06/12/2012 - Energy and Environment Advisory Commission MEETING NOTES OF THE EAGAN ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT ADVISORY COMMISSION WORKSHOP JUNE 12, 2012 A workshop of the Eagan Energy and Environment Advisory Commission was held on Tuesday, June 12, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. Those present were Amir Nadav, Jeff LeClair, Jon Drucker, Kari Palmer, Michael Wisniewski, Ross Bintner and Tim Harder. Also present was Parks and Recreation Director Juli Seydell Johnson and Amy Grannes, Office Supervisor. COMMISSION ORGANIZATION ELECTION OF OFFICERS Following a brief discussion of the roles of Chair, Vice Chair and Secretary, the nominations were opened for the various positions.  Palmer moved, Harder seconded with all present members voting unanimously to elect Jeff LeClair as Chair.  LeClair moved, Drucker seconded with all present members voting unanimously to elect Kari Palmer as Vice Chair.  Bintner moved, Nadav seconded with all present members voting unanimously to elect Ross Bintner as Secretary. MEETING DATES Drucker moved, Harder seconded with all present members voting unanimously to set the following dates for the 2012-13 EEAC meetings:  Monday, August 13: 7 p.m. - workshop only  Tuesday, August 21: 7 p.m. - workshop only (if needed)  Tuesday, September 11: 5:30 p.m. - City Council workshop  Tuesday, September 11: 7 p.m. - regular EEAC meeting  Tuesday, October 9: 7 p.m. - regular EEAC meeting  Tuesday, December 11: 7 p.m. - regular EEAC meeting  Tuesday, February 12: 7 p.m. - regular EEAC meeting  Tuesday, April 9: 7 p.m. - regular EEAC meeting MEETING NOTIFICATIONS AND PACKETS Following the introduction of this item and subsequent discussion the EEAC made the following decisions about meeting notifications and packets:  Outlook meeting notices will be sent by City Staff prior to each workshop and meeting.  Packets less than 20 pages will be e-mailed and/or made available via link.  Packets over 20 pages will be printed and delivered to Commission Members’ homes. Energy and Environment Commission Workshop Notes June 12, 2012 Page 2 of 3 SUBCOMMITTEES There was discussion about the current standing subcommittees and it was determined that the following subcommittees will continue to meet and work on items from the previous work plan until a new work plan is approved by the City Council:  Ordinance Review Subcommittee Members serving on the subcommittee: Nadav (lead), Wisniewski and Drucker  Communication Subcommittee Members serving on the subcommittee: Palmer (lead), Nadav and Drucker  PACE Subcommittee Members serving on the subcommittee: Bintner (lead), Nadav and Harder o Subcommittees will notify City Staff Liaison in advance of all meetings. Staff liaison will attend, when schedule allows. o Subcommittee materials to be discussed or presented at an EEAC meeting must be sent to the City Staff Liaison at least 10 days prior to the meeting in order to be included in the packet. Open meeting laws were also reviewed and it was clarified that all e-mail communication pertaining to the EEAC needs to go through the City Staff Liaison. WORK PLAN Commission Members reviewed and discussed the current goals and work plan. This work will continue at the August 13 and 21 workshops with a review of past meeting minutes and current status with Minnesota GreenStep Cities program. After further discussion several topics were mentioned by Commission Members as possible additions for the 2012-13 work plan. Those topics, in no particular order of priority included:  Ordinances/regulations concerning wood burning and wood heaters for homes. (Palmer)  Preventing the use of coal tar sealant for driveways and parking lots and the public education needed to bring awareness to residents and businesses. (Palmer)  Monitoring/controlling emissions from diesel generators and the public education needed to bring awareness to residents and businesses. (Palmer)  Review Ordinances and recommend changes to better support and promote best practices from Minnesota GreenStep Cities program. (Palmer)  Review of Water Conservation Ordinances and Practices. (Bintner)  Continue PACE efforts. (LeClair and Bintner)  “Greening” of City fleet – analysis and recommendation. (Bintner)  Public education concerning sustainability indicators. (What do they mean and how do we use them?) (Bintner  Street Sweeping – How often is it done in Eagan? Should it be done more often? (Bintner)  Winter Street Maintenance – Salt use; effects on lakes, best practice review and recommendations. (Bintner) Energy and Environment Commission Workshop Notes June 12, 2012 Page 3 of 3  Rain Garden Update 9. (LeClair)  Home and Leisure Show/Showcase Eagan –Could these events have an environmental focus? (Nadav)  Compost Bins and Rain Barrels – Subsidy and/or education programs. (Wisniewski)  Additional communication to community. ADJOURNMENT The meeting concluded at 9:00 p.m. DATE SECRETARY