05/14/1993 - City Council Human Resources Committee MEMO -city of eagan TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCILMEMBERS FROM: CITY ADMINISTRATOR HEDGES DATE: MAY 14, 1993 SUBJECT: PERSONNEL COMMITTEE MEETING The Personnel Committee has concluded their review of approximately 40 applications for the Community Development Director position. The Personnel Committee met on Friday, May 14, with its Chair Councilmember Awada, Councilmember Masin, Assistant to the City Administrator Duffy and City Administrator Hedges all present. The meeting lasted approximately three hours and allowed the Committee to review the applications and narrow it to approximately 18 for further consideration. The Personnel Committee is giving consideration to retaining the services of a recruitment consultant to help with the final review of the approximate 18 applications and prepare the interview committee for the first round of interviews in early June. The Committee would like to interview no greater than 15 and, hopefully, reduce the number to 10 if at all possible. As a reminder, a final interview of 3 to 5 applicants would occur in mid to late June. The City Administrator will provide further update to the City Council at the meeting on Tuesday. • a City Administrator r TLH/vmd