06/25/2013 - City Council SpecialMINUTES SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL RETREAT TUESDAY, JUNE 25, 2013 5:30 P.M. EAGAN ROOM — EAGAN MUNICIPAL CENTER City Councilmembers present: Councilmembers Bakken, Fields, Hansen and Tilley. Mayor Maguire arrived at 5:36 p.m. City staff present: City Administrator Osberg, Communications Director Garrison, Director of Finance Pepper, Director of Parks and Recreation Johnson, Recreation Supervisor Andersen, Director of Community Development Hohenstein, City Engineer Gorder, Human Resources Manager Peterson, Police Chief McDonald, and Fire Chief Scott. ROLL CALL AND ADOPTION OF AGENDA Councilmember Bakken moved, Councilmember Hansen seconded a motion to adopt the agenda as presented. Aye:4 Nay:0 VISITORS TO BE HEARD There were no visitors to be heard. REVIEW FEEDBACK ON PUBLIC ART RECOMMENDATIONS City Administrator Osberg introduced the item and provided a brief background. Director of Parks and Recreation Johnson noted the City received a Creative Intersections grant from the Metropolitan Regional Arts Council in 2012 that included $5,000 to fund the fabrication and installation of a "Big Impact" piece of artwork in the community. At the direction of the Council, a committee was made up of representatives from Eagan Parks & Recreation, Eagan Art House, and the Eagan Art Festival Board who reviewed the public comments and is making recommendations to the Council for purchase. The Council discussed the feedback and recommendations on the public art. Councilmember Tilley moved, Councilmember Fields seconded a motion approve the purchase and installation of "Metamorphosis" sculpture by Marvin Smith on the Eagan Art House Grounds in Patrick Eagan Park with grant funding from Metropolitan Regional Arts Council. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 Councilmember Tilley moved, Councilmember Fields seconded a motion approve the purchase and installation of "Sentience" sculpture by Marcia McEachron on the Eagan Art House Grounds in Patrick Eagan Park with funding from the Park Site Fund. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 Special City Council Minutes June 25, 2013 Page 2 OTHER BUSINESS There was no other business to be heard. DISCUSS NEXT STEPS ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF 2013 -2014 CITY GOALS City Administrator Osberg introduced the item and provided background on the progress to -date on the 2013 -2014 City goals. The City Council discussed the next steps in the goals preparation process and directed staff to further discuss the Vision Statement at a future Senior Management meeting. ADJORN Councilmember Tilley moved, Councilmember Fields seconded a motion to adjourn the retreat at 8:50 p.m. Aye:5 Nay:0 Date c 40 — Deputy -Clerk