wr.wwwwnnrnrww wnrs~