578 Eden CirCity of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Rd Eagan, MN 55122 (651) 675 -5675 www.ci.eagan.mn.us Site Address: 578 Eden Cir Lot: 19 Block: 3 Addition: Coventry Pass PID:10- 18400 - 190 -03 Use: Description: Sub Type: e- Reroof Work Type: Replace Description: House & Garage Census Code: 434 - Zoning: Square Feet: 0 Comments: If there is no ice protection inspec acceptable in lieu of inspections. Fee Summary: Valuation: 3,000.00 Contractor: Minnesota Exteriors 8600 Jefferson Hwy Osseo MN 55369 (763) 391 -5514 PERMIT City of Eaan BL - Base Fee $3K Surcharge - Based on Valuation $3K Total: Applicant/Permitee: Signature - Applicant - Construction Type: Occupancy: Permit Type: Permit Number: Date Issued: Permit Category: on prior to final, you must meet inspector with ladder and flat bar. Pictures are not Owner: Anthony P Elenz 578 Eden Cir Eagan MN 55123 $88.50 0801.4085 $1.50 9001.2195 $90.00 Building EA086845 10/14/2008 ePermit I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the informa of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. on is correct and agree to comply h all applicable State Issued By: Signature SEWER & WATER PERMIT CITY`OF EAGAN . 3830 Pilot Knob Rd. Eagan, MN 55122-1897 « { DATE t-8..91 METER # PERMIT DATE J 1/ 1 T/91 CHIP # PERMIT # 11753 METER SI`LE ? B.P. RECEIPT # C. 11754 ISSUE DATE B.P. RECEIPT DATE nl 1] 7/41 _ PRV - BOOSTER PUMP SITE ADDRESS 573 Eden i:i rc? • LOT 19BLOCK 3SEC/SUB Covtntt9 Paas APPLI(SANT ADDRESS:. CITY, STATE PrShcav. Mu Zip55421 PHONE: 571-0304 PLUMBER: V,11 ey P1 ianhin=T ADDRESS: 610 Cr?i L.ane CITY, STATE JordAn, MU ZIP!?5351 PHONE: 492-2121 OWNER: The Aattl?awl Ca. In& ADDRESS: 5701 F., Rjdgr Rnac1 CITY, STATE 'ridleX, Ma. ZIPr)54'?1 PHONE: 571-0364 PERMIT REQUESTED X SEWER x WATER - TAPS - COMMIIND X RESIDENTIAL -X- NEW - EXISTING Lawn Sprinkler Meters are to be Installed Ahead of Domestic Meters on Water Line. Credit,WILL NOT be given for Deduct Meters. ?-A - Jk t L t I '-1 . *+1- I AGREE TO COMPLY WITH CITY OF EAGAN ORDINANCES SIGNATURE WHEN METER ISSUED PLEASE ALLOW TWO WORKING DAYS FOR PROCESSING. CALL 454-5220 FOR INSPECTIONS. FOR STORM SEWER PERMITS, CONTACT ENGINEERING DEPT. SEWER & WATER PERMIT CITY-OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Rd. Eagan, MN 55122-1897 DATE OFFICE USE ONtY METER # A PERMIT DATE CHIP # PERMIT # METER SIZE ? B.P. RECEIPT # G i 1 ISSUE DATE B.P. RECEIPT DATE PRV - BOOSTER PUMP SITE ADDRESS `_' ' LOT ! ' BLOCK ' SEC?SUB ????Cr? Pass APPUCANT: -'he Rn t t lund Co. Inc. ADDRESS: 5?01 E. Rivex Road CITY, STATE ''ricllev.`-Tn PHONE: 571-0304 PLUMBER: Vnl1.je y Plymbing ADDRESS: 610 Creek T,ane CITY, STATE Jordan, '4n ZIP55352 PHONE: 492-21 21 PERMIT REQUESTED X SEWER X WATER - TAPS - COMM/IND ? RESIDENTIAL K NEW - EXISTING Lawn Sprinkler Meters are to be Installed Ahead of Domestic Meters on Water Line. Credi?WILL NOT be given for Qeduct Meters. I AGREE TO COMPLY WITH CITY OF OWNER: The RottlusfLCo Lt]c EAGAN O IN ES ADDRESS: 5?01 F._ Rivvr Rnad CITY, STATE rrid=eX,, Vil. ZIP55421 PHONE: SIGNATURE WHEN METER ISSUED PLEASE''ALLOW T11V0 WORKING DAYS FOR PROCESSING. CALL 454-5220 FOR INSPECTIONS. FOR STORM SEWER PERMITS, CONTACT ENGINEERING DEPT. ra?= ¦_:? `*', ,?t. , :?}F"'R=- n%?-??r. . ?n =???• . . . WAM%MM FM DKX FTG 05/08/92 , . , TM Eizw 921-1472 CITY OF EAGAN 18656 ; ,3830 Pilot Knob Road, P.O. Box 21-199, Eagan, MN 55121 • PFiO{VE:454-8100 ' '. BUILDING PERMIT ' Receipt # To be used for ?? ??/C" Est. Value s 13f? ???C? Date JAN IS . 19 91 COVENTRY FASY- Lot ^V?'?VV Block Sec/Sub OFFICE USE ONLY . Parcel Na. ° - occuPar,cy ?'"'? ? FEES _ i W Name ?E R??'? ? IN£ Zoning I?tuaqConst Vr'N BIdg.Permit ?g?'? Q Address Q E Rl 1? btD {nuowabie) vN S char 68•40 " 1i)LEly 57 1 'fl ge ur . City Phone #ofStories , Plan Review 498.00 o I?a?i'I@ `l?E Le th Oepth SAC, City 1{?O.Q?' t? - pO Address S.F. rotai - A M W 650.00 U¢ ? C, S C CC ? City Phone S.F. Footprints _ ??(y (? . Water Conn On Site Sewage _ F Name on site wen Water Meter 40' ? W _= Address MWCCSystem 30.00 Acct. Depoait ? ? W CItJ/ PhOf18 City Water - 30 00 ° Sfl+Y Permil ' ' PRV Required _ I hereby acknowlege Ihat I have read this application and state that the Booster Pump - Srw Surcharge ' So information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of 2?6?0? Minnesota Slatutes and City ol Eagan;Ordinances? Treatment PI - APPRdVALS 370,00 Signature of Permites -% ? Road Unit A Building Permit is issued to: TI'iE RGJITLUND CC7 INC Planner - park Ded. on the express condition that all work shall be done in accordance with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City ol Eagan Ordinances. Council Bldg. Otf. _ Copies ? 5 38 Building Official Wariance - TOTAL . 0 ? ,i I I Permit No. 1 Permit Holder I Date I Telephone # I PLUMBING el^ ' Qate 7 Plumber CITY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55122-1897 ? (612) 681-4675 • SITE ADDRESS: PERMIT SUBTYPE: INf1! ..i?,.., r.