12/11/1973 - City Council Special AGENDA SPECIAL MEETING OF COUNCIL VILLAGE OF EAGAN, DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA December 11, 1973 7:00 P.M. Council Meeting 1. Pledge of Allegiance. 2. Approval of minutes. 3. Police Department business. 4. Fire Department business. 5. Utility Department business. 6. Park Committee business. 7. Appearance of Insurance Agent concerning award of contract for Group Insurance Programs. 8. Building Permit applications. 7:30 P.M. 9. 7:30 P.M. Continued Public Hearing on application of Marell, Inc. for rezoning of part of Lot 1, Block 1, LeTendre Addition from R-1 Single Family to R-2 Double Residential. (APC recommends approval.) (Formal) 10. Appearance of Roy Zylstra, representative of Texaco Co. , regarding access roads near Texaco Station in Cedarvale. (Informal) 11. Application of Land Planning and Engineering Corp. for a building permit for 4 (8 units) condominiums in Pilot Knob Heights Third Addition. (APC recommends approval.) (Formal) 12. Application of Southland Corporation for a building permit for a 7-Eleven Store on Coachman Road and Yankee Doodle Road. (APC recommends approval.) (Formal) 13. kppoi t civil dA:Ense director. 14. Discussion: of Sketch Plan. MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF VILLAGE COUNCIL III EAGAN, MINNESOTA December 11, 1973 A regular meeting of the Village Council, Village of Eagan, Dakota County, Minnesota, was held at 7:00 p.m. at the Village Hall. Al]. members ware present except Councilman Rydrych who arrived at approximately 8:15 p.m. After the Pledge of Allegiance, Police Chief Martin DesLauriers appeared and requested a motion on behalf of the Council regarding the proposed policies of the Police Department submitted by him at an earlier meeting. Upon motion by Mayor Polzin, seconded Councilman Rahn, all members voting yes, it was RESOLVED that the policies as prepared governing the Police Department be approved as prepared. Members of the Park Committee appeared and presented proposals for revisions to the snowmobile ordinance. The Park Committee also recommended the purchase of the Janet Kehne property IIIand indicated that several officials of the Village had inspected the property. The Village Attorney was requested to continue negotiations concerning the acgtd st,- t ion. Mr. Erwin Helmken, the insurance Agent of Record for the Village appeared and submitted a resume' of 7 bids received for group hospitalization, life and disability insurance for village employees. Mr. Helmken recommended the low bid of Mutual Service Insurance Company of St. Paul be awarded commencing December 15, 1973 for one year. Upon motion by Councilman Wachter, seconded Councilman Rahn, all members voting yes, it was RESOLVED that the contract be awarded to Mutual Service Insurance Company pursuant to its bid. The Mayor then announced the convening of the public hearing relating to the application of Karel], Inc. to rezone part of Lot 1, Block 1, LeTendre Addition from R--1 to R-2, Double Residential. The APC recommended approval. Mr. Kenneth Appelbaum appeared on behalf of the applicant and there were no objections to the application. Upon motion by Councilman Smith, seconded Councilman Wachter, it was RESOLVE) that the application be approved. All members voted in favor. The application of Land Planning and Engineering Corp. for a building permit for four 8 unit condominiums in Pilot Knob Heights 3rd Addition was next reviewed. The APC recommended approval. Upon motion by Councilman Wachter, seconded Councilman Rahn, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the application be approved. M . James MacConnell appeared on behalf of the application of Southland Corporation for a building permit for a 7-Eleven Store on Coachman and Yankee Doodle Roads. The APC recommended approval subject to certain conditions. It was noted that the property had been rezoned to C-2 on December 7, 1971. The applicant would provide for a 6 foot redwood fence on the East side and an additional 40 foot easement for service road would be granted. It was recommended that additional trees be placed on the Easterly line. There wemobjections from neigh- "' property owners and a proposed landscape plan including berms in the front of the property and that only one sign on the building be permitted was submitted by the objectors who requested a delay to study the proposed plan. The matter w*as set over until the December 18th meetin,. Mr. Douglas Skor, attorney, and M . Roy Zylstra of Texaco, Inc. appeared at the request of the Village Council to review the motion adopted by the Eagan Village Council on October 30th requesting Texaco to close on access to its Texaco Station at Cedar and Highway #13. A long discussion ensued concerning the alternatives including the possibility of construction of an improved right-of-way around the station and the need for acquisition of an easement together with potential assessments for the improvement. Texaco