10/18/1963 - City Council SpecialPr MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING, OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, EAGAN TOWNSHIP A special meeting of the Board of Supervisors, Eagan Township was held on October 18th, 1963 at 7:00 o'clock P.M. at the town hall at which a majority of the members was present. Chairman Rahn presided and stated the purpose of the meeting to be the opening of bids for the proposed new fire hall. Thereupon the bids were opened and tabulated as follows: 1. Berglund - Johnson P.O. Box D, #7 & Old Excelsior Blvd. Excelsior, Minnesota $22,970 2. Karl Dedolph Cons. Co. 1835 University Ave. St. Paul 4, Minnesota 21,379 3. M.G. Astelford Co., Inc. 1200 W. Hwy. 13 Savage, Minnesota 20,096 4. Loeffel-Engstrand Co. 3145 Hennepin Ave. Minneapolis 8, Minn. 23,250 5. Don Christenson 3650 Pilot Knob St. Paul 11, Minn. 17,834 6. Olson Co. 4004 4th Ave. So. Minneapolis 9, Minn. 20,500 7. Dean Lundholm Cons. Co. 1202 Jackson, St. Paul 17 19,698 8. Aichinger & Green Cons. Co. 171 So. Wabasha St. Paul 7, Minn. 18,600 9. Rimnac & Hanson, Inc. Minneapolis 23, Minn. 21,774 Upon motion, the meeting adjourned. Dated: October 18th, 1963 Clerk 61■11■ ■■•= mmulmi■Imommol