-...... . . . . - -'u*c ?c?? ?:a i•: - RECORD PERMIT TYPE: Permit Number: Date Issued: APPLICANT: TYPE OF WORK: ' , , , 1 i nN I iil, r??i ? i i? i n?.? .: f?N 1111+NY . . . .. . . ,_. ? w?.?.? . .. .::e-;. f .3--?i ?,????r? ? P4l1NY".; A`'. FI'hhi, i! FIi•.PII1 I'. {:1'.!ttl1:i{I I1llt n N Y k!!I 1}:iI-/1l IIII1 :t ? ,. ,.. ,.. ;L L Permft No. Pe?mh Holdar Date Telephone # ELECTRIC ?? ila PLUMBING HVAC InapeCtlon Dab Insp. Comnmnb FOOTINGS Q FOUND FRAMING ROOFING D?vG ?Y ? - ROUGH PLUMBING PLBG AIR TEST ROUGH HEATING GAS SVC TEST INSUL 1 GYPBOARD FIREPLACE FIREPLACE AIRTEST FINAL PLBG FINAL HTG ORSAT TEST BLDG FINAL BSMT R.I. BSMT FINAL DECK FfG DECK FINAL NOf"F . .? . IV ? Vl/ ? CITY OF EAGAN NO ?$656 3830 Pilot Knob Road, P.O. Box 21-199, Eagan, MN 55121 PHONE: 454-8100 BUILDING PERMIT Receipt le ?) DE To be used tor SF 4)WG/GAR Est. Value $136, 000 Site Address 578 EDEN CIR Lot 19 Block 3 SeGSub. COVENTRY PASS Parcel No. w Name THE ROTTLUND CO INC ? Address 5201 E RIVER RD City FRIDLEY Phone 571-0304 o Name S? , ga Address ? City Phone ? Name Address aW City Phone I hereby acknowlege ihat I have read this application and stala that the inlormation is correct and o gree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes antl City ol Eaga Or inanoq•. ? Signature ol Permitee A Building Permit is i5sued Io: THF. ROTTT.IIND CO TNC on the express condition lhat all work shall be done in accordance with all applicable State of Minnesola Stafutes and? Ciry of Eagan Ordinances. Building Otficial OFFICE USE ONLY Occupancy R- 3-1 FEES Zoning JL-1 (Adual)Const v-T1 BIdg.Permil 766-0 n (Allowahle) v-N Sumharge 68-0 n # or stodes Lenglh 62 ' Plan Review 49$ - 00 Depth 36 ? SAC, CiIY 100 _ 00 S.F. iotal - SAC. MCWCC 650. nn S.F. Foolprinis _ Vdater Conn 660. 00 On Site Sewage _ On Sile Weil - Water Meter 90- 0? MWGCSystem -2- 't x n_n n nai.oeposn c av wa?a? PRV Required - SM1N Permit '+n _ nn eoosterPump - gMlSurcharge _ 5(1 Treatment Pl 976 nn APPROVALS Road Uni1 't 7n . nn Planner - park Ded. Council -' BIdg.01f. _ Copies Varianca - TOTAL 3.538.5? ?lkj 39 3? 3 2 ? L4. "-//a°° ? Recinsift Oate 19 -1 "( J Flre No. Ro A-in Inspec?ion Req - (VOU m sl call inspecior atly) Yes ? Na Inspection Other Than Roughln 0 Ready Now Will Nolity Inspecfor Date Reatly I? licensed contractor Wowner hereby request inspection of above electrical work at: Jab AtMrass (S[raet, 6ox or RoNe No.) S'78 ?o.? ? •<<1L Clry 4 .. Section No. Township Name or rvo. Range No. Counry Occupant(P,RRI T) F ch v Phone No. s - Power Supplier lJ., Va Aatlress ElecViral ConVactor (COmpany Name) ContracloYS License No. Mailing Atltlress (ConVector or Owner Making Inslallation) Aulh orized ' (Co wner Making Installation) Phone NumCer GS3 -YGS MINNESOTA STAT 60APD OF ELECTflIC Grlggs-Midway BI .? Haom 5128 1821 Univeralry Ave., SL Paul, MN 55109 Phone (6121662-0800 II ?I THIS INSPECTION FEQUEST WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED BY THE STATE BOAHD UNLESS PROPEft INSPECTION FEE IS ENCLOSED. REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION ??"?} ee-oqoaot-os $ ? See instructions for completing Ihis torm on back of yellow mpy. ?{ k /a?/p? "X" Below Ly9rk Covered by This Request 4 ? Ne Add Rep. Type of Building Appliances Wired Equipment Wired Home Range mporary Service Duplex Water Heater Heating Electric Apt. 8uilding Dryer $ ad Management Comm./lntlustrial Fumace her (Specify) Farm Air Conditioner Uhar (specily) Conhaclor's Femarks'. Campute lnspection Fee Below: # Other Fee # Service Entrance Size Fee its/Feeders Fee Swimming Pool 0 to 200 Amps Amps Transformers Above 200 Amps 00-Amps Si OS InspecmrsuseAnly: gi TOTAL Irrigation Booms 1 O, S ecial Inspec tion Alarm/Communication THIS INSTALLATION MAV BE ORDERED DISCONNECTED IF NOT Other Fee COMPLETED WITHIN 18 MON7 I, the Electrical Inspector, hereby Rouqn-b certity Ihat the above inspection has been made. F??ai ?Y9,L - ?fF!(v?/? oa OFFICE USE ONLY ((?? 1 This request voitl 18 rtwnths trom . ?(J? ^? h TUI ?l 3///9/ REQUESTFOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION ? See inslmcliop5lor completing this form on back oi yellow copy. ee00001-0e a 33585 X" Below Work Covered by This Request "??a.•??' ew Aidd. Rep. . TypeolBuilding AppliancesWiretl EquipmenlWired Home Range Temporary Service Duplex Water Heater Electric Heating Apt. 8uilding Dryer Other (Specify) . Comm./indus[rial Furnace Farm Air Conditioner Other(specify) ConVador's Femarks: Compute Inspection Fee Below: k Other Fee 7f Service EntranceSize Fee # CircuitslFeeders Fee Swimming Pool 0 to 200 Amps 0 to 10fl.Amps Transformers Above 200 _ Amps e mps Signs iinspectors use Oniy: 701AL Irrigation Booms Special Inspection AlarmlCommunication THIS INSTALLATION MAY BE ORDERED OISCONNECTED IF NOT Other Fee COMPLETED WITHIN 18 M HS. I, the Elecvical Inspector, hereby Rou9n-in ate certity that the above inspection has been made. Fin81 ` /lAvi p ' OFFICE USE ONLY Tnis request wid 18 manihs from a 33585 ReQUest Date ? 