did not offer to grant an easement for the improvements. Mr. Skor indicated that potential business damages could result from cutting off one end of the access to the station. It was noted that the improvement of Cedarvale Drive might divert some traffic through Cedar- vale Drive but that more traffic on both access routes is apparent. The Council --2-- members strongly indicated that serious safety problems are apparent at the inter- section with Cedar Avenue and that the traffic issue is becoming more serious. There have been accidents at that location and with two frontage roads emptying onto Cedar Avenue at that location safety becomes a very important issue. Also, the village officials have received numerous complaints over a several year per- iod as to the danger issue, including the fact that the roadway had been unim- proved and further that traffic has driven between the gasoline pumps in the ser- vice station area. In addition, it was noted that autos backing out of the Gambles store parking lot created an additional traffic hazard. It was noted that the hill on Cedar Avenue causes a potential hazard and the double access to Cedar Avenue increases the danger The Village Engineer suggested one possible solution by cutting down the width of the access at both ends of the fiexaca property. It was further noted that Texaco had been notified severa? times over the years and failed to up- grade the access road to Village standards. Texaco representatives also did not appear at the noticed public hearing relating to improvements of the streets in Cedarvale during June, 1973 and further that Texaco had not at any time presented any long term solution to the problem. Upon motion by Councilman Eyydrych, seconded Councilman Smith, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the Eagan Utility Department he directed to close the access from the Texaco station to Cedarvale Drive by erecting a barrier until such time as the owners of the Texaco station area erect a barri- cade at the opposite end of the access route near the Gambles store. Reasons given for this action primarily included traffic dangers and reasons that are outlined above. Mr. Harold Dickman appeared at the request of the Village Council relating to the proposed appointment of a Civil Defense Director for the Village. After considerable discussion concerning the need to implement a Civil Defense pro-- gram in the village upon motion by Councilman Smiths seconded Councilman Wachter, all. members voting yes, it was ::RESOLVED that Mr. Harold Dickman who has finish- ed his training as a Civil Defense Coordinator be appointed the Civil Defense Director for the (Tillage of Eagan effectibe January 1, 1974 for a one year per- iod and that he be instructed to commence preparation of a civil defense program for the village. The Council then reviewed the proposed Sketch Plan covering the Village of Eagan with John Voss of Urban Planning and Design Inc. . Several members of the .APC were present at the meeting. The Village Council then reviewed a paragraph of November 20th minutes of the Council, Page 4, relating to the acquisition of a computer for the Vill- age Upon motion by Councilman Rahn, seconded Councilman Smith, all members voting yes it was RESOLVED that the acquisition of the Burroughs computer be subject to recommendation of Accounting Associates, Inc. the consulting firm hired to make recommendations relating to the acquisition of the computer equip- ment and further subject to the recommendation of the Village Clerk and Village AAccountant. It was noted that other companies that had been contacted had what appeared to be comparable products and at competitive prices. After dis- cussion, upon motion by Councilman Wachter, seconded Councilman Rydrych, all members voting yes, it was RESOLVED that the Village Clerk be authorized to ad- vertise for bids for the acquisition of a computer for the Village together with necessary appurtenances and that the Clerk be authorized to prepare plans and specifications for the computer equipment. Upon motion by Councilman Rahn, seconded Councilman Wachter, all members voting yea, it was RESOLVED that change order increasing the contract with Three- Way Construction Co. covering improvement project #127-A in the sum of $26,933.40 for water improvements be and it hereby is authorized and approved. County District Court which commenced on December 10th relating to the Metropolitan Sewer Boards SAC charges. He indicated that Judge Irving Iverson -4- had ruled in favor of the Metropolitan Sauer Board on two motions, one of 0 which had been brought by the I-'ISB and the second which was brought by the plaintiffs Brooklyn Center, et. al. He also indicated that the case is ex- pected to be tried over the next 3 to 4 week period and it was determined that the Village of Eagan would not introduce any testimony in the case. At approximately 11:15 p.m. the meeting ajourned. December 11, 1973 ) et__ G -5-