06/25/1996 - City Council Special MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE 04.;211. -i„ EAGAN CITY COUNCIL Eagan, Minnesota June 25, 1996 A special meeting of the Eagan City Council was held on Tuesday, June 25, 1996 at 5:00 p.m. at the Eagan Municipal Center. Present were Mayor Egan and City Councilmembers Masin and Awada. Absent were City Councilmembers Hunter and Wachter. Also present were City Administrator Tom Hedges, Director of Public Works Tom Colbert, Director of Parks & Recreation Ken Vraa and Senior Planner Lisa Freese. VISITORS TO BE HEARD Mayor Egan acknowledged Visitors To Be Heard; however, there was no one present to address the City Council. CENTRAL PARK CONCEPT City Administrator Hedges introduced the central park concept stating that one of the alternate proposals to the Promenade site has been the 80 acre Unisys parcel, now under ownership of Joe Miller in the name Scenic Enterprises, Inc. He stated that an application for • a Comprehensive Guide Plan Amendment to change the 80 acres of property from major office to a mix of uses including residential, commercial and park has been presented and will be considered by the Advisory Planning Commission at their July 23 meeting. The City Administrator further stated that the purpose for City Council review is to provide direction to the developer, the Advisory Planning Commission, Advisory Parks, Recreation, and Natural Resources Commission and staff as to what the facilities and features should include if a central park concept is to be further pursued for the 80 acre Unisys parcel. City Planner Julie Farnham presented background on the proposal by Scenic Enterprises, Inc. to redesignate approximately 80 acres of property from major office to a mix of uses including residential, commercial and park for land that was formally part of the Unisys campus. She stated that a survey conducted as part of the Central Area Task Force Study, conducted in 1995, ranked several features for a potential park. She referred to a place to host community- wide events, such as "Eagan Days," Fourth of July celebrations and Christmas displays. She also stated that the survey identified a wide range of other desired facilities, such as pedestrian/bike paths, community center, amphitheater, tot lot and various other recreational facilities. Planner Farnham raised the question of whether a central park and/or community center is worth pursuing,which raises questions about what facilities or features such a park should provide. She further stated that the APC is looking for input and direction from the City Council regarding whether the Scenic Enterprises site should be considered for a central park/community center. After further presentation, including visual aids of the property, there were questions and discussion by the City Council. • EAGAN SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING; JUNE 25, 1996 :.vas PAGE 2 y City Councilmember Awada questioned the need for a community center/central park in light of the recent completion of the Southwest YMCA and Civic Arena. Mayor Egan made reference to the Central Area Task Force Study that was presented by Planner Farnham stating that many of the needs identified in that analysis are different from a community center/civic arena and require a central park environment. City Councilmember Masin stated that she would like a location for the Fourth of July event and discussed the possibility of the McCarthy property as a good site, given its proximity to Patrick Eagan Park and the Municipal Center Complex. Mayor Egan stated that he would like the City to continue its site location for a central park to fulfill a location for the various community-wide events. City Councilmembers discussed the Fourth of July fireworks and raised questions about setbacks and which area would best serve that community-wide event. Director of Parks and Recreation Vraa stated that the City Council needs a vision for the central park and the vision can be analyzed with programs applied to each park location. Mayor Egan also stated that the land cost is an issue. City Councilmembers provided direction to the APRNRC by stating the location should be central to everything, including the Art Festival, fireworks, parade and should also include plans for such amenities as a swimming pool, winter skating, amphitheater, band shelter and other recreational facilities. After further discussion, direction was given to the Advisory Parks, Recreation, and Natural Resources Commission to review programs and analyze locations to determine which area within the City is most suitable for a central park. WATER QUALITY MANAGEMENT PLAN The City Administrator introduced the Water Quality Management Plan stating that there was a review at a joint meeting of the City Council and APRNRC on November 28, 1995. He stated that the directive issued by the City Council was that a draft lawn chemical ordinance be indefinitely postponed for adoption and the APRNRC should proceed with drafting a wetland buffer ordinance. Rich Brasch, Water Resource Coordinator, appeared and stated there were four (4) recommendations for changes in the Water Quality Management Program as a result of the programmatic review and they were as follows: Recommendation No. 1 identified six (6) water bodies to be reclassified; Recommendation No. 2 provided a criterion for rehabilitation potential that includes a ranking system to establish long-term lake enhancement priorities; Recommendation No. 3 stated that the need for an ordinance to address regulation of lawn chemical use should be reviewed periodically and that a wetland buffer ordinance be drafted for consideration by the City Council. He further reviewed Recommendation No. 4 which provided for policy statements that reclassify water bodies, the management