1 Fire No. Ro -i Inspection qg i Ves ? No - L7 Reatly N. ?II Notiry Inspeclor Wnen Reatly? IL;4icensed contractor Downer hereby request inspection of above electrical work at: Job Atltlress (Shaet, Box or RoNe No.) 57g ` City Section No. Township Name or No. Range No. CouMy ? a?0 ?I (PRINT) Phone No. Power $y?q?p\Ler V?• Address Elepr I Co Vacmr (GOm ny Name) Con?ractor5 Llcense No . . ? L Mailing Atleress (COnVactor or Owner Making Installatwn) AuIDOrizea SigneWre ICOn ctorlOwne king Instatlali Phone Number ¢I 3- 3?1a MINNESOTR STATE BOAFD OF ELECTRIGTY I ' THIS INSPECTION REOUEST WILL NOT Grlgga-Mltlway Bltlg. - Raam 5.173 BE ACCEPTED Bv THE STATE BOARD 1821 Unberaky Ave., SL Paul. MN 55100 UNLESS PROPER INSPECTION FEE IS Plane (612) 612-0600 ENGlOSED. S 3//" / REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION 0- See insiructions lor com0lem, :his torm on back ol yellow copy. ? ? EB-D0001-08 ? 3 3 5 8 4 X" Below Work Covered by This Fiequest o" ew Add Rep. TypeofBUiltling ApplianwsWired EquipmentWired Home Range Temporary Service Duplex Water Heater ElecVic Heating Apt Building Dryer Other (Specify) Comm./lndushial ' Furnace Farm Air Conditioner Other(speciry) ConVador's PemaBS. Compute Inspection Fee Below: # 01her Fee # Service Entrance Size Fee # CircuitsiFeeders Fee Swimming Pool 0 to 200 Amps 0 to 100 Amps Transformers Above 200 _ Amps - Amps Si9n5 Inspector's Use Only: ? ? OTAL Irrigation Booms ? s`? Special Inspection Alarm/Communication THIS INSTALLATION MAY 8E ORDERED DISCONNECTED IF NOT Other Fee COMPLETED WITHIN 18 MONTHS. I, ihe Electrical Inspector, hereby ROugh'" oata certify that ihe above inspection has been made. Finai oa?e i O OFFICE USE ONLY This request voitl 18 months from ? 33584 - ?„ ?'yo? (iequesl Oate Flre No. Roug t spedion Peq red? ? Reatly Now (?'?ill Noti(y lnspecbr a-91 e ? Na When Feady? I Jl?'licensed contractor ? owner hereby request inspection of above electrical work at: .bb Atltlress ( $treet. Box or Rome No.) City ry ? 7 0 I.:f/wc+l Sedion No. Township Name ar Na. Renge No. CouMy II" Occupant(PRINT) Phone No. POWe! ?SyppllBl AtldfB66 {JP? • ? ? Elecinc Conireclor (COmpany Name) Conirector5 License No. Mailing Atlaress (COntrnctgr or ner Making Installation) ilAi!^. Autlorizetl Signawre (Contra r/Ow r Makinq Insta tion) Phone Number ? 3- 3?10 MINNE50T0. STATE BOARD OF ELECTPICITY THIS INSPECTION REQUEST WILL NOT Griggs-Mldway Bldg. - Raam S173 6E ACCEPTEO BV THE STATE BOARO 1821 Unlveratty Ave., SI. Paul, MN 55100 UNLESS PROPER INSPECTION FEE IS Phone(612) 6/2-0800 ENCLOSED. Addresa: 578 EDEN CIR Lot 19 Blk 3 Sec/Sub COVENTRY PASS These items were/were not complete at the time of the final inspection. a e: APR 9 1991 Yes No Final grade (6" from siding) Permanent steps - garage ? Permanent steps - main antry Permanent driveway Permanent gas Sod/seeded grass Trail/curb damage Porch Basement finish Deck Pleasa veriEy with tha builder the removal of roof test caps from the plumbing system and the shut-off o£ watar supply to the outside l?wn faucet before fxeeze potantial exists. ? •F[tt4FOM%R White - City copy Yellow - Resident copy Pink.- Contractor copy RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB RD, EAGAN MN 55122 651-681-4675 New ConsW cdon Reauiremenb RemodeVReoair ReauiremeMs • 3 registered site surveys showifg sq, ft. of lol, sq. R of house; and all ioofed areas • 2 copies of plan (20°h mazimum lot coverage allowed) . 1 sel of Energy Cakulations for heated additions • 2 copies of plan showing 6eam & window sizes; paured found design, etc.) . 7 site survey for exterior additions & decks • iset of Energy Calculatbns . Indirate i( home served Gy septic system for additians • 3 copies of Tree Preservation Plan if lot platted after 711l93 • Rim Joist DeGil OpUOns selectlon sheet (bldgs wiN 3 or less unAS) DATE VALUATION I? glov SITE ADDRESS jr79 -rLfik,,j C, . MULTI-FAMILY BLDG _ Y %/N TYPE OF WORK s%o%n/9 FIREPLACE(S) _ 0 !ll _ 2 a APPLICANT nr J3 v,-/X)ak-S STREET ADDRESS 1'aS- .4?.eI^,o .4-? ? CITY !?iCk-t?R?l? STATE '?Z1\1 ZIP 5 TELEPHONE?/s.?.?J73??yGOd CEII PHONE # FAX # PROPERTYOWNER_ i ?Y ?NytwK?i/ Ve-NZ- TELEPHONE#,/??"?83- COMPLETE THIS SECTION POR "NEW" RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS ONLY Energy Code Category _ MINNESOTA RULES 7670 CATECORY l ib1IVNLSOT:1 RULL•'S 7672 (J submission type) . Residential Ventilation Category 1 Worksheet Submitted • New Energy Code Worksheet Submitted • Energy Envelope Calculatlons Submitted Plumbtng Contractor: Plumbing systcm includes: Mechanical Conhactor: Mechanical system includes: Sewer/Water Contractor. Air Conditioning _ Heat Recovery System Phone # Phone # Fee: $90.00 Fee: $70.00 PI m 2 ? 0 T ? --------------°-----------°-------°------------°-----------------------------------° ----°-----°-°------'--'------ 1 hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, state that the information i?prrect, and agree to comply with all applicable StaTe of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. - ? Signafure of Applicant ------------- ------?.?.