Newspaper Clipping - Newspaper Clipping Scan - Eagan Municipal Center open for business; Eagan This Week - 12/5/1983Open for business . EAGAN CITY workers literally moved into the new municipal center Thursday, Dec. 1. The structure was built atop the 6- year -old police sta- tion at 3830 Pilot Knob Rd. In September of 1981, Eagan voters ap- proved spending $965,000 for the new of- fices, with about $800,000 of the bond issue used for construc- tion, about $28,000 for furnishings and $50,000 to remodel the old city hall for use as admini- strative offices for the volunteer fire depart- ment and to house para- medics and an ambu- lance. The remainder of the bond money went for architectural fees, bond fees and other expenses. (Additional moving day pictures are on page 14.) Eagan Your Community Newspaper Moving in ... THE CITY staff, in- clu Sing Park and Recrea- tion workers, spent a but! y Thursday, Dec. 1, mo ving furniture, files an([ everything else that wa n't nailed down from the old city hall to the neuv Eagan Municipal Ce 'ter. According to Ci- ty Administrator Tom He lges, 28 city em- ployees will work out of the new structure, which features an `open' in- terior. In the photo abnve, city workers took a I teak from moving to enjoy pizza and pop. Mii Idle left, administra- tiv, staff member Liz Wi t hauled in a box, wl ile Public Works Di ector Tom Colbert, mi Idle right, organized his new office. In the ph )to bottom left, City Plbinner Dale Runkle, lef [, offered verbal sup - po rt for City Administra- to Tom Hedges, as Hedges set up shop. Assistant City Engineer Ri :h Hefti, bottom right photo, worked on finding a place for everything and putting everything in its place. The Eagan City Council will hold its first meeting in the new municipal center beginn- ing at 6 :30 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 6, with an open house scheduled for sometime in mid January. Photos by Jeff Burrill 14 L :CEMBER 5, 1983 THISWEEK