Newspaper Clipping - Newspaper Clipping Scan - Hedges Eagan Chronicle - 5/8/1985 4A - f Hedges deservovs headlines, thanks Thomas Hedges has been headlining the Eagan Chronicle's top stories for the past two weeks. And r,, ghtly so! In these past weeks, Hedges has been honored for its strong voice in the 15-city Municipal Legislative Cop emis- sion, as a mentor to those entering the field of city n anage- ment and for his abilities as Eagan's city administr: ,tor. He is the newly elected vice chairman of the Muni -.ipal Legislative Commission and chairman of the es sa operal d he com- mittee for that suburban lobbying group. Hedges plans to dig into the struggle for funding that helps l irotect suburbs' ability to gain state aids and special reven .ies. Eagan and the other member suburbs may heav( a sigh of relief knowing that Hedges is going to bat to preser a fun- ding for local programs. Perhaps the commitment seen in Hedges work sl ems from his strong belief in the profession of city managem, .nt. Certainly those given the opportunity to work in 1 ledges ci- ty management internship program believe this. A rid the ci- ty of Eagan benefits as much as the interns. f ment and New professionals are introduced to city manag get hands-on experience. City government and Ea; ran residents gain enthusiasm and insight from the int !rns. The International City Management Association is definitely impressed with Hedges' work in profess onal development. The organization will present Hedgc s the L.P. Cookingham award for his intership program at it; national convention in Philadelphia this fall. As city administrator of Eagan, Hedges is a pro 'essional, but he is also a friend and neighbor. Maybe he is so well respected in this communit , because people feel instantly comfortable when they meet him. He is an Eagan booster and is on top of the issues. If tht xe is a con- cern in Eagan, Tom Hedges knows about it. Resi( .ents know he cares when they call on him. And so, for all the behind-the-scenes work, for, 11 the negotiating and community involvement, we hea lline Tom Hedges.