__---___-------------- --------------- OFFICE USE ONLY Certificates of Survey Received _ Tree Preservation Plan Received _ Not Required _ Updated 4102 _ Water Softener Water Hcater _ No. oF Baths Phone # _ Lawn Sprinkler _ No. oF R.I. Baths cmr oF EAGaN r 3830 PILOT KNOB RD - 55122 1995 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION (RESIDENTIAL) j43211 , 681-4675 New Construetion Reouirements BemodaVRenair ReauiremeMs ? 3 registered sfte suneys ? 2 copies of plen ? 2 copies of piana (fnGude beam 8 xrindow slzea; poured fid. Cesign; etc.) ? 2 aite surveys (exterior addittons 8 deeks) ? 1 energy ealculatlons ? 7 energy calwlations 1or heated additlcns ? 3 copias of trea preservation plan iT lot platteA after 7/7193 requlred: _ Yea _ No DATE: ?TqS CONSTRUCTION COST: ?/? ?? . uv DESCRIPTION OF WORK: 3- SeA"On t%rC-h STREETADDRESS: ' S1 b GUeh C IY'GI e- LOT 19 BLOCK 3 _ SUBD.IP.I.D. #: PROPERTY Name: Elet OWNER Street Address: City: ?l CONTRACTOR Company: _ Street Address: Ciry: ARCHITECT/ Company: ENGINEER Name: State: VZ_i f'tV1I C) Y1Phone#: 6903'?(O517 W, ?,. State: L! I/ V Zip• 5s/°73 S el p- Phone #: License #• State: Street Address- City: Sewer 8 water licensed plumber. change are requested once permit is issued. Zip. Phone #- Registration #d Zip: Penatty applies when address change and lot I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to oomply with ali appiipble State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Signature of Applicant: OFFICE USE ONLY Certificates of Survey Received _ Yes _ No Tree Preservation Plan Received - Yes _ No RECEIVED MAR 2 8 1995 ---------------- ` • CITY OF EAGAN --?? 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55122-1897 (612) 681-4675 PERMITTYPE: suxLozHc Permit Number: 0 2 5 3 2 7 Date Issued: 0 4/ 0 5/ 9 5 SITE ADDRESS: P.I.N.: 10-18400-190-03 PERMIT ?'uG a§p 578 ECJEN CIR LO7: 19 BLOCK: 3 COVENTRY PASS DESCRIPTION: Buil:ding Building (3-SEASON) Permit Type Work Type y -? 5F PORCH NEW REMARKS: A SEPARATE PERMIT L5 REQUTRED FOR ANY ELECTRICAL WORK FEE SUMMARY: VALUATION $14,000 Base Fee $153.00 Plan Review $99.45 Surcharga $7.00 Total Fee $259.45 CONTRACTOR: OWNER: _ ELEN2 578 ED EA6AN (612)683-9657 Applicant - AN7HONY EN CIR MN 55123 Z hereby acknowledge that I have read thzs information is correct end agres to co[nply L Statut:es and`City of Eagan Ordinances. /PE?l? APPLIC TRMITEE SIGNATDye-? application and state that the with a11 applicabla 5tate ofi Mn. < ISSUE V' l1RE -j PERMIT #. ' 1i4"J§ 1.) anr oF EAc,AN 1992 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION 681-4675 SINGIE & MULTI-FAMILY 2 sets of plans, 3 registered site surveys, 1 copy of energy calcs. COMMERCIAL 2 sets of architectural 8 structural plans, 1 set of specifications, 1 copy of energy calcs. Penalty applies when typinq of permit is requested,"but not picked up by last working day of month in which re uest is made or lot chan e is re uested once ermit is issued. Date 5- / -6- / el??- Yaluation of work Site Address: .5-29' eoleh e-ar.le- STREET STE 0 Tenant Name: ?l4z. LOT BLOCK .J SUBp. A„y / Descri tion of work: The applicant is: Owner ? Contractor ? Other coecorsne> Name C- Phone /"oS3- 9??7 Property uST FIRST wK g2?-?y?z Owner Address S7S ?'??w G.vY.?? STREET ' STE t City State /"?/l Zip 5?/Z 3 Company 19w? c r Phone Contractor Address --2- License /t Exp. City State Zip Company Phone Arch(tecU Engineer Name Registration # Address City State Zip Sewer & water licensed plumber . Processing time for sewer & water permits is two days once area has been approved. I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Signature of Applicant: vrrn,m uaC UnLT BUILDING PERMIT TYPE 0 01 Foundation ? 05 Apt. Bldg ? 09 Basement Finish ? 02 SF Dwg. ? 06 Garage/Accessory ? 10 Swim Pool ? 03 Two famity ? 07 Fireplace O 11 Res. Add./Porch ? 04 Multi-fam. T.H. O 08 Deck ? 12 Comm./Ind. WORK TYPE tX31 New ? 32 Addition ? 33 Alterations ? 34 Repair ? 35 Tenant Finish ? 36 Move GENERAL INFORMATION 0 37 Demo7ish O 99 Undefined ,r ' - . ? 13 Pub, ? fac?. ? 14?pgriuc,I?,7ld?r?.;, ? 15 Miscellaneous Const. (Actual ; Basement sq. ft. MWCC System (A1Towable lst fl. sq, ft. City Water UBC Occupancy A - P, 2nd F1. sq. ft. PRV Required Zoning . Sq. Ft. total Booster Pump # of Stories Footprint Sq. ft. Fire Sprinkler Length On-site well Census Code Depth On-site sewage SAC Code APPROVALS Planning Building ?L", .?z Assessments Engineering Yariance REQUIRED INSPECTIONS ? eAv,KS: D=C? FZDO 71,V( 5 (F -4P-e pOOXW) ? Site KFooting ? Framing ? Insulation ? Wallboard ? Final ? Draintile ? Fireplace Permit fee Surcharge Plan Review License MWCC SAC City SAC Water Conn. Yater Meter Acct. Deposit S/W Permit S/W Surcharge Treatment P1. Road Unit Park Ded. Trails Ded. Copies Other Total: .5a v.tmsim: s SAC % SAC Units SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS 2 SETS OF PLANS 3 REGISTERED SITE SURVEYS 1 SET OF ENERGI' CALCULATIONS i a., 1991 BIII lLDING P1TAPlt CATION ^ CITY OF EAGAN MIILTIPLE DWELLINGS COMMERCIAL 2 SETS OF PI.ANS 2 SETS OF ARCHITECTURAL