Newspaper Clipping - Newspaper Clipping Scan - This Week-20 years of service City Administrator's Job Grows with City - 8/11/1996 1 FOUR. Columnist sees differences in SECTIONS Eagan hometown p.4A News • Sports General Section Student handbook Burnet Realty Suction includes a few Real Estate Section changes p.13A Classified Section Burnsville teams 72 pages Your Community Newspaper play in AAV national baseball meetp.26A mIim"Mmisil_m Volume 17, No. 24 August 11, 1996 20 years of service City administrator's job grows with the Eagan community By BRENDA HAUGEN kept him around so long. As Twenty years ago, there was 1 must have just met their profile Eagan has grown and matured, no communications depart- When Eagan's first city ad- at the time. I didn't even know Hedges' responsibilities within ment, no engineers on staff ministrator was hired 20 years the city have done the same. and no cable TV personnel. ago, the relatively rural com- where Eagan was at the time. ' "Eagan has kept me so in- "We didn't really have a fi- munity included about 16,000 credibly busy and challenged," nance department, he added. citizens, many farms and a — Tom Hedges Hedges said. "The life cycle of "We had the operation, but not city staff of about 45 people, the community grew almost a formal department." including police. like my life cycle." The Police Department was Today, Tom Hedges — the — leads a staff of about 200, A man known to thrive on When Hedges first arrived in different, too. According to first and only city administrator which serves a city approach- challenges, Hedges said it's Eagan, the city had two fire to serve the Eagan community ing a population of 60,000. this changing community that's stations. Today it has five. (See Hedges, p.10A) Wescott-Lexington intersectiong ° won't have traffic signal ... for now , . : . : = : : , 1 a By BRENDA HAUGEN A proposal to signalize the mously by the council, it did intersection, which included approve resurfacing Wescott Concerns raised by neighbors widening Wescott Road to ac- from Denmark to Westbury have put off the signalization commodate left-turn lanes, as Drive. ' of the Wescott Road-Lexington well as overlaying Wescott According to the staff report, - �. Avenue intersection, but ac- Road from Denmark to 850 the signalization of Wescott carding to members of the Ea- feet east of Lexington was be- Road at Lexington Avenue was ? ` ; gan City Council, they're only fore the council Aug. 6. While ', '" putting off the inevitable. the project was denied unani- (See Signal, p.3A) Giving of themselves through missionary -F ° �s " work is a family tradition for the Nosses By BRENDA HAUGEN The couple has worked in And so did Jim and Karen's i Cameroon since 1968, but it three children, Mike, Lisa and x '. Former Eagan residents and isn't Jim's first experience Paul. Paul now lives in members of Mount Calvary there. Jim's parents, Oscar and Lakeville, and Lisa is in ;; Lutheran Church, Jim and Martha Noss, were missionar- Delaware. Mike was living in F _ Karen Noss will returr to the ies serving the area for 32 Eagan when he was killed in a '. s>` church Aug. 11 to tell of their years, Karen said. snowmobile accident a few °: life as missionaries serving "Jim grew up there," she Cameroon, Africa. said. (See Africa, p.7A) . EAGAN RESIDENT Betty Rockswold has been knitting ., award-winning Norwegian sweaters, pictured behind her, ` for the last 15 years. She demonstrated her craft at the ti,� ��..g_p�` ' ' '..,77.71%;....;:.z...2..447 ;,.::. Dakota County Fair last week. Photo by Heather Henderson z At the fair �: Local woman 's Norwegian knits are inspired by 4 ,." /99* heritage and challenge to. y i , 1 1 „Y; : By HEATHER HENDERSON other family members for - •Fo �" warmth against the cold. , g t 'F" Betty Rockswold is one "Every Norwegian wears . ""`�. Minnesotan who is gener- these, they are so warm," ° r ',...:.;4.‘,,.':,. ally not bothered by the se- Rockswold said as she . ..." .,,j verity of Minnesota winters. demonstrated her craft dur.