Newspaper Clipping - Newspaper Clipping (original) paper copy retained - City Administrator Hedges Eagan This Week - 8/28/1980 AS CITY ADMINISTRATOR - Tom Hedges has exciting, challen~ ing 1 'ob 'Ne have to balance the needs," their ne !ds and resolve problems explained Hedges. "It's an ongo- if I can. rhere isn't always a solu- ~ ~ ing job." lion," a :plained Hedges, "That's "All of our department heads when I I Pecome frustrated." are very dedicated to the city, "Moss of these things are a 5 and that's important to me and to matter of communication," he the city," said Hedges. "They're noted. " If people just let us know, s a dedicated bunch." we'll try to get things resolved." What's the best part of the job? "This is an exciting place to "I like to work with people," said work. I •eally enjoy the work and Hedges. "Answering questions, the peon de," he said proudly. "I giving help and advice, and tak- meet a lot of interesting people ing complaints are the most in- and have a very supportive f` teresting. I try to be sensitive to wife." Jeffrey's EAGAN CITY administrator Tom Hedges directs the func- / Hair Designs tions and services of the city from his desk at city hall. (Formerly N r. Clifford's) Hedges says it is not uncommon to change directions a number of times a day in many non-related matters. Sioux Trosil Center By JUDY STRACHAN There also are several evening \ Burn sville Staff Writer meetings, as the administrator 890-5558 must attend council, staff and AV t Only EAGAN "Exciting and committee meetings, lasting gus y challenging." That's how Eagan anywhere from two to six or 2000 ~~FF ALL City Administrator Tom Hedges seven hours. "The council meets views his job. twice a month for regular PERMS, COL,)RS, FROSTS As city administrator, Hedges meetings, and with the amount of Monday-Saturday, O en 3 Nights A Week is responsible to the city council business they have to act on, the and supervises the police chief, demand on their time is quite JAL T city attorney, city clerk, direc- high. I have a lot of admiration COUPON V SPE ryl tors of pubfir works, parks and for council members. It's quite a recreation, finance, city planner, commitment on their part," with fire chief, uuilding official, ad- noted Hedges. Jeff/Pat humphrey,'Judy Stage Niko Folak ministrative intern, ad- As the administrator, Hedges ministrative secretary and in- has to have "a handle on the wion directly supervises all city direction. of the city and coor- 10 /o Off Haircuts coupth employees. dinate all city services. It's very - Good Till Seat. 1st r' Eagan has approximately 70 frnpot Cant I%>.~irork with all Includes 890-5558 full-time employees and about 40 department heads to plan for the Shampoo 8 Blow Comb Styling part-time people. The city hall present and the future together. , facility has about 20 staff members, 30 that number . ex- pands wit:growth demands, Where YOU Count ~ • • • says Hod,-.-f Originally from Spirit Lake, ...in a Catholic community of students, faculty and IA, Hedges received his BA and parents. master's degree in public ad- ...in a 4-year college preparatory, career directed, ministration from the University remedial or accelerated program. of South Dakota. Before coming ...in a disciplined, co-educational ervironment stress- to Eagan, Hedges was the assis- ing Christian values. tant to the city manager in Ver- million, SD, and was the city ad- ministrator at St. Peter from YOU count at Brady Cone Join Us! 1972-76. He came to Eagan in July Register now for the Fall term, bec inning Aug. 25 of 1976. Archbishop Brad High School Hedges and his wife, Debbie, a registered nurse now caring for 10 Oakdale Ave. their two children, Brandon, five, and Abby, two, live in Eagan, as West St. Paul required by the city.. 457-8791 Hedges said that the operating Thomas A. Gagliardi, Pri neipal budget and the capital im- P.S. We're proud of our North Central accreditationI provements budgets are the big- I gest projects in his responsibility each year. "Managing more ser- vices with less dollars is our big- gest problem," said Hedges. "In VILLAGE PIZZA PARLOR a growth community such as Eagan, our challenge is to main- Lain services and provide new 14917 Garrett Ave. - 432-31138 services without over-taxation." Located in Apple Place - Dine In or Take Out Eagan could be one of the NOW OPEN FOR LUNCH - WED. THRU SUNDAY fastest growing communities in the county and the state, and LUNCHEON SPECIAL when the new Cedar Ave. bridge opens, and other roads are im- WED., THURS., FRI. 11:30 A.M. - 1:30 P.M. 75 proved, the area could really 8"' PIZZA _ SALAD - SM. BEVERAGE Onl mushroom. "Sometimes it seems Only that Eagan is the fastest growing MMMMM MMMMMMM MMMM MMMM MM MMM • • • M MMM MM M MM MUM M MMM M.. area in the world, to me.," laugh- ed Hedges. . . What is a typical day for a city administrator'? "There probably isn't a typical day," said Hedges, as he shuffled papers on his desk. s "It's not uncommon for me to s change directions on a number of s items a dav. I deal with person- nel, memos, finance, staff i meetings, mayor and council con tact, and get updates on legisla- tionaffecting the city; as well as • . e attending city and county s • • meetings." f. www w wwww w w ww wwwwww wwww wwwwww wr.wwwi~ wr.wwwwnnrnrww wnrs~ THIS'