REGISTERED SITE SURVEYS - 6 STRUCTURAL PLANS (CHECK WITH BLDG. DEPT.) 1 SET OF SPECIFICATIONS 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCUTATIONS 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCS _# OF RENTAL UNITS _# OF FOR SALE UNITS PENALTY APPLIES WHEN: TYPING OF PERMIT IS REQUESTED, BUT NOT PICKED UP BY LAST WORKING DAY OF MONTH IN WHICH REQUEST IS MADE. IAT CHANGE IS REQUESTED ONCE PERMIT IS ISSUED. NOTE: ADDRESSES FOR CORNER LATS - CONTRACTOR/HOMEOWNER MUST DESIGNATE WHICH ADDRESS IS DESIRED. NO CHANGES WILL BE ALLOWED ONCE BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED. PROCESSING TIME FOR SEWER & WATER PERMITS IS TWO DAYS ONCE A PERMIT HAS BEEN COMPLETED. PERMIT MUST SHOW A LICENSED PLUMBER. % y b 9 RECo To Be Used For: ?NC? ??ir>r Valuation: ZOE=at25: Date: / g-91 Site Address Lot \?i Block 3 Parcel/Sub Owner TFdE 'izm-rcJvl4r7?. r?. 11,.1C._ Address SZoI tz-. Zdfj City/Zip Code fjzi??? r?42i Phone Contractor AddYes City/Z Phone Arch./ Addres City/Z Phane s '3,6' 000 ? OFFZCE USE ONLY Occupanc Zoning Actual Const Allowable # of stories Length Depth S.F. Total Footprint S.F. FEES R-3 M- I Y V- N Bldg. Permit 766, 00 V • N Surcharge 6a T On site sewage_ Dn site well MWCC System ? City water ? PRV Booster Pump _ APPROVALS Planner Council Bldg. Off. Variance Plan Review ? I'l .DD SAC, City t00.00 SAC, MWCC 4SO-00 Water Conn (o_k.21-0-0 Water Meter 9D, tla Acct. Deposit 3 O,oo S/W Permit 3pw0 S/W Surcharge (Su Treatment Pl. 276,0 D Road Unit 3 O 00 Park Ded. Copies SUBTOTAL Penalty Lot Change TOTAL J ? ? uV agrees that all work shall be done in accordance with (Signature of Contractor) ail applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. ? VALuA-fio ?J? (-I AR/? . VG 1?. X zv - Z 4 n: 22>c 1- z = L4 95'4 77-q s( !b w +0060 10 asN?r Z??CZ? ? ???{ Xly= !o9"I? (G?,ac,ur.s?•+ct? ?-? 1S'f FLOq'Z z.-A V/7 K7 - ZI i?sM T I ? ?3 K 5? = S?'763 2N0 F?.??y? I sT ?,ort ., ? iY. ? = ll ?3 Y ?-- ?121 X51= 5r) 1-7I ??---' ? 13s- 77v ? OyZ 13 (01 000 . • •? . . . . --_'?'#aF?'???Jl?\Q.?- . ,;? . . , .. , . '. ?,. ;";,: • ' EXTERIOR. h.4v4OPE AVERAGE "U" CObLPUTATION OWNER _T./lCL. SITE ADDRESS --r---- ?--- . CONTRACTOR 9 DATE PHONE Determine working square footage of each. 1. Total exposed wall area ...... sq. ft. x 2. Total roof/ceiling area ...... //80 sq. ft. x r026 =?0?6 Total exposed wall area above floor =2"P 9 (c a. Total wall window area ........................... b. Total door area .................................... ?_ . c. Total sliding glass door area ....................... d. Total fireplace wall area .......................... ? e. Total wall framing area (average lOq) .............. ??- f. Total net wall area above floor .....................f 0 , g. 'Potal rim joist area ..... ....................... Total exposed foundation area = `] S h. Total foundation window area ................ ........ ? i. Total net foundation area above grade ............... .?- Determine "U" value of each wall segment. a. 2 5 3 X Igvll b. 3q6 X „U,, , 0 7 = 2. (c (c C. X „Ul, 27•60 a. ?r x t,Uii .? e. G/J g nUn , D07 = /SrW . . f. 143o x ,,u„ g. 312 X „U„ . ? = 12.4 $ h. 7 g liUll _ 3a65, g elUll •/ ? = 7° 91 3 ............... ................... .... Tota1 ?,? ,---?.? 7 '?.. a Z O . • If item ll 3 is the same as, or less than item /11, you have met the intent of SBC 6006(c)2. Total exposed roof/ceiling area Total gross roof/ceiling area J. Total skylight area ........................ ? k. Total roof/ceiling framing area ...........: =1? 1. Total net insulated roof/ceiling area ..... Determine "U" value for j ? X uUu k. -71 X "U" X „U„ 4 ................................ each roof/ceiling segment. . n27 = /•9 ? 2.-3 ..... Total If total of l14 is the same as, or less than #2, you have met the intent of SBC 6006(c)1. To utilize the total envelope system method, the values established by the sum of items (13 and #4 shall not be greater than the snm of items !F1 and I12. ?. 0.3S + z. 3a.6S = 3S/.a3 s. 290. 7 q + 4. 2-?,65 =?320. ?`?, ?---- ?'? ._ ___ ._ .....4. ._..._.. .. _ WjtiL SC:C'1'luu., JU1'G; Use 10% of opaque wall area for . ' Lxame construction rUyc: :l ot 9 Construction . , . R-VaJ.ue 1. Interior airi film 0.68 2. C-Y P 13 R D 4 S 3. 1x(?, 5-ruv5 ' (oo$S".. . 9. 25-/32 SI-?rc. z.OC? 5. S?O/4iC+ UVE/? FEGT ? a?? 6: Exteraor air film 0.17 Total v_ aoS-7 1. Interior air film 0.68 2. 'I C? ,Y/? f34L D o S'S. 3. PUG L 'G/LJ t [_. 4• 2 S`?3L 5?'f7Cr 2 O(? ' 5/D??fiG OVE.I' ?ELT J a2 6 5. 6. bcterior air film 0.17 Total 2 3, 6 Z' 2 1, Interior air film 0.G8' 2. - ?;?SU L . . . ? yt U? 3. ' 2 X- 7?i 1` ?f } ? 6 -25 g. 9. 2 5-/3 2 S t-I'rG>- Z m0? s. ? v?fz r- ?-z T / b 6. Exterior air film 0.17 - Total 2 $.O 5' . O S'- U . 1. Interior air film 0.68 , . 2• _/Z-// J.tiSVC // U? 3. 4. i2'?co.•?c, /3cocr? /.LFs 5. 6. Exterio: air film 0.17 Tota1 /3,/ . . . :, f .. v s 0`7 ?O ..?r_??f^ /1? ? e' , ' ?? • , ` ` ? . .. 01?%? ? . ? ? •?d t . ? ` . 1 • ? 6 . ' 10I11 = . : , / I 1 FIG. = • 114 • - ` • ? /(/ • Q ` • / X X ? ?!