03/11/2014 - City Council SpecialMINUTES SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING MARCH 11, 2014 5:30 P.M. EAGAN MUNICIPAL CENTER City Councilmembers present: Mayor Maguire, Councilmembers Bakken, Fields and Tilley. Councilmembers Hansen was absent. City staff present: City Administrator Osberg, Director of Community Development Hohenstein and City Planner Ridley. ROLL CALL AND ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA Councilmember Tilley moved, Councilmember Fields seconded a motion to adopt the agenda as presented. Aye:4 Nay :0 VISITORS TO BE HEARD There were no visitors to be heard. UPDATE FROM EAGAN'S BEYOND THE YELLOW RIBBON TEAM City Administrator Osberg introduced the Yellow Ribbon volunteers. Madonna Backstrom, co -chair of the Yellow Ribbon, provided an overview of their efforts currently underway in the community and identified areas for additional partnership opportunities between the Yellow Ribbon team and the City of Eagan. DYNAMIC SIGNS City Administrator Osberg introduced the item noting at the August 5, 2013 City Council's Listening Session, the Council gave staff direction to review the current dynamic sign messaging frequency. Planning staff gathered information from a number of metro area cities finding there is a wide spectrum of allowed message intervals. Osberg noted staff performed additional on -line research and spoke with consultants who have performed sign studies for cities in Minnesota. A single municipal regulatory standard for on -site signage was not identified in the research. The conclusion was confirmed by the consultants, who indicated that most definitive analysis, other than that done by the sign industry, relates to off - premise /billboard signs and that on -site sign standards are often determined by comparisons. The Director of Community Development Hohenstein gave a staff report. The Council discussed the frequency of message change times. After further discussion the Council was in agreement with message minimum display duration of no more than once per minute. Staff was directed to place the item on a future City Council agenda. 2014 CITY PRIORITIES AND COMMUNITY VISIONING City Administrator Osberg introduced the item noting at the January 28, 2014 Special City Council Workshop, the Council gave direction to staff to compile a 2014 City work plan and priorities. The Council discussed the 2014 City of Eagan Priorities and made certain changes and asked that the final draft be included on the March 18, 2014 Consent Agenda for Council Approval. Special City Council Minutes March 11, 2014 Page 2 The Council took a 5 minute break. City Administrator Osberg noted that since the Council's 2013 goals retreat, there has been discussion about engaging the community in a visioning exercise to discuss the community's identity, values and priorities. At the January 28, 2014 Special City Council Workshop, the Council discussed and reviewed samples of work from two consultants who specialize in community visioning. Osberg noted should the Council conclude there is interest in considering a visioning exercise throughout the entire community of Eagan; a more formal Request for Proposal could be distributed to one or both consultants. The Council discussed the information received by consultants Rebecca Ryan and Julia Novak, and agreed they were comfortable moving forward with the Request for Proposal process for a community visioning exercise in 2015. The Council agreed a more customized Request for Proposal should be drafted and available for Council's review prior to sending out the request to Rebecca Ryan and Julia Novak. There was no other business to be heard. OTHER BUSINESS ADJOURNMENT Councilmember Tilley moved, Councilmember Fields seconded a motion to adjourn at 7:20 p.m. Aye:4 Nay:O zi+iq Date O&�� Mayor City Clerk