09/11/2012 - Energy and Environment Advisory CommissionMEETING NOTES OF THE EAGAN ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT ADVISORY COMMISSION MEETING SEPTEMBER 11, 2012 A regular meeting of the Eagan Energy and Environment Advisory Commission was held on Tuesday September 11, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. Those present were Amir Nadav, Jeff LeClair, Jon Drucker, Kari Palmer, Michael Wisniewski, and Tim Harder. Ross Bintner was not present. Staff present were Juli Seydell Johnson, Director of Parks and Recreation, Russ Matthys, Director of Public Works, Cherryl Mesko, Superintendent of Operations, and Amy Grannes, Office Supervisor. AGENDA Member Palmer moved to approve the agenda as presented, Member Drucker seconded with all present members voting in favor. MEETING NOTES OF AUGUST 13, 2012 WORKSHOP Member Harder moved, Member Palmer seconded with all present members voting in favor to approve the August 13, 2012 workshop meeting notes as presented. VISITORS TO BE HEARD There were no visitors to be heard. PRESENTATION Russ Matthys, Director of Public Works, provided a presentation on street sweeping and winter street maintenance operations. Summary of the presentation is as follows. The City performs various types of street sweeping. Spring and fall sweeping of the edges only on the collector and neighborhood streets, Water Quality sweeping twice yearly the entire width of the street, newly sealcoated streets and bituminous milling areas. The City has three sweepers either vacuum or broom types. For the City winter maintenance they have 9 types of trucks with plows and will plow street after 2” or more of snow has fallen. For a typical 6” – 8” snow fall it takes the City approximately 10 hours for complete snow removal covering 14 routes. Director Matthys reviewed of the methods deicing along with the equipment and materials use. EEAC would like a follow-up from Public Works on how effective the use of sugar beet juice is at the end of this winter season. EEAC would also like follow-up from Public Works on how environmental factors are judged in a cost-benefit decisions regarding the use of chemicals for snow removal. Public Works offered the EEAC a tour of the facilities at an undetermined future date. OLD BUSINESS There are no old business items that require action by the Advisory Commission at this time. NEW BUSINESS Establish subcommittee organization Member and focus to meet the City Council approved 2012/2013 work plan and goals. Ordinance subcommittee, which consists of Member Nadav, Member Drucker, and Member Wisniewski. The committee current goal is to finish up with the landscaping ordinance model and then to provide the information to the City Clerk and City Attorney for review. Then the next focus will be on solar power. Member Nadav will be gathering the state guidelines on best practices, zoning requirements, and working with utilities. PACE subcommittee, which consists of Member Bintner, Member Nadav, and Member Harder. Per subcommittee, recommendation is ready for the City Council it will need to packaged for the Council meeting October 16th, 2012. Marketing/Communications subcommittee, which consists of Member Palmer, Member Drucker, and Member Harder. Member LeClair requested a list of communication outlets along with guidelines on postings, per Director Johnson this will be provided by staff. Coal tar subcommittee, which consists of Member Palmer, Member Drucker, and Member Bintner. Recommend measures to the City of Eagan and its constituents to consider eliminating the use of coal tar sealers through prohibition of its use within the city and educational efforts to promote alternatives. Committee will focus on gathering information from existing resources and generating a model ordinance. Water conservation subcommittee, which consists of Member Nadav and Member Bintner. Review public works water utility investments and water conservation ordinances and recommend changes or initiatives to the City of Eagan and its constituents to support GreenSteps best practices. Consider participating in the Water Sense Program to help educate residents and businesses on ways to save water. Director Johnson reminded the commission that the City is currently participating in a program with the Urban Land Institute that covers water conservation as part of its research, Member LeClair motion to delay the subcommittee work until the beginning of 2013, Member Harder seconded, with the caveat that if something arose from the well reports a motion would be made to bring this committee back to the current agenda, all present members voting in favor. Member LeClair requested a copy of the well reports from Public Works for full committee review at next regular meeting. Director Johnson will speak to Public Works to obtain a copy of these reports for the Commission. Member Palmer request setting up a workshop before the next Commission meeting on October 9, 2012 from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. to discuss the well reports from Public Works. All members present in agreeence on scheduling a workshop one hour prior on to the next meeting. Member Nadav discussed the need for a subcommittee for waste reduction and providing information on hauler rates. Director Johnson indicated the staff will provide the necessary information to the Commission as needed. SUBCOMMITTEE UPDATES Member Nadav provided and update from the Ordinance subcommittee regarding renewable energy. The subcommittee held a meeting on September 3rd to review written input from City staff regarding the model ordinance for landscaping and maintenance of vegetation. At his meeting all information and feedback was incorporated into one document for the Commissions’ review. Committee to focus on the residential piece and to revisit the commercial piece at a different time. Member LeClair questioned the need for safety railing on planter beds that are over 36” inches in height, should or would this be a requirement. Provide the list of items changes vs. consolidation from City code and request clarification from the Fire Department on set back requirements. Director Johnson indicated at this point the ordinance document should be sent to the City Clerk’s and City Attorney’s for further review. Member Nadav provided an update on the Property Assessed Clean Energy Program (PACE)/funding for renewable energy and efficiency. Committee is ready to recommend to the City Council to authorize staff to develop and execute a PACE program that secures financing for energy efficiency and renewal energy via voluntary property tax special assessments. Recommendation only applies to commercial and industrial businesses. Member Harder motioned to recommend to City Council that they authorize and direct city staff to develop and launch an initial PACE program, Member Wisniewski seconded, with all present members voting in favor. STAFF/COMMISSIONER REPORT Director Johnson indicated that items: Incorporating sustainability education at Home and Leisure Show and Compost/Recycling Project at ECC and Market Fest are not time sensitive and maybe tabled until the next meeting if the Commission so chooses. Due to time constraints a motion was made by Member LeClair made a motion to delay item until next meeting, Member Palmer seconded, with all present members voting in favor. ROUNDTABLE Member Nadav mentioned there are two open houses this week regarding the Robert Street corridor transit way alternatives analysis they are looking for public opinion for what occurs in the corridor on September 12th from 4:30 – 6:30 p.m. Dakota County northern service center room 110. The second open house scheduled September 16th from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. at the Wellstone Center, more information at www.robertstreettransit.com. Event in Eagan on September 20th at the Wescott Library presented by the Metropolitan Council looking for long term investments plans over the next 30 years. They are looking for feedback from residents and business owners. Meeting will be held in the lower level meeting room and please RSVP to (651) 602-1140. ADJOURNMENT After further brief discussion, Member Bitner moved, Member Harder seconded with all members present voting in favor to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 9:28 p.m. ______________________________ _______________________________ Date Secretary