Newspaper Clipping - Newspaper Clipping Scan - Hedges Interns Eagan Chronicle - 5/8/1985 Hedges' interns show their appreciation for experience by Amy O'Marro "Once a Hedges' intern, program led them to nominate unique talents and developmen- always a Hedges' intern." Hedges for the L. P. Cook- tal needs," reads the nomina- The quip by Rusty Fifield ex- ingham Award. The award is tion. presses her feelings and the given by the International City With an endorsement like feelings of 16 city management Management Association in that, Hedges was chosen as this professionals who gained their honor of those working to year's L.P. Cookingham reci- first job experience through an develop the city management pient. internship. Their internship profession. Jon Hohenstein, Eagan ad- was designed by Eagan City Ad- "Mr. Hedges has been the ex- ministrative assistant, con- ministrator Tom Hedges. ample for and mentor to a INTERNSHIP: to p.3A. Their appreciation for his diverse set of individuals with Hedges to be honored INTERNSHIP: from p.1A. tacted the interns and compiled their feelings into an award nomination. 1 "The program is the best j known in the state," I saidHohenstein, who interned r from January to June. . "It is a real plum to be placed in the program. Here the ex- perience is broad based. An in- tern is involved in every depart- ment. He has an active role in team management. Rather than starting at the bottom of the totem pole, he is looked on as a professional. That is a real bonus for someone just our of school," he added. The program is a result of Hedges own experience when he entered the profession. In a Thomas Hedges sense, Hedges started his own internship. He was studying fiscal budget and management As Hedges moved on to in the school of public ad- become city administrator in ministration at the University Eagan, he introduced his in- of South Dakota. ternship program. "I enjoyed working with peo- "I have always believed in ple. I wanted to do more with the development of the profes- administration in local govern- sion. Hopefully, I can help in ment. In local government you training and field experience can see the changes happen, that will supplement academic where in state and regional work," Hedges said. government it takes forever. I Eagan's program gives an fin- like to see things happen. tern a "broad brush" of ex- "That's when I knocked on perience, Hedges said. "The ci the door of the Vermillion City ty is realizing the benefit of a Hall. I asked for an internship. I high caliber person. They give a was the first intern in that city. I lot to the community," he add- started free and later worked ed. for minimum wage," he said. Interns do research, write Hedges later became Ver- reports and work with city staff, millinn'c ndrninictrgtivp pccis- committees and commissions. taut. "I feel strongly about the peo- When Hedges became city ple who have gone through the ` manager in St. Peter, he program. Ilike tofollow people developed that city's first in- on as they continue in the pro- ternship program. Students fession. Past interns call me for taking advantage of the pro- recommendations, and advice,, gram came from Mankato as they look to further, State University and Gustavus themselves. It is a type of fami- Adolphus College. ly," Hedges said.