08/13/2012 - Energy and Environment Advisory CommissionMEETING NOTES OF THE EAGAN ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT ADVISORY COMMISSION WORKSHOP AUGUST 13, 2012 A workshop of the Eagan Energy and Environment Advisory Commission was held on Monday, August 13 at 7:00 p.m. Those present were Amir Nadav, Jeff LeClair, Jon Drucker, Kari Palmer, Michael Wisniewski, Ross Bintner and Tim Harder. Staff present were Juli Seydell Johnson, Director of Parks and Recreation and Cherryl Mesko, Superintendent of Operations. AGENDA Item VI-Subcommittee Updates was switched with item V-Develop Work Plan. Member Palmer moved, Member Nadav seconded with all present members voting in favor to approve the agenda as modified. MEETING NOTES OF JUNE 12, 2012 WORKSHOP Member Palmer moved, Member Bintner seconded with all present members voting in favor to approve the June 12, 2012 workshop meeting notes as presented. SUBCOMMITTEE UPDATES Member Bintner provided an overview of the report and discussion from the PACE subcommittee meetings since the last meeting. Members on the subcommittee are Bintner, Nadav and Harder. In an effort to make this program available to Eagan businesses, since it is not yet available to residential properties, the subcommittee wanted to advance this initiative as part of the 2012-13 goals for Council consideration. There was discussion about the role that the EEAC would have in this initiative and it was determined that communication would be its key role. Member Nadav provided an overview of the report and discussion from the Ordinance Review subcommittee meetings since the last meeting. Members Nadav, Wisniewski and Drucker all serve on this subcommittee. Member Nadav provided background information to frame the subcommittee’s work to date, highlighting the meeting with multiple City staff on July 16 to solicit feedback on the landscaping and maintenance of vegetation model ordinance. The written feedback is nearly complete and will be combined to help provide information that can help with future review. A question was raised about the underlying purpose of ordinance changes. It was opined that this would be a way to simplify the process for residents and to find a more consolidated way to educate and communicate the information that residents need when approaching landscaping projects that may impact their yard and/or city boulevard. The subcommittee wanted to advance this initiative as part of the 2012-13 goals for Council consideration. There was discussion about the role that the EEAC would have in this initiative and it was determined that policy exploration and communication would be its key role. WORK PLAN After much discussion the following was developed as the proposed 2012-13 Work Plan for the EEAC that would be forwarded to the City Council for review and direction: 2012-13 ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT ADVISORY COMMISSION VALUE STATEMENTS AND GOALS The Energy and Environment Advisory Commission (EEAC) is proposing to maintain the following value statements adopted in July of 2010 to guide the commission: 1. Recommend initiatives to the City of Eagan and its constituents to reduce waste and energy use in order to enhance Eagan’s environment. 2. Recommend initiatives to the City of Eagan and its constituents to protect the water, air and soils in our City while enhancing the quality of life. 3. Recommend initiatives to the City of Eagan and its constituents which support renewal of City of Eagan facilities, infrastructure, land use policies, and efforts that will promote long range energy usage and resource sustainability. 4. Recommend initiatives to the City of Eagan and its constituents on ways to partner with existing energy and environmental resources and stakeholders in order to collect and disseminate information to empower the public. 2012-13 PROPOSED EEAC INITIATIVES Initiative 1. Continue to investigate ways in which the GreenSteps Cities program can be enhanced and expanded through policy exploration and use Green Steps methodology to create and communicate outreach and educational opportunities for the community. The work would be focused on the following: A. Review of City Ordinances/Procedures and recommend changes to the City of Eagan and its constituents to support best practices for renewable energy including landscaping, solar, wind turbines, etc. B. Recommend program/procedure to the City of Eagan that would provide opportunities for businesses to participate in a Property Assessed Clean Energy Program (PACE). C. Review public works water utility investments and water conservation ordinances and recommend changes or initiatives to the City of Eagan and its constituents to support GreenSteps best practices. Consider participating in the Water Sense Program to help educate residents and businesses on ways to save water. D. Study and recommend actions within the City to increase active living infrastructure. Conduct a joint meeting with the Advisory Parks Commission to discuss initiatives that align with the Complete Street initiative. E. Recommend measures to the City of Eagan and its constituents to consider eliminating the use of coal tar sealers through prohibition of its use within the city and educational efforts to promote alternatives. F. Recommend initiatives to the City of Eagan and its constituents to encourage waste reduction cost savings that would allow for the publication of the existing tiered rate schedules designed to encourage reduction, re-usage and recycling that licensed waste haulers annually file with the city clerk, and the possibility of using a uniform reporting form. Goal 2. Increase public awareness of the GreenSteps Cities efforts and programs through the use of City publications, City website, social media, City events such as Showcase Eagan and the Home & Leisure show, and other communication opportunities that would be available and approved by the City of Eagan. Several other items were identified as important considerations during the work plan discussion and were put into different categories. Many of the items are educational in nature and are intended to be scheduled as presentations at future EEAC meetings.  Speakers/presenters for future EEAC meeting: o Winter street maintenance (green alternatives to salt) and street sweeping process. o Rain gardens – update on practical applications and how this is evolving. o Monitoring and controlling emission from diesel generators – how are we addressing? o Greening of City fleet – what is new, how are changes working, are there new initiatives? o Public education of sustainability initiatives. o Update composting pilot study. o Compost bins and rain barrels – what is an affordable option for residents?  Home and Garden Show – green theme o Staff will work on some options to see if there is a way to encourage green vendors and presenters to participate in the 2013 Home Show. If not enough interest there may be a more concerted effort to focus on re-branding the 2014 event.  Parking lot for future discussion: o Ordinances or regulations pertaining to wood burning and wood heaters. EEAC members will be sent a draft copy of the proposed work plan and then provide feedback to Director Johnson with any changes to make sure the work plan is correctly represented. Once the work plan has been finalized it will be prepared for a joint meeting with the City Council on September 11. Commission Members will then be able to articulate the intent of each goal or clarify any questions the Council may have. ADJOURNMENT After further brief discussion, Member Harder moved, Member Palmer seconded with all members voting in favor to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m. ______________________________ _______________________________ Date Secretary