10/12/1988 - City Council Special MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE EAGAN CITY COUNCIL October 12, 1988 A special meeting of the Eagan City Council was held on Wednesday, October 12, 1988 at 7:00 p.m. , at the Eagan Municipal Center Building for the purpose of meeting jointly with the Burnsville City Council to discuss the status of public access offered by the cable television franchise. Present were Mayor Ellison and City Councilmembers Egan and Gustafson. City Councilmembers McCrea and Wachter were absent due to other business commitments. Also present were Mike Reardon, Burnsville/Eagan Cable Coordinator, Administrative Assistant Hohenstein and City Administrator Hedges. Members of the Burnsville City Council and their administrative staff were also present and participants in the joint City Council meeting. STATUS OF PUBLIC ACCESS FOR CABLE TELEVISION PROGRAMMING City Administrator Hedges addressed the Burnsville and Eagan City Councils by stating the objective of the meeting was to determine a joint position of the future of public access as it relates to the cable television franchise and further outline the provisions for public access according to the original franchise agreement. Mike Reardon, Cable Coordinator, presented several examples of community usership of public access as well as video clips from a recent national conference of award winning examples of public access in communities throughout the country. Burnsville City Manager Linda Barton then addressed the purpose of the meeting asking that the City Councils share their position on whether the joint cable commission should continue its support of public access and, if so, who should negotiate with North Central Cable TV to address their demands which include but are not limited to a reduction in manpower studio equipment, studio availability and a greater cost sharing by the subscribers or cities through their franchise allocation. Mayors Dan McElroy and Vic Ellison, representing the cities of Burnsville and Eagan respectively, and Councilmembers from both communities discussed the issue in detail and generally concurred with the following points as an instruction to their administrative staff: 1) the Joint Cable Commission should retain public access, 2) consideration should be given to the removal of public access from the direct control of Cable North Central TV by creating a non- profit operation, 3) administrative staff should negotiate the sale of equipment by Cable North Central, realizing the condition and depreciation of said equipment, 4) city administration should negotiate a possible lease of the cable studio for $1 to allow the continued accessibility of a studio, 5) reduction of the bond required from North Central TV should be given consideration but not until negotiations have commenced with Cable TV North Central, 6) Cable TV North Central should be informed that franchise fees are untouchable for any shortfalls realized by their company. 7) A request of North Central TV should be made regarding the resequence of public access channels, 8) North Central TV should be • instructed to continue line extension as agreed upon in the franchise agreement to existing and new subdivision areas. Both City Councils concurred in summary that these points and all future negotiations should be conducted by Linda Barton, City Manager, and Tom Hedges, City Administrator, with administrative support from Mike Reardon, Cable Coordinator, regarding the future status of public access with North Central Cable. ADJOURNMENT There being no other business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:30 p.m. TLH October 12, 1988 V Dated City Clerk •