Newspaper Clipping - Newspaper Clipping Scan - Municial Center grand opening Eagan This Week - 2/13/1984M>l1f1t41%a1 Center grand opening.... GRAND OPENING ceremonies were held at the new Eagan Municipal Center from 1 to 3 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 5. There was a large turnout at the event, which featured tours of the new facility conducted by city council members and employees of the city. Refreshments were also served. Cutting the ribbon at the ceremony was Mayor Bea Blomquist (center). Also participating Photo by Jeff Burrill were, front, from left: City Administrator Tom Hedges and council members Jerry Thomas, Jim Smith, Tom Egan and Ted Wachter; back, from left, Dakota County Chamber of Commerce ambassadors John McCarthy, Jim Lezum, Laurie Schubert, Jim Rabuse, Michele Doroshow and Dick Stevenson. (For additional city hall grand opening photos see page 16.) Eagan Your Community Newspaper New city hall.... THERE WAS a full house at the grand opening of the new Eagan Municipal Center Sunday, Jan. 5. Visitors had a chance to look over the new facility, which is located atop the police station at 3830 PilGt Knob Rd. The city hall encompasses 11,000 square feet and contains city council chambers, a large lobby /re- ception area and conference rooms. In addition, city departments housed in the center include administra- tion, finance, public works administration, planning protective inspections, and parks and recreation. During the ceremonies, City Administrator Tom Hedges, left in top photo, chatted with guests. In the bottom right photo, Ernie Clark of Miller and Schroeder - fiscal consultant firm to the city of Eagan - displayed a replica of a bond which was among the $965,000 in bonds issued to raise funds to construct the municipal center. He then presented the framed bond to Mayor Blomquist to hang in the council chambers. In the bottom left photo, council member Ted Wachter led a group of Eagan residents through the office area of the new municipal center. Photos by Jeff Burrill