- If she is, she just throws on ing the Dakota County Fair another sweater — a Nor- Aug. 7. "They don't wear t,,, �f wegian sweater. jackets, they wear these Pr' For the past 15 years, the sweaters because they. are ., Eagan resident has been so warm and they 'never knitting beautiful, brightly wear out." Learning about abilities patterned, Norwegian Rockswold, 74, learned to CHILDREN WATCHED as Don Bania drew a picture during safety camp last week in Ea- sweaters out of heavy wool knit at a local YMCA 30 gan.As part of learning about life in a wheelchair, the children also participated in a and giving them to her chit wheelchair obstacle course. Photo by Rick Orndorf dren, grandchildren and (See Knits, p.20A) n Hedges..... (Continued from front page) Hed g es, 20 years a g o there `He (Hedges) i- '. ili a p wasn't much patrolling done at night. really stood r "And the dispatchers were out. It was his , -. not 24 hours," he said. Among the other changes in Y ,� ; g g direct answers. city staff was the hiring of a water quality resource coordi- His honesty • nator around 1990 to help look after the 365 water bodies stood out the Rn ;", found in the city, Hedges said best Of all. And "That's (the water bodies) a _ huge y, he wanted to do hue asset for the community," he said. r • With concern for the envi- something for a ronment cane recycling as , well, and the city hired a the City. ,,, Po a -t 6 � , communications and recycling — Ted Wachter , coordinator. ` R "Recycling came into exis- � tence in the late BOs," Hedges otherwise, being a city admin- # : " g 7 said istrator hasn't exactly been a .. i And as the community de- lifelong dream of Hedges'. veloped, shifts in Hedges' job The Iowa native earned an followed. undergraduate degree in gen- � The nature of the work has eral business at the University �' r I changed so drastically," he of South Dakota (USD). His said. graduate work in public ad- CITY ADMINISTRATOR Tom Hedges listens to a member of his staff. Photo by Rick Om- Hedges' role today is more in ministration included a gradu- dorf the area of leadership than the ate assistantship at USD. actual hands-on work he did — "They wanted us to intern ernment was a field in which profile at the time," Hedges was really already made, from answering phones to run- someplace," Hedges ex- he wanted to stay. That was said. "I didn't even know Wachter said. The counci. ning off and delivering council plained. true even as he took his first where Eagan was at the time." unanimously offered the job to packets — 20 years ago. Now While many headed to such city administrator position in Eagan was described as a Hedges, Wachter said. City Hall is getting into the places as Washington, D.C., to St. Peter, where he stayed for 4 community "with some growth "He really stood out," World Wide Web, Hedges learn about big government, 1/2 years. potential, I was told," Hedges Wachter said. "It was his di-i said. Hedges decided to intern with It was in St. Peter that said. The recruiter also said rect answers. His honesty stood The city focus also has the city of Vermillion, S.D. Hedges was discovered by a Eagan "was a diamond in the out the best of all, And he: shifted from development to- "I just truly enjoyed it," recruiter looking for a city ad- rough," a statement Hedges wanted to do something for the: ward service, he added. Hedges said. ministrator for Eagan. said he didn't quite appreciate city." But, while it may appear But he wasn't sure city gov- "I must have just met their at the time. The decision was easy for But Hedges applied and in- Hedges, too. terviewed with the City Coun- "There was no question about cil. Present Council Member it being the right decision," he Ted Wachter was on that said, adding that time has council as well, and he re- proved his decision right. C I ' 1 members the process clearly. "Eagan has just felt good. It According to Wachter, the felt right." ,�_ _ council narrowed the list of In the 20 years since the de-- 04)111T , , 1 candidates to five, and the cision to hire Hedges was N council spoke to each of those made, Wachter hasn't regret- candidates individually. After- ted that choice, he said. ti ward, each council member Wachter added that he's never _F drew a name of a candidate heard a derogatory comment and took that person to lunch. regarding Hedges that entire Wachter drew Hedges' name. time. Thomas V. Novak, the Dakota County Treasurer-Auditor, would "We shared lunch and had a And no one can question like to remind Dakota County residents that the State Primary glass of chocolate milk," Hedges' work ethic, Wachter Wachter said. said, pointing out that Hedges Election will be held September 10, 1996. But even before lunch, the puts in long hours, including decision on who would be Ea- many Saturdays. If you are new to the State, if you have moved within the State gan's first city administrator "I want to be useful," Hed ' ges said. "I give it a lot of time since you