/ • • I?l ? Irr _ i?, .113 - ..- ?I r ?r- . o . ` ? . .? ? ?. = ?. ? xoor•/cszLSNc . .. • , ? Vented f3eaC flow up . i . , ?. ? FIG. I . ? I Construcl•ion ? R-Vultie 1.Interior air f31m .0.61. 2• 'ET/ i" C?Y T- 'f3 ZD, 5-8 '. 3. [3LOu-'N i.?5vz- J16,00 4. Exterior air film (still) 0.61 Tota7. 3?/e 00 • ? ' V =.UzS . . , • . VLtYI.L•?'-- 1. Interi.or air film 0.61 2. S/ri. C?YT- SC?D o5'8 3. i,v5r/t ovEit ritus? ' 3q ,et 4., Exterior air film sti 1• ? • Tota1 3?q7a? v ? .o?-7 , , . 1 Y.eaL EZ047 up • ? .•venCed• I • ., .•. . ' . .PIC. $6'..i.. ? ! , ? • •- .. ---•• -?- -.-- - . _ 3 ? I v u ' . ? •1, ?..?...-"'-1 '.?..... .:?:1vrn?.411 ._. .. ....?•I???;.;?? ?'?? i • 1 ? Z `4Ld ? . K011??? • . , ?. 1' .. ? '.. h?flow up ? • ? . , , . ' F. .T.r,. ?n7 .? i i ? I 1. Tnsi.de ai.r film 0.61 2- . 3. ' . , 4. 5. Outside air film 0.17 Total '' . , . . . . j. ? • . • Noc: Use additional sheets-if more space is needed for cletails and calculalians. ????? CITY OF EAGAN q3a" 3830 PIIAT KNOB ROAD EAGAN, MN 55122 PHONE: (612) 454-8100 FOR CITY USE ONLY PERMIT # RECEIPT # DATE: 9 PLEASE COMPLETE IIPPER PORTION ONLY FOR SINGLE ] TOWNHOMES/CONDOS WHEN PERMZTS ARE REQUIRED FOR EACH UNIT. ------------------- WORK DESCRIPTION NEW CONST ? ADD ON _ REPAIR _ OWNER NAME: ? ?o?ft?rtd 0?lmDan4 ? c SITE ADDRESS: ?-I S CCIZl'L C° ? rc_le LOT: I g BIACR -:L- SUBD. dVjg?JQ44-,' INSTALLER: iLARE HTG. 8t e1/ Ce I 9303 Plymo* va a ADDRESS : men Yai?y? MN. 55Q'17 i CITY: ZIP-- PHONE #: .5LIa-I I +P(o FEES ADD-ON MINIMUM HVAC 0-100 M BTU ADDITIONAL 50 M BTU GAS OUTLETS - MINIMUM OF 1 PER PERMIT DWELLINGS & i c' $15.00 24.00 6.00 3.00 SUBTOTAL: cy o2f.0 U STATE SiTRCHARGE: .50 TOTAL: SIGNATURElfXF PERMIT$EE i?7!?ll4?:ti?YAT.?INSST?STkTAL; PLEASE COMPLETE THIS PORTION FOR ALL COMMERC IAL/INDUS TRIAL BUILDINGS, ? APARTMENT BUILDINGS, AND MULTI-FAMZLY BUILDINGS WIiEN SEPARATE PERMITS ARE NOT REQUIRED FOR EACH DWELLING UNZT. CONTRACT PRICE: OWNER NAME: SITE ADDRESS: LOT: BLOCK _ SUBD. INSTALLER: ADDRESS: CITY: 2IP: PHONE #: FOR: FEES 18 OF CONTRACT FEE. STATE SURCHARGE - $.50 FOR EACH $1,000 OF PFRMTT FFF.. Pk'vCcSSED PLFING - $25.00 $25.00 MINIMUM FEE. CONTRACT PRICE x 18 $ STATE SURCHARGE TOTAL: (SIGNATURE) CITY OF EAGAN CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PIIAT KNOB ROAD EAGAN, MN 55122 PHONE: (612) 454-8100 FOR CITY USE ONLY PERMIT # -?ggzfg RECEIPT # O DATE: PLEASE COMPLETE UPPER PORTION ONLY FOR SZNGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS & TOWNHOMES/CONDOS WHEN PERMITS ARE REQUIRED FOR EACH UNIT. ------------------- ------- ---------------------------- WORK DESCRIPTION NEW CONST X ADD ON REPAIR. OWNER NAME: ?t) 1i?? ?c! SITE ADDRESS: Sl ? Ci-? e...> C,• f Ll E IAT: '\ BIACK SUBD. 4-te. INSTALLER: _ QA`\'.y _Wb'. ADDRESS: l9l(D C%2zzV? L.? CITY: ?So rrN J>,.j ZIP: 5-5-3S a PHONE #: l-I1 ) 'D 1a1 ft--- SIGNATUAE OF PERMITTEE COMPLETE THE FOLIAWING: N0. FIXTURES EA. TDTAL ADD-ON MINIMUM 15.00 ? SHOWER 3.00 3_ 3 WATER CLOSET 3.00 9 i BATH TUB 3.00 3 4 LAVATORY 3.00 1) 1 KITCHEN SINK 3.00 3 I LAUNDRY TRAY 3.00 ? _ HOT TUB/SPA 3.00 t WATER HEATER 3.00 'S ! FLOOR DRAIN 3.00 z GAS PIPING OUT. ? (MINIMUM - 1) 3.00 3 3 ROUGH OPENINGS 1.50 U.7u _ OTHER WATER SOFTENER 5.00 _ PRIVATE DISP. 15.00 U.G. SPRINKLER 3.00 SUBTOTAL S `-l lo S V ST. SURCHARGE .50 TOTAL: S C9HMERGI?4Ll?7I117$TAIA3.;;; PLEASE COMPLETE THIS PORTION FOR ALL COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS AND MULTI-FAMILY SUILDINGS WHEN SEPARATE PERMITS ARE NOT REQUIRED FOR EACH DWELLING UNIT. _______--- ° ------ °_____________________________°____-----___--_.____-- CONTRACT PRICE: ^WNER D]AME: SITE ADDRESS: LOT: BLOCK _ SUBD. INSTALLER: ADDRESS: CITY: ZIP: PHONE #: FOR: CITY OF EAGAN FEES ? 8 OF rONTRF.GT FE.F _ STATE SURCHARGE _ $.50 FOR EACH $1,000 OF PERMIT FEE. $25.00 MINIMUM FEE. CONTRACT PRICE x 18 $_ STATE SURCHARGE $_ TOTAL: (SIGNATURE) -v- b? - I 65qu 2004 RESIDENTIAL MECfIANICAL PERMIT APPLICATION City Of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan MN 55122 Telephone # 651-675-5675 Please complete for. single family dwellings & townhomes/condos when pernvts aze required for each unit / Date q / ? / Site Address ( ? f -- Unit # Property Owner TBCephone # ( )K/) Contraetor m-;? Street Address City State II ? I U l Zip eleph ne #(?j! Bond #: ? " ( ? _ Expires: D The Applicant is _ Owner Contractor _ Other Add-on or alteration to existing dwelling unit $ 30.00 fumace _Additional _Replacement air exchanger ' / ? ( ? airconditioner _New Replacement other ?.1i ?'„I?tIU State Surcharge 1 ? ???4 $ 50 - Total -?-_. _..... ?p? $ Uv •? I hereby apply for a Residenrial Mechanical Permit and acknowledge that the information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the oidinances a codes of the City of Eagan and with the Mechanical Codes; that I understand this is not a permit, but only applic ' for a p t, and work is not to start without a pemut; that the work will be in accordance with the approv ?lan ' the f wor :]u qui as a review and approval of plans. ? Applicant's Printed Name ApplicanYs Sign ture It 5acon 2004 RESIDENTIAL PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD, EAGAN MN 55122 651-675-5675 Please complete for modifications to existing residential dwellings. /5 . Sa Date y? / ,?