09/10/2013 - City Council SpecialMINUTES SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING SEPTEMBER 10, 2013 5:30 P.M. EAGAN MUNICIPAL CENTER City Councilmembers present: Mayor Maguire, Councilmembers Bakken, Fields, Hansen and Tilley. City staff present: City Administrator Osberg, Communications Director Garrison, Finance Director Pepper, Public Works Director Matthys, Community Development Director Hohenstein, Fire Chief Scott and Deputy Chief Diioia. I. ROLL CALL AND ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA City Administrator Osberg noted the addition to the agenda regarding the Old Town Hall Fire. Councilmember Hansen moved, Councilmember Tilley seconded a motion to adopt the agenda as presented. Aye:5 Nay :0 II. VISITORS TO BE HEARD There were no visitors to be heard. III. UPDATE REGARDING THE CEDAR /RED LINE RAPID TRANSIT — ORIENTED DEVELOPMENT MARKET STUDY City Administrator Osberg introduced the item noting Council is being asked to hear an update on the Cedar /Red Line Bus Rapid Transit; no formal action is required at this time. Osberg noted Dakota County and the cities of Apple Valley, Bloomington, Eagan and Lakeville have received grant funding to support a transit oriented development market study for the Cedar Avenue /Red Line BRT corridor and the major stations along its route, including the Cedar Grove Transit Station. Community Director Hohenstein gave a staff report. Tim Burkhardt of Kimley -Horn gave an update and presentation of the draft study report and conclusions. Mr. Burkhardt indicated that the study concluded that BRT is one factor in development investment decisions, but does not appear to be a "game changer" in the way LRT may be. He reviewed the study conclusions that the Paragon Outlet project can benefit from the BRT service for both employees and shoppers and can serve as an anchor to transit oriented development of the outlots in the core area. He said the study encourages the City to apply TOD standards and pursue developments of those properties that are higher density and pedestrian oriented. The Council discussed the study. Mayor Maguire stated that the study resonates with many of the things the City and EDA are doing in the area. Director Hohenstein noted that it would have been an added benefit if the study had identified more and different things the City could pursue in the area, but that validating the things that are being done will also be an advantage in the marketing of the properties to additional development partners. No action was taken on the item and the final report will be forwarded to the City Council and included among the marketing materials for the development. Special City Council Minutes September 10, 2013 Page 2 IV. UPDATE OF HIGHWAY 77 MANAGED LANE AND CEDAR GROVE TRANSIT STATION ENGINEERING STUDY City Administrator Osberg introduced the item noting since May, the Minnesota Department of Transportation staff and the consultant have been working with a Policy Advisory Committee, Staff Advisory Committee, and Technical Advisory Committee to develop options for the managed lanes and improved access to the transit station. Osberg noted MnDOT and the committees are currently evaluating three managed lane options and eight concepts for enhanced transit station access. Director of Public Works Matthys gave a staff report. John Solberg with MnDOTgave an update and presentation of the study. The presentation consisted of a summary of the evaluation results for both the Highway 77 options as well as the updated Cedar Grove Transit Station access concepts. The Council discussed the study and provided the following comments: • Have a do nothing option to consider. • Minimize the walk time over a bridge to get to and from a station. • From the riders' perspective, the best option is taking the rider to the transit station and not expecting them to walk. After further discussion Mayor Maguire reiterated, any option that does not put the commuter in the station as soon as they leave the bus should be a non - starter. Councilmember Hansen noted possibly looking at a hybrid option that allows access across Highway 13 to the north side of the Cedar Grove area. Director of Public Works Matthys announced an open house will be held for the public on October 2, 2013 from 4:30 - 6:30 p.m. at City Hall in the Eagan Room for final evaluation input prior to the preparation of study recommendations. The Council took a 10 minute break. V. UPDATE ON CONSOLIDATED FIRE STATION CONCEPT City Administrator Osberg introduced the item noting back in August 2012, Chief Scott discussed changes in volunteer staffing and proposed a long -term goal to consolidate fire stations. In January 2013, Council gave direction to pursue the Holden property for land banking for a possible future station and in June Council authorized the purchase of 4+ acres at Diffley and Blackhawk Roads for land banking and the hiring of CNH to create a conceptual design. Osberg noted staff would like to develop a schedule for the consolidated plan, so as to plan for future recruitment of volunteers, recruitment for future dorms firefighters, replacement of future apparatus and equipment and filling officer /leadership positions. Chief Scott provided an overview on the consolidated fire station concept. Deputy Diioia was available for questions. Special City Council Minutes September 10, 2013 Page 3 The Council discussed the concept plan. It was the consensus of the Council that additional information was needed before a proposed schedule could be developed for a consolidated plan and should be brought back to a future Council Workshop. VI. UPDATE ON CITY COUNCIL GOALS AND THEMES City Administrator Osberg introduced the item noting the City Council held a goals retreat on April 20 -30 and identified ten major themes for additional conversation to assist in the preparation of the 2014 goals. The ten themes were shared with the Senior Management Team and two additional staff focus groups. At its workshop of June 25 the City Council conducted considerable discussion about the ten major themes with members of the Senior Management Team. Osberg noted the Senior Management Team was then asked to provide the City Administrator a listing of various goals and tasks to consider for inclusion in the 2014 City Goals. Osberg asked the Council to consider a three step process: 1. To bring back to a future Council meeting a priority work plan based on the ten themes for 2013 -14. 2. Have Council consider a community vision session to discuss what we as Eagan, as a city, what our values and priorities are. 3. And, with Council direction, to invite the community to engage in a community visioning session in 2014. The Council discussed the process presented by City Administrator Osberg. The Council was in agreement with the three steps presented and directed staff to move forward with this process. VII. OTHER BUSINESS There was no other business to be heard. City Administrator Osberg gave an update on the Old Town Hall Fire. VIII. ADJOURNMENT Councilmember Tilley moved, Councilmember Bakken seconded a motion to adjourn at 8:43 p.m. Aye:5 Nay :0 /b -L -l3 Date A- I &)t�� Mayor