last voted, or changed your name you must fill out a and energy." new Voter Registration card. Voter registration closes 20 days Just Not "His job comes first,' prior to the election but you can register at your polling place Enough Time Wachter said. "His leadership and guidance has carried us on election day. In The Day? over many a large mountain." "I've always enjoyed working If you need to vote via Absentee Ballot you must complete an i'`' with people and solving prob- Absentee Ballot Application. You can apply for an Absentee I' lems," Hedges said .. But as far as his job being his .. (Ballot for the Primary Election, General Election or both. -•-.::,i,:,• g Y vv first priority, Hedges would ar Absentee Ballots will be available, beginning August 9, 1996. \ gue that point. You CANNOT get an Absentee Ballot on election day. "It's important for me to said. We Are Your time witth s m my y family," he said. Voter Registration cards and Absentee Ballot applications can be Helping Hands! "The job can be very consum- ing. You have to achieve a obtained in person, in Apple Valley at the Information & Service > ;; 1 ;;; > balance• "I have a lot of energy. I'm Desk: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, ;: full of energy." 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m., and Thursday, 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. 'Catering •House Keeping He has used that energy •Cleaning •Emergency working with corporate citizens Dakota County Western Service Center •Cooking Babysitting such as Blue Cross Blue 14955 Galaxie Avenue •Errands •House Sitting Shield, Northwest Airlines and Dog Walking West Publishing. Apple Valley, MN 55124 'Laundry •Companionship "West Publishing's reloca •Shopping •Sleep Overs tion and growth — that was a Or at your local City Clerk's office. 'Lawn Care •Home Health real highlight," Hedges said. •Escort Service "It was fun to be part of that." If you have any questions or wish to apply for a voter registra- •Endo Services eor The Elderly He's enjoyed watching Eagan Y Y q pp Y g And Handicapped tion card or Absentee Ballot application by mail, please call 438- become a community in the 4380., A B COMPANY true sense of the word, wit•-i Fourth of July festivals, an an- . MARY: 686-5249 (See Hedges, p.19A) 1'OA August 11, 1996 THISWEEK 1 Hedges 1 (Continued) nual arts and crafts fair, places `I get a lot of ' to shop and a high school. , ..` . Moving to Eagan 20 years satisfaction out ago, Hedges said Eagan didn't .. - , k , of knowing have the sense of cohesiveness lit. '. . it has now which was an ad- someone is justment for him and his wife, Debbie. more comfort- A ' "That was a definite change for us," he said. able in a neigh- „v; But since then, Tom and borhood be- Debbie, who've been married 26 years, have raised their cause of what , three children — Brandon, 20, ”•Abby, 18, and Aaron, 14. we ve one as a They've been active in their Cl t ' ` church and their children's y' "h ... �; schools. — Tom Hedges � s In addition, Hedges has been part of the Rotary Club where stressful, "but the payoff is be- .•: ,,,..g., ,.. he's been on the board and has ing part of the community." TOM HEDGES holds a meeting with part of his staff in his office in the Eagan Municipal served as treasurer. He's also "He has not lost his common Center. Photo by Rick Orndorf an at-large member of the stature with the taxpayer," Lion's Club, has served as Wachter said. "I think the he'll take part in a career en- president of the Exchange community has responded well I could use every positive adjec- hancement program through a Club, and now serves on the to him. He's a great adminis- college. Maybe he'll take time board of the Eagan Foundation, trator." tive in the dictionary. Tom (Hedges) to pursue his hobbies and in- a group he helped pioneer, and "Great" is only one of the always knows what it takes to re- terests. He definitely wants to the Southwest Area YMCA. many adjectives Egan said y have more time with his fam- He's active with the Eagan he'd use to describe Hedges. solve political issues without be- ily. Chamber of Commerce as Egan, who's worked with , Wachter said he can see well. Hedges as a council member coming political himself. Hedges as a teacher. As if that's not enough, or mayor for more than 18 Regardless of what he does Hedges has coached track, years, said Hedges is sensitive, — Tom Egan or where he goes, Hedges said soccer and other sports teams caring, compassionate, intelli- .he now