_)/ ! 4 v?o Site Street Address Unit # Property Owner Telephone # (d !51) rak-26 - 96St/, Gontractor W tva Address 3,& 20 i " - AQ City Telephone # ( 1.6I ) State )71 lti Zip A2r/.t3 The Applicant is: _ Owner ?ontractor _Other Alterations to existing dwelling _Add fixtures to rooms, excluding water softener and water heater _Septic System Abandonment _Water Turnaround (add $121.00 if a 5!8" meter is required) Other: $ 50.00 Water Softener ? replacement _ v Water Heater additional $ 15.00 Lawn Irrigation System RPZ_ new _ repair _ rebuild $ 30.00 State Surcharge $ 50 Total $ ,j? &0 I hereby apply for a Residential Plumbing Permit and acknowledge that the information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and the plumbing codes; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, work is not to start without a permit and work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the event a plan is required to be reviewed and approved. YJ?twz ApplicanYs rinted e ApplicanY Signature ? JUN 14 2004 * * *4C * Pion * engi* 7422 Entcrprise Drive Mendota Hcights, MN 55120 LANO St1RVEYORS • CI V ll ENGINEERS LNNO,IANNERS1 lANO5CAIE ARCHITEC (612) 681-1914 Ty E Ro"ffi"LVQ O COM?°ll N Certificate of Survey tor: r--.. C .. (-li a r-C,A s'? J8S o 88, ? 887. W` •?^?y; ? 0? ? a ?t.. V N3 ' k S, \ f/T / 89z•4i 92 ? `s• ? . ? 0 9? . i(I \ \ NS) e /? . s / SJ? C \ d8z ?? \ 9e' ? O . H2. \ '04 ?o \ 882.1 ??>i ?3 ?4b4u\Te`?tiR ?. ? A-4. ? \^P' / fp ? / M,0 r ? NoRTH ,900.0 Denotes exrsfinj elevation gRQEa5LQL4OUSE Ft FVArlONS ? 900.o Denofes priIposed e/evation Lowesf Floor flevotfon ss 1 -4 (o Denofes brarna¢e f Ufilif?,y Fasemenf Tp of B/ack Elevafion 889. 4 6 3 - De?tof£s Drqina?e ?'low Arraws Garage S/ab E/evafion 8s9• W o Denofes monur?Ytn f a Denotes o^nsef Nub 8earin?s shown are ossumed ++ ' Lor /9 BcocK 3, CovENTaY PAss OAKOTA covNrY, M1MNF50TA Subjeci !o easemenfs o? record 1 here6v eertiIV lhot this swvey. Pbn or report w?sf P/rred bY ?v?d?vmY? dire?t supervislnn aM that 1 mn du1Y Repklered Land SurveYOr urnler the tews al ths State ol Mlnnesou. Dnted thbdav vf -qrA.D. 19-4 %? ZEtJ. ?1bfE k?vt,c 3t it?/51 ? ,2cale: 1 rnch • ? f'?ef ' • ---- 09F_RT B. 9 N.ICH A. AEC. NO. 11891 L? -? c ?_ . . / r.. ; * PIOI? * engin * * *-k ,. A l;2,2 o- ' ?? ^M'?`s?.??". 2422 Enterprise Drive ? ll1ND5VRVEYOR3•CIVILEHGINEEpS Mendota 1leights, MN 55120 .. LANOILILNNE?. UINOSCqPE AqtMITECTS _--"_--I? (612) V S 1-1O 14 Certificate of Survey for: 114E rZq1TLVQr2 6OM10AM1-- ? NoRtH Rw d?.o 88. s? ?7 3 ? Ba7. i ?v ? \ ti.••ti. j ? 5•° 1r e q? 1 ? Z ?pa ? , l6Eqz.g 'IN \ 91 / \ Nsj e .z ?9 •. ' , k.. ? 9 w <? r ? e8z f \ •4 T ? ?BB2.1 Th ?s ? ?g4 e?+ ?v rrZ, J s ?',^ / q0 S ggS,O e?.o ? .., _ - ..'?., • Z4 i:z,.,:eisii :t.x?i3:,'•.?,r?_`?.::'??:: i;`t;:i: ¦ 900.0 Denotes exrsliq elevafion 0170Pn.S n Nou E va7-tnnis • 900 _o Denoles proposed e%vation Lowesf F/oor f/evoflon 061.1(0 Denofes braina¢e i Ufili.fy Eosement Top oE Blcrk E/evafion 889. e b -?- Den?ofes Droino?se F"hw Arrows Gora?e Siab Eleva{ion 8s9• b3 o Denof es /Ytonur?j'M f 8e+orrndis shown are ossumed o ppnoles 00r?ef Nub LOT It 9, BLOCK 3, COVENTQ}' PASS DAKOTR couNrv, MjNnrfso? Subjert lo eostrnenfs cbr'record / IrQtft lFI111 14M Mb M?. PAA? O'ab1 ?1 ?yq?b?I Md1? Ary ?? N?M??il4M1 .•r• +. r.., w ww s.... a Yw...nu o«.e r1w ?(/ .ro tn.e I..w aah MpSn..a lsne su.v?re. J+? M M A.C. I! ? ?. . ^ i ? ? -.Ca e .1°?',. 40,hed . . / twv s e e. • ir• s. at a po. t qp * ** il: ? pion * engir lL *? T ll1NO SVRVEYOPS'• CI VIL 2422 Enterprise Drive Mendota Heights, MN 55120 !erinry?• LANOFLANNERS•LANDSCqpERRCHRECTS I l612) 6Op1'1O^14 7 Certi?icate of Survey iar. T??E ??LU?J? LOMJ1%? ?? ? NoRrH s? d88.o 987,3 .•(? 5e n 0. U y ° '{o ?iq ?fi.. ?P' i- •'l ? 890, t? `k '?o v,: ? / B9z. ? ? \ 9? 3? / \ \ . NS) e il . ' j9 I 4, ? ? 9? 3, ? _ ? . w \ asz ? ? . ? ? 4> \/hA/ 88?'qA C / p0 / $873,0 g7.o . ? - ...,..-, , r .,.., Li, "' Ln?'1!' = 900.0 Denafes ekislinb elevdtion r 900.o Denofes proposed e%vation Denofes brarMe f Ut;li?fy Easement -? U2noles Draina e F"low Arrows o Denof es monu n f 8eurin?s shown are Qssumed PgQLQS?Q?IOU,?f LEVA7"IONS Lowesf Floor Etevafron 881.9(0 Top of' Blcrk Elevafion 889• 9 6 C,drale Slob Elevplion 889• b3 o Denofes Of"il'sef Hub Lor /9,Bcock 3, CovEnrraY PASs DAKOTA covrorY, MAINEso'= Subjecl lo easemenls o,f"'record I hereby ceri{fy lhat this awwV. Plan or report wns??- pfffr??? red Ay unAer my direct supervision and that I nm Auly Hegislered Lend Surveyor under the tewe ol tha Stete ol Minnesota. Dated thls ?/? day of A.D. 19? , ))) ? r • ?cal? ? l?nch, ?+ef . ' .