of aquatic weeds, especially exotics and finally neighborhood request for assistance in improving water quality in ponds with no public access. City Administrator Hedges stated that in the absence of City Councilmember Wachter, he asked that a statement be shared which is a strong recommendation to adopt an ordinance 4110 regarding the regulation of lawn chemical use that would eliminate phosphorous and mitigate the OC A�f m EAGAN SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING; JUNE 25, 1996 �^` 411 PAGE 3 runoff into ponds, lakes and wetlands. City Councilmember Awada stated that she is in agreement with City Councilmember Wachter regarding such an ordinance. City Councilmember Masin stated that a full ban would be difficult for the City to enforce. She further stated that it would be necessary to educate all retailers that sell fertilizer and asked what would prevent residents from purchasing fertilizer with phosphorous in other communities. After further discussion, there was Council concurrence on all four (4) recommendations as presented by Water Quality Resource Coordinator Brasch with the exception that there is a need to further coordinate the education level for regulation of lawn chemical use as identified in Recommendation No. 3. COMPREHENSIVE TRANSPORTATION POLICY/DAKOTA COUNTY City Administrator Hedges stated that Dakota County is in the process of preparing a Comprehensive Transportation Policy/Systems Plan to be adopted within the next six to nine months. He stated that the systems portion of the plan will provide a review of existing demographics and travel conditions, forecast the future travel demand, identification of needed transportation improvements and an implementation schedule for a Five-Year CIP. He further stated that the Dakota County Managers Group, for which he is the Chairperson, has reviewed the Transportation Policy with the Physical Development Department of Dakota County. Director of Public Works Colbert reviewed a memo he prepared that summarizes the policies that were included in the Transportation Policy and are significant to the City of Eagan. Director of Public Works Colbert reviewed the finance/funding proposals. The City Councilmembers expressed concern about the funding reluctance on the part of the County and Mn/DOT for transportation improvements. Director of Public Works also discussed the Tax Increment Financing stating that the City should reserve this method of financing its share of County road projects rather than being applied first before the City/County 45/55 split is determined. He further reviewed design, construction, right-of-way, functional classification and jurisdictional classification which relates to the turnback of County roads to municipalities. City Councilmembers expressed concern about the right-of-way policy, and more specifically, the ordinance proposing that the County right-of-way, as designated in the policy, is the only alternative which provides no flexibility to City planning and economic development. Mayor Egan expressed some concerns about the policy as presented for those reasons. Director of Public Works Colbert reviewed other parts of the plan including transit, bikeways and pedestrian,land use and finally,operations and maintenance. City Councilmembers had specifically discussed the County-wide bikeway and regional trail system. Director of Public Works Colbert stated that the proposed policy plan does not address pedestrian crosswalks on County roads. The City staff is recommending the County incorporate basic elements of the City's recently adopted crosswalk policy to provide for the safe interaction of pedestrians and County road traffic. • EAGAN SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING; JUNE 25, 1996 PAGE 4 City Councilmember Masin stated that if there are any concerns regarding transit she will discuss the same with the MVTA Board. After a one (1) hour review of the Dakota County Transportation Policy/Systems Plan, Mayor Egan expressed his concern for some of the policies as presented, but expressed appreciation to the City staff for their suggestions and policy analysis. OTHER BUSINESS Mayor Egan stated that the Mayors of Apple Valley, Burnsville and Lakeville have been meeting and, at their most recent meeting held at the City of Eagan, proposed a joint City Council meeting for a Wednesday evening in August to discuss common issues, such as the Economic Development Partnership and property taxes. The City Administrator was asked to follow up on the specific date with the Apple Valley City Administrator. SIMLISSILESIORIIM Mayor Egan extended a welcome to approximately twenty (20) elected officials and members of Dakota County and City of Eagan staff that were present to share in a special issues forum. He further introduced City Councilmember Masin who provided an introduction and facilitated the meeting. Shari Prest, Chairperson ISD 191, made a presentation entitled "A Community Strategy" emphasizing collaboration and cooperation amongst local jurisdictions. Dakota County Commissioner Patrice Bataglia also made a presentation on Healthy Communities, a special task force that she chairs made up of many disciplines throughout Dakota County. The County Attorney, Jim Backstrom, presented good information data on the court system which was followed by presentations from Ken Vraa, Director of Parks and Recreation on the Wescott Square Townhome Youth Coordinator experience and gangs in suburbia by Police Chief Pat Geagan. There was open dialogue and at approximately 9:30 p.m. City Councilmember Masin thanked everyone for their interaction and participation. She stated that a questionnaire will be prepared and mailed to each participant. The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 p.m. TLH June 25, 1996 • Date City Clerk