07/02/1996 - City Council Special MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE
Eagan, Minnesota
• July 2, 1996
A special workshop meeting of the Eagan City Council was held on Tuesday, July 2, 1996 at 5:00
p.m. at the Eagan Municipal Center. Present were Mayor Egan and City Councilmembers Wachter, Masin,
Awada and Hunter. Also present were City Administrator Tom Hedges, Assistant to the City Administrator
Hohenstein and Senior Planner Ridley.
City Administrator Hedges stated that, along with Senior Planners Freese and Ridley, he met with
Dan Oren to review a concept for the development of the south half of the DART property located in the
northeast quadrant of Yankee Doodle Road and Lexington Avenue. He stated that Mr. Oren would like
approximately 10 to 15 minutes of time and would also like to receive some direction regarding the type
of use so he can continue marketing his property. Mr. Oren introduced Francis Bulbulian who made a
presentation regarding various examples of clustering residential and commercial development that is
occurring in other communities. He further stated that the breakdown of the 200 acre parcel includes the
central park - 63 acres, recreation - 3 acres, dwelling units - 33 acres, civic, commercial and office - 14
acres, office warehouse - 14 acres and light industrial -73 acres. He stated that the plan is to provide a
showcase area that will complement Carriage Hills Golf Course, the Yankee Doodle Road corridor and
Promenade development.
City Councilmember Masin asked about airport noise. Assistant City Administrator Hohenstein
stated that the Airport Relations Commission would like to meet with the City Council and review airport
noise issues for proposed development north of Yankee Doodle Road at a point in the near future. He
further stated that any change in redesignation of the property will require a Comprehensive Guide Plan
review. City Councilmember Masin further asked about County road noise. The City Administrator stated
that Mr. Oren was apprised of the County's recent initiative to require noise mitigation measures for any
residential development adjacent to County roads. City Councilmember Wachter stated that he likes the
concept of residential; however, had numerous design questions relative to the type of units, density, etc.,
that would be reviewed at the time a formal proposal is processed before the City. Mayor Egan stated that
he likes the proposal conceptually; however, he questioned whether it is marketable as presented. City
Councilmember Hunter stated that he would prefer that residential stay away from the north side of Yankee
Doodle Road; however, the Central Area Task Force did recommend a complete plan that provides a
certain level of density that would allow for pedestrian movement intermixing housing, business and
recreation. He stated that the park would buffer the industrial park on the north and likes the idea of small
shops; however, he did express some concern about the amount of park land that is proposed as being
under water. Mayor Egan feels the proposal might be better than the Eagan Promenade in the sense that
it provides a better sense of place and more interaction of residential and commercial neighborhoods. City
Councilmember Awada had stated that she is concerned about the development, especially the residential
units as shown and asked if the units will have garages facing the residential streets due to small lots and
density. She also expressed concern about too many townhomes. City Councilmember Awada also stated
that there should be additional analysis regarding the central area park theme that will allow the City to
perform the type of park activities identified in that study. City Councilmember Masin asked if the developer
will work with the City to satisfy the park needs identified in the central park report stating further that the
City might need to purchase some park land to satisfy the objectives of the central park theme.
Mayor Egan thanked Dan Oren and Francis Bulbulian for their presentation.
City Administrator Hedges stated that the Park Referendum Task Force met on June 26 to discuss
the status of the proposed referendum. The Task Force was asked to address the two (2) dates which
include the Primary Election, scheduled for September 10 and the General Election which will be held on
November 5. He further stated that Councilmembers have requested more specific information about the
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• purpose of the park bond referendum,as an example,what priorities are under consideration for acquisition
and how the funds will be designated in the proposed referendum. Lee Markell, representing the Task
Force, presented the candidate sites stating that the sites represent approximately 500 acres of land. He
stated that the amount of the referendum will not allow the City to purchase all the sites.
City Councilmember Wachter stated that he would like a list of the sites and specifically, criteria
on how each park could be used, for consideration at the July 16 meeting. City Councilmember Hunter
asked that the list be reviewed by the Advisory Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Commission and
supported the request for information by City Councilmember Wachter. Task Force Member Markell stated
that each site will have an appraisal. Referendum Task Force Member Vincent explained that the process
is similar to the City of Maplewood where 99 parcels were presented to the community; however, all those
parcels were not purchased as a result of the referendum.
City Councilmember Awada suggested that signs be placed on each of the parcels so that the
community is aware of locations. City Councilmember Hunter asked if acquisition and betterment can be
placed on the ballot as one referendum question. The City Administrator answered yes. He further asked
if there can be flexibility in how betterment is defined allowing the City Council to use dollars for active park
land, a nature center or some other purpose as they deem appropriate. The City Administrator stated that
this is a legal question and will require some review by the City Attorney. City Councilmember Hunter also
asked what is the 10 to 15 year development plan for the parks system. He expressed some concern that
the voters need to know the total cost and expectation for park development over the next several years.
City Councilmember Wachter stated that the amount and date need to be determined and there
should be flexibility in how the referendum is phrased that will provide an enhancement for the entire
community. Mayor Egan stated that enhancement suggests improving existing parks which may be
appropriate. City Councilmember Awada asked that the City consider a hypothetical question, that if
$800,000 was the only amount to be allocated for betterment in the foreseeable future, how would those
dollars be allocated.
City Councilmember Awada thanked the City Administrator for his information relative to the bond
referendum dates. Mayor Egan discussed the date stating that he was supportive of the General Election,
November 5 date. He stated that this provides an opportunity to educate the people properly over the next
several months. City Councilmembers Hunter and Wachter supported the General Election date for
reasons stated by the Mayor. City Councilmembers Awada and Masin suggested that the September 10
Primary date would be a better choice, since the number of questions on the ballots are limited and the
analysis the City Administrator provided by Springsted implies that there has been more favorable support
for referendums at Primary Elections than General Elections according to their data compiled since 1994.
After further discussion, the City Administrator was directed to prepare the resolutions for
consideration at the July 16 City Council meeting.
There being no further business. The meeting was adjourned at 6:30 p.m. to the regular Council
11111 July 2, 1996 • •
Date City Clerk