Newspaper Clipping - Newspaper Clipping (original) paper copy retained - Article on the Eagan Report - 12/9/1985 MIS xina of gtscusston," regional ana local collective for dropping items it the meeting shorter meetings, and well be Coskran said. "I'ni going to bargaining. And Coskran said to runs late. doing that in the very near T? z 4 '<,li' her i ?i< Gt? alit 11,E+-,x an 1SSUe like that :,;n, halt "Do you think it's nteuigent iitUre ' I Eagan's `talent' get used to cable TV by Bob Paulson I'm considered 'talent,' but I r u think that's overstating it a little," said Tom Hedges, city administrator and host of the cable TV show, "The Eagan po „ u I Hedges and Eagan resident Pam Wold appear on the Group W cable TV program, which is designed "to provide the viewer or resident an inside look at city 41, I government," Hedges said. Hedges, Wold and everyone else', working on the program are w z . volunteers. "We were a little nervous," Hedges said. "But I just try to be r myself." [AGAM "I was very nervousWold EPORT said. "It's very difficult to act t yourself when you're so nervous." Ralph Campbell, ad- t ministrator for the Burnsville- l Eagan cable commission, said he is impressed with the pro- gram's quality. "The crew is really doing a great job," Camp- bell said. "The teamwork is very Submitted photo high, even though they have only been together three times." production)," Jensen said. hope to have a crack crew," he shown on channels 3, 10 and 12, Associate producer Ron This month's "Eagan Report" said. but Campbell said the show will Jensen said crew members took was the second produced. "Even Hedges said he and Cooper are eventually be seen only on chan- classes through Group W to in the second show," Campbell trying to make the show in- nel 10, the municipal access learn how to use the equipment. said, "we're starting to see Tom teresting by sending cameras to channel. Jensen said he and producer Bob and Pam get a little friendly tape community events in- Campbell and Cooper said Cooper write the introductions with the camera. One of the big- eluding the opening of Interstate they are looking for more :and questions for Hedges and gest problems people have with 35E. "I don't want to pretend to volunteers to work on local cable 7vold, but that Hedges and Wold TV is that the cameras are just become a professional," Hedges programs. Interested persons can change the script a tney black dots with rea ugms on wp. saia. tsut we piau tU 111ane i11i1c t-a11 % ail i-n111Nuc;; u1 u1vup VY, wish. You have to convince yourself best show we can." Future pro- Campbell said. "Each time, these so-called that (they) represent people." grams will include police and scripts get shorter," Wold said. "It is pretty much an ad lib fire chiefs as guests as well as Editor's note: Bob Paulson is an "We're more apt to wing it type of show," added producer other city officials. intern from the University of man we would in a professional Cooper, `in four to six months I -the Eagan Report" has 1 ~x 1i Minnesota.