(tQln7 ?i fw 5 _.5. REG. NO. 14991 c'D jcb 35013t City of Evan 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan MN 55122 Phone: (651) 675-5675 Fax: (651) 675-5694 For Office Use Permit #: /0 / C) -3 ( Permit Fee: roe C ) Date ReceivedC(-/ )3 Staff: n6 2012 MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATION ❑ Please sub / it two (2) sets of plans with all commercial applications. J-� l Site Address: 51 g ed,.0 C r C.-1 t tl Date: j / Tenant: RESIDENT / OWNER:, CONTRACTOR' Name: roi + N6(ijA e �n 1 Address / City / Zio: 5 l O C4 i , Name: DI r LLV I -I -C a ;-h n 4- P 1✓ License #: D 22-0 2 0 3 Address: 141bq OY1 City:r' State: Zip: S 633 Phone: LD S i — 3 �� `"(2 j1 V 2- p Email: � �� tr1�C111(1fl(S6n Ovic Pio 1L Suite #: Phone: (61- l-fC K3- ` Contact: • /1L. TYPE OF WORK PERMIT TYPE New - _Replacement Additional Alteration Demolition Description of work: NOTE: Roof=mounted and ground -mounted mechanic al equfpmerit is requ re a be -screened by Cit Code. Please contact the Mechanical Inspector for information on permitted screening methods. RESIDENTIAL XFurnace Air Conditioner Air Exchanger Heat Pump Other COMMERCIAL New Construction Interior Improvement Install Piping Processed Gas Exterior HVAC Unit Under / Above ground Tank ( Install / Remove) RESIDENTIAL FEES: $60.00 Minimum Add-on or alteration to an existing unit (includes $5.00 State Surcharge) $100.00 Fire repair (replace burned out appliances, ductwork, etc.) (includes $5.00 State Surcharge) COMMERCIAL FEES: $75.00 Underground tank installation/removal (includes $5.00 State Surcharge) 1 $60.00 Minimum (includes State Surcharge) - If the Permit Fee is less than $10,010, surcharge is $ 5.00 - If the Permit Fee is > $10,010, surcharge increases by $.50 for each $1,000 Permit Fee (i.e. a $10,010-$11,010 Permit Fee requires a $ 5.50 surcharge) _ $ CP v6 TOTAL FEE OR Contract Value $ x 1% = $ Permit Fee = $ Surcharge = $ TOTAL FEE CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Call Gopher State One Call at (651) 454-0002 for protection against underground utility damage. Call 48 hours before you intend to dig to receive locates of underground utilities. www.gopherstateonecall.orq I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. x ) ej VU1 c Ph s6 Applicant's Printed Name x Applicant's Signafit'yfe FOR OFFICE USE Required inspections Underground . Rough In' Air Test Gas Service Test ,In -floor Heat Reviewedi Fir AC Screening rr,. PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type:Plumbing Permit Number:EA109021 Date Issued:01/31/2013 Permit Category:ePermit Site Address: 578 Eden Cir Lot:19 Block: 3 Addition: Coventry Pass PID:10-18400-03-190 Use: Description: Sub Type:Residential Work Type:Replace Description:Water Softener Meter Size Meter Type Manufacturer Serial Number Remote Number Line Size Comments:Josh McGuire 1424 3rd St N Minneapolis, MN 55411 612-604-4285 Fee Summary:PL - Permit Fee (WS &/or WH)$55.00 0801.4087 Surcharge-Fixed $5.00 9001.2195 $60.00 Total: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Contractor:Owner:- Applicant - Anthony P Elenz 578 Eden Cir Eagan MN 55123 Benjamin Franklin Plumbing 1424 N 3rd St. Minneapolis MN 55411 (612) 604-4285 X61 Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type:Building Permit Number:EA164607 Date Issued:10/02/2020 Permit Category:ePermit Site Address: 578 Eden Cir Lot:19 Block: 3 Addition: Coventry Pass PID:10-18400-03-190 Use: Description: Sub Type:Reroof Work Type:Replace Description:Does not include skylight(s) Census Code:434 - Residential Additions, Alterations Zoning: Square Feet:0 Occupancy: Construction Type: Comments:Please print pictures of ice and water protection and leave on site. Carbon monoxide detectors are required within 10 feet of all sleeping room openings in residential homes (Minnesota State Building Code). Valuation: 5,000.00 Fee Summary:BL - Base Fee $5K $118.00 0801.4085 Surcharge - Based on Valuation $5K $2.50 9001.2195 $120.50 Total: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Contractor:Owner:- Applicant - Anthony P & Nancy K Elenz 578 Eden Cir Saint Paul MN 55123--390 (651) 683-9657 Walker Roofing Company 2270 Capp Rd St Paul MN 55114 (651) 251-0910 Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type:Plumbing Permit Number:EA170229 Date Issued:06/23/2021 Permit Category:ePermit Site Address: 578 Eden Cir Lot:19 Block: 3 Addition: Coventry Pass PID:10-18400-03-190 Use: Description: Sub Type:Residential Work Type:Replace Description:Standard Water Heater Meter Size Meter Type Manufacturer Serial Number Remote Number Line Size Comments:Carbon monoxide detectors are required within 10 feet of all sleeping room openings in residential homes (Minnesota State Building Code). Please call Building Inspections at (651) 675-5675 to schedule a final inspection. Fee Summary:PL - Permit Fee (WS &/or WH)$59.00 0801.4087 Surcharge-Fixed $1.00 9001.2195 $60.00 Total: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Contractor:Owner:- Applicant - Anthony P & Nancy K Elenz 578 Eden Cir Saint Paul MN 55123--390 Champion Plumbing 3670 Dodd Rd., #100 Eagan MN 55123 (651) 365-1340 Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature