04/10/2012 - Energy and Environment Advisory Commission MINUTES OF THE EAGAN ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT ADVISORY COMMISSION MEETING APRIL 10, 2012 A regular meeting of the Eagan Energy and Environment Advisory Commission was held on Tuesday, April 12, 2012 at 7:00 pm. Those present were: Ross Bintner, Bruce Goff, Jeff LeClair, Salman Mitha, Amir Nadav, Wade Olsen and Kari Palmer. Also present was Director of Parks & Recreation, Juli Seydell Johnson. AGENDA LeClair made a motion to approve the agenda as presented. Nadav seconded the motion. All members voted in favor. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Nadav made a small request regarding the minutes of December 13, 2011, referring to item A. #2, to drop the and between Energy and Efficiency Tax Credits. Member Bintner made a motion to approve the minutes of the December 13, 2011 regular meeting as amended. LeClair seconded the motion. All members voted in favor. VISITORS TO BE HEARD There were no visitors to be heard. OLD BUSINESS A. Communications Update Director Johnson updated the Commission regarding the City’s social media plans. Director Johnson encouraged the Commission to “like” the City’s Facebook page, stating that it has grown 100 friends in the last 3 days. Director Johnson went on to say that she has been working with City staff in all departments to come up with a consistent format and style for the page. Director Johnson updated the Commission on the City’s linking policy stating that in the past you could only link from the City’s website or social media to other governmental entities. However, the links have now been expanded, as long as it is not used as a commercial endeavor. Right now Facebook is the only link being used. Commission Member Nadav thanked Director Johnson for the update and asked how the Commission could begin to engage and make recommendations regarding social media. Director Johnson suggested that the subcommittee get together and write some informative posts that could potentially be posted. Member Palmer asked if the subcommittee should focus on getting some posts onto Facebook over the next month before the next meeting and Director Johnson suggested that would be very appropriate. Member Goff asked Director Johnson about the editorial policy. Director Johnson responded that she currently manages that piece. Member Goff suggested a subcommittee be formed and will consist of Members Kari Palmer, Amir Nadav, and Jeff LeClaire. B. Recommendation for Allocating Remaining Recycling Funds Member Goff introduced Ms. Sarah Haas, University of Minnesota Environmental and Public Health Specialist who gave a brief presentation regarding beneficial re- use and diversion of food waste in event centers, focusing on the Eagan Community Center. Member Olson questioned what the costs would be for putting this type of program together. Ms. Hass answered that the cost for a 3 month pilot program between June and August would cost around $4,000 - $5,000, the bulk of which is the initial purchase of the containers and as well as the compost pickup. Member Nadav thanked Sarah for picking Eagan for such a study. Member Goff suggested including the Eagan Farmers Market in the pilot program. Member LeClaire made a motion to recommend to the City Council the use of funding from the solid waste recycling grant to fund the organic/separation pilot project at the Eagan Community Center and possibly the Farmers Market for the months of June -August. Member Palmer seconded the motion with all members voting in favor. NEW BUSINESS A. Committee Updates/Reports Arbor Day; Sunday, May 20 – Holz Farm Director Johnson mentioned that Arbor Day will be combined with the Holz Farm Spring Festival on May 20, and some planting will take place by the playground to the entrance of the Park. Director Johnson suggested that the commission form a subcommittee to speak to the forestry staff about the possibility of being included or to show some presence in the Arbor Day Event. Community Outreach/Website (Subcommittee Members Bruce, Kari, and Salman) Member Palmer commented that after looking at the City’s website, the commission really liked some of the changes that the City has made and thought that updates from the Commission could be implemented into the website, one suggestion being to add a sustainability link so that information did not seem so buried within the website. Director Johnson replied by saying that with the link policy changing that is something the City and the subcommittee can look into. Pace/Funding for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency. Member Mintha spoke about the Energy retrofitting forum back in January that was hosted by the City of Eagan in partnership with the Chamb er of Commerce. In attendance was Senator Al Franken as well as Representatives from the State Energy office. The purpose of the forum was to highlight resources available to help businesses in Eagan pursue energy efficiency opportunities to reduce energy costs; PACE being one of those resources. Member Mintha shared that the first year retrofitting results were in for Eagan and should be posted on the GreenStep City website. Member Mintha also suggested that the dialogue continue with the Chamber of Commerce. Landscaping/turf management/gardens (Subcommittee Members Amir, Wade and Kari) Member Palmer gave a brief overview regarding the Low Maintenance mowing program standards draft that was reviewed by the subcommittee and recommend that the full EEAC committee recommend a comprehensive landscaping and maintenance vegetation ordinance; the goal being for lower maintenance, less mowing and watering . It would consist of native vegetation which would provide lower maintenance and lower energy as well as lower resources to maintain it. Member LeClaire made a motion that City Staff review the GreenSteps City’s model ordinance in light of additional items on page 17 & 18 of the packet and return to EEAC at the next meeting in June. Member Olson seconded with all voting in favor. Review of City Ordinances Related to Renewable Energy (Subcommittee Members Wade, Kari and Amir) Member Palmer asked if the subcommittee should continue in regards to the City Ordinance related to Renewable Energy, focusing on Wind and Solar Energy. Director Johnson mentioned opening up that discussion at the workshop in June. STAFF/COMMISSIONER REPORT A. Healthy Living Resolution Director Johnson noted that the Parks Commission was approached by the Twin Cities collation asking the City to pass a resolution proclaiming active and healthy living. Director Johnson stated that the resolution was passed by the City Council. B. Correspondence Director Johnson referenced a letter from an Eagan resident in regards to single hauler trash collection. ROUNDTABLE Member Goff started stated that a few of the members are stepping down from the advisory commission and reminded the viewing audience that although they missed the deadline for this year, every year there are openings on the commissions; a great way to give back to the community. Member Mitha made a comment regarding consolidating other cities information to one location to make information more accessible and recognizable. Member Amir Nadav mentioned that while walking through Blackhawk Park one evening he noticed that the lights of the pavilion were on after dusk, even though the pavilion was locked. Director Johnson stated that unfortunately this is high vandalism season and that is the reason for the lights being on. She mentioned that the high school will keep the track lights on for that same reason. Member Nadav reminded everyone that April 12th is the Dakota Electric Association Annual meeting. He also wanted to extend a thank you to Chair Goff and Chair Olson for their time spent on the Commission. Member Palmer had one item to be considered for the work plan for the next year in regards to the sealants that are put on roadways and driveways. It seems that the sealants have a high level of polyaromatic hydrocarbons that end up washing into the lakes. She mentioned that a local Eagan business has stopped using the sealants and has gone to straight asphalt. Member Olson thanked everyone for the opportunity to be a part of the EEAC. Member Bintner expressed his excitement toward the first update on the building energy use with the B3 system. He also asked if there has been any energy metrics with the city fleet. Director Johnson answered by saying they have found some real interesting information regarding the B3 system and are currently spending a lot of time st arring at numbers. As for the fleet, Director Johnson explained that the City is currently going into budget season and will be assessing the fleet during this process. Member Jeff LeClaire thanked Members Goff and Olson for their time on the Commission. ADJOURNMENT Upon motion by Vice Chair LeClair, seconded by Nadav, the meeting adjourned at 7:55 pm. All members voted in favor. ___________________________ __________________________________________ DATE SECRETARY