Newspaper Clipping - Newspaper Clipping Scan - Eagan Municipal Center open for business; Eagan This Week - 12/5/1983Open for
business .
EAGAN CITY workers
literally moved into the
new municipal center
Thursday, Dec. 1. The
structure was built atop
the 6- year -old police sta-
tion at 3830 Pilot Knob
Rd. In September of
1981, Eagan voters ap-
proved spending
$965,000 for the new of-
fices, with about
$800,000 of the bond
issue used for construc-
tion, about $28,000 for
furnishings and $50,000
to remodel the old city
hall for use as admini-
strative offices for the
volunteer fire depart-
ment and to house para-
medics and an ambu-
lance. The remainder of
the bond money went for
architectural fees, bond
fees and other expenses.
(Additional moving day
pictures are on page 14.)
Moving in ...
THE CITY staff, in-
clu Sing Park and Recrea-
tion workers, spent a
but! y Thursday, Dec. 1,
mo ving furniture, files
an([ everything else that
wa n't nailed down from
the old city hall to the
neuv Eagan Municipal
Ce 'ter. According to Ci-
ty Administrator Tom
He lges, 28 city em-
ployees will work out of
the new structure, which
features an `open' in-
terior. In the photo
abnve, city workers took
a I teak from moving to
enjoy pizza and pop.
Mii Idle left, administra-
tiv, staff member Liz
Wi t hauled in a box,
wl ile Public Works
Di ector Tom Colbert,
mi Idle right, organized
his new office. In the
ph )to bottom left, City
Plbinner Dale Runkle,
lef [, offered verbal sup -
po rt for City Administra-
to Tom Hedges, as
Hedges set up shop.
Assistant City Engineer
Ri :h Hefti, bottom right
photo, worked on finding
a place for everything
and putting everything in
its place. The Eagan City
Council will hold its first
meeting in the new
municipal center beginn-
ing at 6 :30 p.m. Tuesday,
Dec. 6, with an open
house scheduled for
sometime in mid
Photos by Jeff Burrill