understands why the over the years. An Eagle gent, and has outstanding growth. The city also needs to exam- recruiter saw such a bright fu- Scout, Hedges remains active management skills. "What Eagan has provided ine issues such as housing as ture for Eagan. in the Boy Scouts, too. "I could use every positive me is a real unique opportu- the community grows older and "This community is a dia- "I've been involved in scout- adjective in the dictionary," nity," Hedges said. more folks enter the 55-plus mond," Hedges said. ing all my life," he said. Egan said. "Tom always knows According to Hedges, he's age bracket, Hedges said. "He helped shine that Ilia- But no matter what he's do- what it takes to resolve politi- never openly sought another So where will Hedges be in mond," Wachter said. ing, he's still representing the cal issues without becoming position since he's been with another 20 years? He doesn't city of Eagan and his position political himself." the city of Eagan, but other know if he'll still be in Eagan as city administrator, he said. According to Egan, Hedges cities and people from the pri- or not. While Eagan is home to EXERCISE "It's all kind of networking has been involved in much of vate sector have been inter- him and his family and they with your city," he explained. the planning that has made ested in him. Wachter said he enjoy living here, Hedges said Does Your Heart Like a minister, the city ad- Eagan what it is today. has no problem with Hedges he can't close himself off to American Heart es ministrator doesn't represent "He is responsible for so being the city's first and only other opportunities. Perhaps Good. Association-NV his position just from 9 to 5, he much of that himself," Egan city administrator. said. said. "As far as I'm concerned, it "They don't stop being a Hedges is a resourceful can stay that way," Wachter minister when they walk out of leader who has provided the said. "I hope it does." van W� 1 LAm APPOH�IV�p the church," he said. city with credibility, according Eagan continues to provide sr If Hedges expects a lot of to Egan. If people can trust Hedges with challenges as it IF YOU CAN'T REMEMBER - IT'S BEEN TOO LONG himself, he expects a great anyone in the community, they moves into the 21st century. deal of his staff as well. He know they can trust Hedges as He said the city is ready for �� . � credits his staff, many of whom "someone who is telling you more commercial develop- CATER TO COWARDS have been with the city of Ea- the truth," Egan said. ment, which can be seen in gan nearly as long — and Truthfully, Hedges said he's Eagan Promenade. •New Patients 7 some even longer— as he has surprised to be in Eagan after Another challenge will be $��� Welcome . been, with the way the city 20 years. He said when he first dealing with youth in the �� .personlized �� ,� � � a�` runs and with how it serves its moved here, he planned to be community as the great num- Dental Care , ' , customers. in Eagan four to six years, then bers of young children become B. FIICf, D.D.S., P.A "Tom y , y g 3910 Cedarvale Drive•Eagan,MN 55122.1471 Since 1979 , ` Tom has always gotten the move to a bigger city. But he's teen-agers, Hedges said. (Cedarvak PO(eu;O Bldg•Near Cedar Ave.&Hvy)3) utmost work from everyone been able to live in that bigger "And they need attention," •Emergencies , who works for him," said city without having to move he said. "We can't just let 452-5511 Accepted �`.w: ',. Mayor Tom Egan. because of Eagan's continuous them loose on the streets." "I get a lot of satisfaction out of knowing someone is more , comfortable in a neighborhood because of what we've done as / �a city," Hedges said. I .�,, �i- While he's enjoyed working / Qa� HOMEGROWN /= i� ' as Eagan city administrator, .., a. ... Hedges admits the job is a 'f O i ane o€h is 6oesh Pulls et oe yyies! '1,�. o��N MAO _ $ � �, ..00,�a\ec�;� AUGUST HOURS: Target IC s• •G\o Mon.-Fri. 10-7; Sat.9-6; Sun. 10-5 cues•Po is 6885 W. 160th St. • 431-4345 1 tc`1 s.'90. Fir' t^ •Mo�o�mobea onesa`G�D (Apple Valley; between Galaxie Ave. &Pilot Knob Rd.) 153th Street • . PGG '` Q`' 1 > Cub > O`I`Iss Santee VISIT OUR SATELLITE MARKETS! a . Pahl's . .x Dirt Service N• G U11 E a.� v R �' " t s •,.� A C) Road 4 ' O °tN°Paya G ;,..\3y �• 3 s�,�s 160th Street CLOSED, IPahrs —.— 1 s,,o-s i 44 16011 Skeet• �ft,o'yew°� ao ac<°SNc��, ��she-.ogrs°,� ePoaotgucK /!•� f a _aH /1/ 7�s °'/ °ER TAKE THE DIRT SERVICE ROAD OFF GALAXIE 112 La Q35" THISWEEK